View Full Version : The Long and Arduous Settling-In Process (Open)

Sin Vamel
Dec 3rd, 2003, 10:59:04 AM
After my somewhat unorthodox interview conducting by Jedi Knight Wei Wu Wei, I found myself being directed first to an assembly point for new recruits(here I rubbed shoulders with padawans-to-be and discovered, unsuprisingly, that none of them were like me) and we were each paired off and assigned a room to share. My new home, Room B32, while only two floors above ground was facing the grand boulevard leading up to the Jedi Temple and that was, so I had been courteously informed by my well-read roommate, a sight to behold.

My roommate and I headed up to our quarters and all the way, all he did was rabbit on about his excitement to be facing a new future and the prospect of making a difference and of course, becoming a respected Jedi Knight. While I was only too happy to remain silent, he was thrilled to hear the sound of his own voice, unlike yours truly; I cringed in anticipation between sentences for Harboth had one of the most annoying voices in the galaxy. When I was reluctant to answer any of his questions about my past he merely continued giving me his lifestory. When all hope seemed lost, we arrived at our room and I could've wept for joy.

"Wow, it sure is going to feel weird settling in and getting used to everything around here; meeting new people, learning new things, wandering the grounds and talking with even having lunch with real Jedi Knights. I'm a little scared to tell you the truth, Sin. Are you?"

"Real scared." I answer in the most emphasised monotone voice I could manage. A single swipe of a silver keycard was all it took and the red light turned to green, there was a bleep and the door slid open. In we walked.

"And all the new experiences we will have and all the exciting new challenges to face and the paths ahead of us! It's our future but I tell you what, Sin. I'm scared!" I wanted to punch him right about now. "Yes, settling in here is going to be so difficult for us. Don't you think?"

"Extremely difficult." Came my monotonous, shut-the-hell-up-will-you? reply and I through my small bag of luggage onto a bed not caring which one my roommate would like to have and headed for the door, not before snatching up a complimentary can of soda from the refridgerator. "See ya later, Harboth."

My roommate suddenly falls silent mid-sentence and watches me leave open-mouthed. The door closes behind me, I pop open my drink and take a long swig, with a sigh I walk on and let out a decent belch. And that's me settled in; now to do something fun.

Daen C'allyx
Dec 5th, 2003, 04:10:14 PM
There was a distinct sneakiness about the way Daen C'allyx was navigating through the corridors of the living area. It was a sort of creeping movement, paired with furtive glances now and again. It wasn't exactly wrong, what he was doing, but it wasn't right either.


Daen fumbled with a mass hidden under his robe and looked up quickly. He sighed in relief; the halls were empty. Turning the corner, the lump secured now under his arm, Daen continued on his way.

It wasn't as if anyone would catch him.

Sin Vamel
Dec 5th, 2003, 04:28:12 PM
Hello! Two of the newbies from downstairs have just came upstairs; a redhead and a tanned brunette, not bad either. I noticed the redhead looking my way back at the assembly hall, probably because I was looking her way too and the way of her roommate. They were cradling a pile of freshly ironed clothes and chatting enthusiastically. I smile at them and they smile back. So far so good.

They pass and I look back, the brunette had a knockout body and I couldn't help but stare while she was tucked away in those nice, tight trousers. Jedi robes would do nothing for those curves, I frown and turn, moving to take a swig of my soda when it's suddenly knocked all down my shirt, soaking it.

"Frell!" I cringe and before I look down to check out the damage, the laughter of the two girls could be heard from up the corridoor. They're laughing at me. Damnit! My shirt is soaked and looking up I spy the person who'd walked right into me as I'd turned or who I'd turned right into as he walked. Whatever way around, it didn't matter.

"Will you watch were you're going, bantha hide?"

Daen C'allyx
Dec 10th, 2003, 10:43:25 AM
"S-sorry, I did--"

In the middle of his hastened apology, Daen dropped what he had been carrying, successfully managing to aim it so that it fell with a 'clunk' onto his foot. It was a pale blue, frosted-glass bottle that had seen better days. And it was heavy.

"--Mother of the Force!"

The young man, however, was more concerned that his precious cargo had been damaged. Daen practically dove to the floor, carefully grabbing the bottle and turning it over to check that it hadn't cracked. When he was satisfied that all was well the padawan cradled the package in his arm. He stood up and turned to look at Sin, glaring angrily at him with his one good eye.

"Why don't you watch where you're going, instead of ogling the sights you don't got a chance with?!"

Sin Vamel
Dec 10th, 2003, 10:51:34 AM
"Me watch where I'm going?" I shoot back incredulously and laugh then close one eye and squint melodramatically with the other, getting up in Daen's face to emphasise the insult. "I don't have any problem seeing where I'm going, pal."

I straighten up once again and gesture to the vase. "Now run off home and arrange your flowers in that lovely vase of yours before I stick your head in it!"

Daen C'allyx
Dec 10th, 2003, 11:04:47 AM
"It's not a vase microbrain! And you couldn't take me anyways so back off!"

Actually, the guy could easily take him. Daen had not regained his health yet. There was little damage his skin-and-bone self could inflict, but you just didn't back down when another guy insulted you. Otherwise you were a sissy.

"Why don't you crawl back under whatever rock you came from and save yourself some hot air?"

Sin Vamel
Dec 10th, 2003, 02:30:02 PM
There's a burning in my face, it's half anger and half embarrassment from making myself sound stupid; I do that too much and now I can feel my cheeks turning pink for mistaking a bottle for a vase. I'm angered even more now; how stupid must I look?

"Hot air?" I retort with a scoff, thinking up a reply. I shake my head. "Hot air? You're going to need some hot air after I knock the wind out of you, One-Eyed Pete!"

I'm in his face now, pressing my forehead against his staring right into his eyes but I'm not stupid enough to throw the first punch, especially not on Jedi grounds. Jedi grounds! My heart skips a beat and I quickly back off in a vain attempt to regain some composure. I clear my throat and ignore the burning sensation in my face.

"Look man, I'm--" My words are quiet and dry. I clear my throat again and hope my actions weren't seen but in lacking the courage to look around, I simply appologise. "I'm sorry for that."

Daen C'allyx
Dec 10th, 2003, 02:39:30 PM
Oh God.

The whole situation was just incredibly stupid. From another point of view (his, had he been a bystander) it would have been funny. Instead it consisted of two hotheaded Jedi Padawans who had both behaved badly and knew it, and who were now stuck with an intense awkward feeling.

Diverting his eyes to a very interesting point somewhere in the distance (a typical male action made in guilt/discomfort that translated roughly to 'let's get this over with so we can move on'), Daen nodded and coughed.

"Uh, S'okay...Me too, uh..."

He cleared his throat.

"Yeah. Y'know, we can just forget about this, no need for anyone to find out, everybody's busy enough so..."

He cleared his throat and held out his free hand in greeting.


Sin Vamel
Dec 10th, 2003, 02:48:59 PM
Nodding in total agreement, I chime in, "Oh yeah, definately. No point in mentioning it to anyone or anything, so--"

Now I take the moment to scan my immediate field of vision, no one in sight thankfully and relieved, I sigh and relax a little. Although now I'm faced with feeling like a total Gungan, only more ridiculous. I take his hand and shake it firmly, a smile creeps on my face out of mixed feelings of relief and amusement.

"And I'm Sin. Nice to almost start a fight with you, Daen." I say as cordially as possible before laughing a little, I think I like this guy already; at least he showed more backbone than any other Jedi I've met.

"So you're a padawan?"

Daen C'allyx
Dec 10th, 2003, 02:54:47 PM

Daen didn't bother elaborating. He himself found it annoying when people went into their whole life stories and the events leading up to becoming a Jedi. There was no need to answer a simple question with a dramatic narrative.

"You too, huh?"

He glanced past Sin's shoulder, uncomfortable about being out and about with his 'vase'.

"You don't wanna stick around here, do you?"

Sin Vamel
Dec 10th, 2003, 03:06:00 PM
"No, I'm not a padawan yet. Just got here, don't have a master or anything." I answer with a degree of bluntness about it, hoping that Daen doesn't end up hitting me with the whole 'So why do you want to be a Jedi?' interrogation. Content to move on I break the mood with a chuckle. "Good start, eh?"

In a way none too disimilar from the way Daen had glanced about, I take another look around and shake my head. "No, no. I'm not sticking around here, I was about to check the place out and see how long I can go without getting into a scrap."

At this I smile sheepishly and can't help but take a curious glance at the object in Daen's hands but decide not to question him about it, he doesn't seem like the chatty type. I look up and catch his eyes, now I feel like dren after having insulted him about his bad eye.

"If you're not busy, do you reckon you're up for giving me a tour of the place?"

Daen C'allyx
Dec 10th, 2003, 06:11:36 PM
Sin reminded Daen of his friend Jeb on Almania. Not physically, seeing as Jeb was Calamarian, but the two had the same confident and subtle cockiness that attracted people. Of course, paired with Daen's own recklessness and thrill-seeking attitude it made for a bit of a ride; he couldn't count the number of times he and Jeb had been summoned by the Council for a dressing-down.

"If you're not busy, do you reckon you're up for giving me a tour of the place?"


Daen squinted at a nearby door to figure out where they were and then shrugged.

"I'll do the best I can. I'm new to the temple like yourself. But I think,"

He looked beyond Sin's shoulder and pointed right, then left, then straight with the neck of his bottle.

"The training rooms are somewhere that way, the left leads to more rooms, the Council chambers are somewhere in that general direction..."

He turned around and nodded.

"And this way will take us to the Gardens. At least I think it will."

Sin Vamel
Dec 11th, 2003, 01:34:40 PM
"Fancy checking out the gardens then?" I ask with interest, curious to see what these gardens looked like, then I called to mind what my brother had said to me before I came here. I can't help but smile. "A friend of mine thinks that all Jedi are hippies and spend all day making daisy chains in their nancy-boy gardens. Part of me expects to see just that, it would be funny at least."

Turning in the direction of the gardens I glance back to Daen and give him a nod. "So what do you do for fun here?"

Daen C'allyx
Dec 11th, 2003, 02:03:03 PM
Daen grinned. Jedi were so often misconceived just as Sin had put it, hippies. True, in his ten years within the Jedi he had met some questionable members of all ranks, but for the most part 'hippies' was one of the grand misconceptions ingrained for good in society.

So what do you do for fun here?"

He hadn't had time for it, Daen realized. The young man spent most of his time holed up in his room meditating. It was sad, but expected. He hadn't been very social since being sent to Coruscant. The memory of his Master--

No. He wasn't going there today.

"Well...Back home we were kind of isolated so we had to find ways to amuse ourselves. Man alive, my buddy Jeb and I were in the Council chambers so often we should have just lived in them. I dunno about here though."

Daen glanced at Sin as they walked and then asked casually,

"You drink at all?"

Sin Vamel
Dec 11th, 2003, 02:16:27 PM
"Was Palpatine a Darksider?" I asked in reply to Daen's question, failing to look serious for too long the corners of my mouth curved into a grin. To say I drink would be an understatement, in fact, whenever I went to a bar my boss would laugh and say: 'What's the matter? Too much blood in your alcohol system?' He was a funny guy. I laugh a little and answer Daen's question. "Yeah, I drink. It's been a favourite past time for the past four years. What about yourself?"

I ask and give him a sidelong glance, my eyes narrow in scrutiny as I examine Daen's immediate features. He looked like he was barely legal to consume alcohol but it wasn't just that, now I'd noticed for the first time, a scar which spanned gracefully from his lip down to his throat. Inwardly I wince but make no reference to the scar and pretend I'm still guessing his age; I give in.

"So how old are you, small fry?" I ask with a frown then laugh, blurting out. "You look like you're just about old enough to use a public holocomm!"

Of course, I was joking but another favourite past time on top of drinking and firing blasters was winding people up, it was part humour and part curiosity; how someone responded to a bit of harmless banter was a good indication of how seriously they took themselves.

Daen C'allyx
Dec 11th, 2003, 02:34:38 PM
Despite himself Daen chuckled and shook his head.

"Laugh it up funny man. And I'm almost eighteen. Not that that dictates anything."

They had reached the Gardens by then and Daen was pleased and relieved to find that, for the most part, it was empty. He'd never explored this part of the Temple very far, but he knew that it was easy enough to find a quiet spot where you could remain undisturbed for hours.

The two sauntered nonchalantly down one of the paths in the Gardens, and when they were a fair distance from the Temple Daen lifted up his precious possession and tapped it lightly.

"This vase has got some pretty nice fire in it. Skannbult Likker."

Daen grinned.

"See, couple years back I was on Skann, this really boring mission. Anyway, met this old farmer who was really into brewing the stuff, had a bunch of rock basins to distill in, nice setup. I got to know him and he offered me some but y'know, I was a kid and my Master was there so nothing ever came of it."

He shrugged and uncorked the bottle.

"But it's been a bit of a rough ride, getting settled in here,"

Understatement of the bloody century! He'd tried to kill another Padawan the first night.

"So I got back in touch with him. Figured drinking a little might take some pressure off."

Daen offered the bottle to Sin.

"You want to do the honors?"

Sin Vamel
Dec 11th, 2003, 02:49:40 PM
Now he was talking my language, at last I was going to have a real ceremony of initiation to welcome me into the Jedi Order and what better way to start than with some backwater liquor offered from the guy with whom I'd almost been boxing earlier. I shrug with a slight smirk, sieze the bottle by it's neck and throw it back, downing a healthy swig.

All at once my tongue burned and nostrils flared like I was breathing fire, my eyes bulged then closed tight and I lurched forward, passing the drink back to Daen as quickly as possible while retreating in case I hurled. In spite of my own health and perhaps even sanity, I swallow hard and wheeze like an old man. Then came the coughing fit and the burning in my chest, I thumped my ribs hard then wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Frelling hell!" I spit out, hunched double, my head almost buried between my knees. I squeeze out the odd word in between breathes. "Krast Daen! You didn't tell me it was a short! I threw that dren back like it was water! Krast!"

Daen C'allyx
Dec 11th, 2003, 03:50:49 PM
By the time Sin had recovered enough to spit out a few sentences, Daen was nearly on the ground from laughing. Though he hadn't taken a drink himself yet, his eyes were teared up and he was having trouble catching his breath.

"That was great! You, ha ha ha, should have seen yourself!"

It should have been an indicator to the boy that he was going to have a rough time with the swill--he hadn't ever had a drink in his life. But Daen hadn't paid a small fortune in shipping just to get a kick out of watching someone else consume the Likker.

With a wink the Padawan opened his mouth and held the bottled above it, slowly tipping it until a stream of the alcohol poured down his throat.

Three, two, one...


Daen's reaction was much like Sin's, only he bore a continuous look of shock and utter horroron his face. The bottle nearly tipped over as he hazarded to put it down, wheezing the whole time. His tongue lolled out like a Neks as he panted for breath, his lungs burning. Tears streamed down his face and blurred his hazy vision.


Sin Vamel
Dec 11th, 2003, 04:04:16 PM
Now it was my turn to laugh, the look on Daen's face was absolutely priceless, he had that look of horror on his face which seemed to say: 'What have I done?' And I can't help but wonder if he had ever had a drop of alcohol before, with him being a padawan perhaps he'd never touched the stuff. At twenty years old, I've had a fair bit of experience, two years of that was illegal consumption but like Daen had said, it's not like it matters.

"Welcome to my world, small fry. No turning back now!" I pat him on the back heartily and snatch the bottle from his hands with renewed bravery. I take another swig, the effect had lessened this time thankfully and I'm able to savour some of the taste. Still I wince, it's a bit like sucking on a sour fizzy cola bottle. "It has a sharp taste to it. Not like anything I've ever had before. Was it expensive?"

Somewhat dazed, I raise the frosted bottle aloft and stare at it intently, trying to decipher the writing on the side; it was either too small or in another language. I never was much of a reader anyway so instead I offer him the Likker once again. "You know where we need to go tonight, Daen. We need to find a bar and celebrate!"

Daen C'allyx
Dec 11th, 2003, 04:12:51 PM
He still hadn't managed to get a good breath when Sin handed him the bottle again. With a slight wince and pause of hesitation, Daen took it and threw back another shot. Unlike the more experienced consumer beside him, Daen was still not able to get past the initial response the liquid fire proccured. Again he started hacking, only nodding in response to Sin's question about cost.

Once his body had come out of cardiac arrest and he was able to stand upright, albeit a little dizzily, Daen looked puzzled at the other man.


Sin Vamel
Dec 11th, 2003, 04:31:44 PM
"I dunno, my first day at the Jedi Order? How's that sound? Or to celebrate baby Daen's first big-boy drink? Anyway, we gotta have a good time now - in honour of the liquor-brewing farmer on Skann. There we go! Now drink!" I shove the bottle neck into Daen's gob and tilt it upwards, forcing another mouthful down his throat. I can feel that malicious grin creep on my face and the idea of showing the twink a real night out is far too appealing to pass down. Again, I snatch the bottle while Daen is reeling from his last gulp.

"Hey, save some for me. This is good dren. Real good!" Another swig and I sigh with satisfaction, wiping some spillage from my chin with the back of my free hand. "My brother would love this stuff. We'll have to order more sometime. It would make a great birthday present."

Behind me is a large stone which forms part of the periphery of a quaint rockery, with a look of mild distaste I sit down. Damn hippy rockeries. They make good seats though. My hand reaches up and siezing Daen's collar, I yank him down onto the large stone and offer him the bottle once again. "Have a seat, Daen. You're gonna need your strength! We've got a long night ahead of us."

Daen C'allyx
Dec 11th, 2003, 04:45:20 PM
"Hey Sin, I'm feeling kind of dizzy..."

But then he was sitting down and the bottle was back in his hands and so he ignored the swaying world and had some more. The burning had become a steady, pleasant warmth that was spreading from his gut to his outer extremeties. Nevermind that he couldn't feel his feet anymore.

Blinking steadily as if it would help Daen clumsily passed the bottle back to Sin and smiled lazily.

"It must be nice to do this a lot. I want to this every day!"

Sin Vamel
Dec 11th, 2003, 05:10:38 PM
"They have a name for people who get caught up in this dren everyday." Daen was staring rather blankly at me and my last comment, I opened my free hand and dipped my head to emphasise my next point. "Alcoholics?"

With a nod of understanding Daen begins to look around at our surroundings, staring idly this way and that; now I have two choices - do I stay pretty much sober and entertain myself by helping Daen to plunder himself into drunken oblivion or do I join him in that intoxicated stupor? One look at my pretty, pretty Jedi surroundings and I've made my decision. With a hefty swig I lean backwards and lie against the top of the rock, feet still firmly on the ground and the bottle resting steadily on my chest with my fingers wrapped around it.

"That's the thing about this damn planet, you know. It's too noisy. Like when you wanna mellow out and chill, have a drink or get high? It's impossible to relax outdoors here like you would anywhere else." I reflect quietly, staring up at the sky bustling with speeder filled flyways. It was nearly dusk, the sky was a deep red, almost purple mixing with a hint of blue. When night time sets in, that's when the real fun begins. "How do you usually mellow out? You ever smoked a real stim?"

I give Daen a sideways glance, a smile and a mischievous shimmer in my eye.

Daen C'allyx
Dec 11th, 2003, 05:27:54 PM
He knew exactly what Sin meant about the noise of Coruscant. Daen came from Almania, a distant planet that was hardly in the technological race that most of the galaxy was. He found it incredible that at any hour of the day a billion sounds could be heard.

Of course, he wasn't concentrating on that now.

He snatched the bottle from Sin and gulped enthusiastically. Well, didn't alcoholics have all the fun!

"No, I don't even know what a stim is."

Daen giggled.

"I'm a country kid."

Sin Vamel
Dec 11th, 2003, 05:41:55 PM
Already, I was digging deep into my jacket and pulled out a small, silver tin and a lighter, with a expert flick of the wrist a cigarette appeared in the corner and I slipped it out of it's container. Returning the case back to my pocket, I put one end of the stim in my mouth and sucked, lighting the other end with my rusty petrol lighter. I closed my eyes, inhaled then sighed, opening my eyes again. A hazy blue jet of smoke spurt from my mouth and I smiled.

"It's easy and great if you want to just relax." I assured Daen, still lying down against the cold stone. With an extended arm, I offered him my cigarette, naturally it didn't have a filter. If you're going to lace your tobacco with glitteryll byproducts and halucinogenic spice then there's little point in having a fliter. My smile couldn't be slapped from my face. "Just suck on the end that's not lit, breath in and out. Give it a try!"

Daen C'allyx
Dec 11th, 2003, 05:50:08 PM
"Piece of cake!"

Daen pinched the stim between his thumb and index finger and stuck the unlit end in his mouth. He waggled his eyebrows at Sin and then sucked in a deep breath of the smoking cylinder. The Padawan coughed out a puff of smoke, inhaling most of it, and blinked.


Daen lay back in mimic of his new friend and passed him back the cigarette. He felt both incredibly at ease and sick at the same time. Daen found himself struggling to hold his head up, and so he just relaxed it and squinted up at the sky. Idly he plucked bits of grass from the ground, sprinkling them on top of his tunic.


Sin Vamel
Dec 11th, 2003, 06:05:32 PM
"Good stuff, innit?" I ask with a knowing smile, taking back the glowing stim and slipping it in the corner of my mouth were it hung loosely. Before I manage to say anything else, I suck on it once more, not being able to resist the urge. this time the blue smoke trails gently out of my nostrils, slowly snaking skywards.

"If you ask me," I throw in, philosophically. "This is what life is all about. Pleasure and satisfa-- satis--" For a second I fumble about for the word then give up.

"And Happiness. This is what we are going to be protecting when we become Jedi Knights, something worth kicking butt for if you ask me. Try taking away my drugs and I take away your head, pal." With one eye closed, I aim at my imaginery target, my hands clasped together forming the imaginery blaster pistol and I fire, complete with sound effects.

"And sex, too." I add importantly. "They can't take that away. No way!"

After taking another drag of my stim, I offer it to Daen who seems only to happy to relieve me of it and as he does, I snatch the bottle of Likker and take a nice, big mouthful. Another sigh and I shuffle about against the stone and tilting my head sideways, there's a click in my neck, "That's better. So you got yourself a girl?"

Daen C'allyx
Dec 11th, 2003, 06:27:04 PM
"No. I'm a virgin."

This was the life. Daen would have been content to just lay there the rest of the night and smoke. Suddenly the world was just so...free. Nothing could touch him. He didn't have to worry about anything, except talking with Sin, that great guy with the great stuff! What a genius!

Daen took another drag on the stim and exhaled slowly, the smoke tickling his nose as he blew it upward.

"I bet if the Council did this once inna while...They'd be so easygoing. The whole galaxy would just be...great."

The boy closed his eyes and for a moment it seemed as if he'd gone to sleep. With a start he spoke again, scratching the corner of his bad eye irritably.

"How 'bout you? You gotta girl?"

Angelina Kincaid
Dec 11th, 2003, 06:47:13 PM
It was time to start over as Angelina sighed and entered the garden, though the Falycin Ocean Warrior had no idea where to begin.

She heard a couple of guys talking nearby and walked further into the garden, so not to disturb them. But, wait...if she was indeed going to start over, why not now?

She walked over and looked at them. They seemed to be...drunk and she'd not recognized either one of them. "Hey, got any of that to spare for an Ocean Warrior Jedi Padawan?"

Sin Vamel
Dec 11th, 2003, 06:49:45 PM
I couldn't help but grin from ear to ear in sheer self-indulgence when Daen spoke of his thoughts and how he wished the council and the rest of the galaxy would just kick back and light up. For these were the very same thoughts he had everytime he took the time to relax with a good stim. I took another swig from the bottle, allowing Daen to keep his hands on the stim and enjoy it properly.

"Kinda." I answered dreamily, staring upwards with the lip of the bottle neck resting on my lower lip. The some pours out onto my chin and with a jump, I quickly right it. My thoughts dwell on the girl I met that night of the terrorist attack on Forte Vessal. "Red-head, milk skin, blue eyes and a killer body. I'm telling you, she has one of those smiles that make you weak at the knees. Her name is Vysten and jeez, does she like the wild life. We're pretty casual about our relationship. Hell, I wouldn't be suprised if she was with some other guy right-- now."

My words trail off and I go quiet at the thought of her being with someone else, some other guy. Then come the prickly green fingers of jealousy proding the back of my mind, I clench my jaw tight then throw back another swig of Likker to kill the tension. Krast. I always get sentimental after a bit of ale and a smoke. I clear my throat.

"Anyway, what about things here? You got yourself a master yet? I met this girl, another padawan called James, she said it's pretty difficult to get assigned a master. What about you? Do you know any cool-- Woah!"

I sit upright suddenly with fright at the sound of a new voice, it was a girl, another pretty one. Boy, was I wrong about Jedi girls. I smile sheepishly while the dizziness in my head fades from sitting up too fast then after the patting the large stone upon which we sat, I offered her a drink. "Hi there. Room for one more. Pull up a seat."

Daen C'allyx
Dec 11th, 2003, 07:00:01 PM
Daen was too out of it to even realize that they had company. He'd fallen silent, not answering Sin, and just kept smoking the stim. It was getting low but Daen just didn't care. He tried to imagine the woman Sin was describing, but his mind wasn't cooperating.

"I don't know any James..."

Finally, turning to look at Sin, Daen noticed the woman. He stared at her blankly, the smoking stim hanging from his lips, and then waved.


The boy leaned down next to Sin and lowered his voice.

"Was she always there?"

Angelina Kincaid
Dec 11th, 2003, 07:01:28 PM
"Well, I guess I can't call myself a Padawan yet. But, I am an Ocean Warrior, if that makes any difference and thanks." Angelina sat down and smiled. "I'm Angelina Kincaid or Angel if you wish."

Angel took the large bottle and took a swig...it was hot! She was used to drinking, only a few nights ago, she'd almost finished off an entire bottle of Falycin Tequila.

She choked at bit and her eyes watered. "Frell...that's strong...what is it?"

Daen C'allyx
Dec 11th, 2003, 07:06:56 PM
"Skaaaaaannbuuuuult.... Liiiiikker!"

Daen didn't wait for Sin to answer him before answering the newcomer. Then, deciding this was introduction enough, he lay back down with his stim.

"Sin, you got more of this?"

Sin Vamel
Dec 11th, 2003, 07:17:32 PM
At first, I couldn't answer Daen because I was doubled over in hysterics at his sudden outburst which had made me jump out of my skin and Angel nearly dropped the bottle. Perhaps he didn't realise, thanks to the alcohol and stim-smoking, that he had shouted loud enough so that everyone in the temple knew what it was they were drinking. And perhaps again, it wasn't even that funny and it was just the liquor and glitteryll giving me a fit of the giggles. Finally I composed myself and sat upright.

"Yeah, I got a bantha dren load of the stuff here." Again, I took out my cigarette case and lighter, I took one stim and gave it to Daen and took one for myself. I lit his first, not trusting him to light it himself in his current state and I was having sufficient difficulty lighting my own stim, I soon discovered. Then I took out a cigarette and offered it to our new company. "Hey Angel, fancy a stim?"

While she is contemplating smoking a joint, I lean back and whisper my concerns to Daen, he had brought up a good point earlier about how long Angelina had been standing nearby and I confess that I honestly didn't know how long she had been with us. What if she had heard me talking about Vysten? There was that embarrassing warmth again, pink came to my cheeks and thankfully it was getting too dark to stand out. on top of this, I didn't want to risk sounding stupid, so whispering to Daen, I ask:

"By the way, what's an Ocean Warrior?"

Angelina Kincaid
Dec 11th, 2003, 07:22:10 PM
Angel nodded. "Sure, why not?" She took the stim and handed the bottle back to Sin. Taking the lighter, she lit it and took a deep drag, enjoying every moment of it.
Now, she understood why River liked these so much....

Daen C'allyx
Dec 11th, 2003, 07:38:06 PM
Without skipping a beat Daen answered.

"They fight jellyfish and such. Small military division off the coast of Ukue'ne."

He nodded at Sin like he knew what he was talking about and set about smoking his new stim. He brushed some of his dark hair out of his eyes (which were closed anyways) and held one hand out absently.

"Any Likker lef'?"

Sin Vamel
Dec 11th, 2003, 07:45:21 PM
"Jeez, that is weird. You sure do know a lot of stuff, Daen. You're a smart guy."

My eyes opened wide with suprise at Daen's answer. What an odd thing to do - fighting jellyfish! A shrug of the shoulders and a frown before turning to look at Angel and to my suprise find the stim between my fingers now gone, lit and in her mouth; I guess she likes to smoke too. And in my lap there's an almost empty bottle of Likker. Wearily, I wrap my fingers around it's neck and pass it over to Daen, I don't look and instead just wait until I can feel it out of my grasp and no doubt in his hungry fingers.

"So Angel, tell me." I begin with evident interest, then suck on my stim and lie back once more, almost forgetting that I was in the middle of saying something. "Yeah, so tell me. What's it like fighting jellyfish? Do you get stung a lot?"

Angelina Kincaid
Dec 11th, 2003, 07:54:45 PM
Angel is beginning to feel the effects of both the joint and the alcohol and gives Sin a strange look. "Huh? Fighting jellyfish?" She busts out laughing at his remark.

"I don't fight jellyfish, you silly boy." The effects are coming on strong. "I came from the coastal regions of Falycin, my family was part of the Ocean clan there. I was chosen by the Council of the Four Clans to become a warrior, so I'm an Ocean warrior. A fighter."

She giggled some more as his remark passed through her mind again, some guys were so shallow...

"Sooo," she slurred, "what do the two of you do?" She took the last puff off the stim and threw it down.

Daen C'allyx
Dec 11th, 2003, 07:57:43 PM
A snort was heard from Daen.

"Fight jellyfish, Coucil of the whatever, same thing."

He nudged Sin.

"She can't tell us, 'cause then she'd have to kill us."

Sin Vamel
Dec 11th, 2003, 08:06:54 PM
The moment Angelina errupted into a fit of laughter, I cringed and wished to curl up in a corner somewhere and hide from my shame. My cheeks flushed that same pink again, not all over, just below my eyes as usual but it was still clear that I was extremely embarrassed. I had to be; I was so dumb sometimes. But Daen quickly made me feel better and forget myself once again with his remark about Angel's Ocean Warrior status. I hit another fit of giggles again and through my hysterics managed to answer her question.

"Oh, I'm just a new recruit - got here today. The name is Sin, by the way." Calming myself down now, I continued.

"Apart from that there's not much else to tell." I lied, than laughing to myself, added. "And Daen here, well he's just an alcoholic. What about you, Angel? How long have you been with the Order?"

Angelina Kincaid
Dec 11th, 2003, 08:17:01 PM
"A little over a month." She told him slowly. "A lot of things have changed though since I came and who knows what I'll do? But, right now, I'm just enjoying your company, it seems a lot livelier than most places here tonight."

"Where can I get some of those stims, Sin? They are awesome."

She looked down at Daen, "that stuff was wicked, where ya get that at?"

Angelina had been in such an emotional state lately, it felt good to just relax and enjoy the company. It felt really good.

Daen C'allyx
Dec 11th, 2003, 08:24:03 PM
It was Daen's turn to giggle at Sin's less-than-upstanding description of who he was. But in his current state, alcoholism was a pretty fine choice in life.

that stuff was wicked, where ya get that at?"

He shook his head and answered in a sing-song voice.

"I'll never te-e-ell."

His back was getting terribly stiff so Daen rolled over, promptly falling off the rock. The young man landed hard and laughed as if it were the funniest thing in the world.

"That first step is a doozy!"

As he stood up Daen's stomach lurched, and he swayed uncertainly. The bottle of alcohol was empty now but he gripped it tightly like it would keep him balanced. Daen's face grew pale and he pulled his stim out of his mouth and lurched into the bushes just in time.

As he emptied the contents of his stomach with the force of a rocket launcher, Daen had only one thought.

Don't let it touch my stim...

Sin Vamel
Dec 15th, 2003, 06:13:52 PM
Against the rock, I brace myself in preparation for the inevitable and after half expecting Daen to projectile vomit all over me, I smiled with grim relief when he darted into the bushes and popping the stim back between my lips, I stand. The ground feels a little unstable beneath me but nothing too out of the ordinary, just that drunken feeling.

"You want to know where you can get these babies from?" I ask Angel, now holding my cigarette between my middle and index fingers, waving it about casually. Then with a tone of seriousness, I add, pointing the glowing tip at my chest. "From me, that's where, alright? So don't go wandering about the temple asking for it."

Then I head into the bushes where I find Daen, he is bent double, his shakey frame lurching violently every now and then. I pat his back a few times and give his shoulder a consoling rub before nudging him to one side with my leg. I fidget with my fly from a moment, then there's the long awaited zipping sound and finally. Pssssss.

"Aahhh!" I sigh thankfully, cringing a little at the stench of Daen's vomit. I look back to him while nonchalantly relieving myself and speak in a hushed, conspiratorial manner. "So-- what do you think about Angel?"

Daen C'allyx
Dec 15th, 2003, 06:27:33 PM
He had more or less coughed up the entire inner workings of his stomach, but surprisingly Daen felt a lot better. He leaned into a bush with thick leafage that collapsed slightly, but supported his weight. Sweat glistened on the boy's forehead and he looked back towards the rock, shrugging as he waited for Sin to finish his business.

"...She's okay, I guess. Not my type--" Daen paused. He didn't really have a type, the Padawan had never liked a girl or woman seriously before. He shrugged again and leaned over, uncertain as to whether or not he was completely finished up-chucking.

"That whole warrior thing though...I bet she's pretty aggresive, if you get what I mean..."

Well, duh, Sin would get it. Daen was the amateur here and his attempt at sounding suggestive in his current state was laughable. Blinking, the boy let out a belch and lifted his smoke to his lips. He raised his eyebrows and looked languidly over at Sin.

"You like her, or somethin'?"

Dec 15th, 2003, 06:46:36 PM
Delete me.

Sin Vamel
Dec 15th, 2003, 06:47:41 PM
"Nooo." I lied. "I mean, she's a nice girl and all but I don't like her like that."

Perhaps I'm tired or maybe it's the alcohol or something but I can't help but frown inwardly with dissatisfaction at my dreadful attempt to sound convincing; I'm usually an excellent liar. It's something about being around all these decent, wholesome Jedi folk. Suffice to say, I like almost every girl I lay eyes on like that, unless they're horrendously unnattractive or missing half their head or something. And Angelica was an attractive young lady. And I'm supposed to be spoken for, behave yourself!

"She's interesting though." I add with resignation, glancing back at the self-proclaimed Ocean Warrior through the thick bushes. Returning my attention to the matter at hand, I shake and zip Little Sin away. Daen looks much better than I did before which is a relief then brave a look at his guttural refuse, I smirk then with a laugh: "Wow! I wish I'd had carrot and cheese stew for dinner."

Daen C'allyx
Dec 15th, 2003, 07:01:04 PM
Daen grimaced and shot Sin a dirty look, along with a hand gesture he was sure the guy was very familiar with. It seemed that he was not to have the last laugh though as his stomach cramped again and sent him back to his projectile pose.

When he was done he felt like he'd just run a marathon. A very long marathon. The stim took the edge off of...well, everything though and so Daen didn't worry for long.

"...What do you think happened to her?"

Having been around the Jedi for as long as he had, Daen learned how to read most people to a frightenenly accurate degree. Even without the Force, it was simply a matter of knowing what to look for.

Sin Vamel
Dec 15th, 2003, 07:07:18 PM
After recovering from another laughing fit, courtesy of Daen's unrelenting regurgitations, I steady myself and throw him a puzzled look. What did he mean by that? I lower my voice to a whisper and narrow my eyes.

"Happened to her? How do you mean?" Then suddenly something clicked in the back of my head and my eyes went wide with excitement as I added. "Can you read people's thoughts!?"

Daen C'allyx
Dec 15th, 2003, 07:17:51 PM

Daen answered much too quickly and conviently looked away. He eyed a tree branch with as much enthusiasm as he could muster as he smoked.

The truth was, Daen couldn't use the Force at all if he wasn't meditating. It was embarrasing at best, but mostly just a painful reminder of the last year. At one time he had been proficient with the Force. Now he was comparable to the littlest Jedi's in the creche.

He glanced at the rock and then back to Sin as normally as possible. Lifting himself off the bush--which turned out to take a bit of a struggle--Daen took a moment to steady himself as best he could, and then flicked the now-tiny stim to the ground, crushing it with his boot.

"I was just thinkin' s'all. Not everybody'll go for a drink'n smoke opportunity as easily as you, Sin. She jumped at it. Just wonderin' if maybe there's a reason."

Sin Vamel
Dec 15th, 2003, 07:32:52 PM
"Oh." I shrugged with a frown. "I hadn't really thought about that."

What I was thinking about now was Daen's reaction to my question; there seems to be more than meets the eye with this guy and then there's something that he said about jumping at the opportunity to drink strong liquor and smoke illegal drugs. What was his excuse? The thought crossed my mind but I didn't ponder on it, nor did I question Daen any further. So perhaps he's not psychic but he sees things better than I do but then I'm about as deep as a puddle. And proud of it.

"We could always talk to her about it." I offer suggestively, trying to make up for my insensitivity. I nod in her direction. "You know, find out more about her background and how she's settling in here. Maybe she just needs some friends or something, we could be there for her and support her and stuff. What about--"

Suddenly I cut myself off, shocked and somewhat disgusted at my nancyboy outburst. I glance down at my half-smoked stim in disbelief and toss it aside in dissapproval. That's it, I'm never going to try to be sensitive again, Daen is just going to have to put up with me the way I am. He's staring at me now, like I've grown another head or something, clearly entertained.

"Oh whatever!" I grumble, irritable and embarrassed, trudging back out of the bush. "Let's just get out of here before Angel here gets the wrong idea!"

Daen C'allyx
Dec 15th, 2003, 07:42:55 PM
Daen was relieved to avoid any uncomfortable questions about himself, and raised an inquisitive eyebrow as Sin's paternal instincts surfaced. They were soon dashed though, and Daen came out of the bushes behind Sin with a wide smile on his face. He winked obviously, at Angel.

"Miss us?"

Daen didn't have any idea of how long they had been gone. He tried to recover his same position on the rock, but his body wasn't listening to his mind and so he contented himself with slouching against it in a very James Dean-like manner.


Maybe Sin didn't have a Mike Brady side to him, but Daen sure as heck did.

"Angelly. What's up?"

Mind you, Mr. Brady had never been strung out when he tried to get nurturing.

Angelina Kincaid
Dec 15th, 2003, 07:53:48 PM
Angelina was lying on the ground now, after Daen had dashed away to throw up and soon Sin had followed. She felt relaxed and somewhat refreshed, like nothing could hurt her now, she didn't really care.

She didn't really know just how long she had been lying there or how long they were gone. Nothing mattered. She was quite content and happy.

"First, Sin. I'd like some more of those stims. I feel so great at the moment, nothing could bring me down."

Angelly. What's up? Daen had asked.

She looked over to him and smiled. "Not me." Angelina burst into a fit of giggles.

Sin Vamel
Dec 15th, 2003, 08:03:58 PM
A look of total amusement came over me, unable to hide it I turned away from Angelica and buried my head in my hands until it passed. After all of our concerns about her well-being and worrying about what drove her to drink and smoke with us, it suddenly seems completely irrel-- irrele-- not important. She looks happy enough to me and Daen is sensitive enough for the pair of us. Angelly!

"Not me, too." I add idly before sliding lifelessly off the rock and falling on the ground next to Angelica. I turn on my side and pull out another stim for her and after popping it between her lips I start fumbling about in my jacket pocket. A sudden surge of panic and I arch my back and dig both hands deep into my trouser pockets.

"Frell, I can't find my lighter."

Daen C'allyx
Dec 15th, 2003, 08:10:39 PM

Momentary confusion after Angelina's reply was interupted as Sin searched for his lighter. It took a moment for Daen to compute what he was doing, and when he finally did he brightened.


Scrummaging around in his pockets, Daen pulled out the instrument with triumph. He studied it briefly, liking the way the fading light played off it, and then tossed it to Sin with horrible aim.

"Ya dropped it when you were..." There was Angel to consider, no need to be crude just because he was baked. Daen cleared his throat in a diplomatic way. "When you were back there."

His eyelids were getting heavy, but Daen was determined to get to the bottom of Angelina. He followed suit the other two's actions, and lay on his stomach on the grass.

Obviously the problem had to be Freudian.

"Angelly, are you sexually frustrated?"

Angelina Kincaid
Dec 15th, 2003, 08:18:57 PM
Angelina took the stim between her lips as Daen threw the lighter towards Sin, but missed and the Ocean Warrior caught it one-handedly.

Lighting her stim, she gave the lighter back to Sin as Daen lay down with them and asked his question.

"If I am, whatcha gonna do 'bout it, little man?" She asked as she inhaled the stim deeply, held it for as long as she could then blew it out.

Sin Vamel
Dec 15th, 2003, 08:28:12 PM
For once, I remained silent except for a muffled splutter of amusement which was quickly silenced and with devilish amusement in my eyes, I gave Daen a sideways glance and stared, desperately awaiting his answer; determined not to help him out on this one and instead enjoy watching him struggle for a reply. Angel was growing on me fast, she would fit right in where I come from.

Daen C'allyx
Dec 15th, 2003, 08:37:44 PM
Well he hadn't been expecting that.

Even in his drugged up stupor Daen could feel his ears going red. He looked to Sin for help, but was only met by an ammused expression. Daen opened his mouth and closed it again.

"I, uh..."

That about ruined any retort he might have been able to come up with. Daen, now red, averted his eyes from Angelina.


Angelina Kincaid
Dec 15th, 2003, 08:47:30 PM
Angelina really was beginning to feel the drugs now and burst into a fit of giggles. "Thought so..."

"I've been around the block, Daen. I know what goes on out there. Men, the moment you think the love of your life is dead, you go find another pretty kitten and get her knocked up. Hell, not even a frelling month later! The damn son of a Drannit!"

Her once happy stature, changing as she thought of her husband in the arms of another woman. "Damn, I could use something stronger than this!" She took another drag, a deep one. A moment later, her body calmed and she forgot about the taste of anger she felt.

Sin Vamel
Dec 15th, 2003, 08:56:49 PM
Silent still, I give Daen an encouraging wink and nod at Angelina, clearly suggesting that he should take the opportunity to pick up on the conversation to make up for his loss of words before. Although I can make fun of the awkward situation Angel had left him in, she was a fiesty one, I would still like to see them getting on. Perhaps doing a bit of match making for the future. God, I'm a genius!

Daen C'allyx
Dec 15th, 2003, 09:07:45 PM
Maybe Angel (and Sin, no doubt) had been around the block, but Daen sure as heck had missed the turn! He stared, absolutely lost, as Angelina ranted. Sin seemed to be trying to convey some telepathic message to him, but Daen couldn't figure out just what the hey his pal was trying to say.

The naive Padawan stayed silent after Angelina retired to her stim, looking for something to say. He licked his lips, awkwardly.



Daen nodded.

"That sucks."

Angelina Kincaid
Dec 15th, 2003, 09:16:32 PM
The frustrations that Angelina had been holding had come spilling out onto the laps of these two men. She shook her head and took another drag. "Sorry, 'bout that." She said. God, she needed another drink.

"Anyone interested in some Falycin Dark Xing? I have some in my quarters, I could really use something to drink that is strong, right now." She asked as she looked at the guys. "Call it a peace treaty for me nasty rant."

Sin Vamel
Dec 15th, 2003, 09:24:12 PM
I wince painfully in response to Daen's terrible reply. Frell, I'm going to slap the taste of his mouth in a minute. Simultaneously, I can sympathise, thinking back to when I used to be like that, it's so difficult especially when the woman happens to be as strong and forthcoming as Angelina; who was now offering us a drink in her quaters. I smiled then turned to face her, now sitting up.

"There's nothing to apologise for, Angel." I assure her with a grin although making sure to keep my distance, she didn't seem to be in the mood for any messing about. So no jokes from me. No way. I stood.

"And we'd love to join you for a drink of-- that stuff." I look back. "Right Daen?"

Daen C'allyx
Dec 15th, 2003, 10:19:53 PM
See, now that question he could handly. Brightening at the prospect of more alcohol, Daen nodded and stood somewhat shakily.

"Yeah sure."

He liked the sound of it. In his experience (the last hour or two), the more complicated the name of the poison, the better it was. He held a hand out to Angelina; Daen wasn't sure if he could support her or not, what with the planet so off-balance, but it didn't really matter all too much.

"Wanna lift?"

Angelina Kincaid
Dec 16th, 2003, 04:40:15 AM
A smile returned to Angelina's lips as she took ahold of Daen's hand. "Sure." She said and got to her feet. The world swayed a bit for a few seconds. But, then steadied.

"As long as you don't throw up on my creme-colored carpet, or you'll be cleaning it." She warned Daen and then shot Sin a glance. "Goes for you too."

Without waiting for an answer, Angelina walked from the garden to her new quarters, at which she lived alone. No more Faith, no way! Little wench! And just to think she had become such good friends to her until she found that she of all people was pregnant with her husbands twins!

Angelina shook the thought from her mind as she swiped her code key and the door opened. She turned on a light and let the two men enter.

There wasn't very much in the room, besides the furnishings the Order offered. A sofa, airmchair, coffee table, a couple of other tables, her holo-comm and comp. Other than that, she had an array of different liquors sitting on one of the tables near the other side of the room, along with some long stem glasses. Her kitchenette was fully furnished and tbe bed chambers were down a small hallway.

Angelina crossed the room and sat up three glasses as the guys closed the door. "Make a selection, guys. I've got a few things over here to make you happy. It's all from Falycin, very strong, let me warn you."

Sin Vamel
Jan 2nd, 2004, 02:52:53 PM
In I walked, just behind Daen who was swaying slightly as he trudged inside and he wasn't the only one because I could feel myself tilting to one side as I stepped into Angelina's quarters. Quickly righting myself, I give our hostess a lazy smile and follow Daen for the table of liquor goodies. After catching up to him, I give him a gentle nudge which sent him off his feet and crashing onto the couch.

"Oh!" I splutter, holding back my laughter and offer him an apology, my amusement evident. "Sorry man, I didn't mean to knock you over. Here! Stay here and I'll get you a drink."

Turning back to Angelina who didn't look overly impressed with the childish ongoings in her own quarters, so I offer her an apologetic look. "What can I get you to drink?"

Angelina Kincaid
Jan 3rd, 2004, 11:16:35 AM
She rolled her eyes for a mere moment, wondering if inviting them over had been a good thing or not. "Some Dark Xing. Black bottle with the silver crest, to your left. It's the most powerful stuff I have, doesn't take a lot to get you feeling pretty darn cheery."

The liquid inside was black as night, with a powerful scent of licorice.

Daen C'allyx
Jan 6th, 2004, 03:05:15 AM
Quite suddenly there was a loud 'thump!', and Daen tumbled from the couch onto the floor. He'd thought Sin's little buddy-tumble stunt was funny, so funny in fact that he'd laughed a little too hard and forgotten that couches weren't made for rolling on.


It was entirely too much work to get off the floor, and he was comfortable besides. So Daen just lay there, quite content.

"This's soft carpet, Angelly. You should try it Sin, really."

Sin Vamel
Jan 11th, 2004, 01:20:21 PM
"I think I'd rather try this instead." Came my answer as I turn with three small glasses, each half full of Dark Xing. The stuff smells nice but very strong and I can feel my stomach churning at the thought of the jet black stuff in my gut. I hand a glass to Angelina and take a seat on the couch from which Daen had fallen.

"Nice furniture, Angel. Comfortable. And hey!" I give Daen's lifeless carcas a kick to get his attention. "Get your rear in gear, matey. If you want this drink you're going to have to at least sit upright. I don't think Angel would approve of a nice, big, black liquor stain on that carpet you like so much."

Angelina Kincaid
Jan 11th, 2004, 01:41:50 PM
Angelina raised an eyebrow in Daen's direction as she took her glass of Dark Xing. "Thank you, Sin. I like the place, but may not be staying to long here. I feel I have a calling elsewhere, just don't know where yet."

She placed the glass to her lips, tilted her head back and took in the dark liquid in one long gulp. It burned, but it was a welcoming burn to Angelina. When she was finished she placed the glass on the table to her left. "Damn, that's good stuff." She breathed. "Think you two can handle this stuff, it's awesome! Go ahead, drink up. I've got more where that came from."

Angelina stood and walked over to her cabinet and opened it, she brought out three more bottles of the exact same thing.

"See, what'd I tell ya? I love this stuff."