View Full Version : It's been a long week, Jacali...(OPEN)

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Dec 3rd, 2003, 04:51:38 AM
The week had seemed to have been at a stand still as Hayden saw Jedi come in and out of Padawan Learner Jacali Danner's ICU room.

But, all her vitals were strong and once again healthy and the scans on her spinal injury had healed well.

Jacali had pulled through the rough waters of her near death accident very nicely and today, it was time to call her back to the real world. Hayden had taken the ventilator off and all but one IV. The heart monitor kept it's rhythm in the near silent room

Hayden had ordered the drugs that had kept her in a comatose state to be turned off earlier that morning and now a small group waited patiently for any signs of consciousness from the young Jedi.

Hayden walked in and went over to her. With a small pin light, he gently lifted an eyelid and moved the light past her eye.

"Good, you're showing some response now." He smiled as he looked at the few Jedi who were there. "Shouldn't be long now, I'll check back in a little bit. If she awakens, let me know."

Hayden nodded to them as he quietly walked out. It's going to be a good day. He thought with a smile.