View Full Version : Can you kill a Jedi? (open to all)

Dec 3rd, 2003, 12:29:33 AM
"Can you kill a Jedi?"

Starr rubbed the bridge of her nose and looked suspiciously at the creature in front of her. She shrugged at his question in silent composure.

"I was told you could kill a Jedi," his voice grew ajitated. He was a large human-like male with pale skin and piercing red eyes that appeared sunken into his face. Regarding a quick reference scan, she had idenified the species that now sat in front of her, but alas she didn’t really care. It was not her purpose to care, nor her programming. After all, the whole reason she was here was to simply see what the man was offering.

She leaned back her chair, crossing her arms across her chest. Ater a brief silence, he continued.

"The Greater Jedi Order has tightened it's grip around the galaxy for far too long." He continued, "We don’t care who needs our weapons as long as they can pay for them. We are biased against no one."

Starr smirked.

This particular arms dealer, had been in Ishan's pocket for years. His business made what it could, but largely thier profits were his. A payment for...survival. He had been having a problem transporting his goods into the galaxy's city-planet, and had asked Shade Industries for help in the matter. Normally Ishan would not indulge in primitive matters, for he did not deal with the low-end businesses he collected from. But this particular shipment was of his interest, so Starr had been dispatched to see what the problem was. And quite the problem it was turning out to be indeed. The meeting in this run-down cantina came at his request.

He took another drink of his ale and put the empty decanter down on the table. He held a nervous look about him, not to be there, but of who he was talking to.

Finally giving in, he leaned forward. "So what I’m asking is, can you kill a Jedi for me?"

"That Man"
Dec 4th, 2003, 02:28:14 PM
"What kind of Jedi?"

A paper bag with a hole punched in it has appeared, resting on the edge of the table. If either party cares to lean over, they'll see that it's covering the head of a man crouched by the table.

"Padawans will be no trouble, but Knights or Masters will require more effort than you may want to spend."

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Dec 6th, 2003, 03:06:31 AM
The darkness held many beings within it. But none such as the beings that were made from the Dark Side of the Force. None such as the Vampire. Ambrose Braeden sat in a corner, the shadows clung to his body and face as he sat motionless in the corner of the small pub. He could hear everything, with his heightened sence of hearing that he had recieved when he was given the Dark Gift by his master, Lord Soth. But the Dark Knight only wanted to listen into one conversation in particular. For the two beings intwined in the conversation consisted of a woman who was not human, but was some type of HRD and the other man was of species that the Vampire did not know, for he held a bag over his head. Ambrose silently sat back and did nothing but listen in on their conversation between one another and waited for the right time to pipe in.

Ambrose had weilded the Dark Side of the force, so many provisions came with that. But he chose only one of the many skills that he had learned over the years. Without saying a word with his mouth, only with his mind did the Vampire speak to the HRD. His words were calm and cool as they spilled forth in the main processing chip that was the brain of the woman.

"If you wanted a jedi killed, you just have to look in the right place. For I will kill any being in the galaxy, but it will cost you hightly."