View Full Version : Exes Suck (Open)

Abagael Zellan
Dec 2nd, 2003, 09:15:36 PM
Outside a bland door, identicle to the hundreds of other doors in the Jedi living quarters, a commotion could be heard. There was the muted sound of shouting, punctuated every once in a while with crashing sounds.

Inside it was ten times louder.

"Don't you dare, don't you dare even think about it Raux! No! I don't care, I'm not going to--"

Abagael Zellan screamed into her comm unit, her face already red with anger. She listened for half a second and then screamed again, her hair swinging wildly.

"You are such a bastard! Yeah, yeah I'm not an idiot, I know that! Shutup! Oh, just back off, I was busy! It's not my responsibility anymore!"

The voice on the other end said something loudly and Abby picked up a vase, throwing it across the room.

"Well don't kid yourself Raux, you're not a stellar example of a man! And you're a lousy lay too!"

Abby swore a few dozen times and then stormed out of her quarters, stomping in the hall angrily. After a second or two the woman growled loudly and whipped around, throwing the comm at her door. It veered right a tad and smashed into the door controls. There was a flash of sparks and the door closed. Abagael stared.

"Oh no... No, no, no, no, no!"

She lurched forward and kneeled, punching the blackened panel frantically. The door remained closed. Abby groaned and slammed her head against the wall.


Kyle Krogen
Dec 2nd, 2003, 10:03:35 PM
Kyle was walking down the hall when he came apon a woman who was pounding on her door control panel, He walked up to her "Are you ok miss?" He asked before he noticed that the panel looked rather broken.

Falcon Gyndar
Dec 4th, 2003, 08:00:36 PM
The commotion had broke his intense concentration on the task at hand: Reviewing the events of the past few months. No matter.. He needed a break, anyway. Falcon decided to check out what was causing so much noise a few doors down... He headed over to the door, and opened it, stepping out into the corridor.

A rather frustrated woman was Kneeling forehead-to-wall, apparently going through quite an ordeal. And Kyle was there. So Falcon approached the two...Standing on the other side of Abagael, he nodded to Kyle.."Hey there, Kyle."...and then he crouched, looking at the woman.

"You alright, miss?..."

She just mumbled something indecipherable...and he only really understood something about her door...Falcon looked. The control panel was frazzled, and something was sparking on the floor. A comm.


The corners of his mouth were in disagreement. On one side, it was twitching at a frown...to see someone in such a disgruntled state... on the other side, an attempt at a small smile, which he couldn't quite figure what he found to smile at. Maybe it was the pretty face of which he had a side view. He said nothing as she seemed to have looked away from the wall to Kyle and himself...

Abagael Zellan
Dec 12th, 2003, 08:03:23 PM
"No, Iamnot fine. And no, I am not alright either."

Abby lifted her head off the wall and stared at the smoking door panel. Her blue orbs were not ammused, but she didn't seem terribly upset either.

"It's the third Friday of the month. My ex-husband calls on the third Friday of the month."

Abagael glanced at the broken Comm unit at her knees and corrected herself.

"Or, he used to."

Kyle Krogen
Dec 15th, 2003, 05:25:28 PM
Kyle walked over to her "well I dont know about your ex-husband, but im sure i can get your door open" He pulled the front panel off the door control and looked at the wires within

He thought back to his theiving days and how he had opened locks like this before"hmm...." He mumbled as he looked at the burnt circuits. He reached his fingers inside the mess of wires and moved them around until he found what he was looking for

He pulled two wires from their place and pressed them together, he pressed another two together and moved a couple wires around

there was a spark as as to wires touched together "ouch" Kyle yelped as he pulled his fingers out as the door opened a crack "that disabled the lock" He stuck his singed finger in his mouth as he moved over to the door "We can pull it open now" He grabed it and started to force it open "can you give me a hand falcon?"

Falcon Gyndar
Dec 15th, 2003, 10:07:27 PM
Falcon watched Kyle work with the wires. He looked concentrated.
When it all worked out, the knight gave a sharp smile. Kyle asked him to help with the door. Falcon stood up from his crouch

"Good man. Let's do that, then."

Falcon went for the edge of the side he was nearest to, and Kyle, the other. The pair of them went to work on it.

"Ok.. GO!"