View Full Version : Massacre of the Billions of Bountiful Mini Bitty Maleciously Baneful Altered Beasts

"That Man"
Dec 1st, 2003, 10:23:50 PM
"What's going to come out?"

A man is crouched in an alleyway, surrounded by a crowd of cold, hungry homeless people. Some are drug addicts wasting away, others are wastrels who squandered their good fortune, but most are honest people who were cut a raw deal. This mystery character, with a paper bag on his head and a single eyehole punched in it, is taking it upon himself to at least entertain them.

"What's going to come out?"

Each time he says it, he reachs into a pocket, or into a leather doctor's bag, then produces a random item and throws it into the air. Each item is something that could not conceivably be in either pockets or the doctor's bag...he pulls a golf club from the bag, and a bird from his pocket, but it seems both are bottomless, as things continually come forth from them. At last he upends his pockets, and seeing them empty he turns his bag over. It's empty too. He shuffles back and stands to his full height; almost nine feet tall.

"Wh-wh-what's going to come out!?"

The manhole he'd been crouching over bursts open, and thousands of tiny creatures swarm into the streets. In a matter of seconds the crowd he's gathered are overwhelmed; it's a few minutes more before the man can see the people again. Some are now skeletons; most are unharmed. Behind his paper bag, that man smiles. His beautifully baneful little beasts are a hit success. Only the Force insensitive people remain in his alleyway, and in the streets he can hear the echoes of screams. The Force users are being massacred. Genocide was never so easy.

Miryan no Trunks
Dec 5th, 2003, 01:37:36 AM
*With a smirk, MnT watched as the creatures ran up towards him and leapt, only to impact with a painful crunch against his force shield..*

... Interesting pets you keep, sir..

*The Sith Lord looked over at the only person within the alley that was not being attacked, the paper-bagged giant of a man whom he had heard entertaining the homeless ones.. He had been walking along the street when he'd heard the drunken laughter, had gone to check it out by pure curiosity, and had wound up being swarmed by the little buggers..*

... They're broken pretty easily though..

*Extending the sphere of his shield by a foot or so, a good couple dozen of the miniature monsters found themselves trapped between the force and a hard place. Wet pops and splatters commenced.*

"That Man"
Dec 7th, 2003, 03:15:45 PM
"They are not meant to be durable, they are meant to make short work of unsuspecting Force Users. You hear the screams? Those are people with latent Force power, and some may even have learned to use it as you have. But they are dying as we speak. You shall join them, if you're not on guard."

Miryan no Trunks
Dec 7th, 2003, 11:57:16 PM
*Keeping his shield maintained, MnT could indeed feel the strength of the force flicker and wane.. It was odd, he found, that the man would want to take out even those with just the slightest hint of force potential within them..*

... Might I inquire as to why you've chosen to release your pets upon the city?

"That Man"
Dec 8th, 2003, 08:54:36 PM
"It is full of Force users, of course," answers the tall man, as if this were the most obvious reason in the world. It probably is, but one wouldn't expect that, he supposes. "What better place to start the extinction of Force users than in a location where they are just as bountiful as my creatures?"

Miryan no Trunks
Dec 8th, 2003, 09:03:44 PM
... Mayhaps I should rephrase then.. Why the grudge against force users? And, for the sake of my curiousity, may I assume that you've got bigger and nastier beasts down there than the rats you're currently swarming the city with? I can't imagine you wouldn't, unless you weren't taking into thought the fact that while there are many latent force users, those who know their skills will be easily able to defend?

"That Man"
Dec 9th, 2003, 05:14:52 PM
"Being killed by a Force user doesn't exactly leave a person with a happy feeling towards them," he says mysteriously. "And to answer your other question, yes."

Miryan no Trunks
Dec 10th, 2003, 06:35:03 AM
*MnT could not help but chuckle at the man's bluntness with his words..*

... No, I cannot imagine being slain by someone would put them or their faction in any semblance of high regard..

*Obviously not particularly worried about whatever else the man had hiding for now, MnT cocked his head slightly to the side, in a quizzical gesture, and inquired..*

... I assume you do not know the identity of the particular force user that killed you, and are thus just attempting the complete massacre of us all?

"That Man"
Dec 10th, 2003, 07:52:04 PM
"Oh, I know him," replies the man. "I created him. I made him what he is. But I do not know where he is now, and I will flush him out or kill him with this tactic."

Miryan no Trunks
Dec 11th, 2003, 02:20:08 AM
... Ahh yes, it's one thing to be killed, and another entirely to be killed by your own son of sorts.. As for where he is, what is his name? I might know of him, or where to find him..

"That Man"
Dec 11th, 2003, 12:12:23 PM
"I named him in an ancient tongue...He hated it, no doubt he has changed or shortened it to something less...nerve-grinding, I suppose is the phrase he would use. His name was Inu, Inu..."

At this point the tall man puts a hand to his bagged forehead.

"Curse my poor memory, I can remember no further than that."

Miryan no Trunks
Dec 11th, 2003, 02:37:53 PM
... Inu? He's a Jedi at the Greater Jedi Order, if my mind does not fail me..

*He had not personally met the man, but as with any smart Sith, had taken the time to learn who his enemies were..*

... I cannot say where the GJO itself is located, for I do not know, but there is a Jedi Bar where almost all of them can be found from time to time, if anyone would be able to give you the man's whereabouts, they'd be there..

"That Man"
Dec 12th, 2003, 10:41:20 AM
"A Jedi?"

He shakes his bagged head, clicking his tongue concernedly.

"My, but I can only imagine the difficulty he's having with it. He was not meant to be a lightsider. The nature of his body and personality are against it."

The screams are fading away in the background. Either the little beasts have killed all the Force Users they can find, or they're headed out of earshot. The tall man sincerely hopes that it's the latter.

Miryan no Trunks
Dec 12th, 2003, 03:25:32 PM
*Chuckling softly, MnT nodded..*

... Yes, it takes someone of great delusion to think that their nature makes them a good choice for the hypocritical falsehood of the Jedi ways.. If he's doing it despite his nature, at least he could just be in it for the power..

"That Man"
Dec 16th, 2003, 08:36:12 AM
"No, he most likely is doing it for the sake of three others...yes, those three..."

He strokes his chin in thought, and its apparent that he's concentrating hard.

"Though...who those three are, I cannot recall..."

Miryan no Trunks
Dec 20th, 2003, 08:21:53 PM
... Unfortunately, I cannot help you there, for I don't personally know Inu, nor those whom he associates with.. But, I can help you get to the Jedi Bar if you wish to search him out there..

"That Man"
Dec 25th, 2003, 10:44:13 PM
"No no, I need no such publicity...too great a risk is taken in going there. I will do as I have always done; let my beasts take care of things for me. You, despite your apparent Force-capabilities, have been quite the useful lad. I will thank you now, as is fitting and proper." The man taps the top of his paper bag, a move almost like tipping a hat. "Thank you much."

Miryan no Trunks
Dec 26th, 2003, 05:27:53 AM
*With a smile that would have appeared quizzicle had MnT allowed it, he bowed his head and said ".. you're welcome.." It seemed odd to him that a man who used such malicious little creations to hunt eradicate an entire race of sorts, would also be so polite.. But then, he reasoned, who was he, as an unusually good-natured and honorable Sith, to complain about unique or seemingly conflicting character traits within a person?*

... I supposse I'll be dealing with the release of some of your more impressive creations once I've taken my leave?

*The words came with an almost humorously pleasent, matter-of-fact tone, and did not betray any fear of what may be still to come, for there simply was none.. If anything, the Sith Lord was curious..

"That Man"
Jan 6th, 2004, 07:13:18 AM
The tall man simply shrugs.

"If you would like," he answers. "It's your decision entirely."