View Full Version : New face, new friend...(Ekko Cyrah only)

Quay'Na Rakai
Dec 1st, 2003, 08:25:59 PM
After a long day of studying in the Jedi Archives on the wildlife of Naboo, Padawan Quay'Na Rakai needed a drink and some food. She smiled at the guards upon entering and handed over her lightsabre.

The place wasn't real busy that evening and that was unusual.

She walked up to the bar and ordered an ice water and some potato skins. "I'll be over there." She told the bartender, he nodded to her and took her order back to the kitchen.

With a relaxing sigh, Quay'Na sat down and looked around to see if she saw anyone she knew, unfortunately she didn't and continued to sip on her ice water. Surely someone would be here to give her some company.

Ekko Cyrah
Dec 1st, 2003, 10:26:48 PM
Ekko Cyrah loved to go out. Every night she would go to a different hang out, and stayed out all hours of the night. Ekko had a lot of growing up to do, she had a care-free life. Weathy parents that let her do what she wanted, when she wanted. She spent her days shopping and her nights partying.

One evening she got a call from an anonymous person telling her that there was a rather large crowd at a local bar & grill. So she got ready and headed to the location.

As she approached the entrance to the place she saw the guards standing at attention as she came closer. Dressed in her best she smiled and gave one of the guards what looked like a tube of lipstick.

The guard looked at Ekko kinda funny and she promptly told him, "Mase." The guard stood their for a minute then replied, "Ohhhh...", then guard chuckled lightly and she proceded into the building.

Once inside she noticed that what was supposed to be a crowded place was very dead. There was only a few people in the place.

She scanned over the room once or twice to see if she saw anyone familiar, but no sucess, everyone was a complete stranger.

Although, Ekko saw a women sitting by herself,she had wanted to go talk to her, but couldnt get the courage. She stared for a minute, then once the woman looked up she quickly turned away and sat at the bar.

Getting warm in the face from being caught staring Ekko Cyrah went ahead and ordered herself a drink....

Quay'Na Rakai
Dec 2nd, 2003, 03:16:31 AM
Quay'Na noticed the young woman enter the Bar and Grill, but when she looked up, she had quickly looked away and went to the bar and ordered a drink.

The Padawan had never seen the young woman in this vacinity or anywhere else for that matter, so decided to make her feel welcome in a Jedi sort of way.

With a quick sip of her drink, Quay set it down and proceeded up to the bar. "Excuse me," Quay'Na began with a friendly smile. "I've not seen you around these parts. You're more than welcome to come sit at my table, that is unless you are waiting on someone." Quay'Na extended a hand in a freindly gesture. "I'm Quay'Na Rakai, Padawan learner, it's nice to make your acquaintance."

Ekko Cyrah
Dec 2nd, 2003, 07:39:03 AM
The young woman looked up and while extending her hand to greet the padawan, smiled and said, "Hello, my name is Ekko Cyrah." The padawan smiled.

Ekko began to talk to Quay, " Yes, I have not been to these parts before." I got an anonymous call telling me to come here because of a large crowd.....looks pretty dead to me."

The padawan listened as the young woman continued talking.......

Ekko suddenly stopped herself and laughed, " I am so very sorry, I do love to talk a lot... since I am not meeting I would be glad to join you at your table.

Quay then turned and the both made their way to the table and sat down

Quay'Na Rakai
Dec 2nd, 2003, 06:56:26 PM
"Well, usually this place is crawling with people, Jedi mostly. But, we do tend to get the run of the mill. Are you planning on joining the Order?" Quay'Na asked as she took a drink of her water.

Ekko Cyrah
Dec 2nd, 2003, 09:31:33 PM
" Yes I am looking to join the order. Can you help me?", said Ekko as she began on her 2nd drink.

" I am looking for someone to guide and discipline me, to help me learn the ways of the jedi."

" Do you know of any good masters?", Ekko finished.

Quay'Na Rakai
Dec 3rd, 2003, 04:21:03 AM
Quay'Na smiled and leaned back. "Yes, I can help you, seems you've come to the right place. In fact, the Recruitment center should be still open, so when you finish your drink I'd be more than happy to take you over myself, if you'd like."

"Discipline and guidance, you're getting started on the right foot, though learning the ways of the Jedi is a big responsibility. It's not easy, I've been here for quite a few years and I've still got things I need to learn. Are you willing to take it on, no matter how long it takes?" Quay'Na asked as she looked her in the eye.

Ekko Cyrah
Dec 3rd, 2003, 07:42:01 AM
EKko looked back at Quay'Naand told her, " Thank you so much for wanting to help me. I am willing to study as long as it takes."

" I really think this will be good for me, I still have a little growing up to do. Hopefully this will lead me in the right direction", Ekko continued.

Ekko finished the last few sips of her drink and stood up, "Whenever you are ready Quay'Na.", she smiled.

Quay'Na Rakai
Dec 5th, 2003, 08:44:54 AM
Quay'Na nodded with a smile as her potato skins came, "I'll just get these to go." A few minutes later the food was paid for and was now in a small bag. "Okay, let's go." She said as she led Ekko towards the doors where she retrieved her lightsbre and Ekko her mace.

"If we hurry, you can get in this evening." She smiled as she nodded towards the guards and then led Ekko out the door and to the Jedi Recruitment center.