View Full Version : Exploring the forest (closed, Azhure)

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 1st, 2003, 08:16:04 PM
The full moon shone unusually bright. Wei had no need for a flashlight as he sprinted through the forest, keeping light on his feet so as not to make a sound.

Wei hadn't had time to do anything for no particular reason, so Wei decided to cancel tomorrow's classes so he could sleep in. That night, it was exploring time.

So far, the night had been more or less fruitless. No large rocks, no water, no nothing. Just trees. And Wei appreciated the trees, but he wanted something out of the ordinary.

Just as Wei was about to give up, he heard a sound. It was a small roaring sound, like a waterfall. "Hey! Waterfall!" Wei said to himself, and headed towards the sound.

Wei darted between the trees towards the growing sound and soon was confronted with a large water fall. Wei smiled and walked closer to the waterfall. The moonlight shone brightly and glistened off the wet rocks. That's when Wei saw it. Just behind the waterfall was a cave. Wei slipped in behind the water fall, walking on the slippery edge so he wouldn't get his feet wet. Wei hated wet shoes.

Wei looked about the cave and silhouetted a few feet away was a person in the water. Wei silently crept closer and he could make out the outline of a woman bathing. Wei gasped and tried to head back out of the cave again. It was best he left. He hadn't meant to walk in on her. But much to Wei's chagrin he had only made it two or three steps before his foot slipped and he landed both of his feet and his bottom in the pool with a loud splash.

"Now I'm in for it," Wei thought to himself.

Azhure Darkstone
Dec 3rd, 2003, 05:13:19 PM
::Azhure was having her usual wash at the late hour, her dagger near her left side of a partially wet rock. She was silent as she washed, hearing the sounds of the forest, the lack of the singing of birds which made the forest seem somehow empty.
The sound of hunters in the night could also be heard and at times she enjoyed watching them when the chance came upon her. She closed her eyes for a moment, the water was cold but calming, and she rarely relaxed.

Another noise caught her ear, footsteps on the rocks. She opened her eyes, a dangerous look in them, and calmly moved her hand to where the dagger was, large for a dagger but not long enough to be called a short sword. Her own design.
She stood almost silently, or as much as the water allowed, and moved to the dark shadows. Her jedi robe was there, something she rarely wore but useful in these circumstances, and put it on, watching to see who was disturbing her cleaning time.::

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 3rd, 2003, 07:12:12 PM
Wei tensed up and listened. It was quiet. Wei felt relieved, but only for a moment. He still wanted to get out of there quick. He looked around where the woman was seen last, but could not find her silouhette. Wei squinted at the space, but still could not see anything.

"I wonder where she went," he thought to himself as he slowly got up out of the water and onto the rocks. Then he resumed his silent creeping back out of the cave.

Azhure Darkstone
Dec 3rd, 2003, 08:27:50 PM
::She heard the person retreating out of the cave, waiting a few more moments, then walked onto the rocks to look around. Her senses were still on high alert. The brown jedi robe was wet but thick so she would not go out feeling too cold. This person would not just retreat just like that. This was her safe place where she felt alone and secure and she didnt like the idea of someone else knowing about it.

She walked silently on the rocks, shifting balance between feet. Walking out of the waterfall she saw the jedi familiar in her memory. That healing class? Wei was the name, she was sure. Frowning she pointed her weapon at him, her face showing little emotion and her voice direct.::

You really should watch where you explore.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 3rd, 2003, 10:58:53 PM
Wei froze solidly in his place. "I know, I'm sorry. I had no idea you were in there. And if I had known you were in there, and what you were doing, I certainly wouldn't have gone in."

Wei turned around to face Azhure, his face beet red and a silly grin on his face. "But can you honestly blame a person for being curious?"

Azhure Darkstone
Dec 4th, 2003, 05:21:24 PM
::Azhure rose one eyebrow, indicating her lack of amusement at the comment. This was the only place where jedi, and in general people, werent running around. Precisely why she had moved out of the jedi rooms. The place was beautiful so she could not blame him but she was agitated and when she was agitated the safest feeling was the best feeling. She looked at him for a few moments, her mind trying to connect to his for a pure second to see if his words were truthful. After a while she put the dagger down and put it on the belt on her robe. She wasnt letting her guard down at all, and the dagger was still accessable, for she still felt her safe haven had been somewhat violated.::

I'd appreciate it if you did not tell everyone of this place. This is a long way from the jedi grounds.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 5th, 2003, 07:42:24 AM
"Oh, no worries about that, you can count on me to keep this place secret. It's a nice place, eh? To be honest, I'd want to keep this place to myself, too. Very nice, quiet place. And what with all my busy days teaching the Padawans and acccomplishing stuff with the Council, I'd like a little place like this to escape to myself. But I'm needed at the grounds, so I can't come out here whenever I like."

The smile faded as did the red color in his cheeks. "Hey, I remember you now! You were the lady that Navaria taught when we had those Force Healing lessons! Your name was....uh...."

Darn. Wei was usually so good at remembering people's names. "I'm sorry, but it seems I can't remember your name to save my life. So, we might as well start all over again at the beginning." Wei held out his hand. "My name is Wei Wu Wei. It's nice to meet you."

Azhure Darkstone
Dec 6th, 2003, 12:11:12 AM
::Another threat to her solitude, her security almost doubled over in panic. She knew enough fo him from others to know he was true to his word, but he also indicated that he liked this place as a solitude area. Her hands twitched as they wanted to get the blade out again and she moved her hand closer to it, but did not take it out. However she could locate her fears and emotions, pick out what was bothering her which was something she hadnt been able to do not long ago. And she could voice them. She couldnt very well kill him. Not anymore.::

Azhure Darkstone. I'm not sure yet if it's nice to meet you. I am still soaking wet, my privacy has been violated and I'm unsure of whether you mean to take this place as your solitude area. And if you do I'm not sure what that means for my solitude for I know nothing of you.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 6th, 2003, 12:54:17 AM
"What? Oh no. If this is your quiet place, I'll leave you to it. I simply wanted to empathize with you. I am getting my own place for quiet soon enough. And I promise you it won't be this area here."

Wei took one small step forward and stretched out his hand to her. "I'm not a bad guy at all, really. Just wanting to make friends. Even the most solitary people need someone to have around sometimes."

Wei's smile changed again. It became more charming and warm, the sort of smile that puts people at ease. Well, most people anyway. "We can be friends, if you like."

Azhure Darkstone
Dec 8th, 2003, 05:06:05 PM
::Azhure felt confused now, she didnt like feeling confused. She knew it was illogical and mean to refuse someone access to a place because of ones own want of a place, it had been a defensive move. She sighed, her hand a little less away from the weapon. This sudden talk of friendship also set up defenses but not as strong as they had been months ago. Her mind still softly told her she didnt need anybody, didnt want anybody.::

I don't make much of a friend Wei Wu Wei.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 11th, 2003, 08:58:29 PM
"Say what?" Wei said as his voice shot up an octave. "Not make much of a friend? You ought not to be so hard on yourself."

Wei pushed up his glasses and managed to calm his voice down by clearing his throat. "What makes you think you wouldn't make much of a friend?"

Azhure Darkstone
Dec 15th, 2003, 12:46:40 AM
::Azhure looked at him straight in the eye in annoyance to his challenge, she could think of a few good reasons but decided not to voice them. Instead she she gave him an I-just-am look, a hard look which required no further challenges voiced. She crossed passed him and started walking into the forest area where a black ship was hidden between the trees.::

Look, don't waste your time, some people are good friends, others are far too difficult to get along with. I'm one of those you call difficult.

::She stopped for a moment, her mind almost laughing at her for a moment. Because you choose to be difficult?
She sighed and turned around. Fine conscience, have it your way. I'll try this time, but I'm not making any crummy promises.
She shrugged and gave him an agrivated look.::

Are you hungry? I'm not much of a cook, but I can offer military-like food.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 15th, 2003, 09:48:54 AM
"Never eaten military style food before," Wei said with a chuckle. "Sure. I could do with some food."

Wei fell into step behind Azhure, listening to the squishy sounds his shoes made as he walked. "I hate wet shoes," he said, still smiling.

Azhure Darkstone
Dec 15th, 2003, 09:39:31 PM
::Azhure walked into the tree's and a door opened revealing a lighted area of bluey grey chairs and a silver table. She didnt wait to see if he entered, his shoes told her that, and she put a heating box to put his shoes in and turned to a nearby cupboard. Out came three boxes, one had a hard meat and the others had certain mixtures of different veggies and vitamins. A soldiers meal was what she was used to, not the fancy food in the bar and grill, and she still found herself reverting to it. It was plain by taste but kept the body going suitably.::

It's not an appatising meal, I assure you. The bar and grill may please you more.

::A small droid nearby studied him silently, it had been her droid since she was young and though suited more to an assasin and illegal life, he had decided to stay with her. She would not reprogram him and he did not likie strangers, but he respected her guests. He had never spoke to her in all the years she had him, but he had healed her wounds and made her food when she could not and take care of her. He wasnt a friend but he wasnt an enemy. On the shelf was a photo of her and a man her age, with her colouring, and also a dagger with a red sun insignia on it. The rest of the place held cupboards of silver and the place was rather plain. The doors led to a bedroom and other needs one needed in their homes. One led to the main controls and the hyperspace unit. The silent machine kept eying Wei, his mechanical face unable to show expressions.::

[i]Ragon, this is Wei. Wei, Ragon.

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 3rd, 2004, 11:45:55 PM
Wei gave Ragon an affable grin. "Nice to meet you, Ragon," he said enthusiastically.

"You have a nice place, Azhure. Rather plain. But that's how I like it. You ought to have seen my room before I gave it up to another Jedi when I moved in with my late wife. I don't think I had a single picture on my wall. Just a bed. And whatever else was there. And my clothes. Wei paused, trying to see if he was forgetting something. "No, that was all I had. Oh wait, I had some apples."

Wei's face flushed a light shade of pink and he took his meal with a smile. "Thank you very much."

Wei took the first spoonful and put it in his mouth. He paused for a moment, meditating on the morsel as he chewed it slowly. "So, this is military food..." he said as he swallowed. "Not bad. Tastes about like my father's cooking. No spices or flavoring at all. Dad said it was too complicated to figure out. He liked eating things as they were when they were cooked. Dump it all in a pot and boil it or whatever then eat it."

Wei realized he was still standing and went over to one of the chairs. "Do you mind if I take a seat?"

Azhure Darkstone
Jan 5th, 2004, 11:57:02 PM
::Azhure laughed very softly. The man talked far too much, but at least it filled her silence. It was nervous talk by her guess but it was still slightly amusing. She would have left by now if it had been her.::


::She took her own share of the meal and sat down, the droid looked at them then turned itself off for recharge, considering Wei to be trustworthy enough. She ate her food and wondered what to say, she had never been much of a conversationalist accept when it came to deals.::

There's salt in the cupboard but I can't gaurantee the pepper, Matthias tends to take that from my ships when he leaves for some odd reason he doesnt bother explaining.

::And he had dissapeared again, like he always did. The food was the usual tasteless stuff and it was reassuring. She looked slightly uncomfortable and decided to try a topic, however successful the attempt::

Your father is a military man?

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 6th, 2004, 12:11:36 PM
"No. Just a travelling merchant who only knows how to boil eggs and fry hamburger. My mother is the real cook. She knows all the right herbs and spices and things like that. Dad appreciates her cooking, but he just doesn't bother with spices and things when he cooks. Says he appreciates more natural food."

Wei ate some more. "Is your family very military? Or did you just decide to join up one day?"

Azhure Darkstone
Jan 8th, 2004, 07:16:58 PM
::Azhure looked at him for a moment, she didnt like questions about her family.::

I never knew my parents. I have a twin brother thats no doubt illegally passing merchandise through the universe then he will turn up at the jedi again, then leave. It seems being independant drifters are a family trait. I didnt choose my path if thats what your asking. It was chosen for me.

::Or runners, she smiled slowly at that. A family of runners. Dead people and runners, and she didnt even know what race she was. That would be useful when she became seriously ill, being vital information and all. She took a bit of her unsalted hard beef and chewed on it. If he wa going to ask, so would she.::

What about your family?

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 9th, 2004, 12:25:38 PM
"My family is a small little thing, travelling around on this ramshackle cart being pulled by a small draft animal. Father trades and sells things and we get by that way. My mother manages the cooking and shopping for things, and my Grandpa taught me martial arts."

Wei tried some of the beef. "We'd do all sorts of odd jobs in the towns we visisted, Grandpa and me. We'd wash windows, do lawn care, run errands, help at contruction sites...that sort of thing."

Wei stirred some of the food around with his fork. "I'm sorry if I've upset you with the whole family bit. Just trying to make conversation. Had I known it was as bad as all that, I wouldn't have asked."

Azhure Darkstone
Jan 13th, 2004, 06:01:20 PM
::Azhure had to smile at that, somehow seeing the humour in it.::

Wei, most topics are sensitive topics when it comes to most things. I'm used to it.

::She liked the idea of how his family lived, if you didnt like somewhere or something you could just leave it behind and keep travelling. That idea of freedom appealed to her, and was probably the same reason why the Darkstone children never tended to stay in one place long. It was a wonder she was still here in some ways. She was silent for a few moments, the inner voice nagging her to be nicer. She growled back at it. Fine, sociable...sociable talk.::

I apologise, I'm always abrupt. Most jedi have manners I don't possess. What planet are you from? I've been to most planets on business but there more than a few I'd like to see.

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 13th, 2004, 06:40:57 PM
Wei shrugged. "Yavin, I think. Spent a great deal of time on Yavin. Sissie never liked having to ride in space craft. That's why we call her Sissie."

Wei chuckled. "I've been to a few planets. Bakura, Yavin, Coruscant. A couple others that I can't remember their names. Agamar was one, I think."

Wei smiled. "You know, the people on Agamar are not the bungling oafs that most people would stereotype them to be."

Wei sat up straighter in his chair and ate another forkful of vegetables. "So, what do you do for fun? Got any hobbies?"

Jan 15th, 2004, 02:22:14 AM
delete please

Azhure Darkstone
Jan 15th, 2004, 02:24:59 AM
::Azhure nodded in agreement.::

Yes, I have had quite a few missions at Agamar. I've never cared much for the planet myself but the people I have dealt with certainly arent what they seem when your trying to hunt them down.

::She said that as a fact, for it was true. Assasination included being able to spy and calculate. As for hobbies she had no idea. She knew what she did do in her spare time, but it was more of a habit than a hobby. Fun wasnt really in her vocabulary yet.::

I ah, make weapons, maintain weapons and do physical training. As for hobbies the closest to come would be drawing.
What of you?

::She didnt mention her singing, that was a private thing, forbidden to her for so many years. That was a private thing, and stage fright, or singing in front of someone had something to do with it.::

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 15th, 2004, 08:36:38 AM
One of the corners of Wei's mouth turned up when she mentioned physical training and weapon maintenance. She had been in the military too long. At least she enjoyed drawing.

"My hobbies?" Wei asked, breaking into a full smile. "Well, I like to play games--cards, jacks, tag, hide and go seek--things like that. I also like to read, and ride my hoverboard. And sometimes I just lie there on the floor and do nothing."

Wei had not had much time for hobbies recently, but he was slowly getting better at managing his time. He'd have to talk to his father for advice later on.

"Um, you wouldn't happen to have a hair dryer, would you?" Wei asked. His shoes were still wet and it bothered him. "I'd kind of like to dry out my shoes. They're a bit uncomfortable now that they're soaked."

Azhure Darkstone
Jan 20th, 2004, 09:18:12 PM
::That had been the last request she would have though of to come out of someones mouth, a hair dryer for shoes. The obsurdity of it appealed to the sense of humour in her and a small smile made it's way to her lips.
She got up, and opened one of the many cupboards and handed him a rather large hairdryer and took the last piece of her food, chewing and swallowing it as she took off a silver compartment to reveal an area of circuit boards and small switches.::

Your as bad as my brother. Accept he's always trying to get killed.

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 21st, 2004, 07:11:50 AM
Wei slipped off his shoes and and socks. "Um...is that good or bad?"

Wei took his socks to the door of the ship and wrung the water out of them outside so as not to get the floor wet. Then he came back in and got the hair dryer. "Thanks much."

Wei stood on the edges of his socks, turned the dryer on to its "low" setting, and began to dry out his socks first.

Azhure Darkstone
Jan 21st, 2004, 09:19:19 PM
:;Azhure shrugged, she didnt really know if it was good or bad, and didnt waste her mind space on it, what one was one was. Besides she didnt really want to think about her brother at the moment.
She looked at Wei's socks critically.::

I have spare socks if you want to borrow them.

::Her droid turning itself on after recharge and rolling past her to the door where the shoes were invading it's usual militant spot. it glared at the shoes for a while in it's own fashion then rolled back into another room, almost like an unhappy cat whom had lost it's place by the fire. Azhure looked almost amused but said nothing, an unhappy Ragon meant a touchy coffee dispenser. Speaking of which she wouldnt touch the coffee right now and went to the tea dispenser::

Would you like some tea?

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 21st, 2004, 10:10:13 PM
Wei shrugged. "Yeah. Hot tea, right? You bet I'd like some."

Wei flipped his socks over and dried the other side. "I don't usually drink tea, but I find it refreshing every once in a while."

Wei's Grandpa had taught him some about the different kinds of teas, but Wei had trouble retaining it all. "At last, a pair of dry socks."

Wei put the socks back on his feet and aimed the dryer at the insides of his shoes. "I hope this thing gets the area with the toes too."

Azhure Darkstone
Jan 26th, 2004, 09:51:05 PM
::Azhure nodded and pressing a few buttons she got two cups of tea ready. She had never been really good at making a nice cup of tea from scratch, never learning to appreciate food and drink too much, accept for coffee. She could almost say she was something of an expert at coffee, the best brew ever tasted had been on a small backwash planet which had a variation of names since nobody had ever really agreed on one. That had been an amusing community to say the least. She set the tea on the table and watched him dry his shoes, not really having anything to say. Instead she sipped her tea, wishing for some nice coffee but not dare attempting it just yet.
She noticed his comment about the toes and instead threw him a dry drying dish towel nearby for his feet.::

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 27th, 2004, 09:06:20 AM
Wei chuckled as the towel hit him in the side of the head and hung about his face.

"Not my toes. The toes of my shoes. Way down in there," Wei said, pointing inside his shoe to the place where his toes would go."

Wei turned off the hair dryer and pulled the towel off of his head and got an idea. He bunched up the end of it and shoved it in his shoe until it reached the front. Then he used his hands and pressed down on his shoe as hard as he could. "Maybe I can press out some of the water and absorb it with this towel."

Wei paused a moment and took his tea off of the table. "Thanks much."

Wei took a sip. It wasn't bad tea.

Azhure Darkstone
Jan 31st, 2004, 02:00:47 AM
::Azhure shrugged and sipped her tea. She had little to say. The disgruntled droid came in and knocked on one of the side doors, the door to a cupboard opening and a whole lot of official looking papers coming out. Azhure supressed a swear and went to pick them up. The darn droid had to mess those papers up, of all of the papers filed, and obviously on purpose. She would say something to the cretin later. She looked at Wei to see if he had seen the headlines on the papers but he was still busy with his feet.::

Wei Wu Wei
Feb 1st, 2004, 01:27:10 PM
Wei felt inside his shoe. It seemed dry enough to him. "That's one shoe."

Wei put that shoe on so he wouldn't try to dry it again and went to work on the other shoe. The little droid had knocked over some papers of some sort, from what Wei could see from the corner of his eye.

"Would you like help picking those up?" Wei asked, glancing over at Azhure. "Cause I can pause this for a second if you need me to."

Azhure Darkstone
Feb 3rd, 2004, 08:33:45 PM
::Azhure looked at him while her hands picked them up calmly now. She cursed herself for not burning them, but she had never been able to throw out the files crimsonSun had given her - the profiles of her past victims. Maybe out of guilt she had kept them, or some sort of sick trophy. But she had kept them because they had some value, even if it wasnt a pleasant one.::

No, I'm fine. Though when I get the shutdown controller that robot won't be going anywhere near these cupboards.....

::She could her the sound of the willowbird, the first bird to wake in these parts. It was an ugly looking bird but had a beautiful song.::

It will be day soon.

Wei Wu Wei
Feb 10th, 2004, 01:53:11 PM
Wei put his other shoe on. "Is it now? My, how time flies."

The Jedi Knight looked around for the grumpy droid, but did not see it around.

"Have you ever tried to just retstrain it or knock it out?" Wei said with a mischievous chuckle. "You know, just jump it and find the off switch or just beat it until it breaks?"

Of course, Wei only resolved to violence when other measures would not do.

Azhure Darkstone
Feb 11th, 2004, 01:15:20 AM
::Azhure smiled at the amusing thought, but shook her head.::

It has it's uses, and it also thinks I have my uses as well. You can't live with droids and you can't destroy them.

::Truthfully, as much as the bag of bolts annoyed her, it was the silent company that had kept her sane, that hadnt told her what to do her whole life, instead just partially listened without giving a damn what she said.::

Your welcome to try though, the last time I attacked him was when I was ten and I came out with a broken arm and two broken ribs. He's a compact design really.

Wei Wu Wei
Feb 11th, 2004, 03:11:30 PM
Wei nodded. "I see. Well, then."

Wei floundered for a new topic of conversation. Something to make the whole thing flow without making any sort of awkward pauses.

"Why do you stay out here alone?" Wei asked.

Inside, Wei flinched. It probably wasn't the best avenue to take as far as conversation was concerned, and probably too personal considering how neither party really knew the other. But something was nagging at Wei about Azhure's lifestyle. Something that said there were things wrong with Azhure that needed fixing. She just seemed so alone.

Azhure Darkstone
Feb 13th, 2004, 09:02:59 PM
::Azhure looked at him, taken by surprise by his question. it took a few seconds before the overflowing emotional responses she still couldnt control calmed down, and during this time her eyes went icy, before she could respond.::

I've always been alone, that was the nature of my lifestyle and work. Well, not completely alone, not like the others. It's normal. Why do you ask?

::She was less afraid of huge crowds with no purpose or task than she had been, with the help of her master, but this question made her feel off balance.::

Wei Wu Wei
Feb 14th, 2004, 09:12:00 AM
Wei shrugged. "I mean, you could just as easily be alone in the actual Living Quarters. Just cause you are in close proximity to people doesn't mean people spend a lot of their time alone. The girl that lives across the hall from me is a perfect example."

Wei paused, considering his words carefully. "Just because something has always been a certain way, doesn't mean that it should continue to be that way."

Wei searched for an example. "Like the Empire. The Empire was around for a very long time. but just because it had been around for so long, did not make the Empire good, or right. See what I mean?"

Azhure Darkstone
Feb 16th, 2004, 05:11:52 AM
::Azhure nodded.::

I got it the first time Wei. I moved out because I never used the room, it was pointless to waste a room that someone else could use far more than I.

::She gave him a slight smile then.::

I would hardly say my life can be compared to the empire but it was a good try at an example. I choose this because....

::She coouldnt think of a reason. Because being sociable with people made her nervous? because she didnt like being torn from the solitary safety of relying only on herself? because she wasnt ready yet?. She however could now voice her thoughts in a cryptic form.::

People are complicated. One puzzle needs to be figured out before another is started.

Wei Wu Wei
Feb 16th, 2004, 09:23:02 AM
Wei chuckled and ran his fingers through his hair. "People are indeed very complicated. But you know," The Knight broke into a smile, "I kind of like it that way. I mean, if people were easy to figure out, they wouldn't me much fun to talk to now would they?"

Azhure Darkstone
Feb 21st, 2004, 01:53:52 AM
::Azhure looked at him, nothing in her mind came to her so she said nothing but gave him a observative look, then looked down as a small remote control dropped out out of the remaining pile. She made the paper piles neat, then got the remote to find the cursed pile of metal and bolts, leaving the compartment door open and went into the other room to turn the grumbling bold bucket off and to keep calm, he has started attacking her balance, which may have been a good thing but she didnt see it that way. She looked at the droid and it looked at her before she put her finger on the button, ready to turn back to her guest as she felt the twisting twist a little less.::

Wei Wu Wei
Feb 21st, 2004, 09:55:20 AM
"Well, that problem is solved."

Wei removed his glasses and wiped at a smudge that had somehow found its way onto one of his lenses.

"You know, that droid of yours sure does act pretty grumpy. Good thing you can just shut it down whenever it gets on your nerves."

Wei ventured a guess at Azhure's next thought. "Too bad people don't come with buttons to shut them down, huh?"

Azhure Darkstone
Feb 22nd, 2004, 11:29:38 PM
::Azhure looked at him, the tiniest grin coming to her mouth.::

Thats what pressure points and weapons are for. As a civilised member of society however your right.

::She didnt like his comment however, cut too close to the bone and it seemed to apply directly to him. A genetically modified human may be able to be programmed but she had no interest in genetically modifying anyone, the process was messy and often mistakes were made by most companies. She kicked the door shut gently, to hear the click that told her it was properly shut and sat down, looking at wei in the eye as if he were one of her associates she used to deal with.::

I'm not going to shut you down if thats what your saying. I can just as easily ask you to leave and it's a lot less messy.

Wei Wu Wei
Feb 23rd, 2004, 09:33:06 AM
Wei obviously had done something to upset her. Hit some sort of soft spot, or a hurt from days long past. But if it was going to be taken care of, it was going to have to be addressed. Setting a broken bone hurts, but it hurts a lot less in the long run as opposed to letting the bone stay broken.

"Oh, and I would get up and leave without a fuss, to be sure. But it wouldn't change anything. It wouldn't help you to be any better at dealing with people or making friends. You would still live out here in the forest without any sense of friends, love, or community."

Wei had been scooting up to the edge of his seat while he spoke, and now he just barely rested on the chair, ready to step out the door in case Azhure decided he had overstayed his welcome.

Azhure Darkstone
Mar 9th, 2004, 03:42:23 AM
::Azhure looked at him and shook her head.::

So your here to save me from myself?

::She looked at him and nodded, then went to the compartment she had just closed and took out a report. her name should be quite familiar to him as she was one of the most wanted assisans and quite a few planets wanted her head. Lets see if she could trust him, would he or wouldnt he. A good jedi should stand for the law.::

Angel Of death.

Briadion Eglasser, Coruscant Abassador.
234 Garavuer. Grey hair. Brown eyes. Double chin.
6'3 tall. Scarre on his left arm near the elbow.

1200 Credits owing for CrimsonSun. Due tonight.
Grey eyes, long beard, beaky features. Goes by Name Lenard.

::It was a simple report, all facts. If Wei tried to find Lenard he would find him quite a still figure, somone had gotten to him two weeks after the assasination. She took the sheet from him and put it back in the compartment carefully, more like trying not to jam it in.::

Wei Wu Wei
Mar 13th, 2004, 10:23:23 AM
"And you assassinated this man?" Wei asked as he looked at the report.

Wei nodded. "I see. And do you regret what you have done?"

Wei made no moves to condemn or reprimand. no doubt she had done enough of that.

Azhure Darkstone
Mar 14th, 2004, 06:47:30 PM
::Azhure took the paper and put it back before answering.::

Regrets? Yes. It's a stain and also a matter of the law. It's a matter I can speak of now because of the lightside of the force. I would choose the darkness if I didnt regret it, and I have felt the darkness. They want to lock me up, some want to kill me under the law, and it is a jedi's duty to uphold the law is it not?

Wei Wu Wei
Mar 14th, 2004, 07:42:24 PM
Wei paused a moment to consider what Azhure said. "Yes. It is our duty to maintain peace. But we are not police officers. Peace is much more than merely making sure people follow the rules. Peace is being able to be comfortable with your life: past, present, and future. Peace is being comfortable with yourself and others."

Wei stood and took Azhure's hand in a comforting manner. "And how am I supposed to help you be at peace if I simply punish you and tell you how awful a person you are. You regret what you have done. That's good enough for me. Now, all that is left is to strive to change for the better."

Azhure Darkstone
Mar 16th, 2004, 12:38:17 AM
::She pulled her hand away, feeling uncomfortable about the gesture. So she could trust him then. However she didnt like to ask for help, it wasnt a natural triat and she wanted the conversation to be over.::

I'm better than I used to be if thats what you mean. It takes time.

Wei Wu Wei
Mar 16th, 2004, 07:47:52 AM
Wei realized he had made her uncomfortable, but managed to take it in stride. "That's good. And you are right. With time you can only get better. And as long as you are striving for it, I see no reason why you should be executed or punished."

There was a pause and Wei decided it might be best to go back to the Living Quarters.

"Thank you for the food, Azhure. If you need me for anything, do not hesitate to find me. I'll be more than happy to whatever I can for you."

Azhure Darkstone
Mar 19th, 2004, 12:59:27 AM
::She nodded and watched him, feeling unsettled. She knew that, she just couldnt do it alone, the one who could help her wasnt there and she wasnt sure about others.::

OOC: Matthias wasnt at gjo when we started this. keeping the timeline clean.

Wei Wu Wei
Mar 19th, 2004, 07:43:48 AM
Wei gave a brief smile and a polite nod of his head before walking down the boarding ramp and walking in the bright moonlight back to his room in the Living Quarters.

It had been quite a night. Now Wei was exhausted and his bed called to him.