View Full Version : Rain of Fire

Malick Rain
Dec 1st, 2003, 05:46:32 PM
In the eastern sky a ball of fire came crashing through the atmosphere slamming into the forested ground. The little skiff ship was nothing more then chunks of metal. From the rumble filled trenches dug by the crash landing near what was left of the cockpit a groaning noise could be heard.

Malick pushed heavy metal chunks away from his body until he could see the sky. He laid there for several moments then sat up and looked down at his left leg more at the long gash from hip to just above the knee that was bleeding.

"Blasted! I would have been fine but no everything had to be going until I prepared for landing. If I ever get back to curscant some people are going to pay for there treachery."

Malick rose slowly and then ripped what was left of his shirt to tie it around his leg to stop the bleeding. He winced as he took his first steps he was more dragging his left leg then walking on it. He looked around the remains of the ship for anything worth salvaging. His blaster still seemed in one piece other then that there was scrap metal and a few burning piles of clothing and food stuff.

Now which is that city Malick thought to himself. Any direction was as good as any he finally thought and started west. He choose the direction based on the trench and the sounds he heard coming from the east. He wanted to get as far away from those sounds as possible.

Dec 2nd, 2003, 12:45:56 AM
"How long?"

A scar-faced man stared at a single plume of smoke in the distance.

"Not half an hour past." Saricus, Mandalore's keenest warrior replied.

"Beastriders wouldn't dare be so careless. Offworlders?"

Saricus nodded.

"Our Acolytes saw it fall from the sky's zenith. This, and the fire can only mean we have visitors."

Mandalore squinted against the sunlight.

"Send your men. Ride high, sun on your back. Bring these visitors to me, dead or alive."

Saricus nodded curtly.

"Boldly I serve, Mandalore."

With that, Saricus placed his helm atop his head, and blasted off into the distance, the whine of his rocketpack echoing over the trees.

Malick Rain
Dec 2nd, 2003, 02:15:51 AM
He could here the whining of the engines gaining on him as he pushed himself through the brush. His pace was severally encumbered by his left leg and the fact he didn't know these woods. He swore he had been limping in circles how many times had he passed a similar tree.

He heard whining sound even more clearly now, what ever it was it was in the sky. He looked up and over his shoulder still limping along. He could see anything, just then he tripped in a hole the size of a average man. He spit the dirt from his mouth and rolled to his back to look skyward.

"I should have turned myself back in on curscant instead coming here. I have no clue where the heck I am anyway."

Malick checked his cell on his blaster and sighed. Only a couple of shots left and something skyward chasing me. Maybe if I lay here they will by pass me, if not I'll have to make a stand.

The sounds of whiny engines where growing even closer. Also the sound of a nearing beast could be heard. Malick saw himself in dire straights with not to many options left. Normally a resourceful man was caught outside his normal elements of the city. This wilderness was the last place he wanted to be right now.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 15th, 2003, 02:35:39 PM
[ooc: Mandalore dropped off the face of the earth, possibly due to finals. /ic:]

Saricus scanned the area as he flew over the crash site. Setting his feet on the ground, the Mandalorian warrior gave the broken ship a cursory check, and then looked to the direction the survivor had taken. He grunted, and fired up his jet pack once more, traveling high as he tracked the visitor. It was traveling roughly towards the City...

After a few moments he landed once more, having lost the signs of the visitor in an especially thick stand of trees. Once on the ground he could not pick up the trail again...which meant that he'd not gotten this far yet. The warrior's head snapped up, looking behind him as a creature howled nearby.

Very nearby. Saricus held his blaster pistol at the ready, and ventured into the brush.

Malick Rain
Dec 19th, 2003, 12:48:51 AM
He could see the beast now; it was something he had never seen before. Well being from curscant that wasn't so abnormal, only place you could see beast where in the zoo's. This one was fur covered and walked on four legs and had two long white fangs coming from its lower Jaw. It growled and howled and malick just hoped it didn't smell or spot him.

The beast seemed to continue in his direction and the sound of Jet engines couldn't be heard anymore. Man what a position he had gotten himself into this time. Maybe if he took off running the beast would be slower then he thought. Malick took one more look at his leg and decided against the running tactics and he highly doubted he could climb a tree.

Just then a vision popped into his head or a feeling he was sure all he knew is someone was heading for this spot. He looked at his gun again and thought about his two shots. He needs to make a stand soon.


Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 2nd, 2004, 11:04:53 PM
Sacrius pushed onward through the brush, watching carefully for sign of the beast he'd heard. The problem was, were there was one there were probably five. The saber-toothed creature had evolved mottled green fur, but the Mandalorian spotted it with his infared scanner.

Leveling off his blaster, he took careful aim...


He snapped his head to the left as the voice called out, and the beast moved at the same time, leaping for the hole in the ground. Sacrius squeezed off a shot, putting a clean hole through the beast's foreleg and sending it spinning to the ground clear of the hole. It leapt up again, snarling viciously, and he centered his sights between it's eyes.

Malick Rain
Jan 4th, 2004, 10:43:32 PM
He heard the beast land really close to the hole and a muffled shut. Then roars from the beast came from the deepest abyss of its throat. Malick popped his head out from the hole; he could only see the legs of the man that had fired at the beast. Then Malick raised his blaster and aimed for the back of the monsters head.

At nearly the same intense both men pulled the trigger and the beasts head exploded into a gory rain of flesh and grey matter. The beast body slumped to the ground and now both men where visible to each other. Malick still on lower ground being in the hole, he raised his blaster and steadied it on Sacrius.

"Who you be?"

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 15th, 2004, 02:48:34 PM
Sacrius holstered his blaster pistol, and then raised his hand once more. Pointing at the dark skinned stranger, the Mandalorian activated his wristlet, sending a dart into Rain's neck. Once it thumped into his skin, the stranger would nearly instantly become unconscious.

After that it would be simple enough to transport him into the city.