View Full Version : Finding his feet (open)

Dec 1st, 2003, 08:18:48 AM
-Gray wandered into the room, he pulled the hood of his trenchcoat back, slowing a momment to brush the water from himself.
The trenchcoat remained half buttoned up, an attempt to not seem uncomfortable but to remain incognito.
It was never a good idea to flash around such armour, he had learnt that the hard way.

Gray was wandering the galaxy, the list of things to do in his was rapidly growing but still he took the time to learn.
Gray had been out of the lingo for quite some time forcing him to find his feet again, cryostasis had a nasty habit of going wrong like that, Gray now had over 500 years of catching up to do.

As it happens, Gray is infact looking for a ship and some equipment, possibley even a job or two, but the fact that he is here is purely coincidence.

He casualy but confidently strides across the room, his fatigue showing slightly.
The subtle flavour of military gait was too much to go unoticed by the more observant.
He noded to the bar tender as he sat himself on a stool, his technique inadvertantly giving clue to his well developed sense of visiting bars.-

"...Anything with caffine,.......as dark as I can get it..."

imported_Grev Drasen
Dec 1st, 2003, 05:45:18 PM
“Stuff’ll do you no good…”

He wasn’t all that social. In fact, he hated mindless conversation. What had persuaded him to speak up, well, he still had no idea. He eyed the man for moment before turning back to his own drink. Water, no ice.

A bland drink, it fitted him nicely.

Dec 3rd, 2003, 09:06:47 AM
"..Yeah, I hear ya..."

-He rolled his head, his hand on the back of his neck squeezed the aching muscle.-

"...but blasters are worse..."

imported_Grev Drasen
Dec 21st, 2003, 04:43:57 PM
“Blasters get the job done quicker,”

He paused, cutting the small talk.

“I’m sure you didn’t come here just for the coffee.”

Feb 5th, 2004, 06:58:46 AM
[OOC: I'm pretty sure I'm about to get into the record books with this post. Longest response time ever.
Oh well, better late then never!]


"Whoa, slow down there ice water."

-His tone remained relaxed.-

And besides, who ever comes just for the drinks?

Feb 24th, 2004, 11:26:01 AM
-The other seemed to grow bored of the small talk.
Frankly, so was Gray.
He swiveld about-turn on his stool, he looked around the establishment as he cradled his drink.
Taking the odd sip or two, he waited.
He sought out with his eyes, someone who looked like more then just a frequenter of a water hole.

Gray was looking for a job but had no idea where to start.
By a few well placed questions and answers (some bribed, some "convinced") he had learned that this region was generaly good for work of the less-then-legal nature.

He spotted one such individual across the room.-

Feb 24th, 2004, 10:11:17 PM
Hera was crossing the room from her office to the bar as Gray had turned in his seat. Grev was sitting beside him, drinking and killing time.

Gray saw Hera, and his stare remained on her even as she approached and seated herself beside him.

Her cool gaze settled on him as she spoke.

"What's your problem?"

Her gaze dropped, taking in his general appearance and lifted once more.

"Nice coat"

Feb 25th, 2004, 03:28:43 AM
-A slight smirk crossed his face, his gravely voice returned to his lips.-

"My coat is many things, madam; nice, although, is not a word I would choose...

-He read between the lines of her words but he chose to keep things light, you can never be to careful.
He took anothr sip.-

"...functional perhaps.
But what makes me think a person such as yourself isn't exactly interested in my coat.?""

Feb 25th, 2004, 09:01:08 PM
"Oh, I dont know - because yer a genius?"

She grinned at him, as she ordered a rum from the bartender.

"My name is Hera. Who are you?"

Feb 26th, 2004, 07:40:35 AM

-His concise response was followed with a casual little bow, although it resembled more of a slight nod.

His reflex was to address himself as an officer but he needed to shake that habit. Weeks of traveling and still he haden't dropped that little habit.

It's little things like that, that get people killed.-

Feb 27th, 2004, 10:24:42 PM
"Nice to meet you Lieu Gray"

The pleasantry was automatic, as if she were ordering pizza, and sipped her rum perfunctorily.

"What brings you to this part of the galaxy?"

Feb 28th, 2004, 09:28:52 AM
"Oh, well that one's easy."

-He said with a slight grin.-

"I endevour to seek honor and justice in the form of coin and goods."

-He quoted it jovialy, not a real promise, a joke.

"The words of an honoury soldier of fortune."

Feb 28th, 2004, 06:51:50 PM
"Soldier of Fortune - I like that"

She looked at him, interest sparking slightly.

"Do any jobs I might have heard about?"

Feb 29th, 2004, 06:03:01 AM
"Well, the most recent to hit the healines, I suppose, was that raid on Corelia.
The neutralisation of 37 armed personell and the bombing of that cargo depo.
Been there, did it solo, got the blaster marks...
But oh it was worth it to see it on those guys faces.
They didn't think I'd pull it of within the week.
He, he..."