View Full Version : I would like to apologize.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Nov 30th, 2003, 04:28:09 PM
Yeah, I kinda just left without saying a word. Left to Meras anyway. I'm just can't get into the RP spirit anymore.
I believe I have grown out of that portion of my life.

I have some things I must do here still, like pay Lady Vader 20 bucks in quarters, and just post as my annoying self for awhile longer. 3 times, I have sat down and tried to create a training thread for Zatania. Twice during college break, once at home. I just couldn't do it. Perhaps I can no longer RP when the fast replys of yesterday have transformed into paragraph long post/stories of today.

I can't even blame my missing on games.
I quit SWG. It got to crappy.

I'll still try to be alive though.

I'm sad to say though, from reading the posts and such, that TSO seems to be nearing her final days. Lack of interest in Star Wars RPing it seems.

Zereth Lancer
Dec 1st, 2003, 10:19:32 PM
I sadly agree with you on the fact that TSO is dying.............but it seems like its been that way for a while though........

im sorry to hear that you dont feel like RPing anymore Dyzm....

Dark Lord Rivin
Dec 2nd, 2003, 11:39:28 AM
As long as I am still around, There will still be at least one person posting at TSO.

I'm sad that you could not continue with your RPing, and if you wish I will take on Zatania for Training.

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 2nd, 2003, 12:03:45 PM
Of course it's going to die if everyone consigns it to that fate and abandons it.

Dark Lord Rivin
Dec 2nd, 2003, 12:09:52 PM
I will not abandon TSO... If only one other person agrees not to give up on TSO then there will still be RPs here. Heck if I have to I will just RP between my many characters, just to keep it going.

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 2nd, 2003, 12:11:05 PM
What we need is a huge influx of newbies, who come here instead of GJO. Having people making multiple characters just doesn't help, since for most its hard to juggle about multiple storylines due to time constraints.

Dark Lord Rivin
Dec 2nd, 2003, 12:23:33 PM
I know... the problem is we don't have the knights/masters to except them into the order, and then train them. Maybe if some incentive was given to people to get them to join. Like put up a poster in OOC advertising for TSO. Start a thread in the OOC forem here which is a contest for Newbies to post a detailed background history for a new Sith character, durring a set amount of time, and the top three best Background histories writen get to bring the character they wrote the background for, into TSO as a Knight or at least get them premoted to a knight quickly.

It's only an Idea, but.... Is it worth a shot?

Zereth Lancer
Dec 2nd, 2003, 04:32:44 PM
I say we should reincarnate (sp) dead with masters to lead us into a new age of the sith.....or we could just appoint new knights.......

Je'gan Olra'en
Dec 3rd, 2003, 09:19:27 AM
I think I'm with Rivin on this. I'll certainly be posting in TSO, no matter what the lack of interest, and both his and Zereth's ideas sound good.

Yeah...we need some n00bs...besides me that is.

Dec 3rd, 2003, 11:21:38 AM
Originally posted by Dark Lord Rivin
I know... the problem is we don't have the knights/masters to except them into the order, and then train them. Maybe if some incentive was given to people to get them to join. Like put up a poster in OOC advertising for TSO. Start a thread in the OOC forem here which is a contest for Newbies to post a detailed background history for a new Sith character, durring a set amount of time, and the top three best Background histories writen get to bring the character they wrote the background for, into TSO as a Knight or at least get them premoted to a knight quickly.

It's only an Idea, but.... Is it worth a shot?

The problem with this idea is the problem I already addressed - there just aren't enough real newbies around. It's pretty rare that we get someone totally new wandering in and sticking around.

Dark Lord Rivin
Dec 3rd, 2003, 11:45:30 AM
We could put an advertisment in OOC in the Main part of the board to get them here. Hopefuly the contest will get them to stay. We nead to find a way to bring out the evil in people, Find Jedi we could convert. the sith need to be more active in order to attract attention.

Most newbies are attracted to a chance for quick premotions if part of the qualifactions of entering the contest was that they had to join TSO after they posted their background. Part of the contest could also be on how well they play their character from the background they provied.

If this went through I would be willing to judge the contest with the help of others.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Dec 4th, 2003, 03:39:46 AM
I remember the days when we had TRUE new people popping up everywhere. When the Phantom menace had just released it was. People jumping on the Star Wars bandwagon and this new type of thing called "Internet Forums." Everyone had a forum, and you could search EZboard for days and not find all the Star Wars Forums. I use to go around posting every other day inviting the people to TSC forums. *sigh* back then everyone hadn't yet stuck sticks up there buts and created all these "RP RULES" back when everyone use to jump from the rafters, and Alpha was going from Jedi group to sith group daily.
Oh, and lets not forget how everyone hated the Sith Council, where we had plenty of enemies to pick a fight with.
Now days, if anyone remotely resembles an Gue/Itala figure head, they get cursed into oblivion and kicked out.

Dec 4th, 2003, 09:50:35 AM
Im a total newbie. the problem is I dont have a master and I have been on for weeks now. can anyone help?

Dec 4th, 2003, 08:26:43 PM
I'm not sure about making a contest out of things to get people to join. We should try to avoid making this into a game show or something. Personally I like having a smaller number of members. It's less confusing, a lot easier to understand who's who and whats going on.

I think one of the main problems is that nobody really likes being at apprentice level forever. And people hate being at apprentice level without a master more. The best solution I can think of is to start bumping people up more quickly (Je'gan, you're gonna be doing so soon) The more knights we have the less untrained, masterless apprentices there are.

And in my eyes, the biggest problem of all is there really doesn't seem to be any "team unity" or "spirit". I'm not sure exactly how to raise these levels, mainly because I get an idea then it gets way to big for anyone to really make sense of. But if you think of the Sith Order as a football team, we really haven't played a good game in a long time. Last one I can remember was the time the Krath were giving Je'gan (I think it was Je'gan) trouble. Before that were the training missions.

We need more players and we need a game for them to play in. Hanging around the Palace is fun and all, but it gets old and people get board. I think if we make a point to put out a "game" every month and a half (give or take) with some Jedi or the Krath or whoever, things will be more enjoyable.

So what ever people's thoughts are on this, just talk. I'm done rambling.

Dec 5th, 2003, 05:16:53 AM
I didnt know you at all Dyzm but I read your writing and I liked it alot was actually what kept me interested in the Sith forums. Im sure after a well deserved break youll find the heart to delve back into this fictional galaxy with us :p

Well I had a plan already in the works that ..could involve the Sith. I had attempted to contact one of your leaders, which by the way, is like spinning a globe then sticking a finger to a random place on the map. Lady Vader seemed like the "Leader" of you lot so i messaged my proposal to her. But i have yet to hear back.

A roll call of your ranks might help to see whos here and active and who isnt.

As I see it Sith knights are rare..honestly ive seen maybe one or two? That are fairly active, the main being Rivin.

Also if you look at the Jedi they create threads for the expressed purpose of getting together "Spira bound" for example.

This could benefit the Sith in two ways. One you would all meet and get to know each other. Im not saying break out the short shorts and beach balls but a gathering would be good.

Two. Noobies patrolling the boards might catch the thread and read it and become interested and want to join.

They also have short bio's at a glance which are great in see'ing the various people who are participating. Also giving information for future roleplaying encounters

Make yourself known and more of a prescence to the boards. Hopefully if Lady Vader responds I can help you in doing this.

Salem Ave
Dec 5th, 2003, 06:01:24 AM
As I see it Sith knights are rare..honestly ive seen maybe one or two? That are fairly active, the main being Rivin.

Hello. I'm almost always here. Whether or not I post is a matter of whether or not I can see Salem doing certain things, that Rivin might be doing, IC.

Also if you look at the Jedi they create threads for the expressed purpose of getting together "Spira bound" for example.

The main problem with this is personality clashes. IC, not everyone gets along. I could start something like this, but its unlikely we'd go out to do anything but kill together. I suppose we could go hunting or some such. It's an old cliché, but retrieving an artifact is always good. Perhaps we could go on a mission to retrieve a sword for the Council - it's not magical or anything like that, before you ask, it just holds sentimental value or some such.


here you go


anyone can join that.

Lady Vader
Dec 8th, 2003, 07:30:39 PM
Of course it's going to die if everyone consigns it to that fate and abandons it.


Ok, folks, this place won't die so long as we think it won't die. We keep thinking in the negative and it'll seep right through the cracks of forgetfullness.

The reason RPing is slow is because it's the dead center between SW movies. This happened way back between E1 and E2. And it's not just here. Things are slow everywhere... to varrying degrees.

Dzym, I'm sorry to hear you don't want tp RP anymore. I pray you chainge your mind. You've been a wonder here at TSO, and a good friend.

Warlock (and all the other names :p), THANK YOU so much for being around. It's been difficult for me to get on often now. And in recent days, life has decided to kick me in my non-existant balls. Yet somehow I keep placing a foot forward and posting here. (I must be stubborn :p)

Tear, I read your proposal and i'm very interested to hear more. Why don't you start a RP here in the Chamber and we can take it from there.

TRUST me when I say that once E3 begins to come closer, we will indeed be getting an influx of newbies. It's called the "bell curve" (in this case, I guess it could be considered a "U" curve, but it works the same).

Dark Lord Dyzm
Dec 9th, 2003, 02:28:14 AM
Sorry, going to be a negitive person right now:

LV, we thought episode 2 would show a great influx of new people, it did, but not as great as the Episode 1 release.

Our biggest drawback is people can't do easy online searches. We don't have a links to any great Star War website, and vice versa. We are nearly impossible to find on the web. I did a standard search, and it took me forever to find SWforums.

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 9th, 2003, 02:45:56 AM
It's now actually against ezboards rules to do off-site advertising (I've seen people get globally banned for spam advertising), so that's out of the question.

Dec 9th, 2003, 03:06:21 AM
Hmm..I came to these boards by doing a simple google search for "Star wars Roleplaying" there was a bunch but SWfans was on the first page of the search.

You have to remember to Episode 1 was Tailored to little kids. George Lucas told everyone that when he was making it. Sewing the seeds for a new generation of Star wars lovers. (Probably why most of us detested it.."Now this is pod racing!" *cringe*)

Roleplay for fun Dyzm. If its not fun for ya..no biggy give it some time. Someday you might return with a renewed enthusiasm. Everyone burns out sometimes. Just live your life:)

Zatania Duvall
Jan 5th, 2004, 09:48:52 AM
Its alright Dyzm, I already had a training thread started with someone else. Plus I disappeared for a long time myself(which I apologize for too). I know the feeling of not wanting to RP anymore, although I didn't get to the point you have. It's too much of an addiction for me. lmao

Kria'thn Ki
Jan 8th, 2004, 09:10:12 AM
Hi well I am a newbie to the game here as a whole. I just came from another play by post rpg so I hope I can get in the spirit of things here.

I’ve posted on the join the order board, with what I hope is a unique character. If you'll accept me i'll be happy to join.

Lord Van-Derveld
Jan 10th, 2004, 10:40:58 AM
:wave welcome to the boards Kria'thn

Kria'thn Ki
Jan 10th, 2004, 01:32:07 PM
Thank you :)

Oolana Taine
Jan 14th, 2004, 09:37:01 PM
I'm sorry for disapearing for a bit but I plan on sticking around for awhile. And even tho my CT still says apprentice I am a knight whos ready and willing to take on an apprentice or two.

I'm also sad to see you go Dyzm thanks for being my master, even tho training wasn't that long it was still goodtimes.