View Full Version : Plots

Alexander Emerson
Nov 30th, 2003, 10:29:10 AM
I've had trouble with this in the past but I'd like to know how everyone comes up with ideas for plots and how you keep them alive. I can come up with a plot but sometimes I just let them die and the thread itself dies because it gets boring in the end.

How do you keep your stories alive and glowing?:rollin

Morgan Evanar
Nov 30th, 2003, 10:47:16 AM
I figure out something to bring the story to the close. I usually have a begining and an end. My bigger stories have waypoints in the middle.

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 30th, 2003, 12:57:20 PM
I have a big stick that I run around and beat the people who've stopped posting with.

If the storyline is interesting enough, and you have just the right people with you in the RP - it just happens. I've had so many die it isn't funny. Just a fact of life.

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 30th, 2003, 07:29:43 PM
Whenever I want to do a major character development thread, or a series of threads with one major end result, I get together all the people I will need for the threads, discuss what I want to do with them and how the threads will run, and then I get going with it.

Alexander Emerson
Nov 30th, 2003, 10:05:55 PM
Yeah. I'm trying to figure out how to keep threads alive. I don't remember having one thread where I actually finished the story. I try having it preplanned in my head but sometimes it doesn't end up the same way I thought it would or the plot happens TOO quickly and the thread becomes too short. ya know?

Nov 30th, 2003, 10:20:14 PM
Originally posted by Alexander Emerson
Yeah. I'm trying to figure out how to keep threads alive. I don't remember having one thread where I actually finished the story. I try having it preplanned in my head but sometimes it doesn't end up the same way I thought it would or the plot happens TOO quickly and the thread becomes too short. ya know?

I've had that happen to me soooo much.

I keep my expectations on other people's replies low, and then when it's interesting and well written I can be pleasently suprised.

If ya want I'm looking to RP with anyone at the mo, I've been in Roleplaying limbo.

Telan Desaria
Dec 1st, 2003, 05:36:09 PM
Dream. If you can picture yourself in the stories sometimes, then it plays itself in your mind.