View Full Version : A long forgotten soldier.

Nov 29th, 2003, 10:27:00 AM
-It was a crisp morning on coruscant, already the traffic of people matched the busseyness of the skyways.
Gray wore a trenchcoat which coverd his suit, his helmet was on pack-down mode, all an effort to travel incognito.
He had the "just cam of a transport" look on him; tired, weary and his bag still slung over his shoulder.

He stopped at a crossway along the walk, the tall man peeked at least a foot above the rest of the normal crowd so he had no trouble seeing the billboard, although he had a bit of a hard time trying to work out what was where.
Where he came from, roads were exclusively laid out on ground level.

He lifted his left arm and pulled back a sleeve, the gauntlets were also packed-down, leaving his hands bare, but the armoured sleeve remained.
He lifted a panel to reveal a touch-screen interface, he had already began to program in the topography he had covered so far but he still had along way to go before his map was of any real worth.-

Nov 29th, 2003, 08:22:22 PM
The Slicer sat at a dank table, covered by the shadows cast by the over-head awning made of cloth that protruded outward from the concrete building. The only part of Eldorack that was showing was the lower part of his shins that were coverd in jeans. The mohogony table was dark and dust coverd, except for the ring that the goblet filled with ale had made. The bar that the Mercinary currently resided in was at the moment bustling as it usually did every night. Eldorack reached out his hand and grasped the mug of beer and lifted it to drink from when he noticed a man calculating something upon a type of touch pad that was located on his gauntlet. Eldorack took a drink and set the cup down, watching the lone man the whole time.

Nov 30th, 2003, 05:51:07 AM
-Gray spotted a bar not to far off, he grabbed the opertunity to take a quick break from his footwork.
He went up to the bar to grab a drink, he couldn't afford to get sluggish just yet so he opted for a large black coffee.

He wound his way throught the tables with his mug, trying not to spill the drink which the barman had filled right to the brim.
His cognitive proccesses where refined to spot suspicious characters so in a bar like this his alarm bells were going ballistic, which is why he was ignoring them as best he could.

He found an empty table under some shade, perfect for wanting to remain unnoticed as much as possible.
He placed the coffee on the table and placed his bag on a chair at the table whilst he sat on another.-

Dec 6th, 2003, 03:15:15 PM
The shadows made by the awning overhead still clung to the Mercianry as he sank back in his chair. Eldoracks arm rested upon the hilt of his heavy blaster pistol that was residing in his holster at his side. His other hand was firmly grasped upon the outside of the goblet that was filled with the finest ale that the little pub had to offer. Eldoracks thumb gently stroked the arm of the mug. The Assasin payed no heed to the occupants that filled the tavern this night, but something shimmered in the light of the bar. It shown silver and Eldorack looked up to see what the object was.

The object shimmered once more in the light and the Slicers keen eyes caught hold of the object. It was a peice of armor that a man wore. He was apparently trying to hide it from the onlookers, but he did not do a good enough job of hiding the armor. Eldorack followed the suspect with only his eyes. The man made his way over to where Eldorack was sitting and he must not have seen the Mercinary, for he kept moving on to the table next to Eldorack. The Slicer wondered what the strange man held in his bag, but he already had his scanners upon the bag.

"And what may I ask is your name."

Feb 5th, 2004, 07:08:50 AM
OOC: Sorry for the slooooooooo reply!


"Well that all depends on your intentions."

-He took another sip.-

"In the event that you should proove to be unfriendly, you would have no reason to tell the truth and thus ther is no way for me to know of such intentions."

-A hand gestured the slicer to the chair opposite himself.-

"Which is why my label remains unknown in present cirumstances.
I'm sure you understand.

So you can call me "soldier" for now.
But what of you friend, by what name do I call you?"