View Full Version : The Accord (open to Jedi and New Republic)

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Nov 29th, 2003, 02:52:48 AM
A white shuttlecraft plied through the thick skies of Coruscant. Its path was secured from regular traffic, on a skylane reserved for diplomatic or emergency use. At each flank of the shuttle, white Keerta fightergrapplers followed, running escort mainly as an act of formality. At the center of the New Republic, they were in no danger.

A message broadcast from the shuttlecraft, as it approached the Jedi Temple's superstructure.

"We carrrrrrjy the ssstandarrrd of ourrr Prrrjide Motherrr, Leaderrr of the Cjizerrrack Prrrjide and all of Herrr Domjinjion. We rrrequessst an audjience wjith memberrrsss of the Jedji Orrrderrr, asss rrreprrresssentatjivesss of the New Rrrepubljic. Ourrr Leaderrr hasss sssent Herrr hjighessst ssserrrvant, to ssspeak jin trrrussst of ourrr two natjionsss futurrre."

The shuttle continued on its path, and then landed on a nearby pad, adjacent to the Temple. The message more than likely would pique the interest of the Jedi, if not the New Republic in its entirety.

Dasquian Belargic
Nov 29th, 2003, 10:57:28 AM
Among those heading out to receive the representatives from the Cizerack Pride was Dasquian Belargic. He was looking decidedly flustered, no doubt because of the unexpected arrival of the shuttle and its passengers. As he paced across the walkway from the Order to the landing pad, he calmed his nerves and assured himself that the Pride's intentions must have been good and pure for them to come right into Republic space, with so little protection.

Stopping, he watched as the land ramp of the craft lowered. No one had emerged yet, but when they did, he would be ready to receive them on behalf of Coruscant, the Republic and the Jedi Order.

Estelle Russard
Nov 29th, 2003, 03:14:04 PM
Estelle stood beside Dasquian as they awaited the Cizerack entourage.

If she was nervous, it did not show. Demure by nature, the Jedi held the poise that had seen her through many unpredictable situations. Inwardly, she wondered if it would be the Emissary Sarrtarroa that would emerge from the shuttle - she had not seen Keerrourri in a very long time and, if nothing else, was looking forward to seeing him once again. His distinguished company had been pleasant, though granted, social. This was an Official visit and Estelle was curious to see the Cizerack as he functioned in his Royal Representitive capacity.

She exchanged a glance with Dasquian next to her. Neither of them quite knew what to expect.

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Nov 29th, 2003, 08:03:43 PM
Out of the opened shuttlecraft, two columns of Cizerack guardsmen exited. The tops of their felinoid heads were covered in gleaming black helmets and visors. At each side of their dress uniforms was a ceremonial blaster rifle, and a short vibroblade.

The guardsmen walked in cadence, and formed a box-shaped perimeter, enveloping the two Jedi and the opening of the shuttle. As the last of their boots stopped pounding the pavement, all 30 of them stood still as statues. In the silence that passed, a female officer stepped down the gangplank. Her lithe form wore the familiar red uniform of the Pride, and her blonde tresses were pulled back in tiny braids, which were bound and then draped across her slim shoulders. Compared to Estelle and even Dasquian, the female was noticably taller. Her features were delicate and sleek, like a dancer, and her eyes were as blue as tropical water. She smiled warmly to the two Jedi, and in human formal tradition, she bowed, the beads at the ends of her thin braids clinking against each other.

Rising, the female removed a small device from a pocket, and pressed it against her temple, where it stuck, a small blue light blinking once in place. She then spoke, a pleasant voice in fluent, perfect basic.

"Greetings Master and Mistress Jedi. I am Huntress Commander Aiaarra Laeedrraa, of the Cizerack Pride."

Estelle Russard
Nov 29th, 2003, 09:35:11 PM
The impressive force surrounding them was a little daunting. Their efficient and stoic presence, by its very execution, was designed to intimidate. But, the felinoid Representative delivered a polite and respectful greeting.

Returning the bow, Estelle greeted Aiaarra.

"Welcome, Commander Laeedrraa. My name is Estelle Russard and this" she turned, opening her hand to Dasquian, "is Dasquian Belargic"

Dasquian Belargic
Nov 30th, 2003, 03:44:10 AM
"Welcome to Coruscant, Commander Laeedrraa."

Dasquian echoed. He smiled politely, as he glanced appraisingly at the troops that had filed out of the transport. Their discipline was impressive, and the Knight made a mental note to comment on this at a later time.

"If you'd like to follow us, I believe we can proceed back to the Temple to a suitable venue where we may discuss whatever it is that you wish to confer on."

This said, the Hallaeran Jedi turned slightly, and motioned back towards the pristine towers of the Jedi Order.

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Dec 1st, 2003, 03:35:01 PM
"I thank you for your generosity, Master Belargic."

Her blue eyes turned to Estelle.

"Before our entourage accepts your hospitality, I would invite Mistress Russard aboard my shuttlecraft."

Her request is unusual, so she elaborates.

"It will just be for a moment."

Estelle Russard
Dec 1st, 2003, 10:38:41 PM
Estelle looked to Dasquian for some indication of what he thought of this request, but he looked as similarly surprised as she. He even seemed to raise on his toes a little in order to facillitate a peek into the shuttle doorway from where he stood.

The chances of something untoward being planned could not be discounted where the Cizerack were concerned. But to try something here - a lone ship in the heart of the New Republic -seemed a bit of a reach, even for the Pride.

Estelle felt no animosity from Commander Laeedrraa, no warning check in her own senses, and so she stepped forward.

"Certainly Commander. However, Im certain Master Belargic would like to see your splendid ship also."

She smiled sweetly. "Would that be alright?"

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Dec 2nd, 2003, 12:32:59 AM
Laeedrraa smiled politely.

"I am sure there will be a time for such things later. However, my superior wishes to meet with you, alone."

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 2nd, 2003, 07:03:58 AM
Lion El' Jonson slowly approached the landing pad, his white Admiral's uniform standing out against the generally drab sky of Coruscant. He felt slightly nervous at the prospect of the discussion with the Cizerack, but nevertheless continued on towards the shuttle. Behind him, completely noiseless, were his two Noghri bodyguard, Kharatakh and Daratakh, both of clan Ai'Klar. Shrouded as they were in simple grey cloaks, they could be mistaken for Jawas, but Lion had a feeling the Cizerack would recognize a Noghri.

He walked up alongside his Master Dasquian and Mistress Estelle, nodding in greeting but otherwise doing nothing to interrupt their discussions. He noticed the Cizerack Emissary's eyes flash towards him once, before they returned to Dasquian and Estelle. He was unsure whether it would be wise to butt in with an introduction. When nobody spoke, he finally made up his mind. He took an elaborate bow, before straightening up impressively.

"Mistress Emissary, my name is Lion El' Jonson, Fleet Admiral in the New Republic Navy. These are my bodyguards, Kharatakh and Daratakh."

He decided to withhold the fact that he was also a Jedi...no need to play that card until later.

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 2nd, 2003, 10:46:15 AM
The Cizerack wouldn't try anything now that they were on Coruscant would they? Dasquian was fairly certain he knew the answer to that – and, of course, was confident in Estelle's ability to take care of herself. He gave a nod to her, and then smiled slightly at Lion's arrival.

Estelle Russard
Dec 2nd, 2003, 08:56:20 PM
Estelle understood that dealing with the Cizerack in any degree involved a liberal 'give and take.' The Pride were used to having their own way in many things, and the Commander no doubt was no different. Her authoritive and calm delivery of the denied request..or rather, the deferred request - which could mean the exact same thing in the end - offered no real wriggle room for the Jedi. To refuse would raise insult and could set the tone for the talks to come.

"Very well, as you prefer, Commander"

The look she gave Dasquian conveyed that they were both much of the same mind on the matter.

Before following the Cizerack Officer up the ramp, Estelle turned and greeted Lion, and then said to both her fellow Jedi with pointed emphasis and an intoning look,

"I dont intend to be long"

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Dec 3rd, 2003, 03:47:07 PM
Laeedrraa remained at the threshold of the door, gesturing for Estelle to enter. When she did, she could see little of the shuttle's interior. The lights were out inside.

"Long have jI wanted thjisss dajy to come."

Two glowing blue eyes reflected the scant light back at Estelle.

"Mjissssssjing jyou hasss made mjy hearrrt ache wjith unendjing pajin."

A familiar face approached, just enough to shed the shroud of shadow. His beautiful, aristocratic features smiled at Estelle.

Estelle Russard
Dec 4th, 2003, 10:23:09 PM
"Keerrourri" the pleasant surprise was obvious in her voice as she greeted the Cizerack with familiarity. Remembering where she was, and who he was, she was quick to ammend herself for the benefit of the Commander standing behind her.

"Emissary Sarrtarroa, it is a happy turn to see you again." But the stiff formality failed her the more she spoke on. "I was hoping you would be here, Keerrou--Emissary. It has been too long since we've spoken."

She walked forward, both hands outstretched and took both his own in a warm greeting.

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Dec 7th, 2003, 04:23:09 AM
Inside the shuttle, where no others could see them, Keerrourri appeased Estelles affections, taking both of her hands and squeezing them slightly. He leaned down, and gently kissed each side of her face, the gesture blurring the line between intimacy and formality.

"And jI, jyou."

He smiled.

"Asss busssjy asss jI have been, jI thjink jyou arrre busssjierrr ssstjill."

The Emissary bent his arm at an angle, offering Estelle formal escort out of the shuttle.

Estelle Russard
Dec 7th, 2003, 03:39:58 PM
As times before, when Keerrourri placed himself in such close proximty to her, the heat and color rose from the base of her throat to her face in a pretty blush.

Estelle had changed - grown- since Sarrtarroa had last seen her. She was fast becoming a confident and competent woman, not so much the shy little farm girl of old. But still, she found herself floundering as she always did in the distinguished Cizerack's attentions.

She gracefully threaded her arm through his and fell into step with him.

"True" she aggreed with a smile, "there never seems enough hours in a day.

That is why I understand this visit from the Pride is not a social one, but of a business nature. It must be important for you to be here, Keerourri...?"

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Dec 18th, 2003, 09:20:03 PM
The Emissary nodded.

"jYou arrre corrrrrrect, mjy ladjy."

Arm-in-arm, they walked outside. Sarrtarroa nodded to his subordinate, who trailed behind at a respectful distance, and eventually tidied up the gangplank once Keer and Estelle were away from it, and closer to the Jedi.

"jI have come to fulfjill a ssspecjial rrrequessst bjy the Prrrjide Motherrr."

He looked deeply into her dark eyes.

"Ourrr Motherrr hasss exprrressssssed herrr wjisssh, to jojin the New Rrrepubljic."

Estelle Russard
Dec 21st, 2003, 10:01:26 PM
Estelle took a square look at Keerrourri, clearly surprised by his statement.

"That.." she tried to choose her words diplomatically, "...would be quite a change for the Pride.."

He could feel her steps slow, just a little, as she wanted some more detail if she could manage it.

"What brought Her Highness to this idea?"

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Dec 27th, 2003, 04:51:33 PM
"We cannot prrretend anjy morrre, Essstelle. The Prrrjide hasss jinfluence, but alone, we cannot prrrosssperrr jin the sssame wajy that we could jif we werrre to jojin the Rrrepubljic. Ourrr Motherrr hasss to put asssjide the old prrrejudjicesss, and thjink forrr herrr people."

Sarrtarroa smiled.

"jI hope thjisss newsss jisss pleasssjing to jyou."

Estelle Russard
Dec 27th, 2003, 11:05:56 PM
The news was more surprising than anything else, though Estelle smiled and nodded pleasantly to Keerrourri.

Her sheltered upbringing did not prepare her for issues that would have such universal ramifications, and she was woefully ill-equiped to address such matters.

However, what the Order knew of the Pride was that they were intensely commercially driven, and usually honored any trade contracts that they made.

It would be interesting to see what the Elders made of this development. For her part, Estelle trusted Keerrourri completely - he had only ever shown her courtesy and respect. But Keerrourri was not the Pride. The Pride Mother, and her nine billion subjects, may be a different prospect indeed.

Coming up now to the waiting Jedi, Estelle guided Sarrtarroa to the introductions and then the small entourage moved forward to pass into the Grand Hall of the Order.

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 28th, 2003, 07:16:53 AM
Dasquian followed the group without a word. The Cizerack Pride merging with the New Republic was an unusual piece of news. In a way, it would be a profitable venture – the Cizerack were known to have a formidable fleet and army. Their culture was vastly different to that of the Republic, however, and because of this Dasquian foresaw some conflicts within.

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Jan 6th, 2004, 07:02:10 PM
OOC: Should this be continued in Avolon or something?

Estelle Russard
Jan 7th, 2004, 12:27:14 AM
I dont think Keer has access to Avalon, but we could continue in the GJO Grounds, though I dont really think it necessary. but, its your thread, we follow you. :)

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 20th, 2004, 01:16:09 PM
(Continued here (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&postid=623364#post623364))