View Full Version : Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Nov 29th, 2003, 12:56:35 AM
I'm anxious to draw Imperials, NR, and Confederacy into open war, all with each other. This thread will be for discussing such strategy.

Here goes the beginning:

VaderLoungie: I got a crazy idea
iWhoSaysNi: ?
VaderLoungie: the Cizerack join the New Republic
iWhoSaysNi: I'm listening
VaderLoungie: they aren't stupid. 1 on 1 vs the NR, they'll never win in a direct military struggle
iWhoSaysNi: ok
VaderLoungie: however, if they offered their allegiance to the NR, to protect and enrich the NR fringe worlds, it would offer leverage
VaderLoungie: the best way to defeat your enemy is to appear as a friend
iWhoSaysNi: mmhmmn
VaderLoungie: that way, you can nickel and dime more power, more authority, through false pretenses
VaderLoungie: oh, well "guerrilla fighters" seem to be disrupting humanitarian aid?
iWhoSaysNi: =]
VaderLoungie: well, we need to declare martial law...for the safety of the NR, of course
VaderLoungie: who wants to help the Cizerack provide for your farming community? Who wants to join the Cizerack special guard? We'll work together as friends :-)
VaderLoungie: Just be careful, you never know who might be conspiring against our friendship
iWhoSaysNi: aww
VaderLoungie: it could even be friends, or family
VaderLoungie: if you discover dissent, you should report it to the authorities immediately
VaderLoungie: ^_^
VaderLoungie: then when the NR starts to go "Hey, whoa!"
VaderLoungie: ...well, is that really the NR, or are those shadowy special interests, intent on sabotaging our peaceful alliance?
VaderLoungie: by the time it degenerates to open arms, the Cizerack will have bled the NR of a good chunk of its power and influence, even among some of its own worlds ^_^
VaderLoungie: combine that with the rest of the confederacy's droid armies, it'll make for an interesting conflict
iWhoSaysNi: aye
VaderLoungie: thats why I kinda want your chr to be a human :-)
VaderLoungie: genial, likeable, etc
VaderLoungie: trust us :-)
iWhoSaysNi: =]

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 30th, 2003, 08:46:02 PM
Sounds fascinating...

Dec 1st, 2003, 02:53:03 AM
Kinda doing a parallel to the rise of Nazism.

This is really the only way the Cizerack have a prayer at fighting a superpower like the NR in open war. They've got to turn a calloused hide into a soft underbelly. This false peace will not only lower the NR guard, it will also have the added effect of drawing some of the NR's own worlds into a sympathetic light with the felinoids. By the time the NR takes action, the people living on the frontier would be convinced their government was backing clandestine terror activities in order to sour the peaceful coexistence. Some planets would align themselves to the Cizerack, once the veil was lifted and open warfare became a reality.

This works very well with Keerrourri's relationship with Estelle, since the Jedi sees him in such a high regard. He can use her as leverage and possibly even have her serve as a voice of good repute in the Pride's favor.

Further, I want to try and experiment with some interesting parallels. Notably, groups similar to the Fuhrerjungen - Hitler Youth (I think I botched the german, o well). Have an excitable younger generation of untermensch races so wound up in excitement and co-existence that they would blindly rally behind the banner.

Telan Desaria
Dec 1st, 2003, 05:30:49 PM
Ubermenschen - superhuman

Hitlerjungen - Hitler Youth - all male

Reichsmadchenbund - Female auxiliary

Anbira Hicchoru
Dec 1st, 2003, 05:53:52 PM
Well, the terminology is essentially irrelevant. Just going over conceptual information.

Telan Desaria
Dec 3rd, 2003, 04:37:04 PM
I like to be precise.
You're welcome.

Commander Zemil Vymes
Dec 3rd, 2003, 10:49:04 PM
Thanks ^_^

Dec 6th, 2003, 01:04:38 AM
The Jedi wont be blind to this, surely. The Cizerack kind of have the reputation for wanting the biggest peices of the pies.

Germany got away with so much because ppl didnt believe he would be up to what it looked like he was up to. Denial by the rest of the world played a huge part.

Dec 6th, 2003, 02:15:33 AM
So dispose of the Jedi..problem solved. They're going to have their own problems soon as well..:evil

Dec 6th, 2003, 04:13:08 AM
Originally posted by DarthHERA
The Jedi wont be blind to this, surely. The Cizerack kind of have the reputation for wanting the biggest peices of the pies.

Germany got away with so much because ppl didnt believe he would be up to what it looked like he was up to. Denial by the rest of the world played a huge part.

That's where Estelle comes in.

Keerrourri and Estelle share a much warmer relationship than the Jedi do with the Pride. She can be a source of positive feedback. The Emissary would use that relationship to full advantage, exercising trust gained from Estelle.

She speaks well on the Cizerack's behalf, and this is carried to the Jedi. Thus, a favorable view.

Dec 6th, 2003, 04:33:15 PM
Originally posted by Agent Charley
That's where Estelle comes in.

aww crap.

I can just see the headline:

Dimwitted-Farmgirl-Jedi willing pawn for greatest betrayal in Jedi History.
