View Full Version : Garen's Holocron Revisited (Council/Marga/Rognan)

Garen Selore
Nov 28th, 2003, 01:43:30 PM
It was early in the morning, but Garen had to talk to the council. He had heard that the council had come togather at this early hour to discuss some problems that have been pestering the GJO for a while now, so that should meen most of them are already there.

With Marga on one side, and Rognan on the other, Garen just pushes open the doors and walks into the council chambers, with a look on his face as if he was ready to fight for his life. Which is in a sence exactly what he was intending to do.

He sees that it looks like things are just starting to close down, and the the council members have been awake for some time now. Most of them are getting up, probably about to be on their way to bed.

Garen speeks up as he walks to the center of the room...

"Excuse me Council. I must speek to you regarding the Holocron I brought before you shortly after I joined the GJO. The conclusion you came to then will most likely meen my death in the near future."

Garen looks around at the council members, and notices that there are 2 council members that he has not seen before. Most likely Wei and Kelt were not familar with the case of the Sith Holocron, or with his passion towards the topic that he had then, but never the less he speeks with the same passion now.

Garen does not wait for the council to comment to what he said before he come to a stop in the middle of the room and continues to talk.

"I do not know if Master Rie Mystt has brought to your attention the fact that I have an evil Soul that was accidently put into my body before I was born. It was also the dark voice that I was trying to get out of my head durring my first visit here, if any of you recall that incident.

Master Rei and myself found out durring my first training session that this dark soul was trying to keep my force potental away from me, and that it could be a threat to my life, since it tryed to kill me when I tryed to access the force.

My friends and myself have come to the conclusion that I need to go back to my homeworld and talk to the witches that most likely put the extra soul into my body.

This brings me back to the Holocron. As I said before, my people have very strong rules about honor and the honor of a person's dying request. My mother Died protecting That Holocron! She put me to protect it with her dying request! and if I go back home without some proof that I am protecting that Holocron, They will hang me by my thumbs in the middle of town and leave me there untill mother nature takes my life! I told you the last time that that Holocron that you stold from me would be my death if you did not let me protect it! Now you have the choice to stick by your last choice on this matter, and let me die, one way or another, or you will let me have some hand in protecting it and I may have a chance to live."

At this Garen goes silent, watching the council members for their reaction.

Dasquian Belargic
Nov 29th, 2003, 05:47:10 AM
"Garen, it is simply impossible for us to allow you to take the Holocron. For one, if you are under the partial possession of an under spirit, as you have suggested, there is too great a danger that this soul should win you over and use the Holocron. The risk of the Holocron being activated, whether by you or by some other should you allow it to fall into their hands, is one not to be understated."

Dasquian sat forward slightly, glancing to the others seated around him.

"Perhaps one of us could accompany you, to assure your people that the Holocron is safe."

Anbira Hicchoru
Nov 29th, 2003, 09:31:28 AM
Anbira nodded

"Yes, that course of action would be more prudent."

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 29th, 2003, 09:31:31 PM
Wei looked over. "So, we need him to be escorted around, eh?"

Wei mulled it over. "Shall one of us do it, or shallwe have another Knight do it?"

Anbira Hicchoru
Nov 29th, 2003, 10:34:14 PM
"I will go."

Anbira looked to Wei, and then to Garen.

Marga Alton
Nov 30th, 2003, 10:51:39 AM
Marga during this time has remained quiet. But when Anbira says that he will go with Garen, she speaks up through telepathy.

No offense Vai Dom, but I would rather somebody else other then you go with Garen. After your actions the last time I was here with Garen, I do not trust you to go with Garen on a matter as important as this.

Marga had directed this to Anbira, but all in the room receive it in their minds.

Rognan Dar
Nov 30th, 2003, 08:17:27 PM
Marga, just keep things steady, Alright? There was no need to what you just said, Rognan said to Marga alone. He then looked back at the council and was thinking of a way that he might be able to exprece his thoughts without being so forthcoming.

"If it is alright with the council...I would like to go with Garen. But as it seems to me, it is not just a escort that he needs. His people are very touchy on the matter of his...protecting the Holocron." He stopped and looked at Garen, trying to urge him to tell how his people would react.

Garen Selore
Dec 1st, 2003, 10:36:23 AM
"I Would also like to point out that I never said I would need the hololcron I only need PROOF that I am protecting it, such as the subjestion that I made last time. If I was Holding the key to the box that it is in, that would be good enough for them. It will still remain in the jedi vaults, But it will give me a hand to protect it."

Garen shakes his head.

"If somebody comes with me to say that the jedi are keeping it safe, they will assume that I have passed off my responsibilty and my honor. In their eyes I MUST be protecting it."

Garen thinks for a moment...

"They don't even know what I am to be protecting, all they know is that I was requested on my mother's dying wish to protect something.

If they were to find out that I am not protecting what my mother asked me to protect, My family's honor would be striped from us, I would be hung by my thumbs in the middle of town and be left there for mother nature to take my life from me.

There must be some way that I could assist in protecting the holocron. That is the last way I would like to die..."

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 1st, 2003, 01:08:09 PM
"Padawan Alton, with all due respect, I think Master Anbira is capable of more than adequately fulfilling the role of ambassador and guardian. Now Garen, having Master Hicchoru with you will ensure that you will not be harmed. We try our best to respect the cultures of others, but I believe that in this matter there is no room for error – the key could slip into the hands of those who would use the Holocron for evil. It is simply too risky."

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 1st, 2003, 01:29:36 PM
Wei listened to Marga's complaint. It was a legitimate concern. However....

"Master Anbira is a good person to put your trust in, Garen. Marga, I can understand your worry. But you must understand that Master Anbira is just as concerned for the holocron's safety as much as Garen is. I dare say you and Garen could learn something from Anbira and his no-nonsense attitude in this matter."

Rognan Dar
Dec 1st, 2003, 03:04:26 PM
"But even if someone did take the key from Garen, who's to say that they will be able to get it to it? Not only would they be infiltrating a Jedi complexe, they would also have to get into the vault. Is there some way that we could still have a key, even if it is changed when this is over?"

Anbira Hicchoru
Dec 1st, 2003, 03:09:28 PM
"No, it is far too risky."

Anbira looked to Rognan.

"One needn't steal the key to gain access. One can simply copy it. It is extremely dangerous to make such an assumption."

Marga Alton
Dec 1st, 2003, 08:01:00 PM
Marga frowns slightly at what others say to her about her statement. She takes a deep breath, closes her eyes and focuses her thoughts on her breathing for a brief moment, just long enough for her to keep control of herself. She then says through telepathy to just the Council and Rognan, not wanting to run the risk of offending Garen with what she is about to say.

Perhaps it may be possible to give Garen a key, not The key though. To make him feel better about this. I do not like suggesting we decieve my friend, but it may be the only way in order for you to keep it completely safe and for Garen to have a hand in protecting the Holocron.

A side note, Garen is not hearing this. I have deliberately excluded what I'm saying so as not to run the risk of offending him. What I'm about to say next though, Garen will hear.

Marga then goes to include Garen in what she is saying through telepathy.

If Master Anbira is to go with Garen on this trip, then I request that I go also so I can sleep at night.

Anbira Hicchoru
Dec 2nd, 2003, 12:49:11 AM
Anbira settles into his seat, weighing Marga's suggestions in his mind.

Ryla Relvinian
Dec 2nd, 2003, 02:35:15 AM
"I see no problem with Master Hicchoru going with Garen."

I had kept silent during the conversation, wanting to listen and understand the situation which was unfamiliar to me. After all, you don't just find extra souls lying around...

"But if you feel compelled to travel as well, Padawan Alton, I have no reason to deny your request."

I turned to Garen and examined his face, and with it came a strong wave of protective... intensity. He had such a strong conviction to complete his tasks, and although it was not possible for him to actually take the holocron, I was sure that we could find a compromise.

"Will your people be assured by the presence of two Jedi who can vouch for your honor in this task? I would not wish to be sending you into a needlessly dangerous situation."

Marga Alton
Dec 2nd, 2003, 08:49:35 AM
Marga nods her head slightly, glad to be allowed to accompany Garen on this. As to the other bit she had said, she shall have to wait and see where things go with it. She gently places a hand on Garen's shoulder and gives him a reassuring squeeze, reminding him that he is not alone.

Garen Selore
Dec 2nd, 2003, 10:38:28 AM
Garen smiles at Ryla, and then at Marga as she squeeses his shoulder.

"If the Jedi are willing to tell them that I am the one protecting it may help, or it may bring about suspision. If they have doubts then they will send people to follow me and keep an eye on me. and when they find that I have no way of protecting what my mother asked me to protect, then they would kill me.

That is why I ask for a key to the Holocron! Do the group of you really think that a Key is worth throwing my life away for? I would even give it back when I get back to the GJO! I would return it!"

Ryla Relvinian
Dec 2nd, 2003, 08:46:37 PM
"It is simply too risky for an object of such importance, Padawan Selore. You must trust our judgement on this matter."

I shifted in my seat and continued, still examining both Garen's face and his emotions.

"However, your people must come to understand that you are protecting the Holocron in the best way you can. By entrusting it to many people, instead of one, it is very safe from those who would wish to steal it. Your joining our order is seen as the ultimate in protection."

Garen Selore
Dec 3rd, 2003, 10:47:46 AM
"I know that! But THEY don't! They have had a closed mind to all ways of life other than their own for the last 2000 years! Our town and way of life haven't changed for the last 1000 years! I know it's safe with you! I've come to terms with that over the months that I have been at the order! BUT my people will see it as me turning my back on my people's way of life!"

Garen goes silent for a moment, know that the chances of getting what he asked for is almost nothing. His tone calms down.

"If I can not protect the holocron, in a direct manner. I can act as a decoy. If a person construct a copy of the Sith Holocron out of glass, durasteal, and/or wood, I could carry that with me, or hide it and pretend that the decoy is the holocron. I already have been trying to convince anybody that comes after it that I am the only one that knows where it is. I've already been trying to be the Decoy. If you can't help me protect the holocron directly, can you help me be a better Decoy?"

Ryla Relvinian
Dec 3rd, 2003, 06:58:32 PM
"While we could make something similar..."

I considered this for a moment, looking around for input from my fellow council members.

"... it would purely be a lump of materials, and any Force-user would tell it was false. Are there many of your people who have Force abilities?"

Garen Selore
Dec 4th, 2003, 10:59:01 AM
"No not that I know of. If they did have any force potental they would not know it, Just like me when I got here. I think the nomatic witches use the force, but by using chants and incantations."

EDIT OOC: Is this thread going to finish, or just Die?

Anbira Hicchoru
Dec 11th, 2003, 08:01:41 PM
"Then that suggestion will not do."

Anbira weighed the possibilities, then, acting on Marga's suggestion, he spoke.

"We will be willing to give you a key to the Holocron. I shall still accompany you, for your safety."

Garen Selore
Dec 12th, 2003, 12:58:05 PM
"I don't think that the whitches would even care about the holocron, but If that is your wish than it will be done."

Garen was heavly suprised that after all this fighting for a Key, they go and give it to him!

May be Anbira Understands more about Honor than I gave him credit for Garen thinks to himself.

"Thank you Sir!Thank You Council! I shall go prepare to go home."

Garen turns to go and walk out of the council chambers.