View Full Version : Oh well, sue me...(Love Actually)

Nov 28th, 2003, 09:37:33 AM
As you might expect from the title of this thread, last night my girlfriend dragged me to see the newest romantic comedy Love Actually.

But that's not the worst part. The worst part is that I liked it! (add a couple of points to my metrosexual test).

With my stomach and the brink of explosion with so much turkey, my g/f had the bright idea of sneaking up on me and saying: "well I bought tickets for Love Actually at 9, let's go". As you might expect, a stuffed man does not think straight and I accepted.

It's an easy going film with great pace and comedy. The notion of Hugh Grant as Prime Minister of the UK is as first laughable, but he does a great job that you wish all politicians are like him. The other actors do a great job, is a real good cast (Alan Rickman, Liam Neeson, etc), and the different stories, though disperse and sometimes confusing, are well developed and just bring a smile to your face.

I am having a tough couple of weeks and my christmas spirit was nowhere to be found, this movie helped me a little.

Now back to being manly, man I can't believe the Packers lost to the Lions, the Lions for crying out loud...;)