View Full Version : A Distinct Brown Hue

Alexander Emerson
Nov 27th, 2003, 06:03:56 PM
"The lesson is forcibly taught by these observations, that our life might be much easier and simpler than we make it; that the world might be a happier place than it is; that there is no need of struggles, convulsions, and despairs, of the wringing of the hands and the gnashing of the teeth; that we miscreate our own evils. We interfere with the optimism of nature; for, whenever we get this vantage-ground of the past, or of a wiser mind in the present, we are able to discern that we are begirt with laws which execute themselves." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

The simplicity of life was a complexity. Politicians passed laws that seemed fair and simple for all, but there was always an opposition that refused to accept the law for they found it expedient to their demands. Despite the simplicity of pleasing a "majority" there would always be the complexity of trying to please both supporters and opposers.

The same 'problem' occurred in life. We make choices in our every day lives like choosing what to eat, or what to wear. Yet despite how simple these menial choices are, we brood over whether the other choice would have been better. If we let our heart decide what's best, this simplicity would bring us happiness. "Thinking" too much sometimes brings the complexity when we try to secure ourselves from its danger.


In a quiet study hall, there sat a man who was neither too old, nor too young. The man diligently read a book which lay on a long table where he sat alone. Carrying his hand to push up his glasses as they started falling downward on his nose, creating an sense of uncomfortableness, his eyes moved from side to side as they carefully read the words printed in the volume.

He coughed. The echoes of his coughs were heard through the study hall. It was empty. It was closed. But he was inside. For some reason, he kept looking at the doors, as if he were expecting someone to enter through them.

A clock ticked as the minutes went by, and soon, the man felt, someone would enter to interrupt his reading.

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Nov 28th, 2003, 06:25:59 PM
A figure stepped out from within the shadows. His face hidden by shadows created by his night black cloak that adorned him this evening. His footsteps made little noise in this particular place of study. Ambrose was walking on the outside far wall of the study, walking past bookshelves when he came upon a man sitting alone at a bare table, occupied only by himself. The mohogony wood glinted in the light provided by the power that ran throughout this city. The Vampire walked past a few more bookshelves before he turned towards the direction the lone man was in. Ambrose had already fed this night, although he usually fed two or three times a night. The blood that he had drained from the humans body would sustain him for a few more hours before he would feed again.

The man was reading a book of which the vampire did not know. But the Dark Knight could read the humans thoughts as if his mind was an open book, for all to read his life's story. Ambrose was reading along with the man, every word taken in by the Sith Knight's complex mind. Ambrose had stopped reading and made his way over to the table.

The man was startled by the presence of the force user, Ambrose could tell. The Vampire knew that the man followed him with his eyes, like a predator watches his prey. Ambrose took a seat across from the man and removed his hood so that the human may look upon his face for the first time. Ambrose's skin looked like marble to the male, his cold white skin shone brightly in the light. Ambrose folded his hands underneath the table. His white eyes held a hue about them as the Dark Knight stared at the man with interest.

"Hello Alexander Emerson"

Alexander Emerson
Nov 29th, 2003, 11:06:10 AM
The man found great interest in the book he was reading. It was one of those situations where one read a book and dove into it as if one had just escaped from the real world. The study hall was silent and relaxing despite its dark corners that created an eerie feeling.

Suddenly he heard footsteps approaching him. He stopped and looked around but there was nothing. The man thought it was probably his imagination and that the book made it get carried away. He shook his head and continued reading.

Then, he heard it again. Slowly accelerating, the footsteps got louder and louder as they got closer. The man closed the book and stood up. He looked around in different directions. His eyes shifted from one side of the room to the other but he saw nothing. He held his book close to him as if it were his only protection.

Suddenly, the man saw a pale face in appear in front of him. He'd not seen anything like it before. Who was it?

"Hello Alexander Emerson"

"That's not my name. I don't know who you're looking for." he said

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Nov 29th, 2003, 08:10:27 PM
"That's not my name. I don't know who you're looking for."

The words that were uttered from the human were like silk sliding across a hand. Ambrose never took his eyes off of the male as he spoke the words that he tried to make sound convincing. But unbenounced to the man, the Vampire could see into his mind and could hear every thought that had passed through the electrical brain signals. Ambrose stood poised, never taking an eye off of the man except for a slight smile that had barely shown his pearl white fangs. The white hue that surrounded his eyes grew brighter when the man standing across from him tried to convince a being that he did not go by the name that the Dark Knight had spoken. But more than that, he said that to a Vampire. And a being of darkness knows is aware of when you lie, especially one as skilled as Ambrose Braeden.

Ambrose could see the fear in the eyes of the human, for the vampire did not use the door, for he did not hear the squeak of the hinges.

"Do not lie to me my young man. I know who you are, and who you are not. For I know things that you could never imagine."

Alexander Emerson
Nov 30th, 2003, 10:19:29 AM
"Well you've got the wrong man, guy"

Alexander kept his book close to him for security. What the heck was the thing in front of him and why did it search for 'Alexander Emerson'? The man took a few steps back. He kept looking at this 'thing' in front of him.

"I guess I'll catch you later then." said Alex as he turned around toward the doors

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Nov 30th, 2003, 01:44:25 PM
Ambrose stopped his smile and looked at him through his white vampire eyes. Ambrose with blinding speed came to stand in front of the man who is supposedly not Alexander Emerson. Ambrose stared at him, into his eyes and what they held within them. Ambrose looked as if he could kill with one deadly stroke, and he might just do it to this man. The vampre's patience grew thin with this mortal that he know delt with at the moment.

"Do you truly want to know what I am..."

Alexander Emerson
Dec 1st, 2003, 12:19:38 AM
A blur was seen as the vampire sped toward Emerson. The creature surprised him for Alexander had only blinked and the vampire was in front of him.

"I don't think I want to know... What do you want?" Alexander asked, taking a few steps back, still holding the book.