View Full Version : Nice Landing

imported_Demek Jast
Nov 25th, 2003, 08:20:37 PM
The freighter landed in the Coruscant docking bay with ease. The landing ramp came down and travelers from around the galaxy bursted out into the area, grabbing luggage or catching their children who strayed away. Among the people disembarking the ship was a tall blue Duro.

Amateur pilot doesn't know how to land a ship. Demek grabbed his bag and headed out to catch a speeder. He saw one, a nice bright yellow one. The pilot was a fellow Duro. He walked up to the speeder and came to a stop beside the driver. "Born a pilot. Always a pilot."

"Well, well. It's always good to see a friendly face." The pilot smiled, "Hop in. Where to?"

"The Jedi Temple." Demek said.

"The Temple, eh." the Duro smirked, "A Duro studying in the way of the Force rather then piloting. Never thought I'd see the day."

"Neither did I." Demek said, "Hey maybe I can get the job of being a pilot. You never know."

"Aye. That would be true. Lets hope." The pilot hit the thruster ignition. "We'll be there shortly. Buckle up."

"Bah, I don't like restraints"

"I know, same here. But, it's the only thing that keeps me in this job. Plus the fine here is a big one. And you wouldn't want to fall from up here."

"Isn't that the truth." Demek said and peered over the side of the taxi at the traffic below.

The speeder juked left and right. Out one lane of traffic and into another. The engine echoed when they past between two large buildings.

"Some fun, eh?" The driver said, "We're almost there. Sit tight."

The taxi came out of the buildings and then pulled a hard turn. They came out in front of the temple.

Demek felt his body being pushed into the cushioned seat. "Can we do that again?" he said jokingly, "Wow it's beautiful."

"Always like passing by this way." The Duro pilot smiled, "I'll land near the main entrence. I'm sure someone there will tell you where to go."

The speeder came around the Temple. The sun lit up the entrance of the building. Intensifying it's beauty. The repluser lifts kicked into the landing cycle with little noise and the taxi came to a nice calm hover over the surface.

Demek hopped out onto the ground. He grabbed his bag. "Thanks for the ride. How much do I owe you."

"Free. It's nice to meet someone who appreciates this place as much as I do. Especially a fellow Duro." The Driver nodded at Nemek. "Good luck. This is my usual root so I'll see you around."

"See ya." Demek said as he waved goodbye to the pilot.

The air taxi speeded off. Demek watched it until it was out of sight. There goes a good pilot. I hope to see him around. He's a good man. Well into the Temple. I couldn't have imagined a better place. He walked up through an archway and into a flowering garden with a fountain in the center. He nodded and smiled at the people he walked by. He reached the door and opened it. Inside it was nice, silent except for the hum of the lights and the heaters. The comms buzzed but only for a second until someone answered. He walked up to the main desk and waited until the person was done with their paperwork before he started to speak.

Dasquian Belargic
Nov 27th, 2003, 11:06:39 AM
The man behind the desk shuffled what seemed like an endless pile of papers and slid them into a tray marked 'out', which coincidentally was right next to an almost empty tray marked 'in'. This done, he sighed with relief and looked up, smiling.

"Hello, sir. How can I help you?"

imported_Demek Jast
Nov 27th, 2003, 03:34:17 PM
"Greetings." Demek said and nodded to the man, "I was wondering. Where might I find the recruitment office? I wish to join the order."

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 1st, 2003, 11:19:11 AM
"You've come to the right place. Excuse me a moment."

The Jedi taps a few buttons on the desk top, and the computer system currently running shuts itself down. He stands, pushes his chair beneath the desk, and motions for the Duro to follow him across to a row of broad-cushioned seats against the far wall. They sit.

"You wish to join the Order… tell me then, why?"

imported_Demek Jast
Dec 2nd, 2003, 02:45:32 PM
Demek thought for a few seconds before answering the Jedi's question. He looked over to where the Jedi was sitting then replied.

"It's hard to say. A part of me told me it's was where I should go and another told me it was what I should do to help the Galaxy." He paused and took a short breath, "Doesn't this sound a little wierd to you?"

Demek waited for the Jedi to reply. He looked out a window and focused on one of the fountains. He watched the water rush out of the top and fall into the pond. He felt as though he was part of it for a moment, but then turned his attention back to the Jedi.

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 3rd, 2003, 12:19:54 PM
"It doesn't sound weird at all. Many who come to us here find they feel a calling of sorts drawing them here, and as you said, others simply just want to help make the galaxy a better place. It's quite possible to feel both."

Dasquian offered a reassuring semi-smile.

"Tell me - what, in your mind, is a Jedi's duty and role in society?"

imported_Demek Jast
Dec 3rd, 2003, 03:54:34 PM
"To be truthful I don't really know." Demek said.

He thought about the question and then about what he thought a Jedi's duties were. A couple minutes past.

"Well, I figure a Jedi's duty is to keep the peace and protect it. A Jedi's role in society is to help those in need and by doing so keeps the peace. Fighting against those who disrupt and aim to it take away that peace would be protecting it." He paused again for a moment, "That is only what I can think of right now though."

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 6th, 2003, 06:56:16 AM
Dasquian nodded emphatically, "Right – and what about the Force? Do you know anything about that and how the Jedi treat it?"

imported_Demek Jast
Dec 6th, 2003, 02:07:05 PM
"The Force is everywhere and in everything. Well almost anyway." Demek said, "The Jedi treat it as a part of them more then most people do. As for how they treat it. I assume there are different ways."

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 12th, 2003, 03:49:09 PM
"That's about right," Dasquian replied, with another nod. "What about combat and aggressive responses to threats? Do you know how the Jedi treat them?"

imported_Demek Jast
Dec 15th, 2003, 08:25:48 PM
Demek stared at the ceiling for a second to gather his thoughts.

"Combat should be avoided but never dismissed. An agressive response to a threat is never right but can be avoided aswell. I believe a Jedi would treat them as if they were of the Dark Side." Demek responded.

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 19th, 2003, 01:20:01 PM
"Perhaps, but sometimes when all over means fail, use of force is necessary. You must face danger, look death head on… all for the greater good. Is this a burden you feel you can carry?"

imported_Demek Jast
Jan 15th, 2004, 08:29:02 PM
"Yes for the greater good." Demek said, "Is there anything else sir?"

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 20th, 2004, 11:52:54 AM
"That is all," Dasquian replied with a smile, "You are officially welcomed to the Greater Jedi Order. Up until the time when your training begins, you are free to explore the grounds of the Order to meet with your peers, and also to take up residence in our dormitories."

imported_Demek Jast
Jan 20th, 2004, 02:08:37 PM
"Thank you sir. My name's Demek Jast by the way. I didn't catch yours?" He said as he got up and offered a hand to the Jedi.