View Full Version : Night terrors, Demons and Jacali Danner....

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Nov 25th, 2003, 08:04:51 PM
Dr. Hayden Radnor yawned as he exited the med locker facilities, clad in his usual surgery green doc uniform.

"Hey, Hayden," two of the nurses sang as he walked by, he smiled at them. "Good evening, ladies." He mock bowed for them for an instant before he continued on and listened to them giggle. He shook his head.

There was one person he wanted to check on first thing. Jacali Danner. This was the fourth day since the horrible accident that left her laid up in the ICU in a drug-induced coma.

The young doctor quietly walked into the darkened room, the soft whoosh of the Jedi's ventilator could be heard, as it gently filled and emptied her lungs with air and then there was the continuous blip of a heart monitor that kept it's own rythm.

The dark silhouette of a person sat quietly in a chair beside the young Jedi's bed. He'd been there the entire time....Jacali's master, Dasquian Belargic. Nearby, curled up asleep in yet another chair was Jacali's best friend, Mylia.

"Good evening, Master Belargic." Hayden whispered as he checked all the readings and Jacali's IV's, everything looked good.

With a brief wave, Hayden left the room and headed towards the ER, third shift and it was already busier than normal.

Stab wounds, stitches, my son swallowed a toad, now that was a new one. A four speeder air crash... But little did the doc know that soon something even more unusual was going to happen.

2:23 am.

"Next..." Hayden said as he patted his previous patient on the back.

A nurse grabbed his arm, "we've got a child with seizures coming in, Dr. Radnor!"

Hayden was wide awake. "Ok, ready." He said as he slid into the next available response area along with three nurses. At first, all they heard was the sirens coming up to the unloading dock and then they heard the....screams. It was the worst screaming he'd ever heard, it was blood-curdling screams.

The child was a boy, very small, his face was pale and contorted as if in great pain. "We need scans! Stat, guys!" Hayden ordered right away. "Where's the mother?"

Noelle Carver
Nov 25th, 2003, 08:43:23 PM
Noelle held her son's jacket in her hands, twisting it without really realizing it. She was so scared for her young son, Grey Carver was only four!

This had been the fourth night that he had wakened her up screaming bloody murder, but this time her soothing did nothing, it was as if she wasn't there. The day before she had taken him to a community doctor and once explaining what the poor child had gone through four days ago, he had suffered from post-traumatic stress. A four-year-old!

Night terrors.

That doctor wanted her to take him to see a shrink, and she had agreed. But, tonight had been the worst as of yet and the young mother couldn't take it anymore. Grey wouldn't respond this time and she had called the medics.

"Where's the mother?"

"I'm here!" She cried as she stepped closer, but not too close to keep from being in the way.

"What's the boy's name?" The doctor asked quickly.

"Grey. Grey Carver." She answered as she twisted the little coat more.

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Nov 25th, 2003, 09:15:07 PM
"Grey, can you hear me?" Hayden asked as the boy shook uncontrollably. "We've got a possible seizure. Where are my scans?"

"Here, Doctor." A nurse said as she handed him the scanner. It wasn't a seizure.

"What the...." Hayden said as he glanced over the results again. "Ms. Carver, is your son allergic to any meds that you know of?"

"No," she answered quickly.

"Good, let's give him a dose of Ralein. It'll calm him down. I want a full brain scan and I want him in here over night for observation, if the Ralein works."

"And if it doesn't?" the mother asked, her face full of fear.

"Let's see if it works first, Ma'am." Hayden advised as the nurses carefully placed an IV into the shaking boy and shot a suringe of meds in.

Almost immediately the child calmed. The screaming stopped.

Hayden breathed a sigh of relief, "get him up to the scan room, I want a full brain scan and tell the staff to check for any apparent aneurisms immediately."

"Aneurism?" Noelle asked, "you think my son's had an aneurism?"

"We won't know until we get the scan, Ma'm and we're going to do everything we can to stop it, if that is indeed what it is." Hayden answered as the child was wheeled out and towards an elevator, his mother following quickly behind.

It wasn't long before they returned, the boy's face was relaxed as the scan charts where handed to Hayden, he looked at them. Everything was normal. Everything.

"This is strange." He said as he rubbed his chin thoughtfully. he turned to the mother. "The scans are clear, there's nothing wrong with your son...physically. Ms. Carver, has this happened before?" Hayden asked.

Noelle Carver
Nov 25th, 2003, 09:37:56 PM
Noelle nearly broke down into tears as the medical staff carefully rolled her son by to take him to a room.

"Please, come with me, Ms. Carver." He told her gently.

Noelle nodded gently as the good doctor led her to the pediatric floor a few floors up. "I'm Dr. Hayden Radnor and I need to know anything you can tell me about your son's condition. I believe it's more of a mental ailment than a physical one. Has he suffered any traumatic situation in the past couple of months?"

Noelle nodded again. "Yes, he has four days ago in fact." The doctor led her to an observation room adjacent to her son's. Grey lay in the bed looking so small and frail.

Hayden didn't say anything for a few moments and Noelle was glad, it gave her a chance to get her thoughts back together. "Four days ago, I had gone shopping with some friends and..." Tears filled her eyes. "And he wondered off and the next thing I knew he was in the street and one of my friends saw a speeder barreling down on him and..." She paused to keep from falling apart. "I thought he was going to die. I had never been so scared in all my life, but just as it was about to hit him a girl...a Jedi girl shoved him out of the way and saved his life. But, she was hit and thrown like a rag doll, Grey witnessed it all. My four-year-old has somehow locked himself into a place that I can't reach. When he's not sleeping or having night terrors, he does nothing but stare. And when he does talk all he says is 'run, Jacali. Kes'la is near." Noelle shuddered as she thought of how many times she'd heard him say that in the last four days, it was down right eerie, something out of a ghost story.

"I don't understand it, Dr. Radnor. He's a normal boy and I don't feel that this should be happening to him."

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Nov 26th, 2003, 04:18:29 AM
Hayden's eyes widened, this was the little boy whom Jacali had saved and it seemed it had many traumatic effects on him. Possibly guilt to start out with.

But, a four-year-old? How could that be possible? Hayden shook his head as what had been revealed to him. Indeed, it was strange or a coincidence, he just wasn't exactly sure. But, still he felt something coming from the boy. He turned to the young mother.

"Miss Carver, is your son Force-sensitive?" He asked.

Noelle didn't take her eyes off her young son and shrugged. "He's special, if that is what your asking. Force-sensitive, I don't know."

Hayden paused for a few moments pondering on this. "I want to see how the boy is when he is awake, then I can have more of a feel for how to go about treatment."

If there was any. Hayden had a deep feeling that by the end of the next day, it was very possible that the Jedi would be involved in this case as well. But. for now, he would wait.

Noelle Carver
Nov 26th, 2003, 08:40:24 PM
The young mother nodded solemnly as she looked at her son through the glass that separated them. "I just want my son back, Dr. Radnor. Please, help me get him back."

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Nov 27th, 2003, 06:04:34 AM
"I'll do what I can, I assure you that, Ms. Carver." Hayden advised. "I may get the Jedi involved, they can help out probably more than I can."

"I'll be back in a few hours, the Ralein will take about that long to recover from." In the meantime, perhaps he should talk to Master Dasquian and get his thought on it.

He left the young mother and walked back down the hall to the lift, this was a strange case he was getting into. But at least, he knew some Jedi to discuss this with.

Hayden headed back towards Jacali's room, he hated to bother the Jedi, but he felt this needed some attention. As he walked in there was now another there, standing on the other side of Jacali's bed.

Kelt Simoson, he'd met briefly.

"Excuse me, Master Belargic, could I have a word with you in the hall?" Hayden asked quietly.

Dasquian Belargic
Nov 27th, 2003, 11:02:49 AM
Dasquian rose to his feet, "Certainly, Doctor."

He nodded to Kelt, as though silently passing the role of vigil over to his friend while he stepped out to speak with Hayden.

"What can I help you with, Doctor?"

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Nov 27th, 2003, 02:44:04 PM
"Please, call me Hayden."

Hayden scratched his head in thought for a moment before answering. "Well, a little boy was brought in here a while ago, obviously suffering from a seizure, but it ended up not being that at all. It seems the child is having night terrors and this time the mother could do nothing and he was brought to us. But, the strange things I've found out on this child, it may be quite deeper than just night terrors. This little boy is in fact, the child that Jacali saved from getting hit the other day. The mother claims that he's not been himself since and I think it has some thing to do with the Force. I feel...that he is in fact Force-sensitive." Hayden paused for a moment.

"I may be wrong, but the mother claims that when he's awake he keeps saying 'Run, Jacali. Kes'la's near.' Can you make anything out of that?"

Dasquian Belargic
Nov 29th, 2003, 05:40:32 AM
"I don't think it would be farfetched for the boy to know the name of the woman who rescued him.

However, this other name… Kes'la."

Dasquian narrowed his eyes, and brought a hand to the back of his neck, as though trying to massage the thoughts out of his head.

"It seems familiar, but I can't place where from. Is the boy in any fit state for questioning?"

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Nov 29th, 2003, 08:27:31 AM
"Unfortunately, at the moment he's been sedated and will remain that way for a few hours. But, I just couldn't get this dark feeling out of my head and I thought it was best to let someone know, Sir. I don't like the thought of Jacali being in any danger, she's been through enough."

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 3rd, 2003, 12:42:44 PM
Dasquian nodded in agreement.

"Perhaps with a little cooperation from the City Watch we can see if there are any Kes'Las on record. That may provide some leads. However, unless the boy has some hidden clairvoyance, all we can do is wait for her to resurface so that we may confront her ourselves."

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Dec 5th, 2003, 07:26:32 AM
Hayden nodded towards the Jedi Knight. "I'll help in any way I can, Master Belargic. Just let me know what you need to do."

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 5th, 2003, 12:13:14 PM
"For now I don't believe there's much we can do, as I have said. Just report to me whatever changes occur in the boy, and anything odd that may occur with Jacali."

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Dec 7th, 2003, 08:01:13 AM
Hayden nodded. "Of course, Master Belargic. I will let you know imm...."

The young doctor was cut off my a nurse running up to him. "Fourth floor just called, it's the boy! He's gone into convulsions and is screaming again."

"What? That's impossible, he's on Ralein." Hayden said. "Master Belargic, you may want to come with us, maybe there is something you can do to help. This case is getting stranger by the moment."

Hayden took off running towards the turbo lift.

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 7th, 2003, 09:00:17 AM
Dasquian followed, as they crowded into the lift. It hissed closed and hummmm'd up to the fourth floor. From there on the nurse lead the way to where the boy was being kept. Before they had even arrived to the room Dasquian could hear, and feel, what was going on. Ragged gasps came from behind the doorway, the child thrashed about – as though possessed by some unholy thing. The trio, entering, stopped, frozen a moment by the awful sight of the pained child.

Taking immediate initiative, the Knight stepped forwards and parted his hands over the boy. He would not still himself, but Dasquian focused and tried to calm him none the less. Quickly it became apparent that the exercise was having some affect, as the boy's convulsions and flailing slowed.

Noelle Carver
Dec 9th, 2003, 09:08:19 PM
Tears flowed down Noelle's eyes as she watched her child, her baby convulse uncontrollably. She saw Dr. Hayden and the Jedi enter and hoped the Jedi culd help her son. If he couldn't, who could?

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Dec 13th, 2003, 05:46:03 PM
Hayden was more than amazed at the powers that Dasquian possessed. He stood by, while the Jedi Knight calmed the boy.