View Full Version : >>Pay Pal...Payment due on the Shrine<<

Lord Soth
Nov 25th, 2003, 06:00:07 PM
Was going to let you two know that the Shrine is due, 50 bucks I believe through "Pay Pal" if ya want to keep it going...Alana and I might be on from time to time to help out if need be, but were pretty much done with the place...

Chris, you can call me when you get the chance and we can discuss how you want to go about it...You and Kolarik are in command now...Perhaps you both can breath life back into this place...:) I'll hit Saurron up and see if he's still in as well...Not sure, I think he’s done too…

*obtw...Just a friendly reminder to the new Mods and Add's here at the Shrine, careful what you say in here or the locked forums...SWnet and cronies troll both privet forums even though they say they don’t, as was the ‘supposed agreement’ from the start not too, [trust me], they do...So pass it on… :rolleyes

Kolarik, if you have any questions or ya need anything, feel free to PM me or Alana...Here’s my AIM name as well:


Take care,...Jim