View Full Version : Lost In Transferance

Daen C'allyx
Nov 25th, 2003, 01:05:17 PM
He had never been very good at independant research. There was just too much information out there waiting to be found. At the order on Almania Daen C'allyx had had a vague sense of how the archives were arranged. But now, in an unfamiliar temple, the boy was having tremendous difficulty.

Since his arrival on Coruscant Daen's appearance had mproved. He had gained five or six pounds, which wasn't a lot but showed on his wasted frame. His dark hair had stopped growing in patches and didn't look so very moth-eaten. Slowly the young man was growing used to having sight in only one eye though it was sometimes a strain and he was still sensitive to light. It wasn't these improvements that he noticed though.

What bothered Daen C'allyx was that his memory was still ost.

Not all of it, which was the odd thing. Just the banks of his training were missing. It had been almost a year since his retrieval from a violent hostage situation, and yet the condition still persisted. It was frustrating. He wanted to know what was wrong. Certainly he knew that insomnia and trauma were not helping the situation, but after so long shouldn't there have been some improvement...?

So now he was in the archives of the Greater Jedi Order, trying to find some kind of information specific to his grade of memory loss. It was not going well.

Daen skimmed over one of the many records he'd pulled, absently tracing the raised, curving scar that arked from his face down to his adams apple. After another minute he sised loudly. The info was much the same as everything else he'd read, dealing with accounts of generic memory loss.

Daen rose and gathered up the stacks he'd compiled. The boy hobbled along, the limp caused by a long since torn muscle. He was lost in thought, trying to assemble a logical course of action. And then a burning, and his knee buckled sending Daen crashing to the floor. He hit the ground with a thud, sending the files skittering across the tiles. With a short bark of frustratin Daen pushed himself to his knees and looked around at the mess.


Dasquian Belargic
Nov 29th, 2003, 05:52:12 AM
"Oh dear."

The footsteps of a figure approaching quickening slightly, as Dasquian bobbed down to a crouch by Daen to try and help gathering up what had been scattered across the floor. As he tried to help, he caught a few glimpses of the topic that most of the files seemed to be on – memory loss. For a moment, he was reminded of Master Evanar's temporary delve into this state of mind, and wondered if his experiences were transcribed within the archives.

Daen C'allyx
Dec 2nd, 2003, 01:01:51 PM
Daen gave a glance up and recognized that the man was not a Padawan like himself. He nodded briefly in place of the usual formalities, embarressed as all get out. His ears a bright red, Daen pulled some files towards him and cleared his throat.

"It's my damn knee. It's still a bit off, I don't usually trip like this..."

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 10th, 2003, 11:38:24 AM
"Have you seen anyone in the med bay about it? They can work wonders."

He smiled pleasantly, and thought about offering a hand out – before realizing the impracticality of this.

Daen C'allyx
Dec 10th, 2003, 01:22:08 PM
Despite his best efforts Daen snorted with a look of serious distaste plastered on his marred face.

"I've had more than enough of Jedi Healers."

On the best of days Daen hated them. He always had. It had been a literal battle to get him to the med ward in his home Order, even if he was hurling to high heaven. His last stay at the Healers had lasted for months, and the therapy had continued until his departure from Almania.

"I'll take my chances with the knee."

He offered a less pessimistic look.

"Daen C'allyx, official clutz."

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 19th, 2003, 01:22:19 PM
"Dasquian Belargic."

He couldn't help but smile. In spite of the somewhat detrimental attitude towards the medical ward, this seemed like a pleasant character.

"You know, we do have normal doctors… not just healers. I do know that some people prefer good old fashioned treatment. To give their wounds and scars some more meaning and weight."

Daen C'allyx
Dec 19th, 2003, 05:38:06 PM
"Mine have got enough meaning and weight on their own, thank you. No, I'll just give it some time, see how it goes. Can't always depend on medics for everything."

Daen smiled thinly and looked away, respectfully yet firmly closing the matter. Most of the files and datapads had now been retrieved, and he was trying to fit them into some form of order so as to carry them. He managed to balance them in his arms and with a grunt stood up, his knee popping audibly as he straightened.

The padawan smiled brightly at Dasquian and then looked around. His expression at first conveyed nothing of his thoughts, but then it took on a puzzled hue.

"...You don't happen to know how things are organized in here, do you? I can't remember where I got these from."

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 30th, 2003, 04:15:06 AM
"I think I've got a good enough idea to help you out. I'm pretty sure its all arranged by topic, then alphabetically. What are all of these about?" he asked.

Daen C'allyx
Dec 30th, 2003, 02:35:28 PM
"Memory loss, mostly."

Daen's face was starting to hurt from keeping a polite smile plastered onto it, but it never once wavered. He didn't elaborate any more on his answer to the Knight. He'd been honest enough and there was no point in rambling on.

"There are a few about psychological junk too."

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 4th, 2004, 02:09:48 PM
"Memory loss? I know quite a lot of that from first hand experience, if you'd like any help beyond what's here…"

Daen C'allyx
Jan 6th, 2004, 02:59:08 AM
"Oh, uh, I really don't..."

Daen trailed off and closed his mouth. No, it wasn't that he didn't need the help, it was just that he was...

Was what? Embaressed? Ashamed? Both?

The young man swallowed the decline and nodded.

"It'd be helpful, thank you. I'm looking for--"

Daen looked over his shoulder at the table behind him, rubbing his knee gingerly.

"Would you like to sit, Master Belargic?"