View Full Version : Only by Sight....(Open to a Master or a Knight)
Quay'Na Rakai
Nov 23rd, 2003, 03:33:32 PM
OOC: Please to one who is willing to finish this thread, it's a very important part of Quay's training...
It had been a while since Quay'Na had been in the gardens, let alone being with the animals. Between working at Wildside and being away for a couple of weeks.
It was time to start her next portion of training with the animals, something she'd never tried yet. Seeing through an animals eyes and she'd chosen whom she wanted to begin with.
Kajou, a Farqu Hawk.
Quya'Na had remembered another time in a session with Master Sage, where they worked with Kajou, so he was used to her.
But, the problem was she wasn't exactly sure how to go about it and she was the only one that she knew of with this nature ability, besides Mylia. She wished she knew a Master with her talent, it would make the training much easier.
Master Ira had that ability, she had been very in touch with nature and had told her that one day she would be able to see through an animals eyes and use it perceptions to help her out in the future.
The future was close enough and she was ready to try. Calling Kajou down to her, she held out a gloved arm and he landed on it.
Quay'Na stroked him carefully with a smile. I promise, I won't hurt you, Kajou.
With a deep sigh, she knelt down into a meditative position and closed her eyes. She was already connected with his mind, but needed to gain a much stronger link to be able to see what he did. She meditated on this.
Helenias Evenstar
Nov 24th, 2003, 04:18:04 AM
Quay wasn't alone in the gardens. I was there, as I often was, walking about. It was good exercise and it was one of the few forms I could partake in this stage of pregnancy. Thankfully the baby was quiet tonight.
I took note of quay as I decided to sit down, wondering what she was up to.
"Hello Stig" I said to the black cat that had turned up, curling around my feet. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Marcus?"
Wish I had the type of link Marcus had to animals. Maybe I could understand the damn cat then.
Quay'Na Rakai
Nov 24th, 2003, 04:33:25 AM
There was a very familiar presence nearby, Quay'Na opened her eyes and smiled. "Good evening, Master." She said as she saw her not too far away.
The Padawan noticed the black cat, she'd never seen it before. "Is that yours?" She asked as Kajou noticed the cat as well and took off rather quickly. Quay'Na stood and walked over to her Master then knelt down a minute to gently pet the cat.
Helenias Evenstar
Nov 28th, 2003, 05:03:35 AM
"Hmm, Stig? Oh no, it's not mine. If Stig has an owner, it would be Marcus himself. This cat is his favorite one - he has quite a few"
I took a seat and Stig took the opportunity to jump up upon my lap.
"This cat" I said, stratching him between the ears, "as far as I understand is what Marcus told me a while ago is far more than a pet. He is able to speak directly to the cat, see through it's eyes, hears what it hears. I would not be surprised that Stig is here to see what is going on. So tell me, that bird. Was it yours?"
Quay'Na Rakai
Nov 28th, 2003, 05:39:39 AM
Quay'Na's mouth dropped open for a second as her thoughts went wild. Marcus was a symbiont with nature, amazing...and he could see thorugh this little cat's eyes....
Bringing her mind back to her master, Quay'Na replied. "No, Kajou isn't mine, though I believe he'd like to be sometimes. Actually, I'm working on a new phase of training with the animals. My first master, Ira Valko was a symbiont with nature, just as I am. She taught me the more in depths ways to communicate with animals. But, what we didn't get to was, she told me long ago that one day I would be able to 'see' through the animals eyes. That is what I'm trying to learn, I had just started a while ago. But, I'm not really sure how to go about it. I have good communicative connections with the animals, but I'm not sure how to get that 'link'. So, I've been meditating on it."
She sighed slightly, "and I'm not having much luck."
Helenias Evenstar
Dec 9th, 2003, 02:54:00 AM
"Then I'm not the one to ask, I dont have this ability. But, that does not mean I can not help. would you like to accompany me to the Achives? What you wish is well known in the Jedi and well documented."
Quay'Na Rakai
Dec 9th, 2003, 08:15:21 PM
"That'd be great, Master. I really want to know how this is done." She nodded as she stood.
Helenias Evenstar
Jan 14th, 2004, 12:53:39 AM
The archives were not far, but that was not the way I went. Instead, I went back to the rooms of the Jedi.
"There are many treasures here - many sources of information. I wonder, would you dare to look into that which Marcus has looked at? I have a real treasure that was left here, that you may find to your benifit. Will you look?"
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 15th, 2004, 04:36:55 AM
Anything that had to do with Marcus interested her, she wanted to learn as much as she could about him before she met him, so she wouldn't seem foolish. She probably would anyway... But, she shook her head in that regard and decided that she woudn't think that way.
After all, Quay'Na was here to learn, she was going to Marcus to learn, that was if he even accepted her. The Lost Master very well could turn her away and that would be the end of that.
Quay'Na nodded towards her master. "Yes, Master. I will look." She would do as her master instructed of her.
Helenias Evenstar
Jan 22nd, 2004, 05:58:52 AM
I pointed to where my room was. Rooms, more like it - Marcus had set himself up a large area that was a good deal bigger than standard, that reflected his status when he was here as Turbogeek. Now, I had claimed it, along with it's secrets.
"Not all that the Jedi know is in the Archives. A Jedi Master may take it upon themselves to explore the mysteries of The Force on their own, in my opinion that is what a Master should do. I know Marcus did much study on his own and knows much others dont. I tell you however, he had a true treasure that was greater than a Holocron if your seeking knowledge of The Force - it is a book. Not a holoreader, an actual book, written and illustrated. Have you ever seen a real book?"
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 23rd, 2004, 10:37:51 PM
"Yes, Master. I find them fascinating to say the least." Quay'Na nodded.
Helenias Evenstar
Jan 25th, 2004, 05:46:12 AM
"You have actually read real books? That is amazing, Padawan. I would say most of Coruscant has never seen one. Now..." I opened my door and indicated for Quay to enter.
"Just mind where you sit. There might be a cat there. Marcus loves them and he had a few. Stig should be... ah, there he is. Through the air vents as usual"
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 26th, 2004, 08:50:36 PM
"My first master, Master Ira made sure I was presented with 'real' books and old texts. At first I thought, I we were so in the past it wasn't funny, but as she taught me with these 'books' I came to see just how important they were. Ever since, I've loved reading them." Quay'Na answered as she carefully took a seat.
Helenias Evenstar
Jan 27th, 2004, 05:51:27 AM
"Your old Master believed in a proper education? That's interesting - most Jedi Knights wouldn't bother with such things for their Padawans, hence their knowledge of the Galaxy is somewhat lacking".
I glanced around, frowning as I tried to recall where the book was.
"If there is one critical word I can say for the Jedi, is their tendancy to be naive. They seem to expect that they know the Force, they know everything. This is of course a false pretense. The Galaxy as I suspect you already know, is not black and white. Justice is not absolute. Sometimes we have to lie, cheat and steal to achieve what is necessary. STIG! will you stop pestering me and go talk to Quay???"
Frustrated with the cat's persistance, I kicked it aside. Stig meowed at me, then crossed to Quay in a huff.
Jan 27th, 2004, 05:59:33 AM
Hmph. Silly two legged mate of Marcus-cat. All I wanted was a bit of a snuggle. Mate of Marcus-cat had lots of kittens in her and I only wanted to sit on her stomach to sleep. Oh well. Maybe other ..... two legged thing would be more gracious. I walked over and meowed.
Hello? You smell like a bird. Are you a bird? I asked of the other two legged thing. Not expecting a reply, Marcus-cat was the only two legged thing that could understand me.
Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 28th, 2004, 09:05:33 PM
Quay'Na smiled as she listened to Stig mumble about. "Yes, Master Ira thought alot about the old ways of the Order and the reading of books. I've not really met a master since that has taught like her."
Quay'Na looked at Stig while he was on his way over to her. She focused on the Force and touched his mind gently. No, Stig, I'm not a bird. I'm a human and my name is Quay'Na. It's nice to meet you.
Feb 4th, 2004, 03:36:42 AM
Stig stared at the two legged thing that smelled like a bird... and yet spoke like a cat! Cats dont get surprised, they got curious. His yellow eyes stared at the 'human', before meowing again
You are like Marcus-cat and you smell like a bird? What a strange litter you came from. Only Marcus-cat and Natia-bird ever spoke to me, most two legged things are like mate of Marcus-cat, they make strange noises. How come you can speak to me too? You dont smell like Marcus-cat or Natia-bird. There's no scent of other cats on you, Quay'Na-Hawk. I smell other birds on you.
Maybe you have nice crunchy bird for me? He added, in hope.
Quay'Na Rakai
Feb 5th, 2004, 04:23:34 AM
The Padawan couldn't help but to smile at Stig. Sorry, I've no bird for you, Stig and I have the ability to talk to you, just as your Marcus-cat and Natia-bird. I'm very good friends with several birds in the gardens.
Helenias Evenstar
Feb 15th, 2004, 03:41:46 AM
I tilted my head in interest.
"You can talk to Stig as well? What does he say to you?"
Quay'Na Rakai
Feb 15th, 2004, 05:50:18 PM
Quay'Na nodded towards her master. "Yes, I can hear him, Master. He thought I was a bird or had a bird for him. He's not exactly sure how we can communicate. I think, it surprised him."
Helenias Evenstar
Feb 24th, 2004, 04:26:42 AM
"I bet" I said, "That cat is a mobile garbage disposal unit" Leaning forward, I scratched Stig behind the ears, which sent him purring.
"But this is interesting - Xazor could talk to Stig as well"
Quay'Na Rakai
Feb 29th, 2004, 09:31:18 AM
"I can communicate with most of the animal kingdom, some communicate back, some resist me. But, my big test is yet to come. I wish to communicate with a Krayt Dragon."
Kryats were her love, they were beautiful, but dangerous animals and they needed respect. Respect that the Padawan was willing to give.
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