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Agden Ithrin
Nov 23rd, 2003, 05:20:26 AM
The difficulty of wielding a lightsaber wasn’t lessening with time. Each time Agden ignited the twin blade, he found himself stumbling, unable to maintain balance and keep up a good rhythm. He knew that, if he was to be a Jedi Knight some day, he would require some proficiency in the use of such a weapon, and therefore it was high-time he familiarized himself with proper use of the thing. In the absence of a tutor, or partner, he would have to resort to trail and error, so was dearly hoping someone else would turn up to join him.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 27th, 2003, 11:28:57 PM
For the first time in seven months, Terran Starek entered the combat gym.

The Order consisted of several training rooms, gardens, courtyards, libraries, classrooms--just a few among hundreds of rooms. However, the training facilities at The Order were second to none. With every concievable advanced equipment type--weight training, combat droids, Force training courses--the combat wing of the training facility also bore the most archaic styles of equipment as well. Terran was often found there, as he had learned to use crude weights and training bags since he was young. Though he was proficient in the usage of modern technology, he did not prefer it. That's why he found himself in this gym, and why he was suprised to see another.

Fiberplast mats dotted the floor--tumbling mats--and some punching bags and free weights hung around the walls. Terran kept his feet moving in the corner, bobbing and weaving around a large, black bag. He threw several varying punches, his hands wrapped in white tape. Well before another had entered, he had sensed him--the young Jedi's forte in the arts of the Force. He felt the other's aura--a bit lonley, perhaps. Still, Terran remained focused on the bag before him.


The familiar, inescapable sound rang through the gym as Terran stopped. Another followed, as Terran deduced before observing that this person was weilding either two blades or a single, double-bladed weapon. The Jedi reached for the towel that slumped in the corner next to a pile of his own things. He pulled it forth, wiping his forehead and turning to face the other.

He'd seen the Zabrack before, but had never met him. In fact, he remembered precisely where he'd seen him--somewhere with Xazor. Perhaps he was one of Xazor's old students, or maybe an aquaintance. Nonetheless, the tatooes and horns of this fello were familiar. The Jedi looked down into his pile of things, spotting the saber he had borrowed from his master long ago. Not his own weapon, Halcyon, he'd left his weapon behind some time ago, in safe keeping, until he felt he could return to it. Until he felt that he could supress the emotions he had faced before.

Well, now's as good a time as any to get back into the swing of things, I suppose, the Jedi thought, picking up the hilt of the manufactured weapon and turning, starting towards the Zabrack. Though it had been seven months since he had felt an ignited saber in his hand, he hadn't forgotten a thing.

"Hello, friend," Terran spoke, a smile on his face as a few loose strands of blonde hair fell rebel across his forehead, plastered with sweat. "My name is Terran Starek. I don't think we've met." The Jedi extended a hand.

"I see you've come here to practice your technique with a lightsaber? Perhaps we would benefit from some sparring together?" The Jedi was well versed in the arts of saber combat. He'd had a very strong mentor--the now missing Master Marcus Q'Dunn. Though no one had spoken his name for some time, his presence haunted the halls of the Jedi. Now under the tutelage of Estelle Russard, this would be his first time with a saber since the switch.

Agden Ithrin
Dec 1st, 2003, 11:32:30 AM
So engaged, he had been, in the saber and its movements, that the appearance of the Jedi had startled him. Luckily, he managed to shut down the twin beams before he did anything dangerous. Terran Starek introduced himself, and Agden smiled faintly upon accepting the handshake. He hadn't expected anyone to actually join him, so it was a pleasant surprise. Then, at the proposal of practicing together, his smile broadened.

"Tha's just what I was lookin' for."

For a moment, he paused, then felt the need to set the record straight, for the sake of safety.

"M'hearing is, her, not really working, so if y'r wantin' t'tell me somethin', y'll have t'do it wi' the Force."

This said, he gave a small bow and decided upon only engaging one beam. The blue cylinder hissed back to life, and he set himself into what he assumed was a basic defensive stance.

"If y've any pointers, by th'way, please tell me."

imported_Terran Starek
Dec 3rd, 2003, 10:33:04 AM
Luckily, mental communication through telepathy was one of Terran's stronger points.

Absolutely, the Jedi replied, bowing his head to Agden as he ignited the green lighstaber blade. The weight didn't change and Terran let out a small smile--he remembered how it felt to wield the weapon of a Jedi. An icon of honor, conviction, and above all, justice. He had not kept the values of this weapon close to him, losing his composure before and surrendering his lightsaber to a close friend for safe keeping. Now, he sought to restore his trust in himself to observe that honor.

He dropped his front foot and put all of his weight on his back foot. Though he was not the best swordsman, he had a very strong technique--one that kept him alive. It was generally defensive, but in order to encourage a good spar, he would be offensive in this match, since Agden had taken a typical defensive stance across from him.

Widen your stance a bit, dropping your weak foot to balance, Terran spoke in Agden's mind, simply supplying pointers that Agden had requested. He wondered how skilled the Zabrak was, and figured there was only one way to find out.

Position your saber in front of you, slightly angled across your body so you can react to a weakside slash. That will give you a tiny bit of an edge when your leverage is off. With that, Terran sought to demonstrate. He made a slow lunge--plenty slow enough for Agden to react--and slashed his saber towards Adgen's opposite saber arm, demonstrating his point.

Agden Ithrin
Dec 3rd, 2003, 11:42:51 AM
The sight of a saber beam flashing towards him was unnerving, but Agden was determined to get this right. He did as Terran had suggested, tilting his arms a little to catch Starek's saber on a horizontal. The feeling of the two blades pulsing together was phenomenal. They crackled and growled, desperate to be apart. The Zabrak yielded, and took a step backwards – sliding his back foot and bringing his front to follow, whilst still maintaining the pose his partner had suggested. His hands came back up into the same guard as before, and a little smile worked onto his lips.

imported_Terran Starek
Dec 3rd, 2003, 06:04:32 PM
A very sound defense! Terran smiled, applauding the Jedi with his approval. Agden had done very well, and his movements were confident and solid to boot. Terran instinctively pulled back into his own defensive manuver before continuing, noting that Agden had adjusted his feet and moved very nicely. There was a lot of raw skill there, and Terran could see that the Jedi had the necessary focus to handle himself.

Let's try a stab. I'm not sure if you've had any sort of swordplay training before, but the best way to defend a stab is to either ride or redirect its momentum away from you. Ready to try? Terran assumed that Agden was by the look in his eyes and by the fact that he did not say otherwise. Taking a quick jab step--though not too quick, as this was training with live weaponry--he drew his weapon back and then thrust it forward, stabbing towards the other's saber arm. This was to see how well Adgen understood the concept.

Agden Ithrin
Dec 19th, 2003, 02:03:54 PM
The lunge was another daunting opponent. Agden had decided that he was going to try and ride out the attack, whilst evading ensuring he was not harmed. He allowed the tip of the blade to drive towards his body, and while doing so twisted so that he was side-on to Terran. With a shift of his hands, he pushed the blue-bladed saber against Terran's on the side, spraying a mist of sparks into the air as the friction locked the two and ensured Agden's safety.

imported_Terran Starek
Jan 9th, 2004, 03:36:52 PM
The other was quick to learn, and he had positioned himself expertly out of harm's way with the block. It was quite a good manuver for one who claimed to know nothing, and Terran wondered whether to chalk it up to natural talent or a little training that perhaps Agden wasn't sharing. Either way, it made little difference, and Terran decided to link another move, to see how well the other adapted.

Good, now let's keep this momentum, Terran said before twisting his wrists against Adgen's blades, breaking the lock. He spun himself around, bring his saber with his body to the left, the blade exploding into a hiss of light as his weapon was met by a quick block from Agden. Coming off of the block Terran turned his forearm upward and repositioned his body to square up with his opponent. He angled his weapon down and jabbed towards the blade, trying to push it out of position. Doing so, Agden's blocking saber was pushed aside, and Terran aimed his saber for a slash back across Agden's body--though out of the way of actual contact--to see if he would be perceptive enough to move his other weapon with the flow of battle.