View Full Version : A new student for a new knight...(Jezreal Darkshard)

Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 21st, 2003, 11:56:59 AM
Rivin sat in the middle the floor in his almost empty room. Instead of a Bed he had a thin mat on the floor. His floor was empty except for a dresser and the comm unit. High up on the wall he he has a shelf that goes all the way around his room, and displays a wide colection of porcelin sculptures, Old Books, and some old locked boxes.

In his hand he holds one of the old books, reading about who knows what since the book is writen in the Old Sith Language.

He hears a knock on the door, and looks up from his book..

"Who Dares to disturb me!" He calls out to the door, then stays seated, waiting for an answer.

Jezreal Darkshard
Nov 21st, 2003, 04:25:03 PM
Jezreal jumped a little by Rivin sudenly shouting out "um, Its me Jezreal" She said through the door "I wanted to talk to you about something."

Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 24th, 2003, 12:44:21 AM
Rivin Raises a hand and uses the force to poen the door. Rivin remains seeted on his floor...

"What may I do for you Jezreal?"

He looks up at her...

"Please come in."

Jezreal Darkshard
Nov 25th, 2003, 11:50:19 PM
Jezreal walked into Rivin's room and gave him a weak smile "I wanted to ask you something" She repeated "I was wondering what it was that happend to you that Je'gan found when he entered your mind?"

Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 27th, 2003, 11:13:21 AM
Rivin's eyes flare with anger as she asks her question. But the anger is forced away quickly

"What he saw is no ones concern but my own. But in short he found that I was not angry at the two of you, but angry at the fact that I was dusturbed from my greeving of a lost commrad, that I have been greeving for every year since they died, on the same day with out interuption...."

Rivin stands and walks over to the door and closes it behind Jezreal, turning to face her after the door is closed.

"....I don't know what Je'gan told you, but I would be warry of what he says. His ego is large and he beleaves he could best everybody including myself. He is skilled, but he is still only an apprentice, and I could have killed him at any time I had wished to in that fight I had with him. I have spent much of my training learning the ways of Lightsaber combat, to the point that I was able to kill the Master that taught me."

Rivin then walks back to the center of his mostly empty room and sits back down.

"Is there any other questions you wish to ask me?"

Jezreal Darkshard
Nov 27th, 2003, 02:50:14 PM
Kill his Master! Jezreal thoughts as she looked at Rivin "but what was the point of killing your master?"

Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 27th, 2003, 03:15:23 PM
"If you must know, Guess I should tell you the whole story."

Rivin closes his eyes , and starts to talk.

"I grew up on a small back water planet with my mother and my sister. They treat me like skum, untill I got overly angry one day and hurt my mother. I didn't know what to do. I was only 7 years old, so I ran. I ran untill I came across a man that promised me power. He took me in and trained me in the ways of the darkside."

Rivin opens his eyes and focuses on the far wall, as if he was looking at nothing

"But He was holding me back. He would keep me and my fellow students locked in a cave, no contact to the outside world. He would beat us everyday when every we did not complete our training asginments to his standards. I knew I was ready to leave. I had constructed my own lightsaber in private, and had studied my Master's books extencively. when I was 15 years old, I told him to let me out, he said that I could leave when He thought I was ready, When I would bow down at his feet and comply with every order he gave. I told him that I would fight for my freedom..... I did... and I won. With my Master Dead, I kicked out all the other students after opening the entrance. I started an extortion ring on that planet. and when I got enough money to buy a ship, I took all my Masters Books put them in my ship and set off to torment the galaxy."

Rivin opens his eyes...

"My master taught me much, and I did not want to kill him. But I wanted my freedom even more. I did what I had to. And I would do it again if I had the choice to relive that part of my life."

Jezreal Darkshard
Nov 29th, 2003, 02:34:57 PM
"He sounds like a evil man" Jez said as she followed his gaze to the wall "but I think killing him wasnt the right thing to do but not the wrong thing either

It would be wrong for a sith like that to live the way he was living" She said with a sigh "but I think you could have done it a different way."

Dark Lord Rivin
Dec 1st, 2003, 10:58:30 AM
"But I did not do it a different way. I was only 15. Young, stupid, and in a hurry to take on the galaxy. My whole life I had been bossed around, and I could not let myself be bosed afound any more. At the time that was the only way I could see me gain my freedom. It is always easy to see things that you could do differently when you look back on things, but that will not change that fact that the action was done."

Rivin looks up ar Jezreal....

"Now.... Why are you so interested in my past?"

Jezreal Darkshard
Dec 1st, 2003, 06:12:10 PM
Jezreal looked at the ground "I just wanted to know more about you so that we could be better freinds" She looked up and gave him a weak smile.

Dark Lord Rivin
Dec 2nd, 2003, 11:34:50 AM
"I am guessing that you have other reasons for comming here. If I am correct, please tell me what brings you to my room?"

Jezreal Darkshard
Dec 2nd, 2003, 04:36:20 PM
Jezreal bit her lip "I had heard that you have been apointed to the rank of knight and I was wondering if you... if you...." She puased "if you would take me as you aprentice?"

Dark Lord Rivin
Dec 3rd, 2003, 11:37:09 AM
Rivin smiles...

"Is that all?"

Rivin laughs

"Very well. I shall teach you. but be warned, my teaching methods are unconventional, and very out of the ordernary.... When do you wish to start?"

Jezreal Darkshard
Dec 3rd, 2003, 10:01:54 PM
that was quick Jez thought as she thought over his question "as soon as possible would be nice."

Dark Lord Rivin
Dec 4th, 2003, 03:00:54 PM
"alright... We will start training tomorow. Can you tell me what you already have been taught?"

Jezreal Darkshard
Dec 4th, 2003, 07:34:08 PM
"My last master tought me how to create a force wind" She said as she remebered Oolana's words that dat.

Dark Lord Rivin
Dec 5th, 2003, 11:21:34 AM
Rivin nods...

"Very well... Is there anything you would like me to start teaching you tomorrow?"

Jezreal Darkshard
Dec 5th, 2003, 02:11:50 PM
Jezreal thought for a moment "I like to be suprised" She said with a little grin "that way I dont know what to expect and therefore im not prepared for it."

Dark Lord Rivin
Dec 5th, 2003, 02:17:04 PM
"Very well... I will will see you for training tommorow."

Jezreal Darkshard
Dec 5th, 2003, 02:31:03 PM
Jezreal nodded her head "thank you Rivin" She said as she turned and walked out the door closeing it behind her

She headed for her room to get ready for her training the following morning.