View Full Version : Czerka Corp, the corpse rises again

Nov 21st, 2003, 12:03:04 AM
*Lowbacca sat in front of his datapad pouring over the figures of the rapidly declining Czerka Corporation. The recent overhaul of galactic finaces with the Vong war had left many outlyer companies in dire straights. He needed to get commerce up and running again.*

*His Trilon Aggressor "Vendetta" sat in orbit above the world of Kashyykk. Lowbacca was making his first visit home in quite a few months. Having just been recently liberated by the Smuggler's Alliance, he had a lot of work to do.*

*The ruling structure of the system was in a shambles and the great leaders such as Grawwahir, and Raloroow had since passed on into the shadowlands.*

*Lowie cleared customs and his ship landed in his docking bay, where he took a woryshrr vine to Roworrko. His office had remained relativly untouched. Lodged in the corner was his secret closet where his faithful, schizophrenice protocol droid was hidden. Right before the Vong occupation, Lowie had hidden it to prevent it from being destroyed. This droid had many important documents to Czerka Corp stored in it's memory bank.*

*he activated the droid and it whirred to life* "Good morning master lowbacca, it feels like I have been sleeping for a long time. It seems everyone is out to get me. What can I do for you*

"Rwaawwaroooorrawwwwww" (Access the Czerka Archives)

"Very well master, accessing the archives now, what info do you seek."

"I need call numbers for all of the officers of Czerka Corporation."

"Very well master retrieving now"

*Lowie sat back and dialed his longtime associate Captain Mykil.*

<Mykil speaking>

<Captain, what of our Tattoine outpost, does it still exist.>

<It is still there, but not doing very well. We just recently brought up our vaporators again, and have the holonet working.>

<Well prepare for my arrival, I am the CEO of Czerka Corp now and I want to rebuild sales and contact lists>

<Very well sir, I await your arrival.>

*Lowie clicked off the comm and sat back in his wookiee chair. Tomorrow he would go to the Shadowlands and attempt again to locate the ritual beast and retrieve the legendary sword of Bacca.*