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View Full Version : Training of Jorshal II - See the Serpent

Salem Ave
Nov 20th, 2003, 03:21:57 PM
Salem was sitting in the dining hall of the Sith Palace. The table at which Sith were allowed to eat was set as though a banquet was expect, with knives and forks and plates, able to seat about twenty. He had summoned Jorshal to meet him there, at mid-day, though had not explained why…

Dec 2nd, 2003, 04:07:41 PM
Jorshal had walked into the dinning hall and passed all the usual apprentices sitting at the tables. Today Jorshal was going to eat with the knights and maybe a master, if he was lucky.

He glanced at the meal of the day that the other kids were eating, nothing good. Hopefully he would get a good meal that the knights got. He cut his imagination off and focused back into reality. His master may want him for a foot stool for all he knew.

He approached his master and bowed his head. "You wanted something?" He asked hoping for the best.

Salem Ave
Dec 3rd, 2003, 11:29:23 AM
The vampire looked down from the table, at the boy, and asked:

"Do you like to play games, Jorshal?"

Dec 3rd, 2003, 11:51:12 PM
"Games...?" Jorshal repeated. Of course he liked a good game, What child didn't? He thought to himself about what his Master's next lesson was, what game was going to teach him about the Force? Jorshal did no tknow the answer but he trusted his master did.

"Yeah, I like to play games." he said in an almost cautious tone, what it was his master exactly was getting at he didn't know. He assumed it would be shown to him in a matter of short time.

Salem Ave
Dec 5th, 2003, 06:10:15 AM
"Come and sss-it," Salem said, nodding towards the vacant chair to his left. Up and down the long table there were others seated, but mostly in small groups. People tended to keep in with those who they knew, and this resulted in the Order segregating into small sects. "We arrre going to play a game with your fellow Sssith," he continued.

His next words were spoken telepathically, to the boy alone. There is a rumor that this hall is haunted by the ghost of a Sith Lord. Whether or not this is true or false is irrelevant – we are going to create the ghost.

Dec 5th, 2003, 08:50:45 AM
Jorshal smiled a very wide smile. This was going to be a very fun game. He let his mind wander through the possibilities of how to carry out this task. He went through the typical signs of a haunting, and then began to mix a few up and come up with a few of his own. The major problem was Jorshal could do it, if he knew how to use telekinesis much better than he did.

"Master, I'm not sure how to do this."

Salem Ave
Dec 6th, 2003, 04:37:12 AM
Salem leant down a little, and hushed his voice to a raspy whisper, "You must use chimestry… apparitions, illusions. To create an illusssion you must have everrry detail of its appearance in your mind. Think of a person in your past who hasss missstrrreated you, or who you can vividly remember, and trrry to image them sitting bessside us."

Only the boy would be able to see it at first, he thought, but in time it would manifest fully.

Dec 7th, 2003, 01:42:42 AM
Jorshal listened to what his master said and did as commanded. If he was to scare people he had tothink of someone he himself hated, and feared at a point in his life. The first and only person he could think of was his father. He was young at the time when his father still lived, but the picture was still there. His father was tall and muscular. His eyes were piecing and he wore a beard, to Jorshal it seemed he was hiding something behind it. He never found out what though. And his clothing, robes, Jedirobes. The picture was as vivid in his mind as it was as if he was staring at him in front of him.

Jorshal's mind was too focused onhis father and the image of any other couldn't replace it. It would have to do for now and Jorshal began to try and project it. He closed his eyes and found the Force and the strange way it showed the world to him. Minutes went by as he tried to paste the image of his father somewhere in the Force. He couldn't do it.

Jorshal's mind was to distracted by memories of his father to fully concetrate. Things he had, then a new memory broke in. It was his father and mother fighting. Both with lightsabers and they dueled, ultimately to the death. Words entered his mind and it felt like he was hearing them all over again. "You're wrong! I can't believe you are so damn blind!" His father shouted and it eched through Jorshal's brain. "If you go this way you'll drag them all down with you! The darkside will swallow all of you and you'll all be destroyed!" He shouted again.

Before, these words really didn't mean anything to Jorshal. He didn't really understand what his father was talking about. But now he did and he realized how terrible his father really was. He was trying to push what he thought was right onto Jroshal's mother and his brothers and himself. Thrying to Force himself and take away their free will. Jorshal became very angry and inside his power grew. The image of his father became real, or so it seemed in front of Jorshal's eyes.

He stared at the man and the man stared right back at him. His father knew everything that Jorshal had done and what he was becoming. An educated killer, as his master had put it.

Then it spoke, "Look at you. You are a failure, becoming consumed by the darkside. You are weak and an evil little mistake! I can;t believe something like you came from me!" He shouted at Jorshal. Rage consumed Jorshal and leapt but a chair caught his foot and he crashed into the ground and his jaw clenched on his tongue. He looked back up and opened his blood filled mouth. Blood droplets fell to the ground and the image was gone. He looked back at his master to see if he had seen what had happened.

Salem Ave
Dec 9th, 2003, 03:01:25 AM
One cloven hand scooped Jorshal back up, and sat him back down on his chair. Salem ducked down towards him and with narrowed eyes hissed: "Contrrrol yourself, boy. This illusion isss for others, not you. Now try again, and this time make sure that the phantom is on your leash, not the otherrr way around."

Dec 9th, 2003, 10:23:44 AM
Jorshal clenched his teeth in anger. First of all, he didn't like to embarress himself and secondly he didn't like to be yelled at for it either. Jorshal became determined to scare the people eating to death. He let his imagination go and created a monster in his head.

Using the same technique he did before he brought the fearsome creature out in front of him. It threw its arms up and roared, as Jorshal had commanded. He looked to his master for approval but noticed how neither his master or anyone else noticed the creature was there.

Salem Ave
Dec 14th, 2003, 07:39:21 AM
"You arrren't controlling yourssself. Anger is all good and well, but you must harnessss it. For that thought to manifessst, you must hate it, you must will it, but above all you mussst control it."

Dec 21st, 2003, 12:33:49 PM
The monster began to fade as Jorshal listened to his masters words. He listened and then put Salem's commands into practice. The monster reappeared and Jorshal tried to control it. Fueled with his anger, he caused the monster to submit to his will. The creature did only what Jorshal told it to.

He focused on the monster and poured his energy into making it appear as real. His head began to ache and soon the pain crept all over his body. He barely opened his eyes and saw that a few people were frightened, Jorshal wasn't the only one who saw it now.

Salem Ave
Dec 24th, 2003, 09:09:19 AM
"Send it at them. Tell them death has come for them. Make them believe."

Jan 4th, 2004, 08:25:07 PM
A voice roared but it did not come from the beast, "In death is where you belong." A man in battle armor appeared at the end of a chain, starting with the creature.

Two illusions was tough, instead of trying to make the illusion of the creature and it master seperate, Jorshal made the two illusions into one.

"Fear me." It called. A few more people saw it and scrambled from their chairs. Jorshal looked again to his master for approval.

Salem Ave
Jan 10th, 2004, 10:48:03 AM
"Match it with your Force powers. Use the Force to knock things assside as it walks towards them. Convince them entirely."

Jan 11th, 2004, 01:28:44 AM
Doing two things with the Force at the same time was going to be difficult. Jorshal concentrated on the image and did his best to hold it there. The illusion froze completely but soon objects began to move.

Jorshal started with a few glasses on a table and moved his way to bigger objects. Then he noticed the illusion was lifeless. He was getting angry with this task, it seemed like too much. He growled in his throat and forced the image to move while he continuously knocked over more items.

His head felt like it was splitting in half, but he did not stop trying to complete the task. For a moment the image and the moving objects were not moving together, but with more concentration and sacrifice they moved as one.

Tables were flipping over and chairs were being torn apart by a creature and its master that were not really there. By now Jorshal had seen the fear in the other people and saw the fruit of his work. It had become easier now, but not too much.

It seemed everything in the room had been moved and only a few lingered. The creature heaved and its master looked for more victims. Then someone noticed that Jorshal and his master's table was unharmed. It seemed someone had figured Jorshal's trick out and he began to walk to them, unafraid of the creature. "What's the big idea? You people come here to ruin our lunch? If this is some practical joke, I swear..."