View Full Version : Lookin' in all the wrong places (open)
Ruufe Shanks
Nov 19th, 2003, 01:00:40 AM
It's pitch black. Night has fallen on Coruscant, the last place where Ruufe found his old master. The boy's been up to no good for the longest time, making trouble wherever he goes and getting people's dander up. Now he's sick of it, and lacking a direction to go in his quest to be the king of nightwalkers, he's decided to go find Darren. It's just that he's not ANYWHERE.
"OI! Ya gotta be here SOMEWHERE!"
His shout attracts the attention of some rather angry looking people. It seems he's disturbed them in the middle of something important.
imported_Ambrose Braeden
Nov 21st, 2003, 06:55:28 PM
The dead body hits the floor with a sickening thud as the boy shouts. Blood dripped from Ambrose's mouth and from the corpse's neck. Ambrose only lifted his eyes to see who it was that had disturbed him while he was feeding off of the blood of a human, a human that meant nothing to the galaxy. Before he looked, the Dark Knight had felt a distinct presence of a vampire in his midst. He had not felt that particular feeling in a long time. But he had found out who withheld that certain arora about him when he looked up to see who it was that was bothering him. It was none other that the mindless nuisance Ruufe Shanks. The boy was once a member of the Shrine of the Damned and a loyal servant to Darren Cardeth. But in the midst of things, the Vampire Lord had betrayed his fellow Vampire and became now what is called a rogue. Darren was no where to be found this night, but his apprentice was looking for him and Ambrose would use that to his advantage.
Walking towards the young rogue vampire, the Sith Knight whiped his mouth with a cloth that he kept around him all of the time. He had finally aproached the young boy who had his back turned towards him. With the skill that Ambrose has attained within the Darkside, Ruufe would not be able to sence that the Vampire Knight was right behind him, if he chose not to. The rogue had no idea of what was happening.
"Ruufe Shanks, how pleasant it is to see you after all of this time. I had started to wonder where you had gone."
Ruufe Shanks
Nov 22nd, 2003, 09:55:57 PM
Ruufe knows the voice. He's heard it before. He'll be damned if he knows where he heard it before.
"Hmph, I went to practice the fighting stuff I was taught. Where've YOU been?"
imported_Ambrose Braeden
Nov 24th, 2003, 09:54:57 PM
"Where've YOU been?"
The words flowed through the fledgling vampires lips as if it were silk sliding across your hand. Ambrose was amaze, and shocked at the same time as the why the boy would ask such a question, when he had clearly already knew that answer. Ambrose wondered if Ruffe knew what a rogue vampire was, and if not, he would soon find out, for a vampire that turns into a rogue, will be hunted and destroyed immidiatly. The little fledgling would be no match for the more expirience one, but the Dark Knight did not know if Darren Cardeth had taught his very young apprentice any more abilities since he had left the Shrine of the damned. It did not matter, Ambrose would soon learn if his thoughts were true.
"You dare to ask me where I have been young one. You know very well where I have been. I have been in the place that you had deserted many moons ago, along with you master Darren Cardeth. I should be the one asking you that very same question."
Ambrose's words hit home with the little fledgling, and Ambrose wondered if he had seen the wrongfulness in his ways.
Ruufe Shanks
Nov 24th, 2003, 10:15:44 PM
"Oi, but I answered it already. I learned to shockbox and do smuggling things in Coruscant's black market."
Clearly Ruufe doesn't get that Ambrose is threatening him over his abrupt leaving of the Shrine. Ruufe doesn't view Ambrose as an enemy yet; this is more of a catching up conversation than anything.
imported_Ambrose Braeden
Nov 26th, 2003, 01:55:14 PM
"Oi, but I answered it already. I learned to shockbox and do smuggling things in Coruscant's black market."
The words uttered by the fledgling vampire sounded like a traitor to the vampire knight. Ambrose knew exactly what Ruffe was thinking at that very moment and knew that the little vampire did not want to fight his superior. Ambrose laughed inwardly when Ruffe only wanted to catch up on things.
Ambrose looked hard at the young vampire and smiled, bearing his white sharp fangs to the young fledgling. Ambrose wondered how he had survived this long, and the money he already knew was good in that line of buisness.
"Well then, I know that you have fed on the blood of certain beings many times since you had left the shrine. But on what I am not certain of. I am wondering if you have learned yet how to weild the Dark Side that resides in yourself Ruufe. I wonder if your former master Darren Cardeth has taught you in the ways of the Dark Side of the force, or if he has left that up to chance. That is strange...
Ruufe Shanks
Nov 29th, 2003, 08:36:40 PM
"I can make myself stronger," Ruufe says. "And I learned on my own to see stuff with the Force." He smirks, thinking these to be fairly big accomplishments. They've given him all the advantage he's needed so far. He's so confident he's not bothered to try any other abilities yet.
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