View Full Version : The Game List begins....

Ace McCloud
Nov 18th, 2003, 12:19:35 PM
It's Christmas season folks. I'm sure alot of you might want some games for Christmas or buy some for someone. It works both ways for me, and my mother is badgering me about getting a list of games I want. It's hard for me to come up with those sort of things, but so far I've come up with two games:

Call of Duty for the PC.
Stronghold: Crusaders for the PC.

I can't think of much else. So, any suggestions for games would be helpful, any system works. :smokin

Morgan Evanar
Nov 18th, 2003, 01:54:47 PM
If you have a PS2 or X-Box get Legacy of Kain: Defiance. Not only is the story and voice acting excellent, but the game is a lot of fun.

Nov 18th, 2003, 02:16:46 PM
Max Payne 2
Mobo ^_^;

(reminds self to get off butt and send Morg's back)

Ace McCloud
Nov 18th, 2003, 02:19:49 PM
mobo? Whats that? I have KOTOR and max payne 1.

Morgan Evanar
Nov 18th, 2003, 04:18:15 PM
Charley needs a new motherboard and CPU.

Kelt Simoson
Nov 18th, 2003, 04:22:34 PM
Max Payne 2
MOH - Breakthrough

Thats all i wanna get if i had ze dosh, unfortunetly my prezzies are going on more important thingies :)

imported_Darriann Sollak
Nov 19th, 2003, 08:43:56 PM
If you like the LotR series. The new RPG type game Return of The King is one you should get. Its great for multiplayer. And it has a lot of bonus stuff you can unlock as you beat the game. For a laugh if you play Frodo keep doing his finishing move over and over, and while your doing that sing "I've Been Working on the Railroad". You'll see why the song fits. I laughed so hard I fell out of my seat.

Falcon Gyndar
Nov 21st, 2003, 03:28:56 PM
*sits there playing pacman for NES*

I can't beleive that after all these years I can still get a laugh outta saying "LOOK, IT'S THE ALL-CONSUMING PACMAN!" and "The big flashing yellow dots make you invincible!" while playing Pacman, at 3 am, with my sister. My little sister. Well...ah.. I don't have any older siblings....

Zatania Duvall
Nov 25th, 2003, 09:03:54 PM
Kill Switch looks like fun, as well as Medal of Honor: Rising Sun. I don't play those games cuz I suck at them, but they're loads of fun to watch because the graphics are done so well. All my friends love it and so does my lil bro and big bro.

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 29th, 2003, 09:32:30 PM
For me
Harry Potter Quidditch World Cup PS2

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 2nd, 2003, 05:26:58 PM
Super Mario Sunshine Gamecube

Right now that's the only game I can think of. I'm sure there were a few games for PS2 that caught my interest, but I can't remember what they were.

Dec 2nd, 2003, 06:04:16 PM
No one starts off good Zatiana :p should try playin more, might find yourself mowin down Nazi's plus its more fun to play then watch. Im havin fun with Jedi Academy at the moment

Im looking forward to Call of Duty except my Pc is nearly 5 years old so all the new games specs are higher then what my pc can handle so it looks like im gonna need to start upgrading or buy a new computer. Not sure which i wanna do yet.

Pierce Tondry
Dec 3rd, 2003, 10:39:34 AM
I wasn't impressed with Mario Sunshine, Wei. It's kinda neat, but the gameplay can be aggravating at times and the overall difficulty is pretty weak. If I were you, I'd rent it instead.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 4th, 2003, 01:01:30 PM
I suppose. But I enjoyed it. I've always been attracted to those kinds of games though.

When does Sonic Hero come out? I want that game!

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 4th, 2003, 01:03:31 PM
Broken Sword: Sleeping Dragon

That and KOTOR are the only games I want :)

Dec 4th, 2003, 01:04:05 PM
Not XIII? :)

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 4th, 2003, 01:10:28 PM
OH! Of course. I forgot that. That too ;)

Kelt Simoson
Dec 4th, 2003, 01:26:38 PM
13 is cool :)

Original anyway.

Adding to my list: MOH Rising Sun

Dec 14th, 2003, 06:52:03 PM
For PC:

Knights of the Old Republice

For Gamecube:

LOZ: The Wind Waker
Metroid Prime

For Gameboy Advance:

Super Mario World
Yoshi's Island
Metroid Fusion
Mario Kart Advance

Peter McCoy
Dec 15th, 2003, 03:55:27 AM
For Gamecube:

Metroid Prime
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 3
Mario Kart Double Dash

For PC:

Knights Of The Old Republic
Universal Combat
GTA: Vice City

Dark Lord Dyzm
Dec 15th, 2003, 04:26:18 AM
Rise of Nations
Homeworld 2

Jak and Dextar: 2
Ratchet and Clank: 2
Prince of Persia

Double Dash

Ace McCloud
Dec 15th, 2003, 12:54:09 PM
Final List!

Call of Duty
Stronghold: Crusaders
Rainbow 6 3

Prince of Persia

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 15th, 2003, 01:02:19 PM
For PC:

Knights of the Old Republice

Republicé! :lol that made me think of a French version of the game, with Knights in floppy french hats and stripey shirts, with baggetes instead of sabers.

K, I'll stop now.

Dec 15th, 2003, 06:12:47 PM
lesse, I want:

FFX-2 *PS2)
Warcraft III Expansion
True Crime
Sonic Heroes (whenever that comes out)

Zasz Grimm
Dec 16th, 2003, 01:03:55 PM
Xbox Live...

but i'll probably wind up buying that for myself.

Dec 16th, 2003, 05:48:52 PM

I highly recommend it. There is a demo on the site.