View Full Version : Mini-Bio's At-A-Glance Thread
Estelle Russard
Nov 18th, 2003, 12:55:04 AM
Just like the title says, please add your Character here for quick and easy Roleplay reference. Briefly list who they are, where they are from, special abilites, best friend, arch nemesis etc. In other words, a Minute Biography.
With so many names here at the Order, this will be a great help to have a quick guide in order to know a little bit about a Character you are/or may want to interact with.
Please add your Character! (Sigs may be included)
**This doesn't exclude you making a full and indepth Bio for your character in a separate thread. We want to see those too!*
Estelle Russard - Knight
Padawan of ReaperFett
Master to Plo Koon, Maximas, Aejin Rahn, Terran Starek.
*Farm girl from Tr'Nuva; Good friend of the bounty hunter Aurelias Kazaar; Developing Forth-telling gift dreams and visions.
Figrin D'an
Nov 18th, 2003, 01:07:48 AM
Figrin D'an
Affiliation/Rank/Occupation: Jedi Master, Republic Diplomat
Physical: Human male, 6'1", 195 lbs., 44 GSY
Force: Energy manipulation, Mental Fortitude, Enhanced sight.
Expertise: Sabre mastery (Forms III and V), diplomacy, history
Summary: A Jedi for his entire adult life, Figrin began the Jedi path as a teenager by accidently being "discovered" while traveling the galaxy in search of enlightenment. A private man, he talks little of his past and is close friends to only a few. Considered wise beyond his years, Figrin finds himself often serving as a councilor and mediator, and most have only heard stories of his true Force ability.
Sejah Haversh
Nov 18th, 2003, 02:12:22 AM
Sejah Haversh
Rank: Jedi Padawan
Physical: Nehantite Male, 5'10", 184 lbs, 27 GSY, Brown fur, pink eyes
Force: Non-telepathic, dangerous telekenesis, and currently unfocused speed boosts.
Expertise: Swordplay (Rho'istaan Grand Champion), and automobiles.
Summary: Illiterate most of his life, Sejah was a poor kid from the ghetto and was taken under the wing of a fencing instructor, and soon became his star pupil. But Sejah was of a low social class, and was not allowed to advance far in competition. Eventually he came to a point where he could take over his master's school, but after a death threat he flad his planet and joined with the Jedi. Floundering between masters, he learned little but how to read, and eventually took a disastrous trip back home. He has the worst luck out of most anyone you will meet, and is now easily depressed, yet hopeful that he'll make something of himself.
Shanaria Fabool
Nov 18th, 2003, 11:04:10 AM
Name:Shanaria Fabool
Affiliation/Rank/Occupation: Jedi Padawan/Noble Lady of Omwat
Physical: Soft Gray Eyes, Black Hair, Blue Skin, 5'11" tall with a slim build.
Force: Can not heal with the force, and Force enhancing is difficult for her.
Expertise:She has a very strong mind, and is skilled at Mind infiltration, Effect Mind, and telepathy.
Summary: Born and raised in the Ruling Family on the planet Omwat, she was taught with the ways of The Force, Diplomacy, and The Omwati Military at a young age by her Grandfather, Father, and Mother untill she was banished from her homeworld, when one of her pratice sesions with her effect mind when wrong killing many people. after being banished, she came to the GJO to continue her training that her grandfather started.
Dasquian Belargic
Nov 18th, 2003, 11:09:39 AM
Dasquian Belargic
Affiliation/Rank/Occupation: Jedi Knight, Recruitment Officer
Physical: Hallaeran male, 6’1”, slim athletic, 26 GYS
Force: Empathy
Expertise: negotiation, diplomacy
Summary: Prudish but well-meaning, Dasquian is very set in the ways of the Old Republic.
Kindly. See’s himself as a father figure to those he teaches.
Wei Wu Wei
Nov 18th, 2003, 12:29:17 PM
Wei Wu Wei
Jedi Knight
Physical: Brown hair, brown eyes, average height and build.
Force: Augmentation of speed and strength through the Force.
Expertise: Barehanded martial arts, and listening.
Summary: Outgoing, altruistic, and always ready to give a friendly ear to those who need it. Only resorts to fighting when all other options are exhausted. Looks up to his late grandfather.
Nov 18th, 2003, 02:17:33 PM
Name: Zeke (Ezekiel Saska)
Rank: Jedi Knight
Physical: Black hair, amber eyes, 19 GYS, 5'9", 143 lbs
Force: Telekinetics
Summary: A confident, happy guy. Tells things as he sees them. Has a strong desire to protect those close to him, and will go to any length to protect friends and family. He was adopted by the owner of a legitimate trading business; his real family is the head of a band of pirates.
Kyle Krogen
Nov 18th, 2003, 02:21:18 PM
Kyle Krogen (15 years old)
Jedi Padawan to Wei Wu Wei
Physical: Brown Hair, Green eyes, 5 foot 11.
Force: (undecided)
Expertise: Hand to Hand and lightsabre combat
Summary: Young and outgoing, loves to hang out with freinds. Used to be part of a street gang when he was younger but he changed his ways and became a jedi and seeks to protect the galaxy until its end or his own
Navaria Tarkin
Nov 18th, 2003, 02:41:22 PM
Navaria Tarkin - Jedi Knight
Stronger Healer and highly attuned to the Unifying Force
The name Tarkin holds a strong stigma, one that Navaria has been trying to change since becoming a Jedi. It is not an easy path since her rival in this endevour is a Dark Jedi who looks exactly like her. Depending on the circumstances, the two of them have been mistaken for one another which has caused many awkward and dangerous situations.
imported_Terran Starek
Nov 18th, 2003, 02:56:44 PM
Terran Starek (born Chase Conrad)
Rank: Jedi Padawan of Estelle Russard
Phsical Attributes: Human male, 6'2, 210 lbs., 22 GSY
Force: Sense and Perception (Anything Sense related from Sense Aura to Sense Motive) and Healing
Expertise: Empathy, negotiation, and Jedi Lore and History
Weaknesses: Combat prowess (lightsaber and offensive Force)
Quick Bio: Though his past has become more clear to him over time, Terran tends not to share it with many. Terran was born Chase Conrad, on the planet of Gais. He was taken from his family at a very young age and manipulated by the Sith until he found his way to he Order at the age of 18, though few no the details of his childhood. Today, his nose is constantly found in any number ot texts, soaking in information of all types, giving him a bit of insight on nearly anything. A friendly and caring Jedi, Terran shows considerable patience for his age. His physical prowess and combat skills are a bit below average, while his heart and mind show no limits.
Falcon Gyndar
Nov 18th, 2003, 06:00:17 PM
My bio can actually be found on the website, and I'll be updating and altering that soon.... and submitting it here in the Bio category.
Eldrak Gruuhl
Nov 18th, 2003, 06:04:29 PM
Eldrak Gruuhl - Padawan of Anbira Hicchoru
Background: Kashirian clone of Sith Master Ogre Mal Pannis. A being that is very peace loving, has environmentalist tendencies, and a technical mind for finding solutions and utilizing science. Eldrak is extremely worried that he is destined to become the same type of person that his “original” (Ogre) is.
Force Skills: Mostly undeveloped, but can do some telekinesis (requires more training)
Other Skills/Attributes: Blood composed of acid, inherent limb regenerative healing factor that saps strength, heightened sense of smell, and incredible strength (when not seriously wounded).
Physical: 340 lbs, 6’8”, green eyes, green hair (big and ugly ;))
Current OOC status: Inactive (for now)
Morgan Evanar
Nov 18th, 2003, 09:08:08 PM
Morgan Evanar:
Affiliation/Rank/Occupation: Jedi Master
Physical: Human/Other, male, 35 GSY. 2 meters (6' 6") 110kg (242lbs)
Force Specialization: Stealth, motion awareness, short range Light/Electricity manipulation
Other: slicing, mechanical, hand to hand combat.
Summary: Even tempered slicer and speeder enthuisast Jedi with growing skills in diplomacy. Senses and physical abilities naturally beyond human. Son of Adia Bills-Mors, grew up with adopted parents on Taanab. Married to Jedi Master Rie Mystt. Excells in hand to hand combat and is a trickshot.
Ka' el Darcverse
Nov 19th, 2003, 12:17:58 AM
Ka' el Darcverse (as far as anyone knows)
Rank: Padawan Learner
Physical: Human/male/~18 GSY, 1.94 M (6'2") 88.62 kg (195lbs)
Force Spec: Boosting, malacia (inducing nauseu and vertigo in target) and battle meditation
Other: Saber Specialist Form II
Bio: Found on the steps of the Jedi Praxeum almost 16 years ago this young man has no recollection of any family save the Jedi. He has lived and trained with these defenders of the Galaxy, much as Padawans of old did, even to the extend that he was not taken on as a Padawan Learner until he had matured so that he was not a liability in the field. He is a proponent of Cowboy diplomacy, living by the mantra that actions speak louder than words. This however is sometimes humorous as he tends to be clumsy in his day-to-day life outside his duties.
James Prent
Nov 19th, 2003, 03:54:29 AM
James Prent
Affiliation/Rank/Occupation: Jedi Knight
Physical: Human female, 5', 101 lbs, 19 GSY
Force Specialization: Force visions, telepathy, some telekinesis, diplomacy
Other: Living on Coruscant her whole life, James has left her adoptive parents a few sectors over and come to the Jedi order to find answers to her strange and unexplained powers. She has no idea who her birth parents are, and has disturbing visions of the future. She has been connected somewhat romatically to Aaron Belargic.
Rognan Dar
Nov 19th, 2003, 03:07:09 PM
Rognan Dar
Affiliation/Rank/Occupation: Padawan Learner under Zeke
Physical: Lorrdian Male. 5' 10", 160 lbs. Blue eyes, Brown hair.
Force skills: Telepathy and telekenesis.
Not so good at: Force Boosting and Fighting.
Bio: Lived on Lorrd. He was a only son to his parents, who where teachers of the unique Lorrdian body language. He was neglaected as a child. The only thing that he injoyed that his parents did for him was get him a rare young Wevicat (A human inteligent panther). Once old enough, he left his homeworld in search of a place where he was excepted for who he was.
Nov 19th, 2003, 04:03:38 PM
Sorry I just can't sum up Neyasha in a short post. Here is the full thing... (
Nov 19th, 2003, 09:28:51 PM
Satine Capashen
Rank: Warrior Jedi Master
Phsical Attributes: Human male, 6'5", silver hair and eyes, about 200 lbs
Force: Skilled at making Force shields, and other telekenetic feats with the Force. Strong affinity with fire
Expertise: Hand-to-hand combat, Telekenetics, can use most common weapons in the galaxy (and some uncommon ones)
Weaknesses: Force healing, diplomacy
Quick Bio: Satine, originally a Sith, switched over to the Jedi with the help of his friends, Shay Kaylon, Spadix, and others. He applied for a position in the Warrior class, but was denied until the rank of Knight. Because of his background as a Sith, he has a strong dislike of any "Dark Ones", and would not hesitate to try and remove one from the galaxy. Thinks of himself as a surgeon, cutting out the cancer of darkness from the galaxy. Lives by the sword.
Lion El' Jonson
Nov 20th, 2003, 08:25:46 AM
Lion El' Jonson
Rank: Jedi Padawan, Fleet Admiral in the New Republic
Master: Jedi Knight Dasquian Belargic
Physical Attributes: Human male, 6'2", Blonde Hair
Force: Skilled in the art of mental manipulation. Strong affinity with water.
Expertise: Close combat, incredible strategist, skilled pilot.
Weaknesses:: Prone to reacting to his emotions (rage, fear, despair), trouble interacting with the physical world (i.e Force Levitation).
Quick Bio: Lion El' Jonson is a survivor from the world of Caliban, a planet destroyed many years ago by Grand Admiral Thrawn. His life has been a rollercoaster, as he bounced between professions: Mercenary, Smuggler, Con Artist, and most recently, Jedi. He has an uncanny ability to "get into the mind" of opponents, and uses this ability to its fullest in his role as Lord Admiral El' Jonson, commander of the New Republic Taskforce Implacable. Besides this, he maintains a close friendship with many in the Jedi Order, and has a great respect for his master, Dasquian Belargic.
Salemn Lysce
Nov 20th, 2003, 07:15:41 PM
Name: Salemn Lysce
Rank: Jedi Knight
Physical Attributes: Human female, 5'6, blonde hair, brown eyes
Force: Telepathy, telekinesis, healing
Expertise: Diplomacy
Other: Found in a crashed ship at a young age, Salemn's entire family was either killed on impact or trapped under burning debris. The girl was inflicted with amnesia and, not being able to talk, was rejected by society. She came to the Jedi Order to find peace of mind and help others by preserving peace and justice. Since then she's been striving to keep order in the galaxy.
Leten Snat
Nov 27th, 2003, 02:40:52 PM
Name: Leten Snat
Rank: Jedi Padawan
Physical Attributes:13 year old Human Male, Still growing, blonde hair, brown eyes
Force: good at Illusions, and Finding objests with the force, can not ues telekinesis.
Expertise: Salvaging
Other: Leten lived on the streets of Coruscant in the lower levels for most of his life. When he was 5 years old he started to gather salvage for a local junk yard. In excahnge Leten was taught the basics in reading, writing, and Math by the owner of the junk yard. Leten quickly learned to folow his "instinct" to where the most value peaces of salvage could be found. With the help of the force Leten became the best salvage collector in the lower levels, to the point where the junk yard would give him a contract to collect for them. At the age of 12, When his second three year contract was finished, leten desided to explore the upper floors a bit. Where he came across Lui Fong, A jedi Padawan, that reconised the force in him, and brought him to the GJO.
Loki Ahmrah
Nov 30th, 2003, 05:52:59 AM
Loki Ahmrah
Affiliation/Rank: GJO, Padawan Learner.
Physical: Human male, 11 years old, 4' 5", 64lbs.
Force: Sense emotion, telekinesis and lightsaber combat.
Expertise: Intelligence.
Summary: Loki was given to the Jedi Order aged eight where he was taken under the wing of Anbira Hicchoru and became a padawan learner. On top of lightsaber combat and developing telekinesis, Loki has quickly taken to the people within the Jedi Order. He is a cheerful and bright youngster with dormant emotional conflicts which have surfaced since his trip to Nehantish and his three months spent with the Van-Dervelds.
Kelt Simoson
Nov 30th, 2003, 07:15:31 AM
Kelt Simoson
Affiliation/Rank/Occupation: Jedi Knight, Part Time Recruitment Officer, Captain Of Shazmak
Physical: Archimian male, 5'11", 160 lbs.
Force: Healing, Teleknetic Skills, Force Enhancement.
Expertise: Expert Hand to Hand Fighting/Sabre Skills, Mastery in Projectile use/Marksman (Bows). Profitiant in Stealth/Scout skills
Summary: Kind, generous and loving Kelt is seen to be a shoulder to cry on by many. He describes himself as being "A Enemy of none and a friend to all" and thats just how he is. Expertly skilled in covert tactics Kelt is a awsome soldier to come up against, his experience in major wars in his field are 2nd to none and his dexterity and keen sight are excellent in stealth combat. A Kind man, one who will help his peers to no end and try to help others, but is also a well trained and well minded soldier.
Angelica Shin
Nov 30th, 2003, 07:55:28 PM
Name: Angelica Shin-Wei/Lordess Shin (Sonja Gealica, but that's at a later date)
Rank: Padwan/Lordess of the Shin House
Physical: Black hair w/bangs dyed light brown, Emerald Green eyes, 18 GYS (19 in a few months), 5'7", 123 lbs
Force: Telephatic Ablities are high, due to constant connection with Giran since she was 10, but it's mostly telephatic speech then anything else. Other skills are weak, except sabre combat and minor force boosting skills. (jump, speed and strenght)
Summary: Eldest of Twin of the Shin House, killed her 'father' on the eve of her 10th birthday, which was after she found out that her and her sister Sonja, where not his children. At 14 left her homeworld, after an iccendent concering her first love interest Jichi-Rin, and wandered for three years before coming to Coruscant. Joined the Jedi as Alpha's padawan, Married Wei Wu Wei, ended up having to return home which resulted in her killing her own twin. Returned to the Jedi, though slightly unsure of her place. Is now considered missing and insane.
*thinks it's abit long -.-;;*
Pierce Tondry
Dec 1st, 2003, 10:11:55 AM
Pierce Tondry
Affiliation/Rank/Occupation: Jedi Padawan, Major- Republic Intelligence
Physical: Chandrillan male, 6’5”, brown hair and eyes, broad, exceptionally athletic, 31 GSY
Force: Empathy, Personal Attribute Enhancement
Expertise: Multiple forms of combat, infiltration, investigation, security, and law
Summary: Pierce is a stern and disciplined individual, often coming across as a threatening figure to those who don't see his other sides. He treads the line of justice carefully, but stays shy of leaning to the Dark Side through vigorous adherence to bureacratic procedure necessary in matters of justice. Often, he can be found engaged in matters of minor security for the Jedi when he is not fulfilling his role in the NRI or spending time with his son, Jax.
Dec 1st, 2003, 08:30:42 PM
Name: Kale
Affiliation/Rank/Occupation: Jedi Padawan and a thief on the side
Physical: Human male, 15 GSY, 5'4", 115 lbs. Brown hair, gray eyes
Force: Stealth, mild telekenesis
Expertise: A practiced pickpocket with a little experience in burglary. He also knows his way around the Coruscant streets.
Summary: Kale grew up as a slave on a hole of an asteroid called Kuwaruk Re. Shortly after his master moved him to Coruscant, Kale ran away and scraped together a living off the streets as a pickpocket. Kale joined the GJO primarily for the free room and board. After stealing a museum-piece lightsaber, he almost took off for the streets again, but Rhea Kaylen helped convince him to return the saber and stay with the Order. He is now Padawan to Jedi Knight Pierce Tondry.
Ryla Relvinian
Dec 2nd, 2003, 02:54:05 AM
Ryla Relvinian
Affiliation/Rank/Occupation: Jedi Master
Physical: Rutian Twi'lek/Humanoid Female, medium blue skin, very light blue eyes, black hair, two tattoos, one of a intricate band around her right calf, one on her lower back which is private. 5'11", 185 lbs., 30 GSY
Force: Healing, empathy, and Holocron skills in development.
Expertise: Form III sabre mastery, diplomacy, hand to hand combat.
Weakness: Many force-based/elemental type attacks, biological toxins, illusions. Vodka. Male strippers.
Personality: Trained under Jedi Master Leia Solo. Intense and focused in terms of combat, but often irreverent in her approach to unique training methods. Although she presents a calm and happy face to the world, there are times where even the strong-willed Ryla falters. She is, however, highly dedicated to the Jedi Order, and counts the temple as her only real home. Romantically involved with a padawan, J'ktal Anajii. Both of them currently reside on the Jedi Temple on Yavin.
Kack Mebuff
Dec 3rd, 2003, 11:56:27 AM
Kack Mebuff
Jedi Padawan to Zeke
Training to be a Jedi Warrior
Birthplace: Naboo
Weapons: Purple lightsaber, small blaster pistol, sword named Ruunya
Abilities: Good with telekenesis, relies heavily on the Force since he is blind, excellent in combat, studying Form IV lightsaber combat (hopes to learn form VII eventually)
Friends: Corin Zetith, Dae Jinn, Sejah, Xazor, Mylia, Rikki Van-Warren, Dasquian, Quay'Na Rakai, Falcon Gyndar, Zeke, Rognan Dar
Background: Born and raised on Naboo, Kack became part of his bother's pit crew in the Swoop Race Circuit. After a race on Umgul Kack's brother was killed by a thermal detonator blast. Kack survived, but was blinded by the explosion. He was then visited by the spirit of Mace Windu who sent Kack to the GJO.
He trained on and off with Dasquian Belargic for a year and a half, until extenuating circumstances caused them to part ways. Before their parting Kack discovered that he was descendant of a long line of warriors. He is also a relative of Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn.
Lillian Snow
Dec 3rd, 2003, 09:29:31 PM
Lillian Snow
Affiliation/Rank/Occupation: Jedi Padawan
Physical: Human female, 5'5", 100 lbs., 18 GSY
Force: Force Healing.
Summary: Lillian is the sheltered daughter of a wealthy family. She has been sickly all her life with a disease that leaves her weak and fragile. Symptoms include high fevers, headaches, and coughing of blood (usually under extreme stress). Recently she gave birth to her son, Titian Snow. His father is the madman Armaiil Kryatir.
Titian Snow
Dec 3rd, 2003, 09:45:17 PM
Titian Snow
Present Day
Affiliation/Rank/Occupation: Baby boy
Physical: Human/???? male, 21", 7lbs., one week old
Summary: Titian is the unwanted son of Lillian Snow, fathered by the scientist Armaiil Kryatir as his "masterwork". The Beasts of the madman constantly check on Titian, and though they often hold the boy, all he has ever seen of them is their red eyes. Thus, he has developed an affinity for that color, and constantly looks for it while he's awake and refuses to sleep for fear of missing it.
Affiliation/Rank/Occupation: Jedi
Physical: Human/???? male, 5'9", 120 lbs., 15 GYS
Force: Creating barriers
Summary: Titian, having no father, has bonded closely with his mother. He worries and fears for her constantly due to her sickness and lack of self-defense. The result is that Titian is marvelously gifted with using the Force to make barriers and shields. The truth about his father will rend his world asunder when and if he learns it.
Okashi Zutto
Dec 4th, 2003, 10:39:07 PM
Okashi Zutto
Nicknames- Oka and Zuti
Rank- Initate (no master and like no training >.<)
Physical- Human Female, Pink Hair/Red-Brown Eyes, 4' 10", 13 GYS
Force- Healing (No training yet, but that is the area of expertise she wants to follow) and Empathy
Other- Street Sense (Having lived her life w/parents in the Sulms caring for the people there), Knowlegde of the Human/noid Body and Minor Sugery Skills.
Sum it all up!- Okashi's parents where both Doctors who had given up the well paying jobs in hospitals to care for those who needed care, but could not afford it. Having lived her whole life like this, Okashi cannot be fased easily by blood/gore/horrid smells. Although she acts inconsiderate and rude, she does care, particularly for a slum kid named "Rat", who helped her after her parents deaths. (Morale wise, you sick sick Jedi!) She also keeps her parents ashes in handmade jars (she made and painted the jars herself) and takes more care of them then she does any other inanimate object.
Master Yoghurt
Dec 7th, 2003, 12:47:06 PM
Master Yoghurt
Rank: Jedi Master, Elder
Physical Attributes: 753 years old, 2'6", 50 lbs, green skin, long pointy ears, tripod feet
Force: High level telekinetic techniques, healing, illusionism, future foreseeing. Strong connection to weather and nature..
Expertise: Ancient Jedi combat techniques and meditation. Jedi Lore and history. Diplomatic mediator.
* Great wisdom and knowledge.
* Exceptional abilities in the ways of Force.
* Compassion and trust towards even the darkest person, when wisdom suggests otherwise.
* As a warrior, he has a code of honor; he wont fight unless being attacked first.
* Being physical smaller and weaker than most, he has to compensate through the use of the Force (speed and strength).
Personality: Eccentric, whacked sense of humor, talks in riddles, sympathic, endless patience
Background: Very little is known about Yog's past..
Aranel Oronrá
Dec 9th, 2003, 08:15:44 PM
Aranel Oronra
Affiliation/Rank/Occupation: Jedi Padawan, Soldier of Serebon
Physical: Serebon male, 6'1", 130 lbs.
Force: Enhanced quickness, healing
Expertise: Elevated sabre skills, hand to hand fighting.
Summary: Aranel is a very quite, solitude loving man. He spends alot of time reading and wrinting upon his veranda in the Jedi grounds. Seldom seen and seldom liked to be seen he still remains quite a mysterious chracter.
Hayes Muirso
Dec 10th, 2003, 11:32:33 AM
Affiliation/Rank/Occupation: Jedi Padawan to Morgan Evanar, Former College Professor (taught psychology, world politics and history)
Physical: Human male, 6’1”, brown hair and eyes, fairly lanky, 29 GSY
Force: Empathy
Expertise: Knowledge of galatic customs and cultures
Summary: Hayes is a laid back character, who wants to do a little good in the world. After immersing himself for years in teaching ungrateful students about the toils of the galaxy, he decided to make an actual stand and try to do something about it all. He is far from being your typical Jedi and finds training the prospects ahead of him increasingly daunting, but is determined to overcome his limitations and achieve the title of Jedi Knight.
Aaron Belargic
Dec 10th, 2003, 11:36:54 AM
Aaron Belargic
Affiliation/Rank/Occupation: Jedi Padawan of the Greater Jedi Order
Physical: Hallaeran male, 6’1”, slim athletic, 26 GYS
Force: Sense/Tracking
Expertise: Path-finding
Summary: Returning to the role of Jedi with his brother, Aaron has managed to develop into his own person - no longer simply a 'Dasquian look alike'. Out-going, but somewhat clumsy, Aaron has tendancy to get into unwanted situations. Despite his playful nature, he is dedicated to his training and goal of joining his brother on the Jedi Council.
Rhea Kaylen
Dec 12th, 2003, 02:40:58 PM
Name: Rhea Kaylen
Affiliation/Rank/Occupation: New member of the GJO
Physical: Imrani female, 27 GSY, 5' 2", black/white striped hair (characteristic of her people), dark brown eyes.
Force: Mild intuition, standard telekinesis, mild empathy, sharp memory
Expertise: Maternal instinct, verbosity (esp. under duress), tripping over her own two feet. Also has a little talent for mechanical tinkering, particularly in the way of weapons.
Summary: Rhea Kaylen was born in the seedier section of Coruscant to two Imrani Jedi of the GJO. She was sent to her family's homeworld of Imran while a very young child to escape the imminent danger that killed her parents. There she was raised by her grandparents (also early GJO Jedi) and uncle and taught everything they knew about the Force and sabercraft. When she returned to Coruscant as an adult, she chose not to join the Temple; rather, she moved back to the ghetto to see if she could do any good there. Younger ghetto denizens, including future GJO Padawan Kale, became her personal missions of mercy. After Kale joined the Order, however, Rhea no longer had anyone to look after, and when she was threatened by her landlord, the crime boss Gucchi, for associating with Jedi, she decided to return to Imran. Hiring astrogator Corias Bonaventure to get her there, Rhea found herself caught in the middle of a civil war when their ship was captured by the alien Fyrokkian race. Upon escaping alive and with a young, Force-sensitive Fyrokkian princess as a new traveling companion, Corias and Rhea finally made it to Imran. Rhea stayed there about six months and, haunted by village rumors about a curse on her family, she decided to return to Coruscant and join the Greater Jedi Order.
Abagael Zellan
Dec 12th, 2003, 08:31:12 PM
Abagael Zellan / Ana Gallowac
Affiliation/Rank/Occupation: Jedi Padawan, Lawyer
Physical: Humanoid female, 5'7", weight fluctuates between 125-135 (depending on emotional state), blue eyes, blonde hair, aged 36.
Force: Coming soon, to a thread near you ;)
Expertise: Boxing
Summary: For the last 19 years Ana Gallowac has been pretending to be (and getting paid to do so) Abagael Zellan, the daughter of another lawyer and a deceased actress. She is somewhat self-absorbed, an alcoholic, and in the past has been known to bed with countless men. She has a son, Trent, and a daughter, Nora. Despite being lax in many, if not most, areas that really matter, Abagael is very stubborn and will argue a point she believes in until pigs fly.
Dec 14th, 2003, 02:07:16 PM
Affiliation/Rank/Occupation: Jedi Knight
Physical: Human male, 6'3", 250 lbs., Brown eyes, black hair
Force: Healing, some experimentaion with molecular scale manipulation.
Expertise: sharpshooting, brawling, traditional healing
Summary: Hunk is a big guy with a lot of strength, but he's put fighting behind him and is now a pacifist, almost to a fault. His overwhelming goal is to nurture and heal those around him, from jedi to sith.
Cuurently: Hunk has fallen from the path he set for himself and has spent the last year squandering a large sum of money that came to him on booze, women, and gambling.
Shandri La
Dec 17th, 2003, 11:45:20 AM
Shandri La
Affiliation/Rank/Occupation: Jedi Padawan, Guardian of the Treasure
Physical Description: Human female with long brownish hair(usually a bit curly)
Specialty: Force Healing
Summary: Shandri La has an interesting past. Her Mother had promised her that she would get to be a Jedi, though when her Mother and twin sister, Chelsea La where killed in a speeder accident (Chelsea is still alive, though letting Shandri believe she is dead) she became the new Guardian of the Treasure. The Treasure is a sacred object to her homeworld which the eldest female of her family has been guarding since it came into their hands many generations ago.
When her homeworld was occupied by Sith, her King (who is also her half-brother but isn't telling anyone) sent her to the GJO to seek their help in protecting the Treasure. She took it one step further and joined the Order where she has become the Padawan to Dasquian Belargic
Iago Kent
Dec 21st, 2003, 07:59:21 PM
Iago Kent
Affiliation/Rank/Occupation: Jedi Padawan
Physical: Human Almanian male. Tall, muscular, and a good swordsman
Force: Not so much now...working on sensing things
Expertise: Good swordsman, hand to hand combat.
Weakness: Human
Personality: Honorable, loyal person who strives to save his family from the attacking foes on Almania.
Jaida Starslinger
Dec 29th, 2003, 12:18:59 AM
Affiliation: GJO
Physical: 5’6”, toned build; short, dirty blonde hair that falls to about the middle of her neck; blue eyes. 17 GYS
Force: Jaiden is pretty proficient with the basics.
Expertise: Jaiden is an excellent pilot
Summary: Jaiden Starslinger is the daughter of Cole Starslinger, a retired New Republic fighter pilot. Ever since she was a child, she had heard stories about the Jedi Knights. Ever since, it has been Jaiden’s dream to become a Jedi.
Personality: Jaiden is usually very laid-back. She has a good sense of humor. She is head-strong and stubborn, traits she inherited from her father. She is also confident, but not over confident. She is kind and patient.
Shade Magus
Jan 5th, 2004, 05:04:28 PM
Jedi Knight of GJO
5'9, 210 lbs., muscular build, black hair and black eyes
Force: Emplathy, some healing, enhanced skills, transfiguration, and basic telepathy and futuristic visions
Expert martial artist, tracking, and listening to people
Shade is Jedi Knight at the GJO and has had some rough times. He has been forced to kill his own brother and for a while disappeared on a soul searching mission. He has returned with a new sense of direction and a new outlook on what being a Jedi really is.
Shade is very relaxed. He loves to listen to people talk, but if you ever get him going, then he is harder to stop than a hungry rancor.
Linn O'Conner
Jan 16th, 2004, 04:20:29 PM
Name: Linn O' Conner
Age: 19
Physical: Hair-black/ eyes-deep brown/height-5'2"
Rank/Affiliation/Occupation: Spacer/Bounty Hunter
Force: Linn's force power is usually left unknown, but sometimes come out when she is under great duress.
Expertise: Weapons/ Esp. guns and swords
Summary: Linn was born of a mother who was a Bounty Hunter herself. Her father left before she was born. Linn's mother moved around constantly from the time she was born. Finally, Linn's mother left her on a strange planet when she was twelve. Linn's been a Bounty Hunter ever since.
Jan 20th, 2004, 02:43:14 PM
Name: V'aelna
Age: Unknown
Speices: Unknown Humanoid
Physical: 5'10", blond hair, blue eyes, slim build
Rank/Affiliation/Occupation: Jedi Padawan, former slave, former leader to her nomatic tribe.
Force: She is skilled in the use of the force in many ways, but must use chants, incantations, and special hand movments since this is the way her tribe taught the gifted to use their powers.
Expertise: projecting images into Minds, and fighting with a staff
Summary: V'aelna grew up in a nomatic tribe in the deserts of her homeworkl. At a young age she became the tribe's leader and gaurdian. 10 years before reaching the GJO V'aenla and her tribe were raided by slavers. V'aelna fought them off as most of her tribe escaped into the desert sands, but she was captured. 9 years later she esscaped the slavers and was hunted by them for a year. After a year they almost caught her, but Kanji and AB stoped them and brought her to the GJO, where she stayed as a guest for a few weeks, and desided to join.
Other Info:
Durring her time in slavery V'aelna was beaten everytime she tryed to speek, and thus never learned to speek basic. Some of the other slaves tought her some basic sign language, and she is also able to place images into a persons mind if she can make eye contact with them, and uses this to comunicate when other meens do not work.
Eowiodith Unadrieniel
Feb 14th, 2004, 07:14:50 PM
Eowiodith Unarieniel
Physical: 5'6", green hair, brown eyes. Looks like elf.
Race: Mostly human, 1/4 elf. (Grandfather is full elf, married human. Father is 1/2 elf also married human.)
Force: Still discovering...
Summary: She grew up on the planet Endor. Before she was taken in by an orphanage, she was living on the streets with her three siblings because her parents were taken in and put in prison. They have been there for three years. Eo (as she likes to be called:) ) left Endor in search of becoming a jedi. She like to play soccer, climb trees, and will fight to defend anyone and anything that needs defending.
Sam Corbett
Feb 18th, 2004, 12:19:55 PM
Sam Corbett
Affiliation/Rank: GJO, Padawan.
Physical: Human Male. height: 6'6. weight: 200 pounds
Force: Keen Foresight, Force Navigation
Expertise: Intelligence, Hand To Hand fighting.
Summary: Despite the mans tall, bulky frame which people often mistake as threatning he has a heart of gold and the mind of a true gentleman. two years ago he was sentanced to life in prison for killing a man while defending his family, he has recently, suspiciously been released by a highly ranked figure within the one of the Imperials Factions, for reasons yet unknown to those outside of the winding, shadowy story.
Feb 18th, 2004, 07:41:12 PM
Name: Spada Elhow
Age: ??? (Young Adult)
Physical: Kel-Dor Male, 7' tall, 250 lbs.
Abilities: Mind Reading, Telepathy, Slightly Enhanced Vision
Force: Telekenesis, Mind Trick, Illusions (He's not a great force user)
Expertise:Meele Combat (vibroblade/lightsaber), Uses mostly technique and strength over positioning
Spada grew up on his home planet on Dorin where he was well trained as a warrior. His force abilities became present in his teachings and when he was older, he moved to Coruscant to join the Jedi Academy. There he was taken on by Jedi Knight Shade Magus.
to be continued... :uhoh
Jame Kaman Dar
Mar 10th, 2004, 02:36:02 PM
Jame Kaman Dar
Affilation/Rank: GJO, Padawan
Age: 18
Physical: Lorrdian Female, 5'8" 135 lbs
Force: ......
Expertise: Empathy, Telepathy, Languages, Music, some combat, Stealth.
Summary: Jame Kaman Dar was born on Lorrd, the twin sister to Rognan Dar, living there for her youngest years, but was stolen and raised by "Uncle" Rokin Stravitz, in a artistic community, learning excelling in music and composing. After he died, Jame spent several years as a pirate, also taking jobs as a club DJ and Counsellor at a counselling clinic. She was found by Rognan the day she left the pirate crew, on Corellia. Jame was born with natural talents in Empathy, Telepathy and Linguistics.
Ruth Leofsiege
Apr 19th, 2004, 08:54:51 PM
Ruth Leofsiege
Affiliation/Rank: GJO, Padawan
Age: 20
Physical: Humanoid female, 5'9", brown hair, blue/green eyes
Force: Unknown
Expertise: Languages, fore-sight, telepathy.
Summary: Ruth was born and raised in Coruscant. An only child, her parents are staunch supporters of the Empire. At an early age, Ruth exhibited amazing fore-sight and telepathic abilities. Her parents refused to obtain training for Ruth to develope her gifts. Instead, they had her study languages with tutors from around the galaxy. Their fondest desire was for Ruth to work for the restoration of the Empire to its former glory.
On her twentieth birthday, Ruth told her parents she wished to become a Jedi. Devastated by her decision to become a Jedi, Ruth's parents disowned her. Now a Jedi Padawan, Ruth wishes to develope her gifts and use them for good.
Kwiet Ideya
Apr 21st, 2004, 12:32:47 AM
Affiliation: GJO
Physical: Blonde hair, blue eyes, 6 GYS
Force: Kwiet is a powerful illusionist. He is training under Akrabbim to bring out more of that natural talent.
Expertise: He can throw anything with a sharp edge or tip with unerring accuracy.
Summary: Kwiet Ideya was born an orphan, and has had several guardians throughout his life. The first was Abel Kannan, a youth minister, who taught Kwiet the importance of having faith. The second was Ansatsu, who taught him how to throw and a few martial arts techniques. He later came under the care of Marcus Elessar's Lost Jedi, where he discovered his illuionist powers and found Dae Jinn, who shortly after disappeared from him. With a bit of work and help from Akrabbim, Kwiet found her again. She adopted him, and he now lives happily with her, training under Akrabbim to sharpen his illusions.
Corias Bonaventure
Apr 22nd, 2004, 06:27:03 AM
Name: Corias Bonaventure
Affiliation/Occupation: Scoundrel. Planetary prospector, astrogator, acquirer of rare antiquities.
Physical: Human male, 26 GSY, 6'1", 190 lbs. Reddish-brown hair, blue eyes
Force: None
Expertise: Decent with tech, especially sensor tech. Also has a knack for dealing with alien cultures and learning languages.
Summary: The son of a successful shipping tycoon, Corias Bonaventure spent a lot of time in space whilst growing up but never wanted to be constrained to flying the same route every month. He's taken off on his own aboard the custom-fitted scoutship Iolanthe, but his stints as surveyor, explorer, and planetary prospector haven't been nearly as lucrative as he's hoped. Recently, he agreed to ferry Rhea Kaylen to her home planet of Imran, a voyage that was fated to be derailed.
Sarr Koon
May 16th, 2004, 10:05:51 PM
Name: Sarr Koon
Rank: Padawan of Shade Magus
Age: Young in Kel Dorian standards
Physical: Male, 6' tall, 200 lbs.
Abilities: Quick reflexes innate to a Kel Dor. Excellent senses, also innate. Telepathy and mind reading.
Force: Combat enhancing techniques
Expertise: Any form of melee combat
Born and raised on Dorin. Descendant of the former Jedi Council member Plo Koon. Showed Force sensitivity at an early age when the innate reflexes of the Kel Dor coupled with that of the Force, thus giving him extremely quick physical reactions.
Jun 1st, 2004, 02:13:44 PM
Human. Male. 6'0". Slim & toned. Aged 17
Padawan of Navaria Tarkin (if all goes to plan)
The Force abilities Alex had exhibited so far don't really pick him out as being a particular type of Jedi (they're fairly basic, really). However, 17 years as a thief in the depths of Coruscant means that sneaking around and evading security forces comes as second nature to him...chances are his Jedi abilities will follow along the same lines.
Background Summery:
Abandoned as a baby, and raised as a criminal in the depths of Coruscant. He showed his Force sensitivity while escaping from Coruscant security, and ran into (literally) Navaria Tarkin, who brought him to the order to begin his life as a Jedi.
Redic Scott
Jun 12th, 2004, 03:01:38 PM
Character Name: Yulis Romanov
Age: 14
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Height/weight: 5'5/120lbs
Homeplanet: N/A
Personality: A little shy at first, Determined, quick learner, moraly strong, quick thinker, has great inginuity, good sense of humor, kind, caring
Jun 12th, 2004, 10:12:21 PM
Affiliation: Padawan of GJO
Species: Human
Areas of Expertise: Stealth and getting a 'feel' for people
Summary: Jacen is a seventeen year old street rat. His parents abandoned him at an early age, yet he harbors no ill will towards them. He was raised by an elderly couple who runs a small tapcafe on Coruscant. e has been a pickpocket theif most of his life and always giving what he stole to others more needy than himself. Recently he was involved with a conspiracy with a Jedi Padawan, though at the time little is known about his involvement. After this skirmish he did a lot of thinking and believes his talent could better be used by the Jedi.
Kieran Devaneaux
Jun 12th, 2004, 10:43:04 PM
Kieran Devaneaux - Jedi Padawan
Human Male, age 23, 6'6", slim and well-toned.
Apprenticed to Navaria Tarkin
Abilities: Healing, hand-to-hand combat and melee weapons
Background: Kieran is a young man with a missing past, and he hopes serving in the Jedi Order will help him find it. His talent for healing was discovered when he was a wanderer on Outer Rim trade routes. He is also highly skilled in close combat, either hand-to-hand or with weapons.
See the full biography ( for more details.
Jun 29th, 2004, 01:26:59 PM
Character Name: Lord Andúril
Character Profile:
Age: 17
Eyes: Pale Blue/Grey/Green/Hazel
Hair: Dark
Homeplanet: Unknown
Personality: Andúril seems to come across as one whom has seen much for one so young. He is slow to smile, and those who see it are often curious, for a light comes into his eyes that seems to come from somewhere else. He has a great sense of honour, and of duty, and will fulfill his purpose, even unto death.
Character History:
Andúril was born into a very isolated family in a system named Trinity. His was a small family, and very isolated. The planet he was living on was deeply forested and was not one of the safest places in the galaxy. There isn't much to tell about his time there actually. It was mainly peaceful, apart from a few unfortunate situations with the Garou tribes that were settled around his home. For that reason his father taught him the art of the lightsabre. He left Trinity and went to Coruscant at the age of 15. That was about 2 years ago. Encountering a few Jedi on my travels, he grew in awe of them and decided to come here. He stayed for a few months, but had a feeling that there was trouble at home.
Without warning he was forced to leave coruscant, and return to Trinity. When he arrived, he found the land desolate, his home deserted. Wandering the galaxy without much purpose, he finally made his way back to coruscant to pick up on the training he was forced to leave. So much has changed here since he last saw this place, though he recognises some of the faces.
Character Motivations:
Andúril asked himself this question many times before. Mainly he has asked himself questions he couldnt answer. He did not know why he had been given these lightsabres, and he knew not of the jedi until his father spoke of them to him, as he was given them. He learned that in his ancestory the jedi was prevalent, but his father knew but a little. His curiosity grew, and though he walked down other paths the idea had always been there, at the back of his mind, gnawing at his subconcious.
Soon he learned of a place where the Jedi trained, and he was drawn by something that he couldnt explain, ever wondering in his mind, what his future could hold. And thus he arrived, at a place, where he could sense a real sense of purpose. Something he had never before felt in his time.
Character Skills:
Andúril has various skills in survival, tracking, hunting, as well as excellent perception and reactions. However his true art was in combat. As a child, his sister taught him martial arts, and ways to defend himself, lest he fall into a dangerous situation. He also trained in sword combat, not only with one blade, but two. Thus, though he is not entirely ambidexterous, and can use both lightsabres very proficiently.
He also has the ability to read the emotions of many different minds at once, regardless of distance. Finally, he have a strange gift, if it is a gift. It is not somehting he is comfortable about, however; he has been told, that he has the ability to see into the future. He can only see random images, and cannot act upon them until they have happened. For this reason, it is something he uses seldom."
Marga Alton
Jul 23rd, 2004, 12:41:33 PM
Marga Alton
Affiliation/Rank/Occupation: Jedi Padawan
Physical Description: Bright red hair
Specialty: Weather manipulation, (Telepathy, Mind Defence. trained with since she was a toddler)
In Marga's opinion, her life is nothing special, being the an unwanted child of her parents. While she was living with her family, she was never treated well despite being a Force user like the rest of her family.
Shortly before she came to the GJO, she was making a gift for her eldest brother when he came into the room she was in, said it was ugly and tossed it in the fire. At that moment, something snapped inside the young teenager and she unknowningly, in anger, threw her brother across the room with the Force. He later died due to the injuries.
She was accussed, and found guilty of murder. For punishment of her crimes, she was exiled from her home for 25 years. At that time, she stopped talking verbally, using only telepathy to talk to others, making them believe that she is mute. Only a very select few know that she is not mute.
After a bit of travel, she came upon the GJO again. She'd come across them when she was younger, but didn't stay. This time though, she stayed and joined their ranks since her homeworld would not be willing to train her. She was in the Order awhile before she became the apprentice to Navaria Tarkin, who remains her Master today.
imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 4th, 2004, 08:11:16 AM
I sat down to type up a bio for Natia, and well, it's way to long to be a mini, so here's a link ( to it.
Nov 8th, 2004, 12:48:33 PM
Hart Kenobi
Affiliation/Rank/Occupation: Former Jedi, Former Rogue Squadron Member, currently no affliliation.
Physical: Human male.
Force: About average Force-abilities amongst the pre-Clone War Jedi Knights.
Expertise: Telekinesis.
Weakness: The effects of having been imprisoned in carbonite for so long, Hart's body has begun to irreversibly deteriorate. He need a protective armor in order to stop the deterioration.
Personality: At one time Hart was friendly and outgoing, but the New Republic that he had awoken to was so radically different from the Old Republic, and the Jedi Order much more liberal, that Hart began to feel isolated and, due to differing philosophies on the Force, decided to become a hermit on his home planet of Naboo.
Hart now travels the universe with hopes to discovering a cure for his condition, the armor that keeps him alive also serves as a new prison. But on his journeys, Hart continues to live by the code of the old Order of Jedi and will fight for justice when necessary.
Dae Jinn
Nov 11th, 2004, 01:29:34 AM
Daetana Jinn
Affiliation/Rank/Occupation: Padawan/Former Sith/Former Lost Jedi/Mother to Kwiet/Companion to Lillian Snow
Physical: *see avatar and sigs*
Force: Telekinesis, telepathy, some force sense (all beginner level)
Expertise: seduction
Weakness: Her son, her own lack of Force knowledge, occassional fits of lust ^_^;
Personality: Dae is the Dae. She's not a perfect person, and never will be. She tries her best to do what she thinks is right, and take care of herself and her family. She's unlucky in love, unskilled in the Force and a demon in the sack. She's hopeful that things will work out in the end, and that there's some good in everyone - even ex-sith like herself.
May 17th, 2005, 11:42:00 AM
Datafile 68159B
Name: Bandage
Occupation: Padawan Learner to Master Yoghurt, GJO.
Physical Aspects: A mass of bandages and scar tissue. Height 6'4", weight about 200lbs.
Force Talents: Information currently not available.
Weakness:Sometimes tends to be a little unfeeling.
Personality:A burn victim who went into hiding after he lost everything. Thought to be dead, he has no ties with his past save for the memories that remain in his own mind. With acceptance into the GJO, Bandage has started to try opening up some, in hopes to make himself into a better person than he once was.
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