View Full Version : Diplomatic Summit

Nov 17th, 2003, 05:02:06 PM
Im not sure this would work being a forum with people on at sporadic times not to mention some of the conflicts that could arise but..i had an idea of something that could be interesting..

A while ago i was part of a gaming league. A roleplaying guild base on the game "Star fleet command" was a sim game where you take conrtol of a ship from a race klingon,romulan etc. Anyway..this league was very rank/roleplaying structured. Played on a "Dyna server" which is a representation of the Star trek universe. So we fought wars there etc with actual ship to ship battle..getting a little off topic but anyway..I was The federation ambassador and one day as i was milling over strategic alliance and such i had an idea.

A diplomatic summit in which all the races would come together and discuss various treaties,problems etc. So i contacted the ambassadors for all the races and a few weeks later the summit was held. Leaders of the empires accompanied by their ambassadors with a few regular soldiers,officers in tow, all attended.

The summit itself was a disaster as various groups just argued and taunted each other through roleplaying but a few peace/alliance treaties were signed and overall it was a very rewarding experiance for everyone.

Now I had an idea...could this be done here?

Bringing together all the major groups along with the minor groups( no insult intended) for a large meeting on galaxy events.

I could see a few problems that might accur..for one it would take place in a forum where there is a slight delay on everything but im sure people participating could bare through that. Another problem would be the groups that hate each other..Sith-Jedi, Rebel scum- The glorious Imperials. But in what diplomatic summit isnt there that type of thing? I think it would be a good way to sum up situations of each group, go over treaties or make new ones. Making secret deals or alliances or just general roleplay fun. In roleplay and Ooc.

Just an idea

Any thoughts?

Nov 17th, 2003, 05:18:27 PM
The Cizerack kinda do this all the time with lots of people.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Nov 17th, 2003, 11:02:27 PM
Is it just an rp, one that can be forgotten when its done, or is it more binding, meant to last?

Nov 17th, 2003, 11:18:44 PM
Well i think that would be between you and whoever you made the deal with..Could just say lets do this for strictly fun but not place any faith on it or you could go serious roleplay and make a binding deal depends on what you want i would think...

And i saw the Cizerack only thought they did it with the indepedent federation group cant recall right name..theres 3 of them including the Cizerack anyway(sorry).

I was thinking on a huge scale of every group all coming together to have a massive roleplay..would certainly be a good point to branch other stories and roleplaying off from there. Also meeting new people making new allies and enemies etc.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Nov 18th, 2003, 09:21:33 AM
I think it sounds like fun, myself but I cant speak for the group Im in. Id certainly be interested in rping it out...all in fun, of course :)