View Full Version : First Time for Everything.....(Falcon)

Rikki Van-Warren
Nov 16th, 2003, 07:36:46 PM
After Rikki Van-Warren thanked Kack Mebuff for the wonderful breakfast and they parted their separate ways. She promised to keep in touch once she was accepted into the Order, she was glad to have found her first friend.

The young woman walked across the street, up the steps and into the recruitment center. There were a few people there who were talking to others, she was the only one who wasn't. So, she placed her bags on the floor and sat down at a nearby bench and awaited her turn.

A slight nervousness began to creep through her, what if she wasn't accepted and she had to return to Naboo....she'd look like a fool. She sighed deeply as she thought more of the conversation she'd had with Kack, he seemed to think she would be accepted, so that seemed to calm her some.

Falcon Gyndar
Nov 17th, 2003, 05:12:48 PM
Walking through the room, greeting a few people, stopping for a few moments' conversation...Falcon was starting to become somewhat of a fixture in the recruitment center. But surely, once he started working with his new students, it wouldn't be so much that way. But with the big influx of new recruits, someone would have to be here. It seems that he, Dasquian and Wei were taking care of most of that work. Three good men. Three good hardworking men.
So after talking to a few of the other people in the room, he saw a young woman he'd seen hanging about Yog's. Doing the job he did so well about this place, he greeted her when he came the area of the center she was in.

"Good morning, miss. A fine day, is it not?"

Rikki Van-Warren
Nov 17th, 2003, 07:35:15 PM
"A very fine day, Sir." She answered as she stood. "I've come here today in hopes of being accepted as a Jedi Pada...Pada...something..." Her sentence trailed off as her face turned red, leave it to her to forget what she was asking acceptance to be.

Rikki shook her head in embarrassment. This was turning out well, two minutes into a conversation and she already messed it up.

She laughed slightly, "an apprentice."

Falcon Gyndar
Nov 18th, 2003, 05:54:01 PM
Falcon laughed with her.

"When I was a small lad I'd find myself just saying student. To this day, oddly enough, I still do."

Falcon took a seat. "Please, sit down. Relax."

The knight watched as she did.

"What would it be exactly, that led you to the conclusion that you could follow the path of a Jedi...the peacekeepers, watchers...guardians of the known and unknown universe?"

He smiled... "Oh, by the way, I am Falcon Gyndar, Jedi Knight. Pleased to meet you, miss...?"

Rikki Van-Warren
Nov 18th, 2003, 07:06:27 PM
"Rikki. Rikki Van-Warren, glad to meet you. Mr. Gyndar." Rikki relaxed with a deep breath.

"Well...I can...move things with my mind. ." She whispered almost embarrassed again. She brought her eyes to meet Falcon's. "I was told this was a Jedi trait."

Falcon Gyndar
Nov 19th, 2003, 02:34:20 PM
He nodded slowly..

"Ah, telekinesis. Indeed it is. How about telepathy? Where I come from, telepathy is a rather important trait, because the natives are telepathic and have no verbal language...Oh, by the way, what is it you did before you came here? What other skills do you have?"

Rikki Van-Warren
Nov 19th, 2003, 04:27:31 PM
"I've never tried to be telepathic, Sir." Rikki answered. "I just graduated a couple of weeks ago from college. I'm a Physical Therapist and was hoping to use my skills to help me become a healer, possibly."

Falcon Gyndar
Nov 19th, 2003, 05:40:29 PM

Falcon thought of the healers he knew. One of the elders, plus Elin, Loki Kale and his own mother.

"A healer, hmm? I see. My own mother was a healer."

Rikki Van-Warren
Nov 19th, 2003, 08:29:06 PM
"Oh, really? Wow, my mom is a nurse and my dad is a surgeon." She smiled. "That was how they met...but anyway, being around them made me aware of how important the medical field is and that I wanted to be there as well. It wasn't until a friend of mine got badly injured in a speeder crash and ended up with a spinal injury and had to go to rehab that I found my calling. I knew that was where I wanted to be. I saw that there was a medical center behind the Order, I wouldn't mind volunteering some time, if that's at all possible."

She paused for a moment. "I want make a difference, if I can help just one person using Jedi skills and healing techniques to help them walk again or even just to sit up on their own, it would mean the world to me. And I would go to any lengths to accomplish it, Sir."

Falcon Gyndar
Nov 19th, 2003, 10:02:44 PM

"Determination. A willingness to learn. And some pre-acquired skills. You're well on your way, Miss Van-Warren. I think you would make a excellent Jedi. You most certainly have the heart..."

Rikki Van-Warren
Nov 20th, 2003, 04:09:43 AM
Was she in? Was he accepting her?

"I know that being a Jedi won't be easy and I'm willing to take on whatever I thrown at me. I want to learn...I feel that it's where I'm meant to be." She told him with a serious look.

Falcon Gyndar
Nov 20th, 2003, 01:03:50 PM
Falcon laughed.

"Such dedication and you haven't even started yet. I like that trait in students. Shows great promise."

He held out his hand to her. "I'm more than willing to say Welcome to the Greater Jedi Order, Ah, Miss Van-Warren. It is such an honor to make the acquaitance of a bright woman such as yourself."

Rikki Van-Warren
Nov 20th, 2003, 05:09:47 PM
Rikki smiled brightly as she shook his hand. "Thank you, Sir!" She beamed.

"It's good to be part of your Order. So, now what do I need to do?"

Falcon Gyndar
Nov 20th, 2003, 05:11:53 PM
Falcon couldn't stop the smile that took over his face when Rikki's face lit up.

"Well, students need teachers, right? Therefore..."

Rikki Van-Warren
Nov 20th, 2003, 05:17:10 PM
Rikki stared at him in disbelief. "You'll be my teacher?" She asked slowly. Unsure, if she were correct or just presuming.

Falcon Gyndar
Nov 20th, 2003, 05:23:50 PM
Falcon just grinned from ear to ear. He just couldn't help it. He hadn't seen this much energy in a person since he'd last seen his little sister.

"Well, that is how it's done around here, for the most part. You're either accepted by someone, or you ask and possibly get accepted. Sometimes, some people end up waiting a while. So, a question for you...would you like to be my student, then?"

Rikki Van-Warren
Nov 20th, 2003, 05:36:39 PM
"Yes!" She answered immediately and then cleared her throat as she realized how child-like she must have sounded.

Attempting to calm herself and keep herself from looking foolish, she nodded. "I'd like that very much." She was about to burst at the seams in all reality, but tried to keep her excitement under control.

Falcon Gyndar
Nov 21st, 2003, 05:00:26 AM
Falcon nodded, calming the smile on his face.

"Very well then. We shall spend a small time, learning a few things about each other, asking questions...I'm sure you have questions.. Ah, would you like to take a walk?"

Rikki Van-Warren
Nov 21st, 2003, 03:35:43 PM
Rikki had once again calmed herself, now it was time to start learning. She nodded and grabbed her bag and slung it over her shoulder. "Yes, Sir." The young woman stood and waited for her new teacher. She still felt a bit nervous, but very happy that she had passed the first test, getting in and getting herself a teacher so soon.

Falcon Gyndar
Nov 22nd, 2003, 09:53:28 PM
Falcon smiled...


He started walking, and headed out the center's door, into the corridor outside. Stopping, he turned around, and adressed Rikki.

"Have you had a tour of the facilities yet? Being a medical student, I'm sure you'd like to check out the medical bay and other such places, and perhaps meet a person or two in the profession here..."

He gave a small laugh...

Rikki Van-Warren
Nov 22nd, 2003, 10:13:23 PM
"Sure, I'd love to see the medical facilities here. I've not seen anything yet. And I'm always up to meeting new people especially ones who I may be working with one day." Rikki nodded. "Lead the way."