View Full Version : hiyas guys

Alana Stormcloud
Nov 16th, 2003, 01:10:16 PM
Sorry I havent been on much... rl issues:/ I am still around to do some stuff and mod my board lol not that I do much of that either :p Well What I wanted to propose since there seems to be some council space is to put Kolarik whom I trust completely and fully and Ambrose who I trust completely and have known since he was a wee one lol on the council. They both are very active rpers and very level headed . I have asked them if they would like the positions and both said they would be happy with it.... S o please give me your ideas on this.... If you have none and just figure what the heck thats cool to lol. I will submit them as council after a while so people can come in and have there say on this :) If no one says anything on it thats cool to I know a lot of people have drifted away or they are just busy :) huggles all I hope to be back asap......

Lord Soth
Dec 1st, 2003, 11:56:02 PM
:D :thumbup

Sounds good to me...

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Dec 4th, 2003, 08:58:14 PM

this is for you...:5bux