View Full Version : The Underground Saviour.

Setheus Shrowde
Nov 15th, 2003, 01:22:35 PM
' Come ere' yur' little bratt!'

The small boys heart was racing like a little drum pounding upon his little chest. Tears streamed down his face as he turned into of the the loney underground tunnels of Maar Ghaan. He was running, running as fast as he could from the balding man, the fat chaser wanted the boy for reasons so horrible it was hardly nice enough to talk about...lets put it this way, the man got excitment out of little boys.

The Little boy knew it.

It was agonising, the boy couldent scream, or shout for help, only run. Floods of salty wetness streamed from the kids eyes, he wanted somone to help him, somone to stop what was about to happen but it was no good. The man dived and caught the boys ankle and he tripped inces from a small air duct where he could have slipped into and escaped.

' Gotcha ya little sweety pie!' The boy squirmed to get awaym his mouth operning and closeing like a puffer fish, nothing passed his lips, he was mute, mute damn it!. ' Now little boy this is where we both feel good eh?' The mans jeans fly started to unzip, the boy once again wiggled to get away.

' Ah ah ah! no i dun' thik' so laddie'!' The boys eyes now stinging with tears started to run out of strengh to wriggle, he fell limp quickly, the man smiled and continued to unzip his fly.

Vhiran Crescent
Nov 15th, 2003, 03:28:05 PM
A strong foot connected with the morose man's face. He fell backwards with an "oof", escaping his sadistic lips. He bounced along the hard and cold ground until coming to a stop on his back. Trying to collect himself and get up, his throat was met with the hard boot of Vhiran Crescent. His blaster cocking itself, it was pointed at the man's forhead.

"Like little boys, huh? You sick bastard."

Setheus Shrowde
Nov 15th, 2003, 04:19:52 PM
The boy slipped away and hid behind the unknown man, a sence of joy and love for whomever saved him washed over the little kid as he vanished behind the towering man of the blaster weilding gentleman.

Of course the mute boy could not say thank you, but he wrapped his arm around the man and peeks around the waist of whomever he was holding.

' Hey buddy...i wenrt' doin' anything, im jus' punishing him, he stole a sweet role from my stall.' The fat man said his eyes fixed on the blaster.

Vhiran Crescent
Nov 15th, 2003, 04:27:47 PM
For whatever reason Vhiran had been there was unknown to either of them. Perhaps he was just there, as a guardian angel to the kid. Or maybe a punisher to the molester.

He had zero-tolerance for this kind of creature.

"Really? Then how do you explain that?" Vhiran asked, in a rhetorical sense, pointing to his unzipped pants. The man might have tried to reply, but Vhiran didn't want to hear his answer, so he kicked a few of his teeth out to keep his mouth shut. He thought about shooting off his "weapon" of "punishment" but decided agaisnt it. Instead, he brought the blaster back up towards the man's forehead and lightly squeezed the trigger, shooting off one bolt. But intentionally it missed, just inches away from the mans head. He had not killed him but his ear had been burnt to the side of his head.

He stepped off of him, "If I catch you doing something like this again, I'll be sure to kill you. Understand!? Get out of here."

Setheus Shrowde
Nov 15th, 2003, 05:04:36 PM
The man shot off like a bat out of hell, holding his ear while the little boy wrapped his arm around the upper leg of the man looking up to him in silence. A sort of mischieves smile was there, his eyes slightly dark.

Vhiran Crescent
Nov 15th, 2003, 05:11:55 PM
Vhiran looked down at the kid, feeling a little uncomfortable with him wrapped around his leg. He never really liked kids that much, but he hated people who picked on them.

"What's your name kid?" Vhiran asked, looking down at him.

Setheus Shrowde
Nov 15th, 2003, 05:35:50 PM
The boy said nothing, he was bound to silence like a brother in arms and a father in support. He was mute and speachless but he would answer the man question, indeed he would.

He fished for a section of chalk from his pocket then turned to write on the tunnels wall, the white writing read; "Seth" in scribbled baby type writing, he then turned to view the man, his face emotionless but his eyes dark and warning.

Vhiran Crescent
Nov 15th, 2003, 11:28:53 PM
Something was wierd about this kid, his eyes said so. Vhiran was somewhat surprised when he didn't speak, but instead wrote on the wall. Maybe he was just traumatized by the whole experience. Well, if so he would come around eventually.

"Seth, huh? Well, do you have a mom, kid? I gotta take you somewhere. Can't take you to the cops," Vhiran said, trailing out to himself with the last sentence.

Setheus Shrowde
Nov 17th, 2003, 02:34:03 AM
The boy shook his head quietly, not a sound of even movement escaped him. His mother from what he had been told by his father had abandoned him and left him for dead apprently, she did not care for him though his connection to her was some how always with him, even to the point of frightning him on occasion.

The boy looked hungry, a street urchin even. His face was very pale and it always was, and he was rather thin and under fed, he looked a mess.

Seth looked towards the man in a ' Can we go' sort of way, he so hated it down the tunnels of the underground city of Maar Gaan.

Vhiran Crescent
Nov 18th, 2003, 12:36:53 PM
Vhiran groaned. He couldn't just leave the kid here after that sort of thing. But he had things to do, money to make.

He sighed, "Alright kid. We'll go get you something to eat at the diner. Then thats as far as I'm taking you, understand?" He didn't really mean it. He wouldn't just leave the kid, especially with some random stranger that could be another one of those bastards.

He started walking down the alley's of the dark city until he came to the main streets, from there he started heading towards the diner. Though everytime he passed someone, he acted like he had nothing to do with the kid, usually by simply ignoring him.