View Full Version : The Art of Balance....(Open)

imported_Jacali Danner
Nov 15th, 2003, 09:34:57 AM
OOC:This is a future thread for Jacali awhile after her accident, others will be prior to this, I just had some thoughts on this...


With a loud click, the ceiling opened up in the training room and the balance beam that was hidden within it, slowly descended in front of the young Padawan.

It had been months since she had stepped into a training room since her accident, but she was ready to prove everyone wrong that said she'd remain in her leg brace.

She hated walking down corridors, with the annoying click of it constantly reminding her it was there. Helping her....she detested it's help and she wanted nothing more than to toss it aside and go on as if nothing had ever happened.

It was nothing but a henderance in her eyes and the sooner she could get rid of it the better.

It will take time, Jacali. She remembered Dr. Radnor's soothing voice as they worked so hard to get her on her feet again. But, she didn't have time, she wanted it off and would work to do so.

She needed to relearn her balance though first and she was more than willing. With ease, she drug a couple of crash mats over and then she was ready.

Peeling off her outer tunic, Jacali took a deep hreath and meditated for a few moments. Then carefully she climbed up on the bench she'd put at one end of the beam. She meditated a few moments more, drew herself into the Force and then stepped onto the beam.

It felt good to be up there, within the swirling essence of the Force. She took a step with her left leg, kept her balance while keeping her arms straight out to the sides. Then her right leg, but the brace somehow brushed her left, snagged and she tumbled to the crash mats.

She growled inwardly and got up and tried again, this time she made it halfway before she tumbled. Quickly unstrapping the brace she took it off and heaved it across the room, where it clattered and hit the wall.

"I don't need you hendering me!" She yelled at it as stood again, but with her second step of placing pressure on her right leg, it gave and she hit the floor.

"Ugh!! Damn it!!!" She screamed.

Kelt Simoson
Nov 15th, 2003, 11:58:45 AM
' Cursing is no good, Jacali. The more you want and will it angrily the more it will slide away from you. Take it calmly and carefully and it shall not tilt and you shall use it gracefully!' Kelt said, outch stretching his arms to give her a hug, after she had stood.

imported_Jacali Danner
Nov 15th, 2003, 12:05:04 PM
Kelt's presence calmed her just by being there. It was he and he alone that could calm her like this. So many times over the past couple of months she had felt defeated, but Kelt always knew what to say and when to say it.

The Padawan relaxed in his arms and hugged him back. She was glad he was there, so glad. Stepping back slightly as the warmth of their embrace slowly ended. She looked at him and sighed. "My impatience seems to get the best of me at the worst times, Kelt."

Jacali kept all her weight on her left leg, so her right wouldn't give. "I know, I need to take it slow and easy, but I just can't. I can't stand the way people stare at me when I walk down the halls. I know what they're thinking...Poor Jacali, will she ever get out of that brace? I can hear it."

With the last of her statement, she turned, hopped twice on her good leg and flopped down on the bench. "I guess, I just want to prove them all wrong." Jacali glanced back up at Kelt. "Is that wrong? Am I asking too much?"

Kelt Simoson
Nov 21st, 2003, 06:42:14 AM
' A little ' Retorted Kelt, smileing. ' Do you know, to keep balance, you keep you mind free? Keep it clear?'

imported_Jacali Danner
Nov 21st, 2003, 08:58:15 PM
"I do try, Kelt. But it's easier said than done with that thing." She said as she pointed to her leg brace that was now laying against the opposite wall. "That brace is more than annoying...and I'm still missing about fifty percent of feeling in this leg." She said as she began to rub it to keep the muscles warm, a technique that she was taught in rehab.

"I don't think it's going to heal anymore, Kelt. I've got this gut feeling that I'm going to be stuck in that brace for a long time." Jacali looked up at him, misty-eyed and before she could stop it, a tear fell.

Kelt Simoson
Nov 26th, 2003, 03:07:25 AM
Kelt hesitated, his brows knitted in resistence but it was impossible. Her face reminded him of his old Leanna, slain for being in love some time ago. He would never try to HEAL just anyone because it hurt him mentally, often causing side effects for many days....but as said, he could not resist.

He took her hand in his and helped her up gently.

' I can heal your leg if you wish, i have a healing power' Kelt said reluctantly....he knew that it would be painfull.

imported_Jacali Danner
Nov 26th, 2003, 03:54:30 PM
It was something she longed for to walk again on her own, brace-free, but there was something in his voice. Something that worried her.

"You know that's what I'd want, but I feel something...wrong. That....if you did this, it would hurt you." She studied him, as she had so many times in the past. "I wish you not to do it, if it were to hurt you. I love you too much too do that..." She stopped immediately as her hearts confession slipped out.

Jacali had never told him that, she sighed and closed her eyes against his stare. She felt like running away, but there was no chance of that. The young Padawan couldn't as much utter another word, he knew. How would Kelt react, would be turn her away? Walk out and never speak to her again? But, then again, why would he love her? What could a paupers crippled daughter possibly have to offer to such a wise and great Jedi knight?

Jacali's heart fell, nothing.

Kelt Simoson
Nov 27th, 2003, 07:02:17 AM
' Err....' Kelt suddenly felt slightly surrounded, a feeling he had only had when he was nervous. He had heard her loud and clear, she...loved him?

As friends?

As what?

As lovers?

he mouth opened to say something but no air came out, like a puffer fish gasping for air, but he was thinking on what to say. There was nothing he could say other than what he was feeling, he have loved her deep down also, but his Crusader Past and his past experience with his last fiance being murdered, well he had simply suppressed it.

' Uhm...well...i...love you...to' He said nervously, his hands shaking slightly in nerves...love?..a rarity for Kelt.

imported_Jacali Danner
Nov 27th, 2003, 09:15:42 AM
The turmoil that Jacali felt was suddenly washed away by Kelt's words. What? Did he say what she thought he said? That he loved her too?

Slowly, she opened her eyes and looked up at him. "I've cared for you for so long and I guess, I was afraid of what you would think." She told him quietly. "I guess, I thought if I told you how I really felt you'd...turn away from me." That was something that she never wanted to have happen. "Especially...now."

The Padawan thoughts went back to her injured leg and she sighed deeply as she looked down.

Everything seemed at a stand still at that moment, a hurricane could've gone through and yet the two of them would've still been standing, together.

Jacali felt Kelt's hand trembling and gave it a squeeze as she looked back up into his eyes.

Kelt Simoson
Nov 27th, 2003, 03:46:51 PM
' You know, relationships is not exsactly my specialty...you know what happned to leanna' kelt said sadly.

imported_Jacali Danner
Nov 27th, 2003, 04:04:21 PM
Jacali nodded. She knew of the slaying. "You were in another place and another time, Kelt." She told him gently. Please, don't walk away from me, there is no one else I could ever be with. You, are my soul. She allowed him to hear her thoughts, she wasn't afraid of anything other than him turning his back on her.

"I know, it hurt. Let me help that hurt to heal, Kelt. I want to be there for you in anyway possible." Keeping her balance to her left leg, she took a hold of his other hand. "Kelt, I've never been in a relationship, besides simple dating. I'm willing to take the chance, if you are." For Jacali, there could be no other as she gave him a hopeful look.

Kelt Simoson
Dec 5th, 2003, 07:06:03 PM
' I...i dunno' kelt said, he wanted it, but simply had no idea how.

imported_Jacali Danner
Dec 6th, 2003, 06:42:37 AM
Jacali nodded as she looked away, she blinked back the tears she felt forming and let go of him. Not looking up, she answered quietly. "I understand."

But, she didn't want to. That brace was keeping her from a lot of things, but Kelt?

Perhaps, he couldn't stand seeing her in it, she couldn't. But, it was there and she had to depend on it at least for right now.

With a deep sigh, she took a seat again and looked over at the brace again. "Can you call that thing over to me, Kelt? My telekinesis skills I've not been able to learn yet and I don't feel like crawling over to it." Hurt could be heard in her voice and she could do nothing to cover it up. She was hurt, deeply.