View Full Version : Closing Walls and Ticking Clocks [complete]

Dasquian Belargic
Nov 15th, 2003, 07:49:40 AM
(OOC: This is a training missions, so if you’d like to become involved please PM me about any ideas you have.)

A small vessel was slowly tracing a path across the star-spangled sky. The vessel bore the markings of the Greater Jedi Order, and was one of the generic crafts loaned out to Jedi who did not possess a vessel of their own. At the helm, inside, was a computer – an auto-pilot, making up for the lack of skill on the part of the one who had hired out the ship.

//... approaching 'Ilum'
//... ETA, 10 minutes

Jedi Knight Dasquian Belargic looked away from the control panel and smiled to himself. The trip from Coruscant to their final destination was almost over. The three passengers had spent the majority of the trip just talking quietly, mulling over the large meal that they had eaten a couple of hours ago to prepare for what was head of them.

Rising up to his feet, the Hallaeran Jedi paced across the ships desk, past the two women seated, in conversation. He lifted his robes down from the compartment he’d stored them away in, and began to pull them on.

“How are you both feeling?”

imported_Jacali Danner
Nov 15th, 2003, 08:42:20 AM
"Ready, Master." Jacali Danner beamed as she looked at Mylia. It was a mission that had been set back due to her accident a few months back. Now, the only reminder left of that day was the dura-steel brace that hooked from her right boot to her thigh.

For a long time, she had tried and tried to go without it, but in time found that it was basically impossible, so with the help of her master, Dasquian, Kelt Simoson and best friend, Mylia the Padawan finally accepted it.

Now, it didn't bother her anymore, it was just part of her and she'd learned to work with it instead of against it. Just as she would today.

Ten minutes wasn't very long. "Are we arriving at the caverns or do we have to walk to them, Master?"

Dasquian Belargic
Nov 15th, 2003, 08:56:41 AM
“I’m afraid it’s logistically impossible for us to land close to the caverns. The pathways up to the caves themselves are slim and far too difficult to navigate on anything except foot. The walk shouldn’t take anymore than half an hour, which should give us time to go over what will be happening today one last time.”

Out of the same compartment from which he had retrieved his robes, he pulled a large bundle – and another, and another. Three large hooded coats, with thick lining for insulation. They looked as though they would almost trail the ground.

“You’d better put one of these on and…”

He pulled open the cupboard below the compartments. Inside were some pairs of big chunky boots.

“Some of these too. It’s going to be very cold outside.”

Lady Mylia
Nov 15th, 2003, 10:50:26 PM
"Nervous, but ready." Mylia replied to her Master. She looked to Jacali. This was going to be very interesting, to say the least. She was nervous more for Jacali than herself. She had gotten very used to the brace, but this mission was going to be a true challenge.

With having to walk to the caverns, it was going to be a test from the very beginning.

Mylia took her robe and boots and began to put the boots on. She looked up towards Dasquian. "Let's hope that this will suffice."

Dasquian Belargic
Nov 20th, 2003, 03:08:28 PM
While the three Jedi suited themselves up, the ship was coming in to land. A soft tremble throughout the whole of the craft signaled that they were down on Ilum’s surface, and prompted Dasquian to lead the way towards the snowy outdoors. Each of the Padawan’s had a backpack with them, with the equipment they’d chosen to bring, along with a few necessities for emergencies.

“I think that’s it,” Dasquian pointed off towards a darkened portion of the rock surface up ahead, where the snow and ice seemed to curve inwards. It looked like a minute entrance from this distance, but he had faith that closer up it would seem far larger.

“Now,” he began.

“Before I explain any of the plan, I must warn you that I will not be entering the cave with you, and that there are creatures within the tunnels who will object to your presence there. Part of your test today will be to avoid them, and, should you encounter one, to deal with it according – preferably without the use of violence.”

imported_Jacali Danner
Nov 21st, 2003, 04:09:28 PM
Jacali sighed as she looked at her brace, it made noise. It seemed to click everytime she walked with it. Might as well stick a 'Monster's I'm here' sign on me.....

Perhaps now, she wished she would've chosen the training sabre or blaster, but oh well.

She'd simply go in find her a crystal that suited her and leave. Jacali was sure that was easier said than done as she turned her attentions back to her Master. "No violence..." She repeated quietly.

Lady Mylia
Nov 21st, 2003, 10:52:40 PM
Mylia nodded as she stepped out of the ship with her Master and best friend. Great, a monster... hopefully it'll be easy enough to break into his mind... Mylia thought as they trekked onward. "No violence, got it."

Dasquian Belargic
Nov 29th, 2003, 03:26:48 PM
As they drew closer to the mouth of the cave, Dasquian continued to explain.

"You each must enter the cave and take separate routes to find your crystals. You have the fusion cutters to allow you to chip the crystals away – and whatever other equipment you chose to help you along the way."

He hoped Jacali would find their previous exercises in navigating caves useful in this instance. Mylia had, unfortunately, not been a part of that particular trip, but he had faith in her and was sure that she would find her way.

"Here we are."

They were at the top of the wind now, in front of the cave. Somehow, it seemed colder here than down below. The opening seemed to draw the chill into it. It was sporting icicles and beyond the entrance stalactites could be seen hanging from the roof.

"I will be waiting here for you when you have retrieved the crystals," Dasquian said.

Lady Mylia
Nov 29th, 2003, 11:05:36 PM
Mylia nodded. She looked to Jacali and moved over towards her. "We got this, Jacali. We got this." She said with a confidant smile.

imported_Jacali Danner
Nov 30th, 2003, 08:30:03 AM
Her brace only slipped once, but Jacali had picked herself up quickly on the trek up the mountain and now she stood looking into the darkness.

It was bitter cold out and she was glad she'd be headed for a bit of warmth, but still things weren't going to be easy she was sure of that.

Mylia came over to her. We got this, Jacali. We got this.

The young Padawan nodded and smiled. "Yes, we do." She hoped. With a nod to her Master, Jacali carefully entered the cave with Mylia beside her. The two walked a ways into the darkness slowly allowing their eyes to adjust. The Padawan grumbled a bit as her brace clicked away, it seemed even louder in the silence of the cave.

Jacali would only use her glow stick if she had too, her past use of the Force for navigating would come in very handy. The two Padawans came up to a fork in the cave. She looked at Mylia.

"Welll, I guess this is where we part. Good luck, my friend and may the Force be with you." Jacali said as she stepped towards the right fork and disappeared into it. The 'real' test had begun.

Lady Mylia
Nov 30th, 2003, 09:22:58 AM
Mylia blinked several times as she adjusted to the darkness. She liked having Jacali with her, it was very comforting. But she knew soon that they would have to part.

As they came to the fork, Mylia looked to Jacali. "Good luck, my friend and may the Force be with you." "And the same to you." She said as she slipped into the left fork.

Now the test truly began. Mylia walked several steps in the dark, letting the force be her guide. She heard several flutters and noises in the dark. She smiled, nothing bad, just a few harlmess cave crawlers. She kept her mind open to feel all the animals around her. She allowed an open connection to flow with herself and all the animals so they knew that she was there and meant no harm.

imported_Jacali Danner
Dec 6th, 2003, 06:13:18 AM
Jacali opened herself to the Force completely, she felt it flowing around her, she breathed it, she trusted it as her guide.

Click, click, click... She sighed slighlty as she continued on in the darkness. The Force led her deeper and deeper into the cave and it seemed as though she'd been walking for miles, but of course she hadn't.

Part of the time, Jacali had even closed her eyes, only to open them when she heard some scurrying about. Just little creatures, nothing to worry about...

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 6th, 2003, 06:52:53 AM
In Mylia's tunnel…

The ground beneath Mylia is surprisingly dry. Though ice lines the stone, the Padawan is able to walk without any great difficulty or chance of slipping. The tunnel is angular, full of hard geometric shapes, each surface appearing as if it has been sanded and polished to give a gem-like finish. It is a good job that gravity is holding her down, as above Mylia is what would have been an awful pitfall had she drifted upwards – jagged, razor-sharp icicles, that look as though they have been formed over hundreds of years. They are thick, solid and hide a myriad of tiny winged creatures, all peacefully dozing.

Things for the moment seem peaceful – that is, until, up ahead a wailing can be heard…


One of the icicles has fallen directly onto something! There is dry blood on the ice, showing that the creature has been there some time. It is lizard-like in appearance, and has a scrawny coat of fur. It's long whip-like tail has been impaled into the ground, trapping it in itself place…

Meanwhile, in Jacali's tunnel…

Everything is slick. Though the Padawan will not know it, somewhere deep beneath this particular vein of cavern is a brooding batholith of hot magma. It warms the ice, but not so much that it's melted entirely. Little drops of water drip down from the ceiling above, giving everything a sleek gleam – and making the path upon which Jacali walks fairly dangerously. There is a lot of 'black ice' as a result of this, which cannot be seen and therefore poses a threat to those who do not tread carefully. There are barely any animals living on this route, aside from a few rodent-like creatures that seemed to have settled in.

Up ahead, however, there is a problem. A small reservoir of the water dripping from the roof has completely blocked the tunnel. It has formed a giant puddle where the path dips downwards – seven foot deep and nine foot across, from side to side. It has engulfed the whole of Jacali's path, and is broken only by a single point of rock, which protrudes a little off-center on the right hand side of the pool. It is fairly flat, but looks as though it is totally slick with moisture.

imported_Jacali Danner
Dec 8th, 2003, 08:33:04 PM
Water dripped from the ceiling as Jacali walked in the darkness, she had warmed up quite a bit and unfastened the coat she had.

It wasn't until Jacali hit the first patch of black ice and slipped that she began to walk quite a bit slower. She stopped and decided it would be a good idea to use one of her glowrods, before she fell and killed herself.

With a good shake and a 'pop' the cavern she was in lit up in an eerie green glow. At her feet was the ice, but she could barely tell, everything was shimmering. Some was ice, some was just wet stone, it was very hard to tell.

With a sigh, she continued. A little ways further, she stopped and her mouth dropped open as she saw the pool of water. She shined her glow rod over it, but couldn't tell if it were deep or juat merely a puddle and there wasn't really anything she could toss to find out. But, she did have her glow rods.

Putting down her pack, she dug out another rod and soon it was glowing bright. The first one, she would toss into the water and she was thankful that they were water-proof.

Standing by the edge, she gave it a small toss and watched it as it slowly hit the bottom, it was deep.

"Great," she told herself as she began to look for any place that might be shallow, she saw nothing. It was a good length to the other side, further than she'd be able to jump. Especially, with her leg.

Jacali walked back and forth a few times. There has to be a way.... She thought of her trainihng as she looked at the rock that was somewhat off to the side. It was shimmering, it had to be as slick as snot.

Was it possible? Could she? But, if it was slick, she could easily slip and hit the back of her head and knock herself out and...drown.

But, she couldn't go back....

Lady Mylia
Dec 23rd, 2003, 10:53:52 PM
Originally posted by Dasquian Belargic
In Mylia's tunnel…

The ground beneath Mylia is surprisingly dry. Though ice lines the stone, the Padawan is able to walk without any great difficulty or chance of slipping. The tunnel is angular, full of hard geometric shapes, each surface appearing as if it has been sanded and polished to give a gem-like finish. It is a good job that gravity is holding her down, as above Mylia is what would have been an awful pitfall had she drifted upwards – jagged, razor-sharp icicles, that look as though they have been formed over hundreds of years. They are thick, solid and hide a myriad of tiny winged creatures, all peacefully dozing.

Things for the moment seem peaceful – that is, until, up ahead a wailing can be heard…


One of the icicles has fallen directly onto something! There is dry blood on the ice, showing that the creature has been there some time. It is lizard-like in appearance, and has a scrawny coat of fur. It's long whip-like tail has been impaled into the ground, trapping it in itself place…

Mylia listened to the wail and a shiver went done her back. That was not going to be good, whatever it is, is not happy. Mylia reached out within the force and saw the poor creature, it was stuck. A stratching sound could be heard as the animal clawed desperately at the ground.

Mylia kept on moving, closer and closer to the tormented animal. As Mylia got closer, she could tell the creature felt her presense and did not like it. It felt very threatened. Mylia used the force to connect with the animal, it wasn't very easy. But Mylia had experienced harder. The creature came into sight, was it ever ugly. Mylia couldn't help but think with a silent laugh.

Mylia continued to connect with the creature, slowly, ever so slowly, it was calming down. What was she to do? She couldn't leave it there, continuing with it's torture, but if she freed it would it come after her? She sighed and continued with the soothing force waves.

She decided she couldn't leave it there, she'd have to take her chances with the creature.

Ever so carefully she crept up to the animal, it was very calm, but she still did not want to startle it. The blood around the tail of the animal was completely dry, the poor thing had been there a while.

Mylia took off her pack and sat it beside her. Now, for the hard part. Her rope wouldn't be any help, so all Mylia could do was try to pull the icicle from the tail. As Mylia began work, she let the creature know what she was doing. It seemed almost grateful.

It was a big icicle, but Mylia thought she could handle it. She sat down and closed her eyes. She turned her focus to the icicle. With the force she began to slowly inch it out of the ground. It was going to take some time and work, but Mylia had to do it.

She kept her eyes closed and mind open, letting the force flow through her and the icicle. She remembed everything that Dasquian had taugh her about levitation. Ever so slowly, the icicle began to rise from the ground and from the creatures tail. At first, the lizard didn't know what to do. But after a few moments, the creature ran off, like nothing had happened.

Carefully, Mylia sat the icicle back on the ground. She stood up and put her pack back on her back. She continued on, smiling to herself, but keeping her mind open for what was to come. There was no telling.

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 24th, 2003, 05:17:45 AM

Deeper into the tunnel the lizard ran. The Padawan probably hadn't given it a second thought as she walked on, happy with her good deed. She had done well that was certain, but not everyone had perceived her act as passive. Still, that would not matter for some time. She would walk and walk, through the seemingly endless icy cavern, until finally a little pitterpatter of feet altered her to the fact that she, once again, not alone.

There ahead, elevated on a rock, sat the lizard. It's tail was curled protectively around its body, as it eyed her with beady little eyes. There was a gleam of anxiety to its look, but it sat up tall and proud none the less. It seemed that somehow a shadow behind it was darker than all of those around it – and it was moving. Slowly, swaying as it came, the amorphous thing began to emerge. It was a lizard, identical to that which Mylia had helped – with two differences.

The first, its size. It was at least ten times as big as its counterpart, and just about filled up the crevice from which it had come.

The second, it was angry. It's jaw hung open, showing row upon row of teeth, slick with saliva. A guttural purr rumbled out of its throat, as it eyed Mylia with what was easily identifiable as hate.


It was certainly a difficult situation the Padawan was in. Down in the bottom of the water, the glowrod shimmered as the water moved. Moved? If the Padawan peered close enough, she could see that it was indeed moving. There was a current, somehow, shifting it about. If her eyes followed the right path, she would see that the pool was not solitary, but part of a greater reserve. A boulder acted as a dam between it and the main water source. It seemed to be pretty well lodged in place, but there was a very small opening at the bottom where the water washed in and out from the pool.

What the Jedi would not be able to tell was that if she moved the boulder, the pool would drain some – perhaps enough to allow her to wade through it.

Lady Mylia
Dec 28th, 2003, 12:43:48 PM
Mylia not only heard the pitterpatter of footsteps, but felt the creatures coming towards her. The tenseness instantly became evident. As the lizards came into sight she could even see the hatred in their eyes. She quickly began to try and open a connection with the creatures. She pushed hard into their minds, harder than she ever had before. These animals needed to know she meant no harm for anyone.

She pleaded her case to the lizards. Trying to keep her cool, she could not allow them to know how scared she was. That would only prove to make matters worse.

Gently, but forcefully she explain. "No harm was intended to fall onto you or your family. I just wished to remove him from pain and allow him to go back to his family." She hoped that the creatures would understand her and know she wished no harm on them.

imported_Jacali Danner
Dec 29th, 2003, 07:25:22 AM

It was certainly a difficult situation the Padawan was in. Down in the bottom of the water, the glowrod shimmered as the water moved. Moved? If the Padawan peered close enough, she could see that it was indeed moving. There was a current, somehow, shifting it about. If her eyes followed the right path, she would see that the pool was not solitary, but part of a greater reserve. A boulder acted as a dam between it and the main water source. It seemed to be pretty well lodged in place, but there was a very small opening at the bottom where the water washed in and out from the pool.

What the Jedi would not be able to tell was that if she moved the boulder, the pool would drain some – perhaps enough to allow her to wade through it.

Jacali blew out a sigh as she looked down at the glow rod. She had to think of something, getting to that crystal cavern was the most important step of becoming a Jedi.

It was then that she stopped for a moment and looked closer towards the water. She nearly fell in!

It was moving! Gently rippling from somewhere! "What the..." She mumbled to herself as she grabbed the other glow rod and began investigating the cavern around her. A large pile of rocks were just to the right of her, it looked like what was left from a possible cave in. Nonetheless, that had to be where the water was moving from.

She studied the area closer and noticed a large boulder that possibly could be moved and she could maybe....just maybe be able to climb through and be on her way.

Jacali had some training in telekinesis with her master. Time hadn't allowed them a whole lot especially with the accident. But, she knew the basics of what she needed to do.

The Padawan cleared her mind and took in a deep breath, drawing herself into the gentle essence of the Force. Once she felt it all around her she closed her eyes and lifted her right hand, locking the Force onto the boulder. At first, it didn't move. It was pretty frelling heavy!

Jacali had done some reading in the archives on Force moving and remembered about separating the molecules when something was too heavy to lift, to make it lighter.

The Padawan imagined the boulder in her mind and then imagined that there were millions of tiny air pockets with in it. Air pockets that weighed nothing, air pockets that helped her lift the boulder away from it's wedged place in the wall.

Jacali could hear movement, but didn't allow this to interfere with her concentration, she concentrated harder. She could almost see the smile on her masters face as she continued to see the boulder in tiny pieces lift away from the wall and up over to the stony ground near her. THUD! She dropped it and opened her eyes!! "Oh, frell!!! I did it!!"

Jacali was so excited with her accomplishment that she didn't even realize the pool was draining.

"I did it!" She yelled again and turned to start through her new path only to stop in her tracks.

Her original path was only about a foot deep now and could be easily crossed. With a whoop, Jacali carefully climbed down into the deep crevice, waded through the water and was back up the other side in no time, only slipping once.

"Crystals, here I come!!!" She smiled as she continued on.

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 5th, 2004, 11:24:44 AM

Her message got through, but it was falling on deaf ears. The animals seemed transfixed. Soon, smaller lizards had joined the larger in a line, all watching Mylia with almost luminous malicious stares. More footsteps joined, but these sounded more solid, as opposed to the webbed-toe tapings of the creatures. Out of the murk, a tall shape was emerging.

Bipedal, it was still reptilian, yet had a look of humanity about it too. The facial and body structure was human, but in place of skin the figure had scales and fronds were hair should have been. It was dressed in tattered clothing, which looked as though it might have once passed as a Jedi robe. Dull gold eyes blinking, its forked tongue licked at the air.

"Who daresssss dissssturb my dwelling?"


For Jacali, one obstacle was over. Tougher lay ahead. The caves were notorious for having an unusual effect on people. Some speculated that it was because of fumes or gases generated within the caverns, while others claimed the Force induced these reactions. Jedi coming to retrieve crystals would find they had to face these things to gain passage to the crystal chamber itself. At the next turn of a corner, Jacali would find this.

The hallucination, if it could be called that, would be as real as anything she had ever seen. She would feel it in the Force, because it would be borne from the Force. As she turned into it, she saw a figure. It appeared to be a Twi'lek, sat meditating on the floor of the cave. The Padawan's leg brace squeaked slightly, and the alien opened one eye, looking up at her. Lekku twitching, the female quirked a brow.

"Another come for the crystals," she mused aloud, slowly easing herself to her feet. Dusting off her hands, she looked up expectantly and asked, "What makes you think you have a right to be here, to take these crystals?"

imported_Jacali Danner
Jan 6th, 2004, 07:46:31 PM
Jacali stopped abruptly as she saw the female Twi'lek.

"Another come for the crystals," she mused aloud, slowly easing herself to her feet. Dusting off her hands, she looked up expectantly and asked, "What makes you think you have a right to be here, to take these crystals?"

The Padawan bowed towards the Twi'lek and introduced herself. "Greetings, I am Padawan learner, Jacali Danner. Forgive my intrusion. I come seeking a crystal so that I may continue my training to become a Jedi Knight. A crystal is imparative for my quest to Knighthood. It is these crytals alone that power our lightsabre's, the true weapon of a Jedi. May I pass?"

Lady Mylia
Jan 27th, 2004, 04:18:31 PM
Originally posted by Dasquian Belargic

Her message got through, but it was falling on deaf ears. The animals seemed transfixed. Soon, smaller lizards had joined the larger in a line, all watching Mylia with almost luminous malicious stares. More footsteps joined, but these sounded more solid, as opposed to the webbed-toe tapings of the creatures. Out of the murk, a tall shape was emerging.

Bipedal, it was still reptilian, yet had a look of humanity about it too. The facial and body structure was human, but in place of skin the figure had scales and fronds were hair should have been. It was dressed in tattered clothing, which looked as though it might have once passed as a Jedi robe. Dull gold eyes blinking, its forked tongue licked at the air.

"Who daresssss dissssturb my dwelling?"

Mylia looked at the figure, suprised. She was startled and a bit scared, but she did not want to show it. "I'm Mylia. I have just here visiting. I do not wish to disturb you or any of your friends. I mean no harm." She stood up straight, showing no physical sign of fear.

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 28th, 2004, 10:34:55 AM

The woman wathes Jacali for a moment, looking her over with an incredulous gaze. When it appears she is satisfied, she speaks once more, "You may pass when you have successfully answered my questions."

The Twi'lek smiles very slightly, folding her arms behind her back.

"If you are a Jedi, then recite the Jedi code and explain its importance and relevance in your life."


"Mylia," the figure replied, tasting the air continuously, "I can sssmell your fear."

The creature moved further forwards, "Why arrrre you herrrre human? Why do you encroach upon this den? What makes you think you have the rrrright?"

Lady Mylia
Jan 28th, 2004, 01:05:23 PM
Mylia gulped and took a small step fowards. "I'm here for one reason and one reason only, for a crystal." She only answered one question, she did not want to push the matter further.

imported_Jacali Danner
Jan 29th, 2004, 07:55:31 PM
Originally posted by Dasquian Belargic

The woman watches Jacali for a moment, looking her over with an incredulous gaze. When it appears she is satisfied, she speaks once more. "You may pass when you have successfully answered my questions."

The Twi'lek smiles very slightly, folding her arms behind her back.

"If you are a Jedi, then recite the Jedi code and explain its importance and relevance in your life."

Jacali nodded and straightened.

"There is no emotion; there is peace. There is no ignorance; there is knowledge. There is no passion; there is serenity. There is no death; there is the Force."

She paused momentarily. "The importance of our Code so a Jedi does not act for personal power or wealth, but to seek knowledge and enlightenment. A Jedi never acts from hatred, anger, fear or agression, but acts when one is calm and at peace with the Force."

Jacali paused again. "It's relevance in my life, is so I will always remain on the righteous path of the Jedi. To live by that Code and honor it as no other. To always remain at peace with myself and with the Force."

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 31st, 2004, 02:05:01 PM

"Must a Jedi always abide by this creed, or do you believe there are times when it is excusable to momentarily disregard a portion of the code?" the figure asked, brow furrowed in thought.


"Yesssss... that'ssss why you all come, for the crystals - but who ssssayssss they're yourssss to take? You wouldn't like it if we walked into your home and sssstole thingsss from you... why ssshould this be any different?" the reptile asked, the smaller creatures around it growing antsy.

Lady Mylia
Feb 2nd, 2004, 06:10:32 PM
Mylia looked to the creature, he was making very good points. She had never thought of thos process in this light before. It was tradition, every Jedi came to these caves in search of their own crystals. She did not speak right away, she let his question hang in the air for a couple moments. She could feel that the other's were growing anxious. "You are right, I would not appriecate it if you came into my home and took my things. This is how the Jedi do it, they come here and retrieve their crystal from these caves. I never questioned it before because it was tradition. My uncle did it, my father did it, my father before him did it, and so on. When something is done one way for such a long time, it's generally accept as the correct thing to do..." She paused for a moment. "Without thought."

imported_Jacali Danner
Feb 5th, 2004, 04:36:09 AM
Originally posted by Dasquian Belargic

"Must a Jedi always abide by this creed, or do you believe there are times when it is excusable to momentarily disregard a portion of the code?" the figure asked, brow furrowed in thought.

"It's a guideline and it is how we base our lives, but, there is one exception that seems allowable to the Jedi to oversee. The basis of 'love'. Though, it can be dangerous, the Jedi are now allowed to love and marry. So, that would be the only area, that I would look past."

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 5th, 2004, 01:28:15 PM

“Yesssss. Old waysss become losssst to time, and new ssssupersssssede. Such issss the way of the world,” the creature hissed, as its smaller counterparts scuttled forwards a little, perhaps a little less wary or aggressive now.

“But we thisss is my territory… and if you want to passss by this point, you musssst give me something in return for ssssafe passage. You can travel on without doing sssso, but I cannot guarauntee you will be ssssafe…”


“Love, you say?”

A flicker of reflection burned behind her eyes. The once Jedi had known love and been ostracized for it. It was her stigma.

“How can a Jedi love? You yourself say it is dangerous. How can you justify this?”

imported_Jacali Danner
Feb 15th, 2004, 09:44:09 AM
Jacali thought for a few minutes before answering. "There really is no justification in it, it's just something allowable now. In days of the past, it was sought to be wrong, but now love is a big part in a Jedi life. How can we serve the galaxy if we don't love it? It is our love for life and everything around us that guides us to our destinies in everything we do. So, love is allowable now. A life without love, is like not living at all."

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 13th, 2004, 08:43:41 AM

The Twi'lek Jedi frowned as she listened to this. "It is true that I have been gone from society for a long time... perhaps you speak the truth. Times have changed, perhaps for the better, perhaps for the worse. There was a time when the Order was firmer in its beliefs... when students were screened vigorously... do you believe the Jedi of your time are superior to the Jed of old?"

imported_Jacali Danner
Mar 14th, 2004, 06:09:05 AM
"The history of the Old Republic Jedi that I have read, often reveals that the Jedi were just as established then as they are now. I feel that there is truly no right or wrong answer in your question. All I can do is read the history, but sometimes history isn't based on all opinions. But, that also doesn't mean that we can't learn from past mistakes. In a way, perhaps we could know more now, just because of that history. So, in my opinion, the Jedi of today may be a bit above the old, due to the history of them. I think, we pay more attention, so we don't make the same mistakes and I believe that is why history is there."

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 17th, 2004, 08:06:17 AM

“That is true. We can’t help to better ourselves if we are ignorant of the past. You make a good case for yourself, Jedi. You have my permission to pass by into the crystal caves, but I will accompany you,” the Twi’lek said, “To oversee your actions, and ensure that you remove only one crystal. Others have come before and harvested many, almost gutting the cave of its natural resources. I do not believe you would do this, but I must ensure the safety of the reserve.”

imported_Jacali Danner
Mar 19th, 2004, 08:28:02 PM
Jacali sighed inwardly in relief and smiled. "Thank you." She gave the Twi'lek a respectable bow. "Lead on, my friend."

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 20th, 2004, 09:40:41 AM

The two Jedi moved on through the dank and dark caves. Though it was clear they were deep into the hillside now, there appeared to be light coming from ahead. It shone in the pools of water around their feet, and on the moisture that clung to the walls. Soon it became clear that it was not an artificial light creating this affect, but something natural. The tunnel ahead began to widen and all of a sudden opened out onto a great chamber. It shimmered and shined, luminous with the light of crystal formations dotted all around the room. They came in all shapes, sizes and colours – some rough, some smooth, some angular, some organic. There were only two entrances to the chamber, although one was blocked by a large boulder. “Here we are,” said the Twi’lek, with a grandiose gesture, motioning from the ground to the high roof above, from which stalactite-like crystals hung.

imported_Jacali Danner
Mar 20th, 2004, 05:13:13 PM
"Oh my..." was all Jacali could say as she looked around the most gorgeous sight she'd ever seen in her life.

She stood agape for a few moments just trying to take in the granduer of it all. "I've never seen anything so beautiful. I wouldn't have ever dreamed there would be so many."

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 21st, 2004, 02:35:23 AM

“There would not be, were it not for the dedication of guardians such as myself,” the Jedi explained. “They are a very rare and sought after material,” she continued, looking around at the various types of crystal, all of which she had memorized for their qualities, strengths and weaknesses.

imported_Jacali Danner
Mar 21st, 2004, 08:35:54 AM
The Padawan gazed about the cavern. Okay, I'm here. Now what do I do? Do I just go pick one?

"How does one go about choosing the right crystal?"

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 21st, 2004, 08:57:53 AM

“You will know which is the right for you. The Force will guide you to it,” the Jedi explained, “You should be able to sense it almost calling to you when you pass by it.”

imported_Jacali Danner
Mar 21st, 2004, 09:04:11 AM
"Alright." She smiled as she put her pack down and got out the laser cutter.

With the cutter in hand, she took a deep breath and began to walk around the cavern. Listening to the Force.

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 21st, 2004, 09:26:33 AM

The Twi’lek watched as Jacali moved through the formations. There were red, blue, yellow, green, violet, orange- crystals of every hue. There were Sigils, Opilas, Uparis, Bonders… all sorts of crystal. It was just a matter of the Force telling Jacali when to stop. The Jedi watched with curiosity piqued, knowing that crystal choice often had some significance for each individual Jedi and their later paths.

imported_Jacali Danner
Mar 21st, 2004, 10:10:01 AM
Jacali kept her mind clear and her heart open to find just the right crystal.

As the Padawan passed a cluster of violet ones, she felt a vibration in the Force. She stopped and knelt down beside it.

Rhythmic vibrations could be felt calling to her. It was one of these in this cluster. But, which one? Would any of them do?

With a deep breath, the Padawan sat down and studied them. She closed her eyes and sank deeply into the Force, calling to it to assist her.

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 21st, 2004, 10:15:31 AM

It seemed her color was decided. Now it was just a matter of which of the cluster she would choose. The Twi’lek Jedi could not help but take a few paces forwards to get a closer look at what Jacali was doing – and, truthfully, to ensure that she took only a single crystal from the formation.

imported_Jacali Danner
Mar 21st, 2004, 10:25:31 AM
What after seemed to be a long moment, but was only really a few minutes, Jacali opened her eyes and looked at the cluster.

In awe, she saw one of the crystals glow before her. That was the one.

Keeping her eyes on the crystal, the Padawan switched on the laser cutter and carefully cut the one crystal away from the cluster.

When she was done, she put the tool down and held the crystal in the palm of her hand, it was warm to the touch and felt as if it belonged with her. With a smile, Jacali grabbed the cutter and rose to her feet. She faced the Twi'lek. "This is the one, Master Twi'lek."

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 21st, 2004, 10:41:35 AM

The Jedi regarded the crystal, taking it between her thumb and forefinger. It was a fine specimen. She handed it back to Jacali, and smiled. “Are you going to craft it here, within the chamber?” she asked.

imported_Jacali Danner
Mar 21st, 2004, 10:55:19 AM
The Padawan hadn't really thought about that, but why not? After all, she had the lightsabre with her that she had already built and just waiting for it's crystal.

The crystal itself was too large, so it would have to be cut down to fit.

"Yes, I would like to craft it here, if you don't mind." Walking out of the cavern with a useable lightsabre would be quite the accomplishment.

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 21st, 2004, 11:01:30 AM

“Please,” the Jedi said with a welcoming gesture, “Go head. It has been some time since I have witnessed the construction of a saber, and it is indeed a wonderful and inspiring thing to see.”

imported_Jacali Danner
Mar 21st, 2004, 11:37:33 AM
Since learning to construct a lightsabre, the Padawan took great detail into constructing her own personalized hilt. She had spent hours researching different hilts in the Archives and finally found one that she liked and began to re-create it. After many hours and mistakes, her goal had finally been achieved.

With a nod, Jacali stepped over to her backpack and brought out a rolled up towel. Unrolling it carefully, she smiled at the lifeless lightsabre that was within it. This was her baby.

"This lightsabre hilt took me hours to construct, Master. I spent a lot of time to get it just right, so to see it activated will be quite a personal accomplishment."

The crystal would have to be cut down quite a lot to fit in the hilt, she had read many manuals on the precision cuts of a crystal and hoped that her memory would not let her down.

But, that was Jacali, she was a master at research and would spent endless hours in the Achives studying to get something right.

With a deep, relaxing breath, Jacali place the hilt back down on the towel and sat down cross-legged. The laser cutter could be adjusted to many different settings, she had studied that as well.

Carefully, the Padawan cut into the crystal to the proper length and width. Afterwards, she lowered the laser to a minimal cut to start cutting the edges away carefully. The Force aided her hands as the cuts were made, each one more careful than the last.

Jacali wasn't exactly sure how long this took, it could've been hours the way she was concentrating.

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 22nd, 2004, 09:44:11 AM

The Jedi watched, noting the pride and care that Jacali worked with. It was always pleasing to see such things. Some were brash and rushed with the construction of their blade, eager to see it active. Little good ever came from this – as rushed weapons often would malfunction. The Twi’lek had faith in this girl, though. She seemed to understand the delicacy required with such a task.

Lady Mylia
Mar 23rd, 2004, 02:29:10 PM
“Yesssss. Old waysss become losssst to time, and new ssssupersssssede. Such issss the way of the world,” the creature hissed, as its smaller counterparts scuttled forwards a little, perhaps a little less wary or aggressive now.

“But we thisss is my territory… and if you want to passss by this point, you musssst give me something in return for ssssafe passage. You can travel on without doing sssso, but I cannot guarauntee you will be ssssafe…”

"Give you something?" Mylia repeated and began digging through her bag. What did she have that could be of any use to him? Rope, several glow sticks, an extra coat, not much more. She held the bag open to him. Revealing the little she had.

"I do not have much, you can take what you want though." Mylia sighed slightly, she'd just had to deal with not having whatever he took.

imported_Jacali Danner
Mar 23rd, 2004, 08:57:53 PM
Jacali finished the last cut to the crystal and shut down the laser cutter. She studied it for a long moment, looking over it carefully from every angle.

When she was finally pleased with the finished product, she took a deep breath and took ahold of her lightsabre. Opening the power cell shaft, she placed the crystal in and closed it back.

Jacali's brace cracked as she stood and held the lightsabre in her hand. This was the moment she had been waiting for, for a long time.

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 24th, 2004, 07:55:51 AM

“Thisss issssss all worrrthlesss!” the creature said, without looking at what the bag contained. “What am I to do with thissss, hmm? … Therrrre is another way, though. Do sssomething for me, insssstead. Once you have your crystal and ssssaber, you must use it to destroy the parasites infesssssting the mouth of my cave.”


“Well,” the Jedi said, “Now’s the moment of truth… try it.”

imported_Jacali Danner
Mar 24th, 2004, 09:18:08 PM
Mentally, Jacali quickly went over every step she had taken to construct the weapon, the hours she had gone over and over again to get it right. Here it was, completed. All she needed to do was turn it on.

The Padawan nodded and held the weapon in her hand. She held it out to the side and flipped on the switch.

Seconds later, the familiar hum and flash of a beautiful violet blade appeared.

Jacali smiled deeply as she looked at her finest accomplishment. Her baby worked!

"It works!" She exclaimed as she carefully gave it a light swing.

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 27th, 2004, 05:14:58 AM

“Congratulations, Jedi Padawan. Your Master will surely be proud of you. It is a fine weapon you have constructed. Now… will you be alright finding your way back through the cave yourself?”

imported_Jacali Danner
Mar 29th, 2004, 09:14:41 PM
"Yes, Master Twi'lek and thank you for your help. Your kindness will not be forgotten." Jacali smiled as she powered her sabre down and clipped it to her belt.

With a deep happy sigh, she picked up her pack and began walking back the way she had come, waving briefly at the Twi'lek as she went.

Jacali couldn't have been happier.

Lady Mylia
Apr 7th, 2004, 09:22:54 PM
“Thisss issssss all worrrthlesss!” the creature said, without looking at what the bag contained. “What am I to do with thissss, hmm? … Therrrre is another way, though. Do sssomething for me, insssstead. Once you have your crystal and ssssaber, you must use it to destroy the parasites infesssssting the mouth of my cave.”

Destroy the parasites. Dasquian adviced them against using violence. But, if she had to, what else could she do? Maybe there was another way to get the parasites out of the mouth of the cave. She nodded. "Yes, I'll try my best to remove them from your cave."

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 8th, 2004, 01:56:40 PM

The creature nodded and motioned for Mylia to follow, “You may take yourrrr token from the cavessss once you have compelted my tasks,” it said, as it lead her on a short yet winding journey to the mouth of a dark cavern. A quiet chitterchitter of many things could be heard inside, many things which made the reptiles smaller companions hissed and slink away. “Thissss issss wherrrre they are… in therrrrre.”

Lady Mylia
May 24th, 2004, 02:38:41 PM
Mylia looked at the creature and how the other creatures reacted to them. "What are they?" What could be so horrible that make these fearless creatures leave?

Dasquian Belargic
May 27th, 2004, 11:05:05 AM
“I do not know,” it replied, as it shook its head. “But you will need yourrr cryssstal and sssaber to remove them. They are vicioussss… but then perhapsss your powerrrrssss alone can drive them away.”

A carcass of one of the creatures could be seen. How it had died was unknown but it now lay motionless. It was feral, almost rat-like, but large and with faintly scaled skin that reflected the light from certain angles. It’s mouth hung agape, showing two serpentine incisors.

Lady Mylia
May 27th, 2004, 12:04:36 PM
Mylia nodded as she gazed at the dead creature. Hopefully, she thought. Hopefully she could drive it away. "Yes, my powers should drive them away." Trying to sound more confidant than she felt.

She sighed and turned away. "Now, for my crystal to aid in the removal of this disturbance."

She followed the creature as it lead her down the tunnels. In each step, Mylia could feel the crystals getting closer and closer. Hours of studying the crystals and the construction of sabres were put into this. Mylia hoped that she would get it right. For a moment, Mylia's mind reached out to Jacali. She wondered how she was doing. Had she already constructed her sabre? Did she have any problem in her journey? These questions filled her head, but she quickly pushed them out. She could have nothing clouding her mind as she entered this task. Nothing could distract her. Snapping back to the moment, she looked at the creature. "These crystals, do I just pick the one I find the prettiest, or what?"

imported_Jacali Danner
Jun 11th, 2004, 10:01:21 PM
It was a ong hike back to the main cavern, but as she got there she reached out into the Force to see if Mylia was nearby.

She must still be in her cavern. The Padawan thought as she put down her pack and put on the parka again, then headed for the outside where her Master would be found.

The chill of outside made the Padawan shiver as she came upon the opening and located Dasquian.

"Master, I've returned." She spoke with a smile. She unclipped her newly constructed sabre and held it proudly in her hands towards her Master, so he could inspect it.

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 13th, 2004, 07:45:34 AM

The creature looked at Mylia with a hint of anger, as if to say ‘what do I look like – the crystal salesman?’. It shook its head, looking at the shimmering convex surfaces of the crystals. “You sssshould know which one to pick.”


Dasquian had felt Jacali approaching, as he sat meditating. He got to his feet as she emerged from the cave, victorious. As he was presented the saber, he smiled and examined the hilt, nodding appreciatively. He then handed the weapon back to her without a word, returning his gaze to the caves entry, awaiting Mylia’s exit.

Lady Mylia
Jun 15th, 2004, 12:13:54 PM
Mylia nodded. She wasn't really sure what that meant, but she would soon find out. She ignored the creature as best as she could, she needed nothing destracting her. As they got even closer a dull glow could be seen and with each step the dull glow became brighter and brighter. She let out a breath. Wow... she muttered. Such beauty. Crystals everywhere. Every shape every color. Mylia did not know where to begin. How would be know which one to pick?

Suddenly, as if out of nowhere she was drawn to a patch of sky blue crystals. "I guess this is what he was talking about" She thought. She reached in her bag and pulled out her laser cutter and began to run her hand along the cluster. Which one to choose? After several moments of running her hand along the crystals, one felt right. She did not know how to explain it, but that was her crystal. She took the laser cutter and cut it away from the others.

She took it in her palm, her crystal. It would not fit in her sabre, it would need some cutting down. She pulled out her hilt and looked at the crystal, eyeing how much she would need to cut it down. It was times like this that she was happy Jacali dragged her to the archives with her. Because of Jacali, Mylia was prepared to cut her crystal down to size for the perfect fit.

She took a seat and placed her hilt in her lap and prepared to get to work sizing her crystal. Carefully she began to adjust her laser cutter for the precise cut on her crystal. After what seemed like hours of cutting, Mylia placed down the cutter and held up the finished product. Perfect. She picked back up her hilt and placed the crystal in its correct spot. She put her cutter away in her sack and stood up. Now, for the moment of truth. Had all her work payed off? Did she do this tast correctly? So much depended on this mission.

She stood for a few moments before she tried it. She was just taking in the sabre. Finally, she pushed the buttom. A low buzzing was heard and after a few moments a light like none other that Mylia had seen shined. It seemed to outshine all the other crystals. She had done it. Her sabra was complete. She took a couple swings with it. It seemed so perfect. With aid of the force, Mylia moved her sabra as if she had been sabra fighting all her life. Such grace and beauty.

Mylia continued to stare at it before she finally turned it off. She clicked it off and placed her hilt at her side. The new place for her sabre. She looked at the creature. "Alright, time to get rid of your little problem."


Dasquian Belargic
Jun 19th, 2004, 05:50:24 AM
The creature had watched with patient silence as Mylia had toiled. Now, finally with the fruit of her efforts hanging at her side, it was time for the young Jedi to fulfill her end of the bargain. The reptilian being lead the slow walk back to the cavernous opening that played host to the creatures which Mylia was to dispose of, in whatever way she saw appropriate. The carcass that had previously lay at the entrance to the cave was gone now. An ominous feeling of being watched came over the Padawan as the pair moved forwards into the darkness. The creature paused suddenly.

“I go no furrrther.”

Lady Mylia
Jun 19th, 2004, 02:48:45 PM
Mylia nodded to the creature. Now, fear was not an option. She had the ultimate weapon, if needed. She took a step in and opened her mind. She opened it to the creature or creatures that terrorized the others in the cave. She felt around for them. She opened her mind to them and slowly she began to find them. She pushed through the barrier with little ease. These creatures had a strong mental block, but some way she managed to do it.

With aid of the force she was able to open a communication link among them. She started out with an introduction. That was the best way. She did not want the creatures to feel threatened by her presense.

After the introduction, she waited to see if she would get a responce.

Nothing. Well, nothing yet anyway. Mylia did not back down. Further and further into it's mind she pushed. Pushing away fear and trying to push out all mental blocks. A lot of concentration was needed for this. Great aid of the force was brought in. Mylia could never do this by herself.

Pushing and pushing finally paid off, finally some sort of responce was found. "Leave us be." Mylia felt confused. "I'm not here to hurt you. I'm here to negotiate for the other creatures in the cave."
"We don't harm them."
"Why do they fear you?"
"We have to eat."
"You eat the creatures of this cave?"
"We have to eat."
"Why not find another place. No one harms you here, why do you harm them. They asked me to come and talk to you."
"Why did they not come to us."
"They fear you."
"If they can come to us, we can work something out."
"I'll tell them, until then will you refrain from eating them?"
"Yes, but you must not be present. We want to talk to them."
Mylia nodded. Something in the force told her this would be alright. These creatures weren't violent, just hungry. Everything had to survive. She slowly stepped backward and returned to the other creature.

"They want to speak with you. But I cannot be present otherwise nothing will happen. I think they were a bit offened that a third party was sent in. They will not harm you, I have their word. They are strong creatures, both mentally and physically. They just want to survive, just like everything else in this cave. You must all learn to live in harmony."

Mylia bowed to the creature. Hopefully they had both learned something from this. Mylia certainly learned a lot. A lot about the force and a lot about herself and other creatures.

She turned to leave. Her mission had lasted long enough.

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 3rd, 2004, 12:09:33 PM
Sure enough, Mylia appeared at the caves mouth before long. Dasquian smiled, noting that she too was carrying a newly constructed saber. “Congratulations to both of you,” he said, with a nod of approval. “You have shown skill and resourcefulness where others would have given up.” He paused, looking around at the unwelcoming landscape. “Now, I think we should get back to Coruscant, don’t you? We have a lot of practice to do with those new blades.”

Lady Mylia
Jul 24th, 2004, 11:42:37 AM
Mylia nodded. "We sure do. Let's get out of here." She was very happy about her lightsaber, but so ready to get out of this place.

imported_Jacali Danner
Jul 24th, 2004, 08:59:51 PM
Jacali was more than ahppy to agree. She was ready to get back to Coruscant. Things were really looking up, now.