View Full Version : I Am The Cheese (open challenge to 2 Darksiders)

Nov 13th, 2003, 10:07:17 PM
He had been tracking the Dark Sider for weeks. Every time he got near apprehending the miscreant, something would come up. Once his quarry escaped on a transport where he could not follow. Another time, Akarbbim lost sight of the Dark Sider in a crowd. And the list goes on. But finally, it looks like he has a chance. Apparently, the woman had gotten wise to him and had all but disappeared. However, he did see her offering money to a very pale young man just before disappearing once more. Since he cannot find his target, he will do the next best thing: catch her messenger. Once he catches him, he should be able to find out her location from him. With that tactic in mind, he heads off to hunt down the messenger.

After trailing the Dark Sider for just over an hour, he sees him enter what should be a deserted building. Cloaking himself in both physical and Force illusion, he sneaks into the building after the messenger. It is obvious that the Dark Sider does not realize that anyone follows. Though Akrabbim can hear the footsteps of his quarry easily, he cannot move quickly. He must move slowly to maintain the masking. As well, it is simply easier to actually be quiet than to use illusion to cover his sounds.

After a short search, he locates a room with his target inside. He plans to simply overwhelm the pale youngster and find out the location of his target. Dropping illusion entirely, he draws both katanas and quickly rushes into the room.

Only then does he realize his mistake. His target is not alone. Both the messenger and the smuggler are in this room. Instead of trying to retreat, he simply lowers his stance and prepares to attack them both. It is not what he would have planned, but for now, it will have to do.

Ruufe Shanks
Nov 22nd, 2003, 10:02:02 PM
Ruufe's got a job! He's earning his keep, like an honest guy should. It's this sort of quality that's befitting of people who are successful kings, at least it is in his opinion. This lady gave him a job as a sneaky messenger boy, which is lower than he'd like, but it pays well. The "boss lady" is counting out the creds now, in fact.

"Oi, you sure there's no other jobs?" he asks, feeling a twinge of greed as the creds drop into his palm. "I mean, there's plenty I could do for ya..."

There's no chance for him to follow up on examples. Akrabbim bursts in, and Ruufe cocks a brow at him. Wierd, he'd not seen anyone following him. Quickly the creds disappear into his pocket before the boss can take them back. She swore she'd cut his pay if he was followed.

"Good timing. I just got paid in full thanks to you."

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Nov 22nd, 2003, 11:28:19 PM
I hate Jedi.

After a split second of thought, Daiquiri amended her thought.

I hate all Jedi except one...Loki.

Her lips parted in a smile as she thought about the dark-haired padawan that in her heart she had adpoted as a son. It had been quite a while since she had seen him and had she not crossed paths with this particular Jedi, Van-Derveld might be sitting and talking with the boy now.

Akrabbim. Soundlessly, Daiq sighed. Any other time she would have stood her ground and fought but her body was still recovering from the brutal torturing by Sorsha and from the mentally devastating virus passed to her by the man calling himself Vega Van-Derveld.

She had done the only thing she could and that was run. Even now Daiquiri felt the shame of it creeping up her neck and coloring her face.

Twice, Akrabbim had almost caught her but she had managed to keep out of his reach but her luck had almost run out. Spying an older boy hanging out at the docking bay, she walked over to him, inquiring as to his availability for a 'quick' job. He was willing and she paid him half for his time, plus a small, wrapped package to be delivered at the address she whispered in his ear.

Poor kid looks like he could use a good meal...and some sun. Too pale.

Had she been thinking straight and not looking over her shoulder every few feet, Daiq would have made the connection from her time spent with Ezra but as it was she was simply too tired to give his skin coloring much thought.

Blue eyes narrowed as she scanned behind her, looking for any sign of the relentless Jedi. Not seeing him or anything that seemed amiss, she stole off to the building that Ruufe, the boy, had told her about. All she needed was confirmation that he had delivered the package.

Making her way through the dark streets and alleyways, Daiquiri located the abandoned structure and went inside to wait.

It hadnt taken long for Ruufe to do as he was asked and with a few brief words, she was satisfied that he had done the job well and was slipping the rest of his payment into his open palm when Akrabbim burst inside, his deadly katanas held ready.

She began backing up and pulled her vibroblade from its sheath.

I hate Jedi!!

Nov 24th, 2003, 07:32:07 PM
Akrabbim makes a quick assessment of the situation, and decides he must not give them a chance to mount an offensive. As soon as he sees Daiq draw her vibroblade, he launches his attack. He flings both katana, one at Daiq and one at Ruufe. He guides them with the Force, hoping to take them both out at the same time. As soon as he launches his katanas, guided by the Force, he follows up with a blast of Force Blindness, slamming both of them with a blast of light into their minds.

Ruufe Shanks
Nov 24th, 2003, 10:19:13 PM
Ruufe sees the katana coming shortly before his sight mysteriously fades out. Instinctive he ducks, feeling the katana whisk by. He stands, listening for the tell-tale rush of air the spinning blade makes along with any sign of Akrabbim moving. Brash and cocky as the boy is, he knows something is clearly wrong. If he can figure out what, he'll be in business.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Nov 24th, 2003, 11:41:30 PM
Its coming....its coming, you know it is! Just memorize his position!

Daiquiri had been on the recieving end of this illusionist's tricks before and they hadnt been easy to deal with. At least now, she had a bit of a forewarning.

As Akrabbim's arms moved forward, she anticipated his action and was already moving when the katanas left his hands. Keeping one eye on the approaching blade and the other on the Jedi, Daiq sought to keep him between both herself and Ruufe.

Ducking low at the last second, the katana darn near parted her hair as she brought both hands up and extended them towards Akrabbim, sending a strong, physical push through the Force.

At the same moment, Daiquiri felt the invasion of her mind, and tried to viciously slam her conciousness shut to his attack. But it was too late, her mind had been affected. For all intents and purposes, she was blind.

Van-Derveld froze, opening her mouth to reduce the sound of her own breathing so that she could focus in on any movement or sound. As an afterthought, Daiq called out quickly to the boy who - she assumed - was still to her left.

"Ruufe, dont move, just listen for him."

Nov 25th, 2003, 10:28:34 PM
The Force Push sends him flying back against the wall, nearly knocking the breath out of him. He is sure the attack would have been more effective had he not blinded her just as she sent the attack. He ponders his next move just as Daiquiri leaves the door wide open for him. His mouth splits into a wide grin. *So... they're listening, are they? This could be fun.*

Apparently, they are unaware that he can make auditory illusions almost as well as he can make visual ones. Remaining still, he concentrates, making both Dark Siders hear what sounds like steps rushing toward them. Using the little bit of concentration he has left, he calls his katanas back toward him, hilt first. Assuming they fall for the auditory illusions, the sabers should hit them rather soundly in the back of their heads.

Ruufe Shanks
Nov 25th, 2003, 10:35:04 PM
Ruufe falls for it; he's never fought an illusionist before. He steps forward with a hook punch that would have whipped Akrabbim's head around, had he been standing there. He gets a surpise as the hilt of one katana clocks him on the head.

"Oi! Stupid tricks!"

He spins to where he thinks Akrabbim is, listening out for him and feeling the pull of hatred in his chest.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Nov 25th, 2003, 11:02:14 PM
In the empty, neglected building everything echoed...everything except the footsteps rushing towards her. Daiquiri clamped down on the smile that threatened to twitch her lips. She had known Akrabbim would be too smart for a frontal attack and the sound of the rushing feet coming at her was a ruse. The Jedi was attacking from behind.

Daiquiri had no intention of remaining a sitting duck. Already low to the floor, she springs up and over toward her left, closer to Ruufe, as a soft whisper of air passes beneath her. Akrabbim had recalled the katanas. Not good.

Thumbing her vibroblade on, she speaks quickly, hearing Ruufe's outraged yell.

"Forget about the listening, kid. Just do your best to feel him and use your head. We're going back to back."

Making a grabbing motion, Daiquiri draws Ruufe towards her with the Force and together they stand, waiting for the Jedi to make another move. Gripping the hilt of her vibroblade tighter, Daiq weaves it slowly back and forth and side to side, not wanting to give the illusionist a chance to knock it from her hand.

Nov 25th, 2003, 11:38:13 PM
The katanas return to Akrabbim's hands, one having hit and one not. He cannot help but smile in grudging admiration for her having seen through his illusion. Very well... it's time for a frontal attack. Between the two of them, they have only one weapon between them. Akrabbim has two.

Hoping that the blindness is still affecting them, he launches a second attack. He lashes out with Force Confusion, flooding their minds with lights, shapes, colors... anything to distract them. He rushes in toward them both, swinging both swords at the same time. He angles himself directly toward Daiquiri so that Ruufe is on the other side of her. The right sword leads in a cross body attack, attempting to parry her vibroblade down. The right-hand blade comes from his left in an attempt to create an opening. The left blade follows behind it, planning to incapacitate her with the first blow.

Silus Xilarian
Nov 26th, 2003, 02:06:34 AM
"Come on now, we're running late as it is! I need this shipment out of here by tonight! You're already throwing me off schedule!"

At a nearby dock, Silus is yelling at the local workers for their frightenly slow service. His yelling managed to speed the work up slightly, and caused the foreman to come jogging over to explain that the sheer size of the load is what's slowing things down, not the workers.

He was partially right. The load was a huge wooden crate, with FRAGILE written across each side in big red letters. Silus wasnt very tolerant with the slowness, but damage to the shipment would have sent him into a veritable rage...

As the foreman jogs off, he senses something in the back of his mind, but he cant put his finger on what it is. Normally he would go investigate, but the current proceedings are too important....

Ruufe Shanks
Nov 29th, 2003, 08:33:38 PM
Feel. Right. Makes some sense, especially since his newly-regained vision has just burst into lights and shapes and other stuff that he can't even imagine what it is. So he ignores it. Akrabbim is out there, and if he can find Akrabbim, he can beat Akrabbim. Ruufe spreads the Force out, making it be his eyes, but doesn't see Akrabbim in front of him. He can feel Daiquiri's back against his own, so he's not bothered to look there, trusting that she has her end covered.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Nov 29th, 2003, 11:18:33 PM
The illusion of being blind had been something new that Akrabbim hadnt used on her before and Daiquiri had been unprepared for it. Determination mingled with desparation set in and her focus hardened, narrowing down to only two things....the Jedi and Ruufe.

Colors and lights mixed with other visual distractions began to fill her mind but Daiq's hold on the force was tenacious. Ruthlessly, she brushed the illusion aside and quickly backpedaled as twin flashes of silver sparked through her returning eyesight.

As the boy and woman edged around the interior of the building, careful to keep the Jedi in front of them, glass and debris crunched beneath their feet. Two could play the 'blindness' game and now it was Akrabbim's turn to temporarily be sightless.

With a scooping motion of her left hand, Daiquiri lifted the detris from the floor and using the force, sent the broken shards of glass, paper and dust straight at the Jedi's eyes.

Dec 1st, 2003, 06:40:39 PM
Akrabbim's slashes miss, but since his form is sound, he does not throw himself off balance. He sees the woman waving her hand just before the large amounts of debris come at him. He raises his arm to shield his eyes, but not before a good amount clogs his eyes. Not even bothering to clear them just yet, he launches both his katanas forward. Using the Force, he controls the three-foot long weapons, causing them to rotate horizontally at rather high speeds. He sends one at about neck height, the other at knee height. They were no more than a couple steps in front of him before flinging the dust... they should not have been able to move far in that short an amount of time, especially in the defensive posture they were taking. This whole time, he maintains the barrage of Force Confusion, hoping to distract them until it is too late to get out of the way.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Dec 7th, 2003, 12:42:20 AM
There was barely time to react to the Jedi's next attack. He was too close to herself and the boy to allow a jump or dodge and Daiq was all but give out. She could feel her strength waning and with the double duty of keeping Ruufe out of Akrabbim's grasp, Daiquiri was hard put to do much.

A quick swing of her arm and a final decisive force push at the oncoming blades diverted them the few inches to her right that the pair needed.

Spinning on her toes, Daiq grabbed Ruufe by the collar and dashed madly for the door through which they had first entered. The boy burst out into the night ahead of her as Daiquiri shoved him. Stumbling and fighting to keep her footing, Van-Derveld went down as a sharp pain lanced through her right leg, which was now feeling oddly wet.

"Go, boy, run!"

Footsteps pounded on the 'crete behind her and Daiq pushed off the ground, hobbling for cover as she dragged her injured leg behind.

Silus Xilarian
Dec 7th, 2003, 12:54:18 AM

The workers were slowly edging away from Silus at this point. While it would have been one man against many, they were thoroughly unnerved by just how comfortable Silus was with issueing threats. Coupled with the fact that nothing about his demeanor suggested that he would have any reserves about making good on the threat, the workers were learning to have a healthy fear.

Silus, on the other hand, was too aggitated to babysit these people, and had decided to walk over to the nearby cafe for a cup of coffee, or any other hot liquid he could fling at these people.

Sure enough though, as soon as he turned his back, a crash was heard behind him, followed by a bit of commotion. Silus turned around slowly, fully expecting something to be damaged on his cargo, when he realized that the workers were now nowhere near the crate, but instead gathered together, watching a woman and a young boy scrambling out of a nearby building.

Silus curiously walked up beside them and strained his eyes...

Is that? It cant be.....

Ruufe Shanks
Dec 7th, 2003, 03:25:34 PM
Ruufe's running, his vision clearing as he gets out into the night air. Now he's where he belongs. Out here, he has a better advantage. The only problem is that he's still not sure where Akrabbim is, but if Daiquiri's running this way, he's behind them both. Rather than turn around, as his heart is begging him to do, he keeps on. Maybe he can find something that will help.

Dec 7th, 2003, 05:06:32 PM
The messenger has decided to run off. No matter... Daiquiri is the real target. He takes a few moments to clear the dust from his eyes, giving her a head start. He races after her, doing his best to keep her in sight. Since he has lost time clearing his sight, he must do something to slow her down. He continually flicks illusions in her way. He causes her to waste time dodging objects and people who aren't there, as well as causing her NOT to see objects that actually are in her way. The net result is that she is constantly hindered.

The roadway ahead suddenly comes to a "T". The large spaceport looms before them, and he knows that the Dark Sider must make a choice to turn either left or right. Dropping his other illusionary tricks, he subtlely shifts the distance until the actual wall. Whenever she looks back to see how close he is, he shifts the distance more and more. By the time she gets near the real wall, it appears to be another 20 yards away. He picks up speed, hoping to panic her into running headlong into the side of the building.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Dec 7th, 2003, 05:40:03 PM
Damned Jedi! Next time I'll shove those illusions right back up his -


Face first, she hit the wall, bouncing off it like a childs rubber ball to land flat on her back. A swell of voices fill the air as she hit the permacrete and large hands lift her to her feet.

"Ya a'right there, missy?"

A gruff but kindly tone pierced through the ringing in her head and in a moment of brilliance Daiquiri pointed to the man charging towards her in the dark.

"He attacked us! I dont know where my son went..I think he ran off! Please, help us! See what he did!"

Turning slightly, Daiq gave the dock workers a good look at her leg. Skin and muscles were laid open on her upper thigh from where Akrabbim's katana had sliced through. A brief glimpse of white bone shone brightly and blood was now beginning to flow out of her boot to pool on the permacrete.

More workers had gathered and now twenty pairs of eyes narrowed as they looked at the oddly dressed man approaching from the darkned alley.

Ruufe Shanks
Dec 7th, 2003, 05:45:22 PM
Ruufe's now up on top of a lamppost, having thrown a stone at it to knock it out. From here he can see everything with his superior night vision, as clear as if it were noon on a cloudless day. There's a mob around Daiquiri, and Akrabbim's closing fast. He ducks quickly out of sight, moving to a more inconspicious area closer by. It's not time for him yet.

Silus Xilarian
Dec 7th, 2003, 08:19:37 PM
Silus was already jogging over when Daiquiri ran face first into the wall. Before he could get there though, the local dockworkers were already crowding around her, jumping on the change to help a pretty lady in distress.

Instead of rushing into the middle of things, Silus hung back a bit to observe. Closing in on Daiq was someone who looked a bit familiar. He couldnt place a name, but seeing the man, and the weapons he carried brought up a vivid memory in Silus' mind.

He'd rushed into a fight with this man before, and it hadnt gone very well. Apparantly, the same could be said for Daiq, as she was doing her fair share of bleeding.

Nearby, a woman was watching things unfold also. It didnt take much, just a slight mental nudge, and panic began to overcome her. Soon she was running for the foreman's offices, screaming for police and an ambulance.

Silus kept semi close, but stayed to the sidelines, opting to keep his presence quiet for the moment.

Dec 7th, 2003, 08:35:54 PM
Akrabbim looks at the advancing mob with something akin to annoyance. The woman has played a cheap, albeit effective, trick. He could sit and try to explain things to the now irate workers, but he doesn't have time. He has been hunting this woman too long to allow her to escape now.

He releases a strong blast of Force Light, creating it in the shape of the Jedi Symbol. With luck, the people will realize the truth later. For now, he only needs to get away from them. While everyone is still staggering blind, he makes a large Force leap and clears the crowd. He spots Daiq on the edge of the now-blinded crowd and starts closing in on her...

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Dec 7th, 2003, 08:57:56 PM
Her leg was almost completely useless now and was more of a hinderance than anything. A quick glance over her shoulder brought to sight the Jedi leaping into the air. Daiquiri smiled tightly.

Leaning against a wall, she threw both hands up and threw them out at him, reaching for his body with dark energy. Instead of shoving him away as she had done earlier, Daiq drew him down toward her faster, increasing his rate of desent. If she had to hobble on one leg, he could try to chase her with a broken leg of his own.

Ruufe Shanks
Dec 8th, 2003, 09:02:01 PM
Ruufe bites back a curse, turning away from Akrabbim's light. It doesn't hurt him, as the sun does, but it hurts his eyes. He brings his arm up to shield his eyes and bangs his elbow on something; a sturdy metal pipe is leaning by wall, apparently thrown out for some reason. Ruufe takes it, checks the weight, and tentatively looks back to see what's happening.

Silus Xilarian
Dec 8th, 2003, 11:34:32 PM
Luckily for Silus, he'd been behind Akrabbim when the lightshow started. None the less, when he saw the light shaping up he covered his eyes, just in case it wasnt directed forward, and Akrabbim had a way of not blinding himself. When he moved his arm, he saw the Jedi flying through the air toward Daiquiri, possibly faster than she could react too.

Reaching out with his mind, he grabbed Akrabbim around the neck with the force and gave him one good tug. Instead of the Jedi flying feet first, he was now set to land on his upper back.

Dec 9th, 2003, 09:24:33 PM
Akrabbim can feel himself being tugged down, and gets ready to try to roll with it as best as possible. Even so, he would more than likely get at least a sprained ankle. A moment later, his trajectory is changed once again. He feels pulled by the neck, this time leaning him backwards. Though this will hurt, it will actually cause less damage. He curls his body, arching so he will land on his whole back instead of the top as he had been pulled. He braces himself, doing his best to prepare for the landing.


He lands with a thud that knocks the wind out of him entirely. He is quite jarred, and more than a little disoriented. Fortunately, Daiq is still in the midst of the crowd, so he should have some time to regroup. He calls his katanas back to his hands, as they had been knocked loose in the fall. Instead of trying to rise, he feigns injury. He creates an illusion of himself a few feet away, looking nearly unconcious. He himself is now invisible, holding his katanas at the ready. He waits for a moment to regain breath and see if his attacker will come toward him.

Ruufe Shanks
Dec 9th, 2003, 09:46:54 PM
Ruufe bites his lip. Now's his chance, but he looks like he's out. Maybe he'll sneak away, and leave all this...but the Jedi might be "playing possum", and it wouldn't do to leave Daiq alone if he's faking. He makes for the crowd, skirting through the shadows and melding effortlessly into the worker crew. Now he's ready.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Dec 9th, 2003, 10:44:06 PM
I hope his kriffing back is broken!

Normally, her soft-hearted nature - despite being Sith - would have gotten the best of her and Daiq would have gone against her better judgement and gone to help almost anyone after taking a fall like that. Not this time.

Not even spareing the Jedi a last look, the blonde limps off as fast as her slashed appendage will allow. Sirens, first heard in the distance, are now getting louder and to avoid an entanglement with the law, Daiquiri needs to exit quickly.

Switching her vibroblade off, she winds her way past a large crate and some nearby equipment, trying her best to melt into the shadows. Blood continues to ooze from the wound and Daiquiri knows that if she doesnt get some medical attention soon, she could easily bleed to death.

Unbuckling her belt, Daiq uses it to form a crude tourniquet right above the wound. Satisfied that it will hold until she can reach her ship, Van-Derveld slinks away.

Silus Xilarian
Dec 10th, 2003, 03:11:03 AM
Satisfied with his handiwork, Silus slowly slips into the crowd and starts back toward his ship. There were more than enough witnesses who saw everything, and Silus could hear a few people mention how they saw the Jedi attacking a mother and her child, right before he blinded the crap outta them.

With a little luck, some of the dizzier half blinded chumps would 'elaborate' on the story to the police.

Dec 10th, 2003, 08:18:08 PM
It seems no one is willing to capitolize on his downed condition. The civillians nearby are starting to lose their blindness, and he'd rather not hit them with another wave of it. Apparently, some of them believed the story about Akrabbim attacking a "mother and child". There was no time to explain now. He would simply have to avoid them. He covers himself in an illusion, as if he's a medic on the scene. He moves over to where Daiq was previously and notes the copious amounts of blood. This fight should be over soon. With luck, he will be upon her before she knows what hit her. He travels off, following the trail of blood.

Ruufe Shanks
Dec 12th, 2003, 10:38:50 AM
When no one makes a move--but more importantly, when Akrabbim shows no signs of life--Ruufe starts to move himself, but the medics are on the way, and that means he'll be in trouble if they show up and he's wailing on Akrabbim's carcass. Besides, his carcass is...gone.

"Oi! Then what..."

He spies a lone medic chasing a trail of blood...Daiq's blood.

"YOU!" Ruufe runs after the medic with the pipe in hand.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Dec 12th, 2003, 03:16:55 PM
Three blocks was all the distance she could make and now Van-Derveld was leaning against a large dumpster and breathing heavily, her vision blurring as she stared down the alley.

She had been trying to listen for any sounds of being chased but was now doubting her hearing as well as her eyesight. The small docking bay where the Better Days sat waiting for her return was only a few blocks more and setting her chin at a stubborn angle, Daiq pushed off from the canister and stumbled to the end of the alley, turning right.

A few more blocks....only a few more......

Silus Xilarian
Dec 13th, 2003, 04:43:28 PM
Persistant bastard, gotta give him that, Silus thought to himself as he was now having to leave his comfortable little crowd to follow the 'curious medic' and the 'insane child'.

Judging from the direction Daiq was heading, Silus figured she was heading for the personal docking bays nearby, for ships that werent loading and unloading cargo.

Instead of keeping on Akrabbim's trail, Silus decided to cut down an alley that would hopefully cut off Daiq's trail. From there, he would be in a better position to help her out...

Dec 13th, 2003, 06:41:38 PM
Akrabbim hears the young man's voice behind him, but does not give any indication that he actually hears him. Instead, he creates a bit of illusion. He continues onwards, following the blood. When he comes to an intersection, he springs his trick. He follows the blood left, but makes an illusion of himself turning right. He only has to keep up this illusion for a few moments, as the illusion is very quickly out of Ruufe's sight. Once he has turned, he continues the ruse by making the blood trail move to the right as well. He, however, remains invisible.

He continues, hoping his illusions had thrown the youth off. Assuming that it has, he drops the invisibility and resumes tracking the Dark Sider. He still looks like a medic, and from the looks of the blood trail, Daiq will definately need one. She must be slowing down, as the puddles of blood are growing in size. He know he must be close, so he is wary.

Ruufe Shanks
Dec 15th, 2003, 09:47:27 PM
Ruufe stops, watching the medic turn into an alleyway.

"Hey! Don' go that way!"

It seems its too late. The medic's gone around the corner.

"But, Daiq's th' other way..."

Ruufe sighs and runs off in the opposite direction, towards the ship where he met Daiq for the first time. He figures he should stick with her while she's hurt, and no doubt she'll be going back that way now that Akrabbim's been dealt with. He's strong; he can carry her so she won't have to walk all that way.


Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Dec 15th, 2003, 11:07:43 PM

Ruufe's voice bounced off the narrow, close walls of alley jungle. Daiq remained indecisive on answering the boy. If she did, it would only lead Akrabbim straight to her....yet if she didnt, Ruufe could walk literally head on into one of the Jedis' deadly blades.

Ven-Derveld seriously doubted that the illusionist would harm the young vampire. Couldnt he see that Ruufe wasnt anything more than a delivery boy? But if Akrabbim caught her it would be a different story entirely. Incarceration if she were lucky....decapitation if she wasnt.

No, thanks. I like my head right where it is.

With a twinge of regret, the darksider continued on, desperate to reach her ship and the safety it presented.

Her leg was throbbing now and it was just past time to release the pressure from the tourniquet. Fumbling with the belt, Daiquiri held it in place as she walked her way along the wall, biting her bottom lip in pain as feeling flooded back into the injured limb.

Silus Xilarian
Dec 16th, 2003, 02:22:54 AM
As Daiquiri stumbled along the wall, she nearly bumped right into Silus, who's shortcut had paid off. He leaned lazily against the wall, staring dead at her. His use of illusion was nearly becoming involunary in this enviroment, and it showed, as he seemed to almost blend into the shadows as he stood....

"Anything I can help you with, ma'am?"

Dec 16th, 2003, 04:27:56 PM
Akrabbim hears the youngster yell behind him. Apparently, the boy had figured a way around his illusion. No matter... his presence should prove itself to be even more useful now. He stops and backs himself against a wall, covering himself with the strongest invisibility illusion he can muster. He cloaks his Force presence as well, and even stands next to a waste bin to mask his scent. As the young messenger goes by, he makes sure to get a very good look at him, memorizing every detail he possibly can.

Once the boy is several steps ahead of him, he drops his illusion. He takes on a new one... one of Ruufe. He begins following the blood trail once more, now doing his best to imitate the mannerisms of the young man. It's not perfect, but it's rather close. Now, the boy is ahead of him. Since Daiq is expecting Akrabbim to arrive first, when Akrabbim arrives behind Ruufe, she would probably assume that Ruufe is Akrabbim in disguise. With luck, he should be able to apprehend them both with the minimum of force required. He picks up his pace just a bit. He does not want to be seen by the boy, but he wants to arrive near Daiq as soon as possible.

Ruufe Shanks
Dec 19th, 2003, 10:28:06 PM
Ruufe picks up the pace, looking frantically around for Daiq. He can't just LEAVE her. What kind of a king would abandon his advisors and supporters?


Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Dec 21st, 2003, 03:19:58 PM

It came out more as a curse than a greeting.

Their only meeting had happened during the wake of her dearly departed husband, Vega. Disbelief and suspicion had shaded the Dark Jedi's view of Van-Derveld's widow and in a moment of fury, Xilarian had threatened her to kill her. Staring up at him now, his expression gave away nothing of his intent.

"Come to make good on your threat?"

A crimson trail oozed down her outter thigh and calf as Daiquiri held the tourniquet belt loosely on her leg. Had she the luxory of time, Daiq could have performed some light healing techniques but with Akrabbim so hot on her trail, the Sith dared not.


Her head jerked in Ruufe's direction, then quickly turned back to look up at Silus, tightening the belt around her leg once more.

"If youre going to kill me, do it now. If not, move....and leave the kid alone, hes not really a part of this...just got caught up in it by accident."

Footsteps were beginning to echo in the narrow alley, coming closer to her position.

"Whatever youre going to do, do it!"

Silus Xilarian
Dec 21st, 2003, 08:42:39 PM
"Actually, I was just leaning up on this wall right here, you know, enjoying the cool air. You keep barking orders at me, really isnt going to accomplish much. And getting all worked up like this, well, thats just speeding your heartrate up. Wonder why you're bleeding like a stuck pig?"

Silus shifts his weight a little...

"Now I asked if there was anything I could help you with..."


Dec 21st, 2003, 09:39:35 PM
Akrabbim keeps his distance behind the youngster, but takes advantage of the opportunity to watch his mannerisms. He does his best to mimic him, hoping that the smuggler he is chasing does not notice the difference.

After a short while, Ruufe arrives where Daiq is resting. Akrabbim arrives shortly thereafter, and is suprised to see Silus there with her. He remembers his fight with the man... as he recalls, the man escaped. He'll have to prevent that from happening this time.

When he comes into full view, everyone is a bit suprised. Akrabbim feigns confusion as well. Mimicing Ruufe's voice with the Force, Akrabbim tries to throw suspicion on the real youngster.

Oi! Boss Lady! Oo's this? 'E looks like me! Wha's goin' on?

Akrabbim's swords are still at the ready, just in case his illusion fails to convince his opponents.

Ruufe Shanks
Dec 25th, 2003, 10:48:38 PM
Akrabbim's done marvelously at mocking Ruufe's voice. He's loud enough, but is a wee bit too obnoxious. Ruufe, still too far from the scene to intervene, hears the mockery and grinds his teeth. He's tried really hard to kill the rough parts of his accent...especially the dropping of "H" sounds at the start of words. A small hint of his unrefined darkside power begins to shine, and he footfalls crack the durracrete as it empowers him.


Now it's painfully obvious who this guy is. It's that Jedi guy, fakin' him and makin' fun o' him! Ruufe won't have it. He swings a punch that would knock his own block off.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Dec 28th, 2003, 03:07:15 PM
Two Ruufes!

Daiquiri had been willing though cautious to accept the first one as the real mccoy, but now........which was which? It would take some brilliant deduction on her part to discover the imposter or a bit of luck.

Her luck was holding.

The second Ruufe edged in closer towards her, his brows knitting as he scowled at the other small male and glowered threateningly at him.


It was the second Ruufe who solved the puzzle. Roaring out his irritation, he swung a nasty roundhouse that would knock the imposter on his backside.

Backing up and around Silus, Daiq glanced over her shoulder at the glow of lights coming from the docking bay where where her ship, the Better Days waited for her. So close yet so far away. Her voice lowered to a whisper as she growled out her impatience to Xilarian.

"Do something, will you?"

Silus Xilarian
Dec 28th, 2003, 05:09:31 PM
Silus glanced over his shoulder and waved his hand downward dismissively, as if to tell Daiq to let him do his thing. Turning back to the fight, Silus stepped forward a bit.

"Now now...you boys shouldnt..uh..play so rough. You might put out an eye or somethin."

It may have sounded as if Silus didnt know what to do, but he had everything figured out. Let the two boys rip into each other, then kill the winner. Win-Win situation, being as how Silus found Jedi and children to be equally annoying.

Dec 29th, 2003, 12:07:58 AM
Yet again, the youngster's loud-mouthed attitude gives Akrabbim more than enough warning to prepare his attacks. As Ruufe advances with a roundhouse right, he notices that the child is making one fatal error: he is aiming for Akrabbim's midriff. He surely must know that Akrabbim is playing as him in disguise, but he's aiming for the illusion's head none the less. Akrabbim sets his plan into action.

This will take some timing, but it should be doable. Since the attack is coming it at waist height, Akrabbim is in perfect position to counter. He uses his left hand to block the attack, slamming the butt of the katana in that hand into his forearm. At the same time, he launches forward with his right katana, connecting solidly with the young man's head. The force of the man's attack, however, is quite unexpected. As a result, the strike to the head is a bit off-center, lowering the power of the blow. It still connects with a satisfying "thwack", though.

At the same time, Akrabbim covers this with illusion. It looks as if the illusionary Ruufe blocks the punch with his arm and counters with a thundering shot to the temple. As the real Ruufe staggers backward at the shot, Akrabbim covers him with a new illusion. He makes an image of Akrabbim flicker a couple of times before appearing over Ruufe. To the other two Darksiders, it should appear as if Akrabbim has lost control of his illusionary covering and is reverting to normal.

Oi!!! Got 'im!!!

Ruufe Shanks
Jan 5th, 2004, 05:55:41 PM

Ruufe rubs his head, gritting his teeth and throwing another punch with the hand that's not on his head.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jan 7th, 2004, 11:47:20 AM
"Just kill both of them. That way, we'll be sure."

Daiquiri really didnt mean it and didnt want Ruufe hurt but it was becoming more and more difficult to keep straight who was who. Her gut feeling led her to believe that loud one was the true vampire and leaning in close behind Silus, she gave him a nudge while her voice dropped to the barest whisper that only he could hear.

"I think the Jedi is the one who landed the punch. Try not to hurt the kid. Ive got an idea."

Facing the one that she thought to be Akrabbim, Daiq tossed him a mock salute and continued to move away.

"Next time we meet, Jedi, it wont be so easy for you. Catch you later, Akrabbim!"

Shuffling a few yards away, Daiq made the last turn that would lead her straight to her ship....and promptly flattened herself against the alley wall. If she were right, the Jedi would break his illusion to come after. He wouldnt want her to get away after all the time and energy spent on tracking her down and the ensuing fight.

With the vibroblade clenched tightly in one fist, Daiq waited, propping herself up against the wall of permacrete.

Silus Xilarian
Jan 7th, 2004, 12:03:54 PM
Silus had his saber out, but disengaged. When he'd seen the illusion flicker, it was all the proof he'd wanted. Sure it crossed his mind that it could be a trick, but he didnt care to sit around all night guessing who was who. However, Daiq's little bout of feminine intuition stopped him from going through with his plan.

"Hey, uh...Akrabbim, she's gettin away.."

Akrabbim...that wouldnt be a difficult name to remember. Thinking back to his own little encounter with this 'Akrabbim', Silus remembered how intent the jedi had been on bringing him in. It wouldnt surprise him if he would simply become the newest target. With this in mind, he was fully ready to make a break for his own ship, should things get a bit too hairy.

Jan 7th, 2004, 07:43:09 PM
Things are quickly getting out of hand. His is rather sorely outnumbered at the moment, and his main quarry is getting away. Time to even the odds a bit.

The youngster swings with another roundhouse. Being aware of Ruufe's strength, he realizes that it would be better not to try to block this time. Instead, he steps as the punch comes in, swinging his body outside the blow. As he comes around, he leads with the tip of his razor sharp katana. The punch launched by Ruufe leaves his side wide open, so Akrabbim uses that opening to his advantage. He stabs into the youngster's side, piercing his lungs as the incredibly sharp point continues all the way through his side. Akrabbim withdraws the blade quickly, not wanting to cause any more damage.

He drops the illusion entirely and kneels down, quickly slapping two bacta-soaked bandages onto the boy's sides. He stands and regards Silus, swords at the ready. He speaks, voice grim and eyes blazing.

I have no quarrel with you at the moment, Silus. Stand aside. I will not ask you twice.

Ruufe Shanks
Jan 7th, 2004, 08:48:39 PM
Ruufe would scream, if he could draw breath. He collapses, watching and wishing he could get back at the Jedi Master.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jan 7th, 2004, 11:05:26 PM
A tight smile jerked across her face. Her move had drawn Akrabbim out of his illusion as she had known it would, but unfortunately, Ruufe had gotten hurt terribly for the effort.

Daiq chewed on her bottom lip. What to do now? More importantly, how would Xilarian react to the Jedi's ultimatum? Hes itation held her rooted to the spot as she listened for Silus's reply.

Silus Xilarian
Jan 8th, 2004, 03:20:35 AM
"Now hold on there my friend. Stop and think about your best course of action here. You stabbed a kid, in the chest, with a sword. You have a dozen workers back there who will swear up and down that they saw you attack first. Jedi or not, the police will side with her."

Silus didnt bother to look over his shoulder to see what Daiq was doing, that would only give Akrabbim the wrong impression.

"Now if you'll give me two seconds to explain, I have an idea you might like. But Im going to make it very clear, Im not going to let you harm her further."

Jan 8th, 2004, 01:11:17 PM
He'll live. Not to mention, he doesn't seem quite human, so I'm guessing he's a little sturdier than the average human. And I have no desire to attack the woman any longer... just to bring her in.

His eyes narrow and he adjusts his grip on his weapons.

But whatever your offer is, you had better hurry with it. This kid needs a bacta tank soon, and with the amount of blood she's been using, she could use some medical attention too. Speak quickly.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jan 12th, 2004, 01:17:25 AM
Dont let the kid die, Xilarian...dont let him die...

Trembling legs finally gave way and Daiquiri slid down the wall's face, unable to stand any longer. Falling over onto her side, Daiq began pulling herself slowly along the grime-covered alley floor, the gleam of lights beckoning her on.

It was becoming too much to try and listen to the terse conversation behind her and to focus on what she desperately needed to do. Somehow, someday, she would find a way to make it up to Ruufe, her abandoning him like this, but for now it had come down to a life or death struggle with her life on the line.

Daiq flung out another hand, her fingertips digging for purchase on the duracrete.

Silus Xilarian
Jan 16th, 2004, 02:54:20 AM
"She has bacta on her ship. I can make sure her ship doesnt take off."

Silus straightens his posture up slightly with the threat of Akrabbim attacking him lessened a bit.

"If you let her onto her ship to patch herself up, then you have my word that I'll hold her ship while we negociate the terms of her surrender. She has a family, I dont want to be the one to tell them that she wont be coming home."

Jan 16th, 2004, 10:11:24 PM
Time is running short, and Akrabbim is tired of playing around. He has no more time for diplomacy. However, he has even less time for a fight. Instead, he opts for a third option: outright deception. As the man offers his deal, he hears a thud in the alley beyond, as if a body has dropped. So, he prepares for an illusion.

Go on... what terms are you referring to?

He has no wish to hear any terms whatsoever, but if the man's talking, that will buy Akrabbim some time. He creates an illusion of himself still standing there, appearing to breathe and to make minor movements that people do when they're standing and listening. He even projects his Force signature onto the image while he masks his own. He also covers his physical form, making himself basically undetectable.

Without waiting for the man to start talking, Akrabbim slips by him and to the alley beyond. He has not gone far when he sees the now-prone woman. He fears a trap, but it is doubtful... her weapon has slipped from her hand and she is literally crawling, trying to get away. She has obviously lost a lot of blood... her face is far more pale than it should be. He knows he has to help her, and fast. He holds the illusion in front of Silus, but drops his own. He does a quick visual scan of the woman and removes whatever weapons he sees, just in case. Then, sheathing one katana, he hoists the almost-unconcious woman up, arm draped over his shoulder. He turns and returns to the area in which Silus is standing. He knows that the man will hear him approach, but he hopes that the illusion will distract him for a few moments more. He walks forward, sword leading.

With luck, the man will listen to reason and help him save the two Dark Siders before they die.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jan 16th, 2004, 10:55:06 PM
Broken nails dug at the rockhard alley floor and finally found a hold but now, she was too weak to pull herself along. Her mind began to slip away, to thoughts of home and hearth and the Sith barely registered the sound of footsteps coming up from behind.

Physically lifted, Daiquiri knew she was being carried but by whom she didnt and at this point, didnt care.

Not a sound or utterance of protest issued from her lips. Daiq was whipped - out of the game and out of time. Her body hung limp, arms and head swinging slowly in rythym to her rescuer's pace.

Silus Xilarian
Jan 18th, 2004, 02:04:50 AM
"Ok ok.....but you're killing me here. We'll make you the KING of Frshhhyk 5, and we'll have midgets sing praises of you while you eat, but thats the MOST im willing to offer."

It was then that Silus heard footsteps behind him, and his 'hey there's someone behind you' sense went off the charts. He swung around quickly, igniting his saber, just in time to end up nearly face to face with the man he THOUGHT he had been conversing with.

"Well isnt this just great. Im nice enough to break the whole 'darksider' thing and try to reason with you, and you decide to be sneaky. Look, you've done a great job. Just hand her over, i'll take her and the kid to the hospital, and you're free to go. In fact, I promise I wont arrest you the next time we meet either."

It was worth a shot.

Jan 18th, 2004, 01:37:01 PM
He starts shaking his head at the man's suggestion before he even finishes talking.

Unacceptable. Neither of us can carry both of them, and they're both out of time. Pick up the kid and lets go. If you help me, I'm willing to let you go on the charge of stealing resources from a New Republic controlled planet. Now, drop your weapons in a pile over there and grab the kid. And before you even think about arguing or asking why I should trust you, you should realize that I could have beheaded you a few moments ago. You'd have been dead before you'd have hit the ground. Just do it. I don't want to fight you. We've just got to save these two. Now.

Silus Xilarian
Jan 18th, 2004, 05:09:34 PM
"To hell with that, I aint dropping my weapons unless you do first."

Silus grabs Ruufe by the back of his shirt.

"We'll get them to the hospital, but we got some discussing to do after this is over."

Jan 21st, 2004, 09:58:34 PM
Akrabbim looks at the ever-paling woman draped over his shoulder and realizes that now is definately not the time to argue. He nods.

Agreed. But you walk in front. I've already proven that I'm not out to get you. We just gotta get these people to the hospital first. We'll discuss whatever you like when they're safe.

Silus Xilarian
Jan 24th, 2004, 10:16:55 PM
Usually, Silus wouldnt have granted such a request, but Daiq was turning a pretty odd shade of white at this point. Besides, at this point, Silus may as well have been walking backward, as his mind went into overdrive, keeping a watchful eye on his surroundings.

"Just come on, it wont kill you to walk beside me."

With that, Silus started back down the alley, half carrying, half dragging Ruufe.

Jan 25th, 2004, 12:46:51 AM
Akrabbim shrugs and simply starts walking. This is not a time for arguments. He moves near the man, but keeps Daiq between him and the man. He is no coward, nor is he using the woman for a shield. The simple truth is that Silus will likely not go through her to get to him. As well, since he is holding up Daiq on that side, there is no real way for him to draw a weapon. So, if nothing else, it serves as a buffer between the two of them.

They continue walking along, not saying much. The only sounds accompanying them are Daiq's groans and the shuffling of their feet. They arrive at the med bay in short order, but still, Daiq is in rather grave danger. She ran too far before capture. The youngster's wound is more severe, but much more recent and clean. Both are sent to have emergency medical attention. As they are carted away, he pulls a medic aside and whispers in her ear.

The boy has done little wrong... when he is healed, give him a stern lecture about the company he keeps and send him on his way. The woman, however, is a smuggler and must be handed over to the authorities. She is a Force user, so be wary. I will stay here until she can be transported to a holding facility.

The medic nods and goes on her way to do as he asks. He turns to face Silus.

Thank you for your help. One of them may have died had you not been willing to help me. As I said, you're free to go. I won't try to arrest you for trespass and theft.

Silus Xilarian
Jan 26th, 2004, 05:50:04 PM
"So why are you intent on hauling her off?"

Now that things were in order for Daiq to get treatment, Silus was ready for some explanation.

"You're gonna be hurting a lot more people than her if you do. Innocents."

Jan 26th, 2004, 05:55:01 PM
I'm bringing her in for smuggling, plain and simple. I have more than enough proof to back up my claim, so don't even start with the whole, "You're just using your position as a Jedi to blah blah blah..." I've got her dead to rights.

As to these innocents you're referring to... who are they supposed to be?

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jan 28th, 2004, 03:04:42 PM

Softly clearing her throat, Daiquiri tried again to gain the nurse's attention.


The attending nurse turned to look at her patient, who should have fully been anesthetised and quite obviously wasnt.

"Do you need something else for the pain? The doctor should be here in just a minute to take care of your leg."

Shaking her head 'no' to the worker's inquiry set off a slight rustling of plastic tubing and bags, some of which held antibiotics while the others infused her drained body with life-giving blood.

Her lips were dry and running her tongue over them did little to help moisten them for speaking.

"...favor. In my pants........a pouch........... yours. ...............Hera.............Hera on Enton...............posi......Poisidens Gate. Tell..............all is not........as....as it seems."

Just the effort to murmer the few staggerd and straggled words took what little strength she had left and her eyes began closing as the nurse moved to the bed and looked down at her patient.

"You want me to get a message to 'Hera on Enton at Poisidens Gate and tell her that all is not as it seems'?"

The barest of nods followed as Daiquiri succumbed to the twilight sleep beckoning her. At her side, the nurse hesitated as two male voices drifted through the closed medbay door.

"I'm bringing her in for smuggling, plain and simple. I have more than enough proof to back up my claim, so don't even start with the whole, "You're just using your position as a Jedi to blah blah blah..." I've got her dead to rights.

As to these innocents you're referring to... who are they supposed to be?"

Nurse Mika Mur'ow glanced at the door then back at the female on the bed. This one didnt look the type to be involved in nefarious goings-on. Chewing on her bottom lip, Mika moved quickly to the clothing that she has just recently stripped off of her patient and hurriedly searched the pockets. Her fingers closed around a small leather pouch which she withdrew and after just a moments pause, opened.

In the palm of her hand lay several credit chits, each one worth more than the next. What should she do? If the one man outside the medbay door was truly a Jedi, then this woman was a criminal. And yet......Mika counted the chits again. She was a single mother, trying to provide for and raise three children by herself. what was inside the open pouch could not ease her burden for many months but could also give her the opportunity to treat her kids to a vacation, something she had never been able to do on her own.

Mika made up her mind.

Pulling the strings of the pouch closed, the nurse slipped the laether bag down into her cleavage and arranged the small lump more comfortably. With a grin she returned to her patient and smiled down at the sleeping woman.

"Dont worry, lady. Hera will get your message. Now, you sleep and concentrate on getting better."

Walking back to the counter, Mika picked up the syringe lying there and injected its contents into one of the tubes, insurring that her charge wouldnt wake up again until after the doctor had seen her. The door behind her opened and the physician on call entered, followed closely by the man claiming to be a Jedi. Mika smiled brightly.

Silus Xilarian
Feb 1st, 2004, 12:02:32 PM
"Her daughter mainly, and a step son also. They've already lost their father, they dont deserve to lose a mother. And Im not going to lecture you about abuse of power, I used to work for the Empire. Im pretty keen on the subject..."

Feb 1st, 2004, 02:51:22 PM
Akrabbim starts shaking his head even before the man finishes speaking.

No one's losing a mother here. If she's so concerned about her children, where are they now? I've tracking her for several weeks now. No one else has been in her ship, and she's had no personal contact with anyone except her smuggling contacts and random couriers like the boy you helped bring in.

Granted, she may have been conversing with them via transmitter. In which case, she will still be able to do so from jail. They can visit her whenever they wish.

Now, assuming that there are no more questions...

Akrabbim turns to enter Daiq's room, to make sure she doesn't make any escape attempts any time soon.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Feb 1st, 2004, 07:30:40 PM
Having made the decision that this patient needed more than bacta patches, the physician also made the call that the surgery he was going to perform would be performed right there in her room. Checking the stats, he nodded to himself about his choice.

"Blood count up, temperature normal, blood pressure rising - it all looks good to me. Nurse Mur'ow, I want this room prepped for surgery. I'll need the instruments for suturing arteries, veins, ligaments and muscles."

Mika turned and looked at him disbelievingly. This was delicate surgery and should only be performed in a properly equipped OR, not here in the patients' room.

"Doctor. Are you sure? I mean, the lighting in here isnt near--"

A downward slash of his hand cut Mika's protest off.

"She's a criminal and one of those nasty force-weilders, Nurse. She's not one of the 'good guys'. Do you see that Jedi standing outside? Hes been chasing her for days. Theres no telling how many people shes killed or injured. No, Im not going to do this woman the curtesy of dirtying up an OR for her. Now, if you cant handle that, I'll get someone else to help."

With lips pressed tightly together, Mika nodded her acceptance and hurried off to gather the needed materials, sidestepping the Jedi as he entered the room.

Silus Xilarian
Feb 2nd, 2004, 01:30:51 AM
"Yeah, maybe they can discuss how broke they are without a parent to provide a source of income. Dont use this 'upholding the law' crap to justify yourself. Just cause its a law, it doesnt make it right. Hell, of all people, you oughta know this. Excessive force is against the law. Tell me, did you really have to stab that boy in the chest? In fact, are you even an officer of the New Republic? Last time I checked, Jedi was a religion, not a government institution."

Silus was out of his seat at this point. He was losing his temper a bit, which wasnt good.

Feb 2nd, 2004, 08:26:03 PM
Akrabbim hears the man's comments, but pays them little heed. He really needs to make sure that the Dark Sider in custody stays in custody. He turns to enter her room, speaking over his shoulder.

Her children will not be left destitute... and the wound to the boy was not mortal, as intended. I'm busy... I fear I don't have time for any more of this.

He continues on to Daiq's room, leaving the man in the lobby. There's no reason to start a fight here. And from what he hears in the room, it's a good thing that he arrives when he does. He hears the doctor's comments and quickly steps in front of him. His eyes glow brightly.

She has indeed done wrong, and does follow the Darkness. But you will do your best to heal her, whatever you have to do. She will be brought to justice... but you will not bring it to her. Are we clear?

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Feb 2nd, 2004, 08:37:16 PM
Doctor Ste'ret held his ground, frowning at the smaller man who defied his judgement.

"I am saving her life and thats all Im required to do. Unless you make it an order, Jedi Master, this woman stays where she is."

Through the subconcious levels of her mind, Daiquiri could feel the glowing gaze that Akrabbim now turned briefly on her before looking back at the physician.

"You'll do for her what you would do for any other - and you'll do it now".

Silus Xilarian
Feb 3rd, 2004, 12:03:18 AM
Silus held his tongue for now, letting Akrabbim take care of business with the doctors. Negociation didnt seem to be working, but now didnt seem like the time for any kind of rash action.

Reaching inside his jacket, Silus fished around until he found his pack of cigarettes. Blowing the dust off the pack slightly, he removed one and lit it, deciding to kick back in a waiting room seat for a better opportunity to assert himself.

Feb 3rd, 2004, 08:45:02 PM
Akrabbim's eyes glow brighter.

She. Will. Be. Helped. Are we clear?

Have no fear... she will be tried. But she will go to jail in one piece, and fully functional.

The doctor nods resignedly, and wheels her out of the room. Akrabbim sits to wait on her return. The man will save Daiq, even though he doesn't want to... a quick mental scan shows Akrabbim just that. After a little over an hour, she is returned to the room, just regaining consciousness.

<font color="blue">Well... she's fine now. She needs to stay off the leg for another couple hours while the bacta seals the muscle fibers totally, but she shouldn't suffer any ill effects. Though, I still don't see why you didn't let her just bleed to death out there on...
The man's comment dies in his throat as Akrabbim's gaze settles on him.

I am a Jedi. I do not kill unless necessary. And, as a medic, I would expect you to do the same. Now, unless you have more business here?

The man just shrugs, and leaves the room.

Well... now that that's settled... rise and shine. Would you mind filling me in on these dependants of yours?

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Feb 3rd, 2004, 09:36:22 PM
"Well... now that that's settled... rise and shine. Would you mind filling me in on these dependants of yours?"

His voice seemed to have a bit of an echo and his image swam and blurred until her eyes completely focused and her mind cleared from the anesthetic.

The Jedi...wonderful.

"I dont know what youre babbling about. What dependants?"

Whatever painkillers Daiq had been given earlier was still working. There was not only no pain - she couldnt even feel her leg. Suspiciously, the Sith craned her head. It was still there. Breathing a sigh of relief, Van-Derveld wiggled her toes.

Silus Xilarian
Feb 7th, 2004, 12:43:30 PM
While Akrabbim had gone back in to speak with Daiq, one of the hospital employees had finally noticed Silus smoking. Rather than make a scene, as he originally planned, he instead agreed to go outside with the cigarette, and politely apologized.

As he stepped back out into the cool night air, he closed the door immediately behind him as a precaution. He was about to walk on out a little, but opted to stand close to the door and keep part of his body propped against it. Akrabbim was sneaky, and this conversation was meant to be private, so the darksider took no chances.

Taking out his comlink, Silus spoke in a hushed tone.

"Jacob, you there?"

Jacob Nives
Feb 7th, 2004, 12:47:40 PM
Somewhere, elsewhere, godknowswhere, a voice replied calmly:

"Yes. I can hear you loud and clear."

Despite the composed tone, the man speaking was far from calm. Not long ago, the mental link he shared with his 'employer' had cut entirely. He couldn't feel her presence in the Force anymore, and to say it was worrying him would have been an understatement of the highest degree. He had paced the carpet beneath him enough to wear it down.

"What's going on?"

Silus Xilarian
Feb 7th, 2004, 12:55:29 PM
"Im at the hospital. The Jedi have Daiq here. They had a bit of a rumble in the city, and shes getting patched up for jail right now. Im in public, my hands are tied, im gonna do whatever I can though. We're near the usual docks on Coruscant, are you anywhere close?"

Silus' voice was calm but urgent. Honestly, fighting Akrabbim at this point would have been useless. Silus had lost the element of surprise, and there would be a risk of Daiq getting hurt in the process.

"The Jedi's name is Akrabbim. I'm certain you know of him..."

Jacob Nives
Feb 7th, 2004, 12:59:24 PM
"Mm, we tangled once or twice."

Jacob looked up and around. The window to his left showed a decaying vista; the lower city of Coruscant. The docks weren't far away. A couple of levels up. It would take no time in the turbo lift. He could always commandeer himself a speeder along the way, "I can get there in half an hour. Keep an eye on her for me until I get there, alright? I appreciate it."

Feb 9th, 2004, 05:47:26 PM
Akrabbim can't help but chuckle.

Lemme guess... you have no dependants, eh? I should have known...

Silus was out there claiming that you had two children you had to take care of...

Akrabbim trails off as he sees the woman's face. When he mentions the word, "children", her eyes seem to light up momentarily.

He reaches into her mind and finds an image of a young Jedi there. If he's not mistaken, his name is something like, "Loki". He remembers being on a ship with the youngster on a mission once.

He decides to see how close of a connection she has to the child. He creates an illusion of the child above the bed.

You may not have any children... but I think this face is familiar to you. How do you know him?

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Feb 10th, 2004, 07:55:25 AM

Putting her hands on the siderails of her bed, Daiq struggled to pull herself upright then held one hand out to the boy she had come to love as her own son. When he failed to respond to her invitation, it slowly dawned on the Sith that this was yet another of the Jedi's illusions.

Turning hate-filled eyes at her captor, Daiq released her hold and flopped back onto the pillows, turning her head and upper body away from him.

"You bastard. I hope you die the most horrible of painful deaths and I want to be the one who gives it to you."

A light chuckled followed her heated words as Akrabbim smiled smugly from his position of freedom.

"And for your information, I do have children - a young daughter and a stepson."

Silus Xilarian
Feb 10th, 2004, 08:38:46 AM
"well, I spoke with the nurse. She recommended that we keep her here for the night, to let her get her strength back."

Silus stepped in behind Akrabbim.

"I took the liberty of contacting legal representation for her, by the morning, she should be ready for checkout, and her legal council should be ready to meet with her."

Silus paid no mind to the fact that he was interupting a touching moment. He glanced over toward Daiq for a moment.

"And I'll let it be known that I dont like this one bit. Her safety is my only concern. Ive been willing to play ball for this long, you can grant me the same respect."

Jacob Nives
Feb 11th, 2004, 02:22:20 PM
At the front desk of the hospital, the receptionist was multitasking. Filling her nails and taking a call was tough work. She had been working on the same nail now for about fifteen minutes, just slowly grinding it away. All the while, blah-blah-blah-ing on her communicator. Most people seemed to have accepted this. The waiting room was content to murmur amongst itself exchanging occasional and idle chat over their various complaints. Unfortunately, that was all about to change. The doors hissed open and a figure strode up to the desk.

“I want to see-…”

The manicured hands flicked up, polished nails waving away the question before it was asked. The man frowned. “Honey,” the receptionist reassured the woman on the other end of the line, “Go with the pastel. That beige does nothing for your thighs!”

Sadly, the phone line went dead. A man with a bad eye and bandage around his forehead, sat in the corner of the room, could have swore that electricity had just leapt out of the blonde haired mans fingers and into the cable. But he was just seeing things.

“Which room is Daiquiri Van-Derveld in?”

The woman looked up at Jacob Nives with a raised brow, pursing her glossed lips in annoyance before looking down to the computer in front of her. Her chipped nails rattled against the keyboard for a moment, before she replied: “I’m not at liberty to tell you, sir, but if you’d like to take a seat, I’ll call the doctor and have him come speak to you.”

“Take a seat?” he raised a brow, turning and looking to the rows of duraplastic bright orange chairs. It was hard for anyone in the hospital to miss what was said next. If there was any indication that Vega Van-Derveld was here, this was it:

“How about I take a seat AND RAM IT UP YOUR BACKSIDE?!”

Feb 13th, 2004, 12:29:34 AM
Akrabbim can only shake his head resignedly at the woman's outburst. He dispels the illusion before raising his hands in front of him to try to calm the agitated Sith.

Calm yourself, woman. I ask simply because I know Loki, at least in passing. I must say, I'm more than a little interested in your designs on him. I do recall hearing that the young man was kidnapped... and by you, if memory serve. You wouldn't be thinking something along those lines again, now would you?

Before she can even respond, though, the door opens and Silus walks in. The man starts commenting on her legal status as well as making yet more ludicrous commands.

Are you quite through? Good. As for her staying here overnight, that's fine by me. And good work getting her some legal counsel. She'll need it. She'll be released from the HOSPITAL, that's true, but only to go into custody. Regardless of any legal tricks you try to pull, she's a smuggler. I have more than enough evidence to have her convicted. Last I checked, Jedi can act as officers of the court. Therefore, my evidence is valid in court. And I have contacted the local authorities already... they'll have some people over here to take her in as soon as she's well enough. So, since you're only concerned with her physical well-being, you can rest easy.

He hears a man yelling in the corridor, something about placing some object within someone else's nether regions. He pays it little heed, though... receptionists are rarely prompt in their service. No reason a hospital should be any different.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Feb 13th, 2004, 07:30:46 PM
Through the light fuzzy haze induced by her medications, a new voice joined that of the Jedi's and the Sith turned her head to look. Ahh, Xilarian. Daiq hadnt recognized it but then she wasnt all that familiar with the man, anyway.

Rolling back to her other side, she tried to focus on what the men were saying. Something about lawyers and the hospital and again with her being a smuggler - that coming from Akrabbim. Why didnt Silus just kill him now instead of standing there arguing with him?

It was becoming an effort to keep her eyes open and closing them seemed so much simpler than fighting the sleep closing in around her now.

Snuggling deeper into the pillow, Van-Derveld was temporarily roused by another voice - this one more distant but demanding in its tone. Could it be.......


Silus Xilarian
Feb 14th, 2004, 12:34:36 PM
Silus was all smiles inside, outside though, he was confused as ever at all the yelling. Shaking his head resignedly at the commotion, Silus reached into his coat, fishing around for something, before finding another cigarette. Apparantly the initial warning's he'd recieved from the staff had been forgotten, or fallen on deaf ears all together.

"You know...For a Jedi, you sure are wound pretty tight."

Silus lit his cigarette and kicked back against the wall. This might just work out after all.

Jacob Nives
Feb 14th, 2004, 01:48:20 PM
A subdued Jacob was sitting in one of the uncomfortable seats when someone approached him. It was a tall lanky man with thick-rimmed spectacles and a clipboard. He wore a white coat and was easily identified as a doctor, or at least someone posing as one. He pushed his glasses down his bulbous nose and looked over the rough-edged man in front of him.

"You're the one here to see Miss Van-Derveld?"

Jacob looked up, eyes cold, "Mrs."

The doctor nodded, "Yes. I'm afraid she isn't accepting guests."

A slight frown, and his mind began to reach out, probing, seeking. It linked with the doctors quickly, and sure enough he took ahold. All his training now was focused upon this discipline of domination and control and thus gaining power of the doctor was an easily accomplished task. Standing, the Lupine followed the now hazy-eyed doctor as he lead the way towards the room where Daiquiri and the others were.

Soon enough, they were in the hall outside of the room. Sending the doctor off to tend to some pressing business in the broom closet, that would keep him occupied, Jacob twisted the handle on the door and stepped into the room...

Feb 14th, 2004, 11:59:16 PM
Akrabbim simply shrugs at the comments made by Silus. No need to get riled up over something simple like that. He steps back from the bed a bit, just to get some room to move about a bit. Suddenly, the name that Daiq mentioned reminds him of something... the name Vega sounds very familiar. After a few moments, it comes to him... he'd fought a man named Vega once... Anbira was with him at the time. The question was, why did she say his name now?

Before he can think on the issue any longer, the door starts to open. Since the room is supposed to be closed to guests, who could this be?

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Feb 15th, 2004, 01:04:54 PM
Dark lashes fluttered like soft-winged butterflies above sleepy blue eyes as Daiquiri flashed a white smile at the man who just entered her room and mumbled a greeting to him.

"........ hello love......."

All was well now and she was safe. Vega....err, Jacob would watch over her and she could give in to the slumber that was incessantly tugging at her lids. Akrabbim would become only a bad memory and when next she woke, Daiq was sure it would be to the familiar sights of Volfstadt.

Silus Xilarian
Feb 16th, 2004, 10:58:50 PM
"Who are you and how'd you get in here!" Silus exclaimed in a waft of smoke, throwing a surprised stare in Jacob's direction. He really didnt need to claim ignorance at this point, but better safe than sorry.

As if by instinct, Silus stepped in front of Daiq, putting himself between her and the rest of the room...

Jacob Nives
Feb 18th, 2004, 01:54:31 PM
The Lupine froze in his tracks. Now confronted with the sight of Akrabbim, he felt his confidence waver. This was not helped in the slightest by Silus' sudden duplicity, but he pushed on regardless. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew that this refusal to acknowledge who Vega really was showed a great deal of honour on Xilarians part, but in his current frame of mind, he had no such veneration for his good friend. He could not turn back now. “The doctor brought me here,” he replied through gritted teeth, glowering.

“If you’ll kindly step aside, I’ll be taking her away now.”

Feb 18th, 2004, 05:35:09 PM
Akrabbim only shakes his head as he sidles up to Daiq's bed.

No, I'm afraid you won't. I don't care if a doctor let you in or not, he has no jurisdiction to free a suspect from custody. So, you're not taking her anywhere.

He reaches to his belt and pulls out a small communicator. He contacts an acquaintance from the GJO, just in case. From what he'd heard, this Jedi should be in the neighborhood...

Hello? Yes, it's Akrabbim. I'm at the large hospital across from the mall... you're nearby? Good. I'd appreciate your company. I have guests.

He disconnects and places the communicator back at his belt. With luck, his backup would arrive before things got out of hand.

Silus Xilarian
Feb 21st, 2004, 12:09:02 PM
"So, Akrabbim.....this guy sounds pretty serious, might be best if we just surrender. I wont tell if you wont..."

Silus replied, in his best 'mock-serious' tone. He was a bit concerned about who would be coming to aid the jedi, but with any luck, Jacob, Daiq, and Silus would be on their way out before that person even arrived.

Jacob Nives
Feb 21st, 2004, 12:53:41 PM
"You... you bastard," Jacob jabbed an accusing finger at Akrabbim, as though he knew who the Jedi had been speaking with. Panic quietly set in as the prospect of another beating at the hands of Hicchoru loomed on the horizon. Looking with pleading eyes to Silus, he then frowned at his attempt to stir a little humour into the situation. "Xilarian..." he rasped, trying desperately to guard his thoughts from the Jedi, whilst at the same time to project them into his allies mind. It was as though the Jedi wasn't even in the room. "Drop the act... she needs our help. I can't get her out of this alone."

Feb 21st, 2004, 06:18:11 PM
There is some mental activity in the room, but Akrabbim can't discern its meaning. However, one can only assume that they're communicating with the Force. With this pair, that can't be a good thing. He has backup coming, but he will still need to buy time for them to get here. His mind races as he tries to think up a solution.

Suddenly, he has a plan. He looks around to find a wheelchair. He concentrates, getting his illusion set in his head. When he is ready, he lauches the images. Suddenly, the room goes black. He sends his katanas flying, hilt first, to knock both of the men to the floor. he doesn't even bother retrieving them. In the darkness, the men hear Daiq being dragged off the bed, and the loud rattle of a wheelchair having a body dropped into it. The wheelchair is heard moving out the door and down the hallway, pattering footsteps behind it.

The darkness abruptly clears to reveal an empty bed and a missing wheelchair, with Daiq and Akrabbim nowhere in sight. Their Force signatures are absent, as well.

Silus Xilarian
Feb 21st, 2004, 06:53:48 PM
As the chaos cleared, Silus lept back to his feet, the katana that had nearly cracked him in the skull was now in his hand. When the lights went out, reflexes had taken over, and Silus had made an off balance catch.

Now the lights were back on and Silus was staring at not only jacob, but an empty hospital bed as well.


He managed to stay patient up until this point, hoping to humor Akrabbim long enough to weasel Daiq out of things, and his plan had failed. Upon glancing down at the sword in his hand, rage finally took over, and Silus sent the sword flying through a nearby window, letting a string of curses escape his lips. At that point, something struck him. He knew from experience how rare Quantum metal was, and he knew that Akrabbim's katana's were made of the stuff.

Would the Jedi really leave two of his most prized weapons with two darksiders?

Jacob Nives
Feb 23rd, 2004, 11:31:30 AM
The darkside was almost tangible within the room. Though one katana still lay on the ground, Jacob paid it little attention. He was not about to wait for Silus either, bursting back out into the hallway and crashing right into an oncoming bed. Shoving the thing aside, he barreled off down the hallway in the direction he believed Akrabbim had headed, only to find himself once again at the main entrance. With little more than a wave of the hand, the desk clerk was floored and unconscious and Jacob hoped the barrier over into the seat she had once occupied, looking frantically around the desk. In front of him were numerous screens showing feeds from security cameras, panning back and forth. None showed the runaway lightsider.


His body was bristling as electric energy coiled its way around his fingertips, ripping into the ceiling above him. The current snaked along one of the power lines in place above, zigzagging off down corridors. Bulbs shattered and cables whipped down out of their moorings, the whole system overloading – shorting out and plunging the entire hospital into darkness save for the occasional flicker of a spark leaping from the ceiling. In the shadows, the Lupines vision adjusted, as everything became a monotone blur, scents blooming in all colors of the spectrum. There, he saw Daiquiri’s unique scent and began to follow it…

Feb 26th, 2004, 10:15:19 AM
Jacob fortunately fell for the illusion, but it seems that Silus is a bit too clever to accept what he sees. For a moment, Akrabbim is disappointed, and plans to try to modify his illusion. He then realizes, however, that separating the two Dark Siders may be to his advantage.

Shortly after Jacob leaves, the whole hospital is darkened, giving Akrabbim a much better area in which to move. He slips over near the door, still holding his masking illusion in place. He closes the door in the darkness, quietly turning the bolt to lock the door. Abruptly, he drops his illusions and yanks his katanas to his hands. It is indeed dark in the room, but Akrabbim works well in dark areas. Not to mention, there is enough light from the street lights outside the window to make movement possible.

One-on-one, he may have been able to hold his own against the two men, but combined, victory is unlikely. If he can just hold until his backup arrives, he may just get out of this in one piece. With that thought on his mind, he attacks Silus. If he can take the man out before Jacob realizes the deception, his situation will greatly improve.

Silus Xilarian
Feb 29th, 2004, 09:13:19 PM
The room is now bathed in almost complete darkness, putting both Akrabbim and Silus at unique disadvantages. Over time, Silus had become adept at shadow play, but this also gave Akrabbim a greater canvas to paint illusions on.

As Silus stood, it was if everything around him had slowed to a crawl, and out of the corner of his eye, he caught movement and dodged to the left, drawing in a huge breath as he did. As he sidestepped the attack, he spun around and pushed Akrabbim with the force, not hard, but enough to divert his attention for the moment.

Flattening up against the darkest wall in the room, Silus covers himself in illusion. He's not expecting to outdo Akrabbim with Illusions, only keep himself hid for a moment....

Figrin D'an
Mar 1st, 2004, 11:26:44 PM
After clicking off the com, Figrin turned the speeder hard to the left and accelerated through the corner. Traffic was, fortunately, light, allowing him to move quickly towards the hospital. Whatever the matter may have been, Akrabbim made it seem important, just from the tone of this voice. Guests he had said... undoubtedly of the dangerous kind.

Figrin increased his speed, dove around a taxi, blew past a cargo transport and skimmed through the next right turn. The hospital was still several minutes away.

Jacob Nives
Mar 22nd, 2004, 10:57:30 AM
Jacob stalked through the halls, adrenalin keeping his anger at a high level. His eyesight has adjusted now, to give him perfectly clear – albeit monochrome – vision of the interior of the hospital. Able to follow the scent trails, he soon is winding his way towards the correct destination. Though he cannot fully feel either Silus or Akrabbim through the Force, he knows they are near. Unfortunately, his anger is clouding his judgment. In spite of having trails to follow, he makes a number of wrong turns that lead him to dead ends, and only further drum up his frustration. Coming to yet another of these points, he lets out a growl of dissatisfaction, slamming his fist against the plaster wall, desperately trying to calm his mind to try and work out why he is unable to locate his quarry.

Mar 31st, 2004, 08:31:34 PM
OOC: Sorry for the delay... thought it was someone else's turn.

IC: The Force push sends Akrabbim back against a wall. In this light, illusions would be easier, but he has little time. He needs to take this guy down... now.

He lauches as big a blast of Force Confusion as he can muster directly at the man before launching his body in after him. He comes in with his right sword at chest-level, pointed forward a bit and horizontal. The left is at waist level, point forward. He plans to block the man's saber high and then stab in with his left sword. If this works, it will be a one-on-one fight again.