View Full Version : Oh, like something could go wrong at a sporting event... (Loki)

Sejah Haversh
Nov 12th, 2003, 07:54:32 PM
"Nah, I think I'll need you to carry me," Sejah joked, then stepped into the cab. He had downloaded enough upgrade patches to get his frame close to normal movement.

Thankfully, their cabbie was a good one, quiet and speedy, and had a clean car. A rarity in that sector of Coruscant. Within minutes, they arrived at the front entrance to the giant stadium, and Sejah paused briefly at the memory of what happened the last time he was in a stadium. Stepping out of the cab, he swallowed his fears and let Loki lead them up to the front doors, and inside.

"Wow, this place is huge!" he remarked, looking around at the massive stands, and the thousands of spectators that surrounded them. Few thigns were familiar to him, but he did recognize the universally familiar hot dog stand. "Hey, Loki, want a dog?" he asked, digging into his pocket for his wallet.

Loki Ahmrah
Nov 22nd, 2003, 09:22:14 AM
"Sure, I'm starving. Haven't had a thing to eat all day." Loki answered, his attentioned had been drawn from a brightly coloured and animated advertisment for deodorant and shampoo products, now he eyed the kiosk up ahead where steam billowed from sizzling sausages. His mouth watered at the smell in the air, then his expression turned sour as they passed the public restrooms.

"Jeez, that's putrid!" He gasped, holding his nose as he squeezed through the crowd with Sejah at his side, his friend had been giving room to move about so it wasn't too bad to negotiate a route through the bustling mass of aliens and humanoids. When they arrived at the hotdog kiosk, they joined the queue and Loki thought now was a good time to suddenly discuss the issue of hygene problems in tiolets shared by different species from all over the galaxy. On and on he went.

"And take the male Moboth, their urine contains toxins and gives off a gas known as exothen which can have the same effect as tear gas on Rodians. I also read that there are certain species which can't come into contact with regular water, it has to be distilled water. otherwise they break out in a contageous skin disorder which has been known to hospitalize humans. Two issues I see as a problem here: One - if they can't come into contact with regular water then how do they wash their hands? And secondly, do humans realise the risks they are in when exposed to species which carry lethal skin disorders? See, I don't think there's enough awareness when it comes to this sort of thing. You know, when we get back to the temple, I think I'll send the minister of hygene and health a strongly worded - Oh, here we go! It's our turn. What are you ordering?"

Sejah Haversh
Nov 24th, 2003, 03:40:45 AM
Sejah stepped up and faced the kid behind the counter as if he was about to deliver a report. "Two polish dogs on sourdough rolls, deli mustard, ketchup, relish, and chopped onions, one super pretzyl, and a large cola, light on the ice," he fired off in rapid succession, knowing the teenager taking the order would be used to it. Strafing a step to the side, Sejah looked down to Loki and said, "Okay, that's for me, what do you want? And, before you ask, no beer, okay?"

Loki Ahmrah
Nov 24th, 2003, 12:27:06 PM
"Beer? I wouldn't give that stuff to my worst enemy." Loki cringed with distaste and shifted along the front of the kiosk and watched as Sejah's order was piled up in front of them. The padawan gave Sejah a look of mixed suprise and concern, sarcasm dripping from his every word. "Would you want anything else? I mean, we wouldn't want you going hungry now."

He laughed then ordered a hotdog with ketchup and a medium cola. He patted Sejah on the shoulder and said in a hushed voice: "I'll be right back, wait here. Moments later, he returned wearing a cap of red and gold which read "Boonta Coast Blasters" and had a large foam blaster on his hand which also read: "Go Blasters!"

Beaming, he planted the cap on Sejah's head, it didn't fit too well so Loki helped his friend carry half of his order while he readjusted it. They passed the security check without any problems, despite his unique appearance, with his large order of junk food and a Blasters cap, Sejah looked right at home with the rest of the hoverball fans.

"Hope we've got decent seats."

Sejah Haversh
Nov 26th, 2003, 07:22:56 PM
Most headwear not specifically sedigned for a Nehantite never fit properly, but Sejah bore the cap with pride, because it was fun, and it was a gift.

Snaking down a crowded aisle was tricky in sejah's frame, but he eventually managed it, and felt relieved once he was able to drop into his stadium seat. His order of food seated in the middle of his lap, the mongoose smiled as he looked down on the court from their second tier seats. "Not bad seats at all," he said, though memories of the Rho'istaan ran through his head, and he shook out his shoulders to being himself back to the present before taking a drink from his soda. "So, um, I'm not a big follower of hoverball, how is it played?" he asked Loki.

Loki Ahmrah
Nov 27th, 2003, 06:54:34 AM
"Think basketball meets football; the teams are heavily protected with helmets and padding and score points by putting a ball a touch small than a basketball through hoops dotted about the arena. There's six in all, located at different distances from the centre and the deeper into the oppositions half you score the more points you obtain. One point for the first hoop, three points for the second and five points for the third." Loki pointed out the three different goals about the the circular arena. He noticed the stands were filling up well now and that the crowds were becoming restless eager to see the game underway.

"The sport isn't as violent as Smashball you'll be happy to know, that game has far too many fatalities for my taste. Anyway, it's called hoverball because the entire floor is fitted with repulsors which repel the metal lining on the soles of the players boots and on their kneepads, elbow pads and helmets, giving a zero gravity effect but without the slow movement. It's a very fast game and the teams take each other apart but it's all good fun nonetheless."

Loki bit into his hotdog and mumbled, "I always wanted to be a professional Hoverball player, dad said I had the hands for it. Don't really know what he means by that but anyway, perhaps when you get out of that thing would you fancy a game?"

Sejah Haversh
Dec 29th, 2003, 05:00:43 PM
Sejah looked down to his walking frame and then shook his head. "If I ever get out of this thing, just walking will be good enough for me," he replied, half-joking before biting into his own hot dog. Once he swallowed his mouthful, he continued, "But I would love to try it, no doubt about that. I loved to play sports as a kid, what little we could on my street. Used to be a mean stickball batter, you know. Once smashed the ball nearly two blocks. Not the record, but still..."

Sejah trailed off as the massive viewscreen on the scoreboard came to life, and colored lights flashed. The game was about to begin, and it was time for the announcer to do his thing. Images of players and highlight moments flashed on the screen as the booming voice of the announcer shook the stadium. It was only shortly later that the players emerged from a small tunnel on either end of the playing field and the crowd roared in ecxitement. Sejah couldn't help but smile as he felt like he was back home again watching a game. Glancing to his side, he saw Loki was absolutely enthralled with it, and so he didn't disturb him to ask which team he should be rooting for, instead jsut looking back to the players on thr court and waiting for the game to start.