View Full Version : Death in the night(Open)

Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 12th, 2003, 02:14:27 PM
In front of the main Coruscant water treatment plant, ten minutes aftter midnight, lies the security guards for the water plant, dead on the ground. one clean lightsaber hole in the heads of each, and no sign of struggle. On the bodies of dead, lies a note. The note reads...

The dead of the night, The night is dead.
A blade of light shoved through it's head.
A drop of poison in the pond.
It tastes life, and life is gone.
Many come to look and see,
As the shadows throw them to the Sea .
The waves they beat apon the sand,
like the Iron Fist of the Molochean Hand.

Rivin stands in the shadows near the water tank that holds the drinking water for the southern half of Coruscant. A bottle of poison in his hand, it already having been dumped into the water. Soon the death will begin... Soon the screems of pain will echo through the city. Even if they find that the watter has been poisoned, they will have to shut down the water system as they purge the pipes, and even then many will go with out water.

One more minute and this water will be let out to the world. One more minute till this pipe could be shut off, and save millions of lives from dying a painful death.

So Rivin waits in the dark Shadows of the night near the shut off valve. Both of his lightsaber in hand, ready to attack any who try to foil his plan.

Nov 14th, 2003, 11:41:04 PM
Akrabbim had been walking along the streets of Coruscant when he heard the tell-tale sound of a saber activating. He runs quickly to the water plant entrance and finds the dead guards, along with the note. He scans it quickly, one line in particular sticking out in his mind: "A drop of poison in the pond."

He knows he must hurry. Racing into the plant, he heads for the main reservoir. No one is in sight. There is no way he beat the poisoner here, and it does not appear that he has left yet. That must mean he's in here somewhere.

Akrabbim scans the room, looking for the cut-off valve for the reservoir. If he can trigger it, it will keep the poison from spreading. Since he can't see the poisoner, he reasons that it is only fair that his opponent not see him either. He draws his katanas and prepares himself. Concentrating, he makes himself invisible. He focuses all of his illusionary abilities into his covering, rendering himself undetectable. He rushes forward as quietly as he can without sacrificing speed, reaching the valve in short order.

As soon as he gets there, he immediately turns the valve to shut off the flow from the reservoir. Turning his back to the valve, he remains invisble and searches for the poisoner.

Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 16th, 2003, 04:21:08 PM
As Rivin waits near the shut off valve, he sences another presence... He searches the room with the force and as the Valve starts to move on it's own, Rivin activates both of his Lightsabers, casting a red light across the and slashes his sabers at chest level in front of the Valve.

Nov 16th, 2003, 04:30:25 PM
Placing his katanas in front of him as he did is the only thing that keeps him from being sliced in half. As is, he is in a bad position. He has stopped the shots, but he is unable to mount any form of counter attack as yet. Both katana are held vertically in front of him, and it is taking most of his strength to hold the sabers at bay.

Something must be done to offset his opponent. Dropping his illusion of invisibility, he instead creates a large blast of Force Blindness directly into his opponents mind.

Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 17th, 2003, 10:54:12 AM
Rivin quickly staggers backwards and uses the force to push Akrabbim out of his mind. He then goes to lock his mind down so that Akrabbim would have a harder time effecting his mind.

Nov 17th, 2003, 05:24:06 PM
He feels the man using the Force to try to keep him out of his mind. Too bad that Akrabbim is rather hard to bar from one's mental plane. As a master of illusion, Akrabbim has dedicated almost all of his training to the mental disciplines. Virtually all his Force abilities are in the realm of illusion, leaving him with few other powers.

He smiles widely, eyes blazing a brighter blue.

Not so fast, Sparky.

Concentrating hard, he blasts Rivin with a strong Force Confusion attack. The man's mind is flooded with random colors and shapes, filling his consciousness to make it very hard to think at all.

Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 17th, 2003, 05:40:58 PM
Rivin is confused by the latest force attack caussing him to drop one of his lightsabers, but after a few moments stops paying attention to his eyes and ears, and shoves himself into the force. Shutting off his mind and running on only on Reflex, Rivin casts out one of his hands(the one with no saber in it) and send an arc of Dark Force Lightning at Akrabbim.

Nov 17th, 2003, 11:06:12 PM
As soon as the arc of lightning comes toward him, Akrabbim knows he must get out of the way. If he had been holding his saber, he could have deflected the charge. However, he could not do so with his quantum metal katanas. They would merely conduct the current all the more quickly to the rest of his body. He instead dives toward some pipes, hoping that the metal will draw the electricity away from him.

No such luck. He is able to dive away so that he is not hit in the chest, but he is hit in the leg. The charge travels up his leg, bringing a great deal of pain with it. He stifles a cry of pain and rolls to a seated position. After the pain comes a numbness in his leg. He is sure that he will be able to recover shortly, but he needs to buy some time. The Force Confusion should still be affecting Rivin. Counting on that fact, he flings all five shuriken at the fleeing Dark Sider's back, guiding them with the Force. He knows that they won't incapacitate the enemy, but they should do some damage.

Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 18th, 2003, 11:53:27 AM
Rivin calls his droped saber to his hand, and goes to run, but the force starts to yell at his DANGER. Rivin gies to spin off towars the wall, and sees 3 shuriken fly past him, and feels the other two lodge into his right arm, causing him to drop that saber.

His anger starts to rise, and he uses the force to open the shut off valve for the water tank with the poison in it. then he casts his hand at that valve sending a bunch of dark force lightning at it, partly fusing it open.

Again he calls his droped saber to his empty hand, this time deactivating both and cliping them to his belt. He then goes to try and run again.

Nov 18th, 2003, 12:13:18 PM
Akrabbim is able to fight his way to his feet. He is about to run after the man, but he then sees the valve turn once more, followed by a shot of Force Lightning. The lightning does heat the metal a good deal, but, because metal is such a good conductor of electricity, it is not fused too much. He must act while the metal is still hot. Taking one katana, he places it between the spokes of the valve and uses it to lever the valve closed once more. He pulls his katana away from the valve and quickly slices the valve off the pipe. It will cause some trouble for the water plant, but at least the poison will be contained.

Now... to apprehend the suspect. He runs after the man, haltingly at first. After several moments, he is able to run at normal speed again. He calls the three shuriken that missed back to himself as he continues to run after him.

Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 18th, 2003, 12:22:49 PM
Rivin sprints out of the plant and around the corner, greatful that the Force confusion has stoped. He tosses a flash granade behind him and around the corner. and continues to sprint into an ally where a speder bike is waiting for him. He uses the force to start the warm up sequence as he runs towards the bike.

Nov 18th, 2003, 06:58:26 PM
Akrabbim continues to rush after the fleeing Dark Sider. He realizes that he has only retrieved three of his shuriken. Therefore, the other two must still be stuck into his opponent. Rushing on, he reaches the door just as he hears a metallic clink on the ground. He sees a grenade-shaped object bouncing toward him. Acting entirely on instinct, he dives back into the doorway. Fortunately, the grenade is only a flashbang. He does not take the full brunt of it, but is still blinded by the intense light.

He hears the speeder start up and can only assume that his opponent is riding it. Reaching out with the Force, he can feel a presence on the bike, as well as his two errant shuriken. Exerting his control on the shuriken, he causes them to spin rapidly, slicing into the flesh they are in. Yanking them back, he tries once more to stop the man from escaping. He blasts Force Blindness into the man's mind, shutting down his ability to see.

Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 20th, 2003, 12:44:09 PM
Rivin was just about to hop on to the speader bike when he feels his right arm getting sliced by the shurikens that were lodged in his arm. He screems in pain, but still climbs on to the Speder bike, but as he goes to take off on the bike his Eyes black out, and he brings the bike to a halt just before he clears the end of the Ally.

Rivin then reaches out with the force, and finds the link that Akrabbim is using to get into his mind. He follows it back to Akrabbim's mind, where he lets off a LOUD, Brain Shaking, Screech into Akrabbim's mind. Hopping that that will get him to drop the link/force blindness and distract him enough to let Rivin get away.

Nov 20th, 2003, 05:13:17 PM
Akrabbim holds the blindness on the Dark Sider and starts following it, trying to find the man himself. Suddenly, he feels an attack coming into his mind... a sort of mental backlash from his opponent. The attack is strong, but not strong enough. Akrabbim blocks the attack and continues on his way.

He cannot help but smile as he moves toward his enemy. It never ceases to amaze him how often people try to attack him mentally, when that is the LAST thing they should be attempting. Akrabbim is a Jedi Master, and his powers are almost entirely in the mental arena. Even though he couldn't block a Force Push, his opponents never cease to to try to fight him mentally.

No matter... if they want to attack his strength, it's more than fine by him. He picks up the pace as his sight starts to return, closing in on Rivin.

Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 21st, 2003, 11:09:45 AM
Rivin is suprised that he did not get his sight back, and that this man's Mind defences were still holding strong. It's clear to see that attcking his mind will do work, So Rivin reaches out with the force and sences Akrabbim closing fast. He can ge a solid lock on the master so Rivin uses the force to pick up everthing in that area, and throws it away from him, and since telekenisis is one of his stronger powers it would not be hard for him to do this.

Nov 21st, 2003, 06:28:49 PM
The first sight that greets Akrabbim's clearing eyes is the sight of objects flying at him from all directions. He is caught flat-footed by the first few; a couple of stray nails and a discarded engine part strike him square, slowing him down a bit. He receives several small cuts from the smaller the smaller bits, and gets the wind nearly knocked out of him from the larger engine chunck. The shock causes him to drop his blindness assault.

Since he cannot block the incoming projectiles, he harnesses the Force and leaps high into the air. He knows that he must attack before the man is able to change his aim and start flinging objects skyward. Reaching into the man's mind once more, he fills him with Force Confusion, hoping to distract him from his telekinetic attack.

Kwiet Ideya
Nov 22nd, 2003, 09:34:48 PM
HEY! Throwing things is KWIET'S specialty! His old daddy taught him to throw good, and his new daddy taught him to mess with people's heads. Right now, the boys uses the former skill, reaching into his belt for a three throwing knives.

He's hiding beneath one of the machines that purifies water, having stowed himself there to see Akrabbim use illusions. Now he gives himself away, throwing the knives at Rivin's ankles.

Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 24th, 2003, 11:33:24 AM
Rivin is happy to have his Sight back. but the smies on his face goes away after the confusion starts again. Due to the confusion Rivin gets one of the thrown knifes in his ankle. He screems in pain and pulls the knife out and throws it away from him.

Rivin still being on the speeder, uses the forec to dappen the effects of the confusion so he could concertrate on flying the speeder and, sends his speader bike off at high speed's off the edge of the walkway and land it on a walkway two floors down and speeding away as fast as he could, But the confusion gets the best of him and he plows into a group of people, getting himself launched over the handle bars. He looks back to see that a number of the people he crashed into are now hanging off the walk way or falling to their doom.

Rivin pulls himself back to his feet and starts to hobble off as fast as he can.

Nov 24th, 2003, 07:14:28 PM
Akrabbim is about to start moving in on his opponent when three slivers of light flash across the air in front of him. He sees one of the blades lodge itself in the man's ankle and immediately searches for their source. He sees a tell-tale flash of spikey hair and recognizes Kwiet immediately.

Kwiet! Get out of here!

He can only hope that the youngster will follow his instructions. As it is, he must follow the suspect. He races after the man, but the man's use of the speeder, coupled with Akrabbim having to look after Kwiet momentarily has given the Dark Sider a lengthy distance advantage. He hears a crash in the distance and hurries to catch up.

He sees two people still hanging on and quickly drags them back up onto the walkway. Again, he is held back as Rivin gets further and further away. He can barely pick him out in the distance, but he is in luck. Apparently Kwiet's dagger did some damage, causing the Dark Sider to limp. It is doubtful that Akrabbim could jump the two stories down to the walkway that Rivin is on. Instead, he parallels him, looking for a way to catch up.

Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 25th, 2003, 12:19:59 PM
Rivin continues to hobble away as fast as he can. He goes to turn into a shopping center, not knowing that this building has an entrance on every floor for the next 4 floors up. He runs in to the mass of people shopping, and ignites both of his lightsabers and starts to hack off the arms or legs of any person that he come near, just to cause panic and mayhem.

He then turns off his sabers and goes to run into a large hardware store.

Nov 25th, 2003, 11:01:40 PM
Akrabbim continues parallelling the Dark Sider, and sees a flash of light as sabers ignite. He picks up speed and rushes forward. He sees Rivin enter the large building which happens to connect to the walkway he's on. He rushes inside as well and starts seaching for him, rushing down the stairs to search for him.

Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 27th, 2003, 01:44:22 PM
Rivin hobbles into an Isle in the hardware store that is full of screws and nails, and reaches into his cloke and pulls out a bacta bandage. He quickly exposes the injury in his leg and places the bandage over it.

Nov 27th, 2003, 09:44:27 PM
Akrabbim reaches the floor on which he last saw Rivin. Most everyone had run out of the store from the commotion outside. Apparently, hackin limbs off pedestrians seems to make everyone in the vicinity a bit nervous. He could hear the man moving around as his limp was not allowing him to move very stealthily.

Suddenly, the sound stops. Akrabbim has no idea what the man is planning, so he goes on the defensive for the moment. He cloaks himself in illusion, both visual and from the Force. Moving very slowly, he searches out his opponent. When masking himself from the Force, he loses his Force reflexes. That should not be a problem, though, as his opponent won't be able to find him. Moving slowly and keeping his ears perked, he heads off to find the poisoner.

Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 28th, 2003, 11:52:40 AM
Rivin had a fealing that Akrabbim was near. He felt Akrabbim's presence in the force blink out. Rivin stands and smiles...

Silent Hunter vs Cunning Hunter, this should get interesting Rivin thinks to himself.

Rivin has no doubt that he will not be able to see Akrabbim, ilusions tend to do that. He sees a pile of lumber just across the isle, and uses the force to heat it up till it ignights into flame, causing the sprinkler system to go off.

Just as the sprinklers go off he sees a spot in the falling water that looks like the water is falling around it in the shape of a person, just starting to come slowly around the corner of the isle that he is in.

Rivin then uses the force to grab as many nails and screws from the shelves around him, and throws them in a scatter pattern towards the hollow portion of water.

Nov 28th, 2003, 01:27:38 PM
As soon as the sprinklers come on, Akrabbim gets wary. He is about to shift his illusion to cover the hollow spot left by the sprinklers when Rivin sees him. A spray of metallic objects come flying toward him. He dives quickly to the right, trying to get out of the isle. Several nails and screws slice up his legs as he lands, but he should be ok. They feel minor. They do hurt, however. He starts to stifle the yell, but thinks better of it. He yells loudly, trailing off as if overcome by pain. He moves his way forward a few more feet, and shifts illusions.

He continues to mask his Force presence, but now he covers the hollow space made by the falling water. He creates an image of a hollow spot on the ground in front of him. All this occurs around the corner of the isle, so that Rivin cannot see what he is creating. He readies his katanas and waits to see if Rivin will fall for the bait.

Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 28th, 2003, 02:17:11 PM
Rivin sences that the force mask is still active, so that tells him the Akrabbim was not hurt as much as he made it sound.

Rivin activates his lightsabers and slowly approches the corner. he catches a glimps of the holow spot on the floor, but does not go to investigate. he look over at the two by fours that he set on fire. Even though they were lit, the sprinklers put them out quickly and they are still mostly intact.

He then uses the force to fling the 8 foot long two by fours into the direction that Akrabbim dived off to. sending them down the main isle and pelting near by shelves with them, hoping to hit the hidden Jedi.

The two by fours that hit the shelves, make the shelves unstable, and with a gentle nudge with the force the shelves start to fall in a chane reaction the first one to fall is the shelf on the right side... the side the Akrabbim was on.

At this point Rivin starts to run again towards the back exit to the store, with his lightsabers still active.

Nov 29th, 2003, 02:33:50 PM
Apparently Rivin isn't falling for the ruse... Akrabbim watches as the boards rise and fly in his general direction. Since Rivin has nothing but a vague idea as to where Akrabbim is, the boards don't really come close. Akrabbim simply ducks as they fly by. For some reason, the Dark Sider decides to push over one of the shelves. Akrabbim wasn't in any of the isles... he was outside of them when he dived. The shelf topples harmlessly to the side.

After the shelf topples, he hears the man start running. Peering around the corner, he sees him heading off in a bee-line toward the back door. Akrabbim quickly drops both katanas as well as his illusions and draws one shuriken. He causes it to hover parallel to the ground, one hand above it, one below. Concentrating, he causes it to spin up VERY quickly. Once it has attained the desired speed, he launches it, guiding it with the Force. Since his opponent is not attacking and is simply running away, Akrabbim has all the time he needs to guide the shuriken home. The rapidly spinning device slices deeply into the back of the man's right knee. He calls his shuriken home and then retrieves the katanas. This should make sure his opponent will not be able to get away very quickly.

Dark Lord Rivin
Dec 1st, 2003, 11:21:27 AM
Rivin runs as fast as he can, and just as he is almost at the back door, his danger sence goes off. Rivin goes to dive out of the door but in mid dive a shuriken drives just milimeters below the back of his right knee. He starts to bleed heavly and his leg hurts alot, but at least his leg can still move.

Rivin rolls around the corner of the door and granades arround the corner. One is a flash bomb and the other is a shaprnal Granade.

Rivin gets back to his feet and hobbles off slowly towards an airspeeder dealership.

Dec 1st, 2003, 06:52:10 PM
Akrabbim recalls the shuriken and again starts to pursue his foe. His steps are a bit slower now, thanks to the barrage of metal earlier, but he is still faster than his wounded opponent. He hears the now-familiar clink of grenades landing and moves behind a pillar inside the store. Apparently Rivin thought Akrabbim was closer behind him than he truly was. The grenades go off harmlessly, but at least the Dark Sider has bought himself some time.

Akrabbim reaches the entrance to the building and cannot see the Dark Sider anywhere. However, he is leaving rather copious amounts of blood on the ground behind himself. Akrabbim follows the bloody trail, swords back in hand. With the amount of damage his opponent has taken, coupled with the blood loss, he should not be able to get very far. But just in case he decides to be clever and attempt an ambush, Akrabbim disguises himself once again.

He covers himself to look like an ordinary citizen, much like any of the other pedestrians on the street. He appears unarmed, though the katanas are still firmly in his grasp. He changes his Force signature slightly, as well. Though Force users can detect when beings are nearby, it is very hard to determine whether or not they are Force users from a simple scan. Akrabbim will not be detected. After checking his illusion to make sure it is sound, he continues off after the Dark Sider.

Dark Lord Rivin
Dec 2nd, 2003, 11:31:54 AM
Rivin makes it to the speeder dealership, and find that there is a man there about to take one of the speeders out for a test drive.

Rivin uses the force to throw the would be buyer out of the speeder, out of the shop, and off of the walkway. the man catches the walkway rail and hangs there calling fo help, as Rivin goes to fly off in the already warmed up speeder.

Dec 2nd, 2003, 10:55:55 PM
Akrabbim arrives at the dealership just as Rivin hops into the speeder. He sees the man dangling from the walkway and must help him, as well. No reason he can't do both.

He flings one katana into the engine of the speeder, effectively disabling it, as he rushes toward the fallen man.

Dark Lord Rivin
Dec 3rd, 2003, 12:12:35 PM
Rivin winces as he hears the Katana dig into one of the engine pods, luckly he took a speeder that had 3 self contained engines. the problem is that now he can't turn left. so Rivin crashes the Air speeder, 3 floors up and 4 walkways over from the his last location. the speeder hit a group of people sending 3 of them off the walkway, only two of the manage to grab something durring their fall.

Rivin slaps another bandage on his leg this time on the deep cut in the back of his right knee. Rivin then hobbles his way over to a turbolift and calls it to his floor, hoping he can get in and get away.

Mr Dust
Dec 3rd, 2003, 09:43:50 PM

Dec 3rd, 2003, 09:47:06 PM
Akrabbim drags the man back onto the walkway and makes sure he is ok before turning back toward Rivin. Fortunately, the Dark Sider did not decide to attack him while his back was turned. He turns to see the man crash and start to head toward a lift. Akrabbim is about to help the other two men hanging from the walkway, but it seems that the other bystanders are helping them already. He sheathes his swords and draws all five shuriken.

Alright... no more playing.

He flings the five shuriken at the fleeing man who is now standing nearly still as he waits on a lift. He sends the shuriken toward the man, circling his neck as he does. They hover around his throat, tips barely brushing the skin. He starts moving toward the man, shuriken still hovering.

Submit... or the shuriken may have to move closer.

Dark Lord Rivin
Dec 4th, 2003, 03:25:48 PM
Rivin gets a look of submision on his face, but as Akrabbim gets close, Rivin quickly closes his eyes as he drops his last flash granade between the two of them. Hoping that it would distract Akrabbim enough to loose control of his shurikens

Dec 5th, 2003, 07:38:42 PM
Akrabbim moves closer, swords back in his hands. He movHe places es with caution, not trusting the man in the least. When he gets within a few paces, he sees the man drop yet another grenade with the now-familiar clink. Drawing his cloak quickly over his face, he is spared the brunt of the blast. He places the tips of both swords on the man's chest.

Nice try... but no more tricks, shall we? Submit, or I pierce your lungs. You won't die, but you won't be doing much else. Last warning... yes or no. If you say any other words, or so much as flinch, I stab you. Yield.

Akrabbim stands poised, prepared to do exactly as he has promised.

Dark Lord Rivin
Dec 8th, 2003, 11:40:48 AM
Rivin gives a slight nod and trys to force Throw Akrabbim as far away as he could, which should be rather far due to Rivin's skill with throwing.

Dec 8th, 2003, 09:52:46 PM
The Dark Sider does exactly what Akrabbim warned him not to: he twitches. Though the Force Throw does succeed, Akrabbim is able to control his katanas. He sends them forward, piercing the man clean through. The swords slice into his body, puncturing lungs as they penetrate all the way through his back.

He lands with a hard thud several feet away. The throw did do some damage, knocking the breath out of him and dazing him a great deal. After several moments on the ground, he slowly rises to his feet, trying to shake off the diziness. Once he is stable once more, he returns to the fallen Dark Sider.

I warned you... but you never seem to listen...

Akrabbim withdraws his katanas as cleanly as possible and clears them of blood before resheathing them. He hurries to the nearest comm station and reqeusts immediate ambulance services. This man will definately need it.

He waits until help arrives and then turns the fugitive over to the security forces. He takes the man's sabers and gredades and hands them over as well. If he makes bail, perhaps they will return them to him. Then, with his job done, Akrabbim returns to the Order.