View Full Version : A run-in with trouble (Sorsha)

Nov 12th, 2003, 12:21:22 PM
Rast is out and about, sitting atop an old, rusted-out dumpster that hasn't moved for ten or twenty years. His speeder bike is hidden inside it, kept safe from the weather and the greedy hands of his own gang. By his side is a case of sodas; alcohol tends to make his operations run less smoothly than he'd like.

His people are coming in and out of the alley, gathering whatever valuables they can steal from stores or rob from the citizenry. Rast, the boss of this outfit, doesn't have to do the work. They know he's a darkside Force user, and he's made his specialty of energy absorption quite clear to them. They won't try anything, not when they know he can turn their blasterbolts back at them.

Rast's gang slowly gathers around 2 AM, ending their work for the night. Rast counts out the credits and hands each man and woman there a "paycheck", keeping the rest of the haul for himself.

"Now go play," he says dismissively, but someone--maybe even a something--is blocking the other end of the alley, and his people stand rooted to their spots. "Oh, well don't all charge off at once," he mutters, having not seen the obstacle at the alley's end.

Nov 15th, 2003, 12:47:55 AM
For a moment whatever is there stays still but once it does move, a glint of something flickers in the dim light. A cloaked figure stands its ground in front of another one, saying nothing but has a katana drawn, the figure's eyes glow like twin embers under the folds of the hood.

OOC: assuming Videl would protect first and be ahead with slight danger involved, if not, I'll edit when I see you next.....

Nov 19th, 2003, 12:53:48 AM
Rast looks up, not recognizing Videl.

"Jeez, would you lot just get LOST?" he yells. "It's the two of them and all of you; it's no different from when you beat down those college kids for their 100-credit chits!"

Hesitantly they group moves forward. They're apprehensive, for once not caring what the boss says. They'd rather slink by without having to fight, if they can help it.

Dec 3rd, 2003, 02:08:10 AM
The first figure reaches behind her back and throws a sharp knife in the direction of one of them. It hurtles towards a man before he can respond to move. He winces, expecting the pain that follows but when nothing happens, he warily opens his eyes to see what is up. He whimpers softly at what he sees before gulping loudly, the point of the blade hovers right in front of him, level with right between his eyes and so close he can almost feel the cold steel even though it doesn't touch him.