View Full Version : Crystal Retrieving and Blade Sheathing

Ace McCloud
Nov 11th, 2003, 07:57:20 PM
OOC: If you would like to join, please PM me first, thanks.

Ace had been travelling for several hours now through the huge snow storm on Ilum. Clothed only in his usual leather armor and his black cloak and boots, he searched for a suitable cave for a lightsaber crystal. He had passed up several caves already, but his real purpose for travelling so far in the knee deep snow was because he was thinking about something. Something that was bothering him greatly. A dream he had been having every now and then. It was such a great nightmare that he would sometimes wake up screaming, though it never finished.

He could feel a strong presence in the force up head-- most likely a large cave full of crystals. He was starting to get excited as he traced his instincts to where the cave might be. But there was none. It was just open feilds of ice and snow. He sighed heavily and began to walk forward once again, but after a few steps, his foot sank and the snow below him gave way. Then he reliezed his stupidity, he didn't even stop to feel around for a covered entrance. But it was too late now, he was sliding down a long, icy tunnel to the bottom of a cave. Some jagged ice and crystals ripped his clothing as he slid down the path. Twenty seconds later came the drop off and his arms and legs reached out to brace for the impact. It wasn't too bad, he landed in ice coverd snow but slipped and busted on the cold ground.

"Ow..." he moaned as he struggled to get up.

imported_Grev Drasen
Nov 11th, 2003, 10:14:14 PM
“Welcome to my wintry Eden!”

A voice clamored from the ulterior darkness which seemed to encase the cavern; it would appear to be a bit of an eccentric scene to the bewildered Jedi - a being lurking in the depths of who knows where, for whatever purpose other than to plague his already laborious task of obtaining crystals.

Now he would have to deal with him.

Footsteps could be heard gamboling across the gelid surface of the cave, as it suddenly stopped and a quaint silence took over. The figure sat unseen, perched in his own amusement as he viewed McCloud with a diffident smile. No doubt the Padawan would sense the calamity and woe which gyrated about his Force presence. But that was the entire point. He wanted to be as obvious as he possibly could, seeing as he had no real intentions of aiding the distrait soul.

He would harrow him to no ends.

Ace McCloud
Nov 11th, 2003, 10:30:29 PM
A voice cried out, echoing through the frozen prison. What the hell is someone doing here? Ace asked himself as he struggled to regain his feet that kept slipping. The darkness set in, as the hole above was being covered by snow rapidly. McCloud looked up from the floor, his eyes glowing green under his hood. They were acting instictively, as they always had. He could see the man, in a sage tint, walking towards him. Everything around him was now illuminated in a light green tint, much like night vision.

Perhaps this was his home? Was he a hermit? No...he didn't look like one. He could feel distress within him. He was no hermit, but for whatever reason he was here was beyond Ace.

The man stopped infront of his face, and he didn't like that position. From a push-up position, he did exactly that, but flipping himself backwards, landing on a nice, firm patch of snow.

McCloud looked the man in the face, asking the obvious question, "What do you want?" His voice was deep and scratchy, one that showed much hate and unrest over the past years. He stood up straight, scanning quickly for any weapons and/or traps that might used agaisnt him.

imported_Grev Drasen
Nov 13th, 2003, 09:59:36 PM
“Have you forgotten who the interloper is?”

He replied, sauntering from his concealment, now only inches from the man. He seemed a bit too calm and amicable, as he stood watching McCloud.

Ace McCloud
Nov 13th, 2003, 10:03:29 PM
"What?" Ace had no idea what he was talking about. "Who are you?"

imported_Grev Drasen
Nov 15th, 2003, 08:08:28 PM
“The lonesome droll, and you?”

With a step back, he opened the distance between the two to a more comfortable space for the Jedi, his arms still folded facilely over his chest. Just as his reply exited from his lips, he curled his tongue into a fold and with an abrupt exhale he shot forth a fan of needle-sized blades at the exposed face of his counterpart; mostly directing them for the eyes - if exposed.

Hopefully blinding the man, at least temporarily, the Dark Jedi used the diversion to his advantage, and rather hastily at that. Sidestepping as to relocate himself, he projected his fist forward, as it sped for the man he would open his palm into a ninety degree angle; an array of four miniscule blades lining his hand - each attached to rings adorning each of his fingers.

As his bladed palm shot for the man’s throat, his left hand had already gained a fleet grip on the hilt of his light saber - not yet igniting the weapon, though ready for use at the slightest movement of a finger.

Ace McCloud
Nov 15th, 2003, 11:38:37 PM
Ace's nocturnal eyes opened wide, as he saw in horror the thousands of tiny needle's flying at his face. Without much time to react, he pushed hard with his feet on the hard ground to launch himself backwards in a backflip. The small needles barely passed above his body as it was horizontal.

He landed firmly, with one hand on t he ground. But he was met quickly with the mans hand at his throat. Barely having time to react again, he did want came instictively. Moving his head to the left, he grabbed the mans wrist and pushed it aside with his left hand. But with his right, he quickly reached into his armor and threw out a dagger at the mans heart.

imported_Grev Drasen
Nov 16th, 2003, 03:31:16 PM
Though the counter was a bit impulsive, it was deflected just as handily by the Dark Jedi. As his right hand was warded off to the side, the light saber was artlessly ignited and brought down into a vertical swipe; fending the dagger which had been rifling towards his chest.

With the blade out of his way, he acted quickly in driving a boot towards the crouched position of the Jedi - who was now hindered to the use of one hand.

Had his restrained left hand been freed, he would drive it into the side of McCloud’s temple, the minuscule blades still present on the surface of his palm.

Ace McCloud
Nov 16th, 2003, 03:50:22 PM
McCloud tried to block with his free hand, but the kick was powerful. It knocked him back off of his attacker and freed his wrist. Ace flew backwards a little bit, but his feet caught themselves at the edge of a giant drop off. He didn't have time to look but he knew it was there.

Without a second thought, he jumped forward, pushing his left hand out and bringing his right hand back to grab the hilt of his longsword on his back. He launched a strong force push towards Grev in attempt to throw him off balance. After which he drew his longsword from its sheath and swung down hard, vertically, at his enemy.

imported_Grev Drasen
Nov 23rd, 2003, 01:01:41 AM
Perhaps there was an underestimate of the opponent, or perhaps our beloved antagonist was just having an off day; however, he was in fact caught off guard by the well placed “push,” and sent back into a unbalanced state he was. Clumsily regaining his balance, he barely managed to catch ken of the headlong Jedi, though spared enough time to ready a somewhat successful counter of the assault.

The blade of the entrant had been drawn, though not drawn without being matched by the Dark Jedi’s own weapon. Within seconds the sanguine hued pier of the light saber had been ignited, and directed gracefully into a horizontal bridge to hinder the descending sword.

With the two weapons clashing brilliantly (assuming the metal of the blade could withstand a light saber), the Dark Jedi would rifle his still blade-fitted palm into the forearm of Ace’s limb wielding the sword; attempting to drive the four razor sharp quills into his exposed and inviting forearm.

Ace McCloud
Nov 23rd, 2003, 11:47:01 PM
Ace grunted, as the blades penetrated the skin, however, not deep enough to break bones. Quickly, he cartwheeled to the right, to pull the blades out of his forarm and to remove himself from the position of another attack. His sword could withstand the lightsaber, but only for a limited amount of blows. A lightsaber was much more powerfull. If only he had stopped at one of the other caves to get a crystal, this might be different.

Immediatly after his landing, he pushed off towards Grev, his body at a 45 degree angle. He swong hard horizantally. The power of the strike and the momentum of the leap would make it hard to parry.

imported_Grev Drasen
Nov 30th, 2003, 02:06:17 PM
With the Jedi now charging headlong, aloft the Dark Jedi went -- manipulating a newly acquired Force technique in propelling himself overhead. As he lunged into a vertical leap, he landed rather forcefully at the hind of the Jedi, his novelty with the technique somewhat showing through.

Using the time of the Jedi’s recovery to his advantage, he extended his free hand forth and commanded the Force once again; as the high reaches of the cave’s ceiling began to tremble slightly. Soon followed by the ample sized icicles raining rather quickly upon the Jedi.

Now he could only hope the assault could at least immobilize the Jedi, as the consecutive Force techniques had taken their toll upon the novice Dark Jedi. He gripped his light saber with a certain confidence, knowing full well he would have to rely strictly on melee combat from this point on, lest he would risk debility from the Force.

Though it was in physical training he put his credence in most of all, and going toe-to-toe with the Padawan would be more than preferable.

Ace McCloud
Nov 30th, 2003, 08:41:37 PM
To Ace, the vertical leap was somewhat surprising. That's one he didn't see very often, nor thought about. He was completely caught off guard, but to him it was nothing more than a fancy dodge.

He came back with another attack, but before he could, crystals and other such debris was raining down upon him. He could not continue on his vector towards his target. So instead he quickly maneuvered, shooting himself to his right, with Grev at his 5 o'clock. Before he began to attack, the blunt side of an icicle came down, pounding on his back. He grunted and rolled to the ground. Quickly he rolled back up, but was open for attack.

imported_Grev Drasen
Nov 30th, 2003, 11:06:52 PM
A taunting wince from the Dark Jedi regarded McCloud as the large chunk of ice smacked down at him. The Jedi had gotten to his feet rather swiftly after the icicle storm, a bit quicker than Drasen had expected of him. He couldn’t say he wasn’t impressed, but that was irrelevant. This man was just another form of amusement.

“Quite the show!” he chimed as he still gripped the light saber tightly in his left hand, the blade ignited in its dire display.

Though he made an unlikely gesture, rather than lunge at the Jedi once more to keep him on his toes he stood staring deadpan at him; as if waiting.

“Leave, or die.”

His brash smirk had faded.

Ace McCloud
Dec 1st, 2003, 07:53:27 PM
His eyes flashed over his enemy as his thin longsword twirled in his hand. The red glow bleed their way through the darkness and sent a red tint though his hood. He did not move for sometime. He was here for a reason, and he would not leave until he got what he came for.

imported_Grev Drasen
Dec 4th, 2003, 09:15:17 PM
“Yeah, yeah…”

A mutter was audible, as though it was now a chore to spill the Jedi’s blood. With a collected stare, his eyes swept over the cavern layout carefully, all the while moving closer towards McCloud.

Now he stood only feet before the man, his cardinal hued blade still as present and visible as ever; his foot quietly digging into the snow layered terrain below them. Though he never left eye contact of the Jedi, attentively studying the man with a pale, almost lifeless perusal.

In a matter of seconds his astray foot rifled up from beneath the snow, lifting a wave of snow towards the visage of the standing target. Successful or not, he used the diversion to prelude his attack, swiping the light saber in a horizontal strike for the Padawan’s abdomen.

Ace McCloud
Dec 4th, 2003, 09:32:45 PM
Snow wouldn't be very affective to him. It was cold, no doubt, though it was hard to reach the eyes. However, it did distract him, and he barely managed his counter. Sucking in his stomach and shoving his hips backwards, he swung his longsword around and caught the saber at mid level. His sword was almost vertical, as he held his hand high in the air.

He waited for a second and said, "What exactly do you want anyhow?" He grabbed the sword with both hands and twirled his saber around, then attacked his torso as it came back down. Whether he blocked or not, Ace continued to strike while moving forward, trying to push him backwards.