View Full Version : Unforgettable: Two Hearts [complete]

Quay'Na Rakai
Nov 11th, 2003, 06:18:10 PM
It had been a few days since her last encounter with Anthony Scott and since then, she couldn't get him out of her mind. In Quay'Na's heart she had pledged her love to a fledgling vampire, knowing exactly what she was doing. And tonight, she had to see him again.

Quay'Na missed him so. She wanted him to know how much she loved him there was no stopping it this time. He had captured her heart, moreso than anyone she had ever come in contact with.

With one last brushing through her shoulder-length brown hair, she looked again at her reflection. Her makeup was perfect, her Padawan attire was freshly pressed and her lightsabre hung from it's place on her belt.

It was time to go as she flicked her long Padawan braid behind her back and grabbed her Jedi robe.

Not long after, she was outside the Jedi Order and walking down the street in the night. Something in the Force told her to turn down an alleyway. Not opposing a thing she did and walked a few steps and stopped. A smile crossed her lips as she felt him.

"Anthony?" She called.

Anthony Scott
Nov 11th, 2003, 06:31:29 PM
Anthony had felt her presence before she turned down that alley. His heart skipped a beat as he, hidden in the dark, watched the young woman come his way. Just as she stopped, Anthony released himself from a large beam above her head and moved from his upside down state to a flip which took him to his feet on the ground just in front of Quay'Na. In the few days time since he had last seen her, it was evident that Anthony had taken care of himself. Tonight, he was clad in a pair of comfortable black jeans and a white t-shirt with a full length black cloak secured around his strong shoulders. His shoulder length brown hair was combed back but a black bandana covered it partially and was tied up at the back of his head. He looked a great deal better and the wounds upon his arms were nearly healed, a trait of the Vampire.

"I knew you'd come!" He exclaimed with joy and immediatly wrapped his arms around Quay's small body in a strong embrace. Holding her tightly against him, the immortal being sighed with happiness and simply stood there for several moments. "It is so good to see you again, my sweet dove. I missed you so much." He whispered as he breathed in the wonderful scent of her hair. Closing his eyes tightly, Anthony basked in the serene moment before pulling away and allowing the moonlight to dance upon the features on his face. It caught the three shiny silver earrings in his ears but most of all, the light glimmered in his dark brown eyes. He stared intently at her face and grinned to himself as he noted how incredibly beautiful she was, still, yet, and again. "How do you feel?" He questioned, still in awe at her sheer loveliness.

Quay'Na Rakai
Nov 11th, 2003, 06:40:09 PM
His entrance was startling, but she smiled as he wrapped his arms around her and spoke.

"I couldn't be happier than I am at this very moment being in your arms, my love. I've so much to tell you." She smiled and held up her once injured hand, it was healed. "My hand is healed, not even a scar."

It felt so good to be in his arms again as she wrapped her own around him. "I've missed you so much, Anthony."

Anthony Scott
Nov 11th, 2003, 06:50:15 PM
The Vampire smiled as she showed him her hand. It was good to know that she was really alright, but it was amazing in the same, how quickly she had healed. "I've missed you too." He whispered into her ear and kissed her on the cheek.

"I feel free, finally. You've done so much for me, Quay. You are my life." Anthony grinned and leaned in and gently kissed her upon the lips but playfully pulled away. "I have so much to tell you as well! Shall we go somewhere?" He questioned and wrapped an arm around her shoulders to hold her close. "I love you."

Quay'Na Rakai
Nov 11th, 2003, 06:58:46 PM
"I love you, too." She sighed as he held her close. Quay'Na looked up at him again. "I know, how about the place where we first met, up in the loft gazing at the stars? Relive that moment with me, Anthony. Let's go to Club Nova." Her eyes sparkled with anticipation as she looked deep into his dark brown eyes.

Anthony Scott
Nov 11th, 2003, 07:13:45 PM
"Yes! You're working yourself into this plan perfectly!" He thought to himself and nodded with a smile. With his free hand, Anthony casually moved his fingers over something within the confines of his cloak's pocket. There rested something which he wished to give Quay, when the time was right. Club Nova would be the perfect place for him to present her with a special gift.

"That's a great idea! Club Nova it is." He grinned and leaned down to softly kiss her forehead. "That is such a wonderful and magical place." Anthony whispered as the pair walked along in the moonlight toward the end of the alley where they would take a right and head down the main strip of Coruscant City to the folds of Club Nova. "This is a perfect night."

Quay'Na Rakai
Nov 11th, 2003, 07:25:00 PM
"It is..." Quay sighed as she rested her head against his shoulder. She could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel of darkness she had gotten so lost in.

"Have I told you how much I loved you yet?" She asked softly as she looked up at him with a playful grin. She stopped suddenly and placed her arms around his neck, right there in the middle of the busy sidewalk, letting everyone walk around them. "I love you so much, Anthony Scott. You have ownership to my heart and my soul."

Then, she kissed him. But, not just a peck, this time allowing all her emotion flow from her and into him.

Anthony Scott
Nov 11th, 2003, 07:35:47 PM
Anthony smiled as he looked lovingly into Quay's eyes. Her arms felt so good around his neck and he couldn't help but pull her closer as his arms slipped around her waist. This felt like a dream. Never had Anthony expected something like this to happen to him. It was truly incredible and it made him have to catch his breath now and again. "I love you more than words could possibly tell." He whispered and continued looking into her eyes.

She was so beautiful and as the moonlight touched her face, he couldnt' help but feeling an incredible urge to shout to the universe of his love for this woman. When she reconfirmed their pledge, Anthony felt his cheeks redden slightly. "How is it that I, such a terrible being could have the love of a woman so amazing as Quay?" He thought to himself but knew that an answer to that question would be impossible to find.

"You have control over me, Quay. You are the owner of my heart and soul, they are yours and yours alone. To no one else do I belong but you." He smiled and just as he finished speaking, the woman leaned up to kiss him. Bending his head down to meet her lips with his own, he felt the incredible passion flow from her and into him, and he returned the feeling to the Jedi. With everything he had, he let her know how much he loved her and that she was the number one thing in his life and always would be.

Quay'Na Rakai
Nov 11th, 2003, 07:44:57 PM
Quay'Na had not felt anything like it. As his passion flowed into her, she allowed it to penetrate her entire being. She gasped slightly and then relaxed as their lips parted. "I've never felt so connected to anyone, Anthony. I want to make this work, I really do. You have shown me what real love is and it's something I never want to lose again. I never want to lose you."

Anthony Scott
Nov 11th, 2003, 07:51:55 PM
Anthony shook his head and pulled Quay close to him, allowing her to rest her head against his chest. "Shh...you'll never loose me and I will never let go of you." He whispered and began rocking her gently back and forth despite the impatience of passing pedestrians.

"We will make this work -- we will, okay? I promise you that. Everything will be fine." Anthony kissed the top of her head and smiled as he closed her eyes and continued holding her close to him. "This is so incredible, Quay -- my love. Nothing will be able to cease this connection we share."

Quay'Na Rakai
Nov 11th, 2003, 08:00:51 PM
As precious as the moment was, a dark feeling came over the Padawan.

Sanis Prent. And his death threat on her life.

Quay'Na would have to tell Anthony tonight, she dreaded it. But, she was going to open herself up to him, tell him everything. She owed it to him. She loved him and he loved her and she wouldn't hide anything from him.

She allowed the dark feeling to pass and relaxed in Anthony's loving arms, she didn't want the night to end.

"Let's get to our loft and let these impatient people have their sidewalk, luv." She smiled as she took his hand in hers and they once again began walking. It wasn't long until they were at the Club Nova and waited a few moments before the two of them were let in.

Anthony Scott
Nov 11th, 2003, 08:31:53 PM
"Anthony! It's been far too long since I've seen ya!" A slightly overweight man in a black suit exclaimed as he approached the Vampire and outstretched his arms. For a moment, Anthony let go of Quay and embraced the one who had approached them. With a grin, the immortal pulled away and grasped Quay's hand in his own strong grip once again and nodded in agreement. "It has been a long time, Tommy." He said with a slight accent peaking through his speech.

Nodding across the bar and a group of men, Anthony smiled and turned his attention back to the man now known to Quay as Tommy. "Looks like the boys are out tonight." He chuckled and the larger man nodded and rolled his eyes. "They got nothin' better to do then cause their usual trouble 'round this place." He smiled and looked to Quay and then to Anthony. "Looks like you've got yourself a catch, Ant -- who is she?" He questioned and a laugh escaped his chunky lips.

"This is the love of my life, Quay'Na -- Quay, this is Tommy, a friend from back when." He winked at her and then smiled as the two shook hands. "So what can I get you tonight, my friend?" The heavily accented voice of Tommy rang in Anthony's ears. It didn't take him too long before he smiled and pointed up at the loft. "Ooooooh, I see. How about I get ya the best seat in the house?" Tommy questioned and before Anthony or Quay could say anything, he was off making special arrangements for the couple.

Quay'Na Rakai
Nov 11th, 2003, 08:41:53 PM
Quay'Na greeted Anthony's friend with a smile and a nod. "It's nice too..." But, Tommy was off before she could say anything more. She looked at Anthony. "Busy man, I guess." She grinned and squeezed his hand.

She was glad to start being able to meet some of Anthony's friends and soon she wanted her own friends to meet the man she truly and wholeheartedly loved. Soon, very soon hopefully.

Anthony Scott
Nov 11th, 2003, 09:08:42 PM
Anthony smiled and nodded at Quay. "Oh yes -- he is extremely busy all the time. Runs this place singlehandedly almost." The Vampire allowed a slight laugh to escape his lips and he shook his head. "It shouldn't be too long." He whispered as he leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. Just a minute or so later, Tommy returned with a grin upon his rosy red face.

"Right this way, if you please." He motioned for the couple to follow and they did so, being lead up the grand staircase as they had once been so long ago. A charge of excited energy ran through Anthony's body as his mind drifted the surprise in his pocket. "What will she think of it?" He thought to himself and zoned out as they followed Tommy to a prime seat. It was beautiful and incredible. A second staircase led them to a small deck area enclosed and mostly separated from the other patrons. A single table sat with two chairs and a lovely candle in the center just for them. "Wow, Tom -- you didn't have to do all this." Anthony stared in awe as his eyes moved from the setting to the amazing backdrop of millions of stars in the velvety black sky.

Quay'Na Rakai
Nov 11th, 2003, 09:15:43 PM
"Oooh..." was all Quay could utter as she saw the beautiful table set for the two of them. "It's beautiful, Tommy." She said as she looked out at the stars above them.

Quay'Na looked back at Anthony, her Prince. "I can't believe it, I have to be dreaming." She smiled. "This is much to perfect."

Anthony Scott
Nov 15th, 2003, 12:52:11 PM
"You're perfect." Anthony whispered as he kissed Quay's forehead. Leading her to the table, the immortal being pulled out a chair and helped Quay sit down before pushing the chair in toward the table and then taking a seat for himself. "Everytime I look at you I know I'm dreaming. How could something so wonderful have happened to me?" He questioned, sincerely wondering this in his mind. He knew that some of the things he did were just aweful, and it still puzzled him as to why she had come into his life -- this beautiful and perfect angel.

She truly was his angel -- she had redeemed his soul.

Smiling as he looked down at the menu that was placed before him, Anthony thought again of the object in his pocket -- a small black box made of a velvety material. His thoughts moved from the box to its contents. Something of gold flashed across his mind. Sighing, he nervously began picking at the edge of the menu as he attempted to think of the food and what he would like to order. "You can have whatever you like, my love, my life." He breathed in deeply and looked up at Quay and as their eyes met, Anthony blushed for the first time in a long time. Smiling and allowing a laugh to escape his lips, he looked down at the food and wondered where Tommy had gone. "I could use some stability at this moment." He thought as too many things raced through his head for him to separate. It was quite apparent to Quay, now, that something definatly was on Anthony's mind -- something that would not leave him alone.

Quay'Na Rakai
Nov 15th, 2003, 09:33:42 PM
Anthony's words touched her heart as a smile formed on her lips. How wrong it had been of her to turn her back on him for those painful weeks that each had suffered. He loved her and that is what finally made the difference. He loved her, he truly did,

There was no denying it, she could feel it through the Force. Quay's life was complete now that Anthony had come back into it, and he had allowed her back into his heart.

Even knowing that he was a Vampire made no difference now, he'd given her more than she knew she deserved. Especially, after turning her back on him and she knew that it would haunt her. Quay'Na knew he didn't hold it against her, but she held it against herself.

She shook the feelings of guilt away and allowed them to pass through her and took a hold of Anthony's hand after he sat down adn squeezed it warmly. It was cold, but she was getting used to it. It no longer bothered her that he was a vampire, they would deal with it...together.

"I wish this night would never end, Anthony. There's so much that we had lost and I'm ready to find it again with me at your side. I will never turn away from you again, my love."

With one last squeeze she let go and picked up her menu, looking over it, but knowing exactly what she wanted. The Padawan looked at him over her menu and had a suspicion he was keeping something from her. But, said nothing for now.

Anthony Scott
Dec 22nd, 2003, 11:32:21 PM
That was it -- everything she said made it the perfect moment and Anthony knew that he could keep the secret he witheld from her any longer. It was impossible though the anticipation was a heavy weight upon his chest. He found it difficult to breath for a moment as his hand slowly slipped inside of his pocket, unbenknownst to Quay. He grasped the small velvety box and drew it forth into his palm, keeping it hidden beneath the table.

"Do you know how much I love you?" He questioned with a beaming smile. His eyes glowed with a joy that had been lacking for so many years in his life. Looking down at the menu, the Vampire pushed it aside with his free hand and glanced up at Quay. A warm silence fell between the couple. "If not, I want you to know that --" He paused and blushed, looking down in a moment of nervousness before his eyes were drawn to hers again. "I want you to know that I'm giving you my eternity to show you how much." He grinned and then moved slowly from his chair to stand.

With a quiet step, Anthony was now right before Quay and he gently moved her body to face him. Smiling like never before, the young immortal slowly and confidently knelt to one knee before the woman. Taking her hand in his, he locked his eyes upon hers and inhaled deeply. "For so long I have struggled in this life, and I never really knew what it was like to live -- until I met you. The moment you gave me your heart, I was born again to share an eternity with you. I know you've already done so much for me, but can I ask you one more thing?" He questioned with the deepest sincerity. Quay nodded slowly and Anthony grinned as he squeezed her hand and opened the box in his other with two fingers -- then held it out toward her. The ring was stunning, to say the least. It was of pure gold, the finest in the galaxy. The mold was a lovely little heart with a large diamond gem in the center, outlined by five others. It glistened in the dim candlelight and reflected in Quay's eyes.

"Quay'Na Rakai -- will you marry me and share in this journey at my side?"

Quay'Na Rakai
Dec 23rd, 2003, 03:51:36 AM
He was asking her to marry him! Quay'Na was stunned speechless for a moment or so as she stared at Anthony.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she looked at him, her face beaming. "Oh Anthony..." She nodded happily as the tears fell. "Yes, yes I will marry you. I will give you my life fully forever."

He slipped the ring onto her finger, it was perfect and the most beautiful ring she'd ever seen.

Quay'Na couldn't believe that this was happening, never in a million years did she think she'd ever be asked to marry. "God, I love you." She told him as she took him into her arms and held him tightly. No one could've been happier at that very moment, as the two kissed gently and held their embrace.

Anthony Scott
Jan 27th, 2004, 09:08:46 AM
Anthony was so happy that she agreed to marry him. This was the happiest moment of his life so far, and now he had the future to look forward to. No more would he live alone in sorrow, but his days would be filled with the joy that this woman brought to him. Grinning as they embraced, the Vampire held Quay tightly. "I love you too." He whispered and kissed the side of her head, breathing in the lovely scent of her hair. Several people that had been walking by stopped to gawk at the lovers as they offered their smiles and applause for the happily engaged.

It seemed that soon enough, all was quiet once again and it was just Anthony and Quay. "This deserves the greatest celebration!" He exclaimed as the couple pulled apart slightly to gaze into each other's eyes. Gently, the Immortal brought a cool hand to cup his fiancee's face. His eyes seemed to melt into her own as he felt a few tears well up within them. "Soon we shall be one -- and we will live forever in this joy. I promise you I'll do all I can to make your life perfect." He whispered before softly kissing his bride-to-be upon the lips.

Quay'Na Rakai
Jan 27th, 2004, 04:56:20 PM
Quay couldn't believe the joy she felt at this very moment, it was all she had ever wanted. To be loved and accepted by a man whom she would love and accept as well. And she did, God, she did.

A tear slipped from her eye as he kissed her as they parted, Quay'Na smiled. "I love you so much, you can't believe how happy you have just made me, Anthony."

She never wanted this moment to end, she wanted to be in his arms forever.

Anthony Scott
Feb 20th, 2004, 05:54:08 PM
"I love you too, so much more than I could ever express to you." He smiled broadly as he noted her genuine joy. It had been so long since he had felt this way. Since being turned and joining the Shrine, Anthony had to struggle to find something to live for each day. Now that he had Quay, there would be no more struggle, no stress.

"This is really a fairy tale -- and I can't believe we're in it." He swallowed hard, blushing with the words he spoke. He was so emotional, more than he allowed Quay to know. "I really can't believe it."

Quay'Na Rakai
Feb 22nd, 2004, 07:26:52 AM
Quay'Na smiled and sighed. "I can't believe it either. I can't express enough what I feel like inside, I feel like I want the entire system of Coruscant to know how much I love you and what you mean to me." Her voice was nothing by positive. She was experiencing a new high.

Quay was sure he could tell by the beaming smile on her face.

Anthony Scott
Feb 25th, 2004, 01:09:25 PM
Indeed, Anthony could see the elation on her face and this caused him to smile even more so than before. He took her hands in his own and looked into her beautiful eyes, noting their mystical properties. He felt complete in that moment, and in his mind, he knew he was.

Though thoughts of how much they would have to do in the coming months to prepare for a wedding were in the back of his head, he forgot about them then, as he knew this night would be one never to forget. They would share a wonderful meal as an engaged couple, and they would go home with the satisfaction and knowledge that they now had a life mate. A partner in everything, forever.


ooc: I figured we really didn't have much more to go in this, so to make it easy so we could simply continue on in the X-Mas thread, we can end this here and continue on there and make new threads. :)