View Full Version : Back for a few moments, with a question

Nov 10th, 2003, 08:26:47 PM
Hey, guys. It's been what? Three months? I'm just dropping in to say hi and ask a few questions to people who are interested. I'm not ready to go back to rping just yet, maybe I'll come in for that in the winter. Anyway, the question:

This is to anyone who plays paintball or uses airsoft guns... Do 6mm paintballs really work for spring-loaded airsofts? I'd be interested in getting a Super-9 Sniper and I thought it'd be awesome to have on the field against my pals. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks! :D

Dan the Man
Nov 10th, 2003, 08:30:57 PM
Not to my knowledge, no.

Ace McCloud
Nov 10th, 2003, 11:24:03 PM
Yea I don't believe that would work. I suppose it would fit, not sure, but even if it did it would probably expload in your gun causing a big jam up and lotsa clean up. Just get an 18 inch barrel ;)

Zatania Duvall
Nov 13th, 2003, 06:49:08 AM
I don't play but my lil brother does. Next time I talk to him I'll ask him, but it probably won't be for a little while since he lives in NY and he works most of the time.