View Full Version : Holiday Box Office Contest - Weekend 2

Master Yoghurt
Nov 10th, 2003, 06:46:31 PM
This weekend, will be terrible exciting for box office, as no less than 4 movies fight for the number one spot!

Once again, Neo is going to fight the machines, and unless he gets Mr. Smithed by angry Matrix fans or everyone fall asleep during the bullettime, he will hack some more millions to WB's bank account. How deep does the rabbit hole go?

Elf attempts to dig a bigger hole, drawing in the family audience and getting everyone in an early christmas mood. With a 31M opening, good reviews and word of mouth, is it going to be a surprise sleeper hit?

Russel Crowe would rather not sleep that weekend, as <a href=http://www.apple.com/trailers/fox/master_and_commander/>Master and Commander</a> opens in 3,101 theaters. In this grand ship battle drama, he will attempt to lure the accademy to vote for him. Is it going to command the weekend Gladiator style or will it sink to the bottom of the ocean?

Tune in next week to find out, OR toon in to <a href=http://www.apple.com/trailers/wb/looneytunesbackinaction/trailer/>Looney Tunes!</a> This Roger Rabbit lookalike mixes live actors with Warner Brothers cartoon characters. Looks like a fun movie to me, but then again; Im a looney! And so are you if you don't play next weekend, because who in their sane minds would miss out on a chance to win 6 free months of supporter account!? <img src=http://swforums.net/forum/images/eyes.gif>

Dont know how to play? No problem, just ask and we will help you out. Its really simple; post the top five movies and how many millions you think they are going to make. Even easier, just look what the box office vets are guessing, and juggle the numbers around a slight bit. Its still not to late to enter the contest, the race has barely started! Be there or be square!

Click <a href=http://swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=33086>here</a> to enter the contest.