View Full Version : In a Different Light...(Open to the Lost)

River Kincaid
Nov 9th, 2003, 08:50:13 PM
It was sprinkling in the night as River sat on the roof of Dexter's Diner, in his dark cloak of the Lost. His hood was pulled up around his face as he sighed deeply and massaged his aching temples.

Angelina was alive and looking for him and the children....

The news had been startling as Natia had spoken the words to him earlier that day. When he should've been thrilled, he was not. Too many things had happened now, Faith was pregnant, he and Xazor were struggling with the strong emotions between them and now this.

River felt sick inside, he wasn't looking forward to facing Angelina in the least. She would never forgive him for this, not in a milion years. "You were supposedly dead!" He yelled into the dark night. The guilt he felt now that she was alive was horrendous as much as he tried to ignore the fact, he could not.

He had even yelled at Ry-Obi late that afternoon for asking him to take him target practicing with their daggers, something he had promised earlier. But, was so wound up in his own personal dilemna, he cancelled out on his son. Which his son didn't take so well and River couldn't blame him, but he also couldn't explain either.

River skipped supper that evening with his fellow Lost and had even asked Xazor if she could put the children to bed, he needed some time. He knew they were all wondering what was going on, but as of yet he hadn't said a word. River had been trying to avoid it all day and all evening, but soon it would be impossible. Soon, everyone would know, it was just a matter of time.

imported_Ry-Obi Kincaid
Nov 13th, 2003, 08:02:26 PM
Ry-Obi had waited until Xazor had turned out the light and then snuck out of bed. He had felt some bad vibes coming off of his father that evening and had seen him go up towards the roof.

The boy simply wanted to help his father in anyway that he possibly could, but hadn't really tried since he had gotten yelled at earlier that afternoon.

Slipping on his boots and a black raincloak, he moved silently up the stairs to the roof. Withi his hood pulled up, he stepped out into the darkness and saw the silhoutte of his father at one end of the roof. He even heard him yell something, but couldn't tell what he said. Closer he walked and then he stopped a few feet from. "Dad?" The boy asked.

River Kincaid
Nov 13th, 2003, 08:34:55 PM
River suddenly felt the presence of his son. He had been so preoccupied with his own thoughts, he hadn't even noticed Ry-Obi's approach.

He turned and looked at him. "I thought Xazor put you to bed tonight."

The boy didn't answer.

"It's okay, no harm done, my son. Come sit." River said as he patted a place beside him on a concrete pile.

imported_Ry-Obi Kincaid
Nov 13th, 2003, 09:12:20 PM
The boy did as his father instructed all the while being silent.

A few more moments passed, he couldn't stand it any longer. "What were you saying a few moments ago?"

River Kincaid
Nov 13th, 2003, 09:21:57 PM
"Just blowing off some steam, Ry. Nothing to worry about." Boy, was that half a lie.

It had finally stopped raining and River removed his hood and took in a deep breath as he watched the Coruscant traffic above them. "Tomorrow, I will take you for dagger practice." He said as he looked down at his son. "I'm sorry I yelled at you earlier this afternoon, I was just really stressed out."

imported_Ry-Obi Kincaid
Nov 15th, 2003, 12:48:31 AM
Ry-Obi shrugged. Dagger practice just didn't seem that important at the moment. Something was going on with his dad and he wanted to know what it was.

He was very inquisitive for being eight, nearly nine in another week and a half. His knowledge and heart were well beyond that of a normal child. The boy wanted to know everything he could about the rigors of being a Lost Jedi. He'd grown up a lot since they first arrived on Coruscant.

"Dad...what's going on? I know something is."

River Kincaid
Nov 15th, 2003, 07:22:42 AM
River didn't look at his son for a few moments, he couldn't tell him of Angelina, not yet. But, Faith's pregnancy, he did need to say something about that.

Ry-Obi liked Faith and it had been obvious that he wanted her to be closer than she was.

That was a good point, but he hoped his son would be happy with the bundles of joy when they arrived. River knew he'd be.

Looking at his son, River started. "Ry-Obi, there is something on my mind and I do wish to tell you about it. I was merely looking for the right time and place. I guess now is as good as time as ever." He stopped for a moment before continuing. "Faith...and I are going to have twins. She is pregnant." There he said it and now all he had to do was hope Ry-Obi understood.

imported_Ry-Obi Kincaid
Nov 16th, 2003, 07:36:58 AM
The boy blinked as his mouth fell open. "Wha....what?" No, this couldn't be! His dad and Faith having kids?? Eew!!

The thought was disgusting, even though he really liked Faith, but he had never thought of her...of them doing this.

"What about mom? Have you completely forgotten about her?!?" He yelled as he stood. He was angry and not afraid to show it.

River Kincaid
Nov 16th, 2003, 07:18:00 PM
More than surprised by his son's outburst, River stood and looked at him. He remained calm, he knew it wasn't easy for Ry-Obi to hear.

"I've not forgotten your mother at all, Ry. But, things change, people change and now we must move on. I've moved on and now Faith is part of my life." But so was Angelina and what he was going to do about that, he wasn't sure.

imported_Ry-Obi Kincaid
Nov 16th, 2003, 07:51:09 PM
"Move on? But, we did! We came here and you said that Faith was in the past and...." Hot tears ran down the boys cheeks, tears he couldn't control.

River Kincaid
Nov 18th, 2003, 03:31:15 AM
"I thought you liked Faith, Ry. I thought you wanted to be a family." River said quietly as he moved to wipe his son's tears, but the boy ducked out of his reach.

It was not going well.

imported_Ry-Obi Kincaid
Nov 19th, 2003, 04:02:53 AM
"What I want is 'just us' you, me and Hunter! I liked Faith, but not as part as our family and not having kids with her!" He was yelling by now. "I hate you! You've forgotten about my mom!"

Ry-Obi turned and ran back towards the bulilding. Those were some pretty strong words he used and he didn't want to see the look on his dad's face. For that matter, he didn't want to see his dad, either! He wanted to run away from everything he'd just heard!

Faith was having twins!! He couldn't believe it! But, even then Ry-Obi didn't get far before he felt a strong hand grip his arm and turn him around.

River Kincaid
Nov 28th, 2003, 06:28:39 PM
"Ry-Obi, you can't run away from this, it has happened and we need to accept it, all of us." River said as he stared into his son's eyes.