View Full Version : Pride Final Conflict

Ardath Bey
Nov 9th, 2003, 04:56:38 PM
I am a huge Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fan. Usually follow the two largest organizations, the US-run Ultimate Fighting Championship and the Japanese-run Pride Fighting Championship.

Tonight 9:00PM Eastern on PPV, will feature the next and final round of Pride Fighting Championship's Middleweight Grand Prix.

Great matches including Quinton "Rampage" Jackson [u]squaring off against[/i] Chuck "Iceman" Liddell. Who is going to win this bout is too difficult to predict but this a Hearns vs Leonard, a Duran vs Leonard, Hearns vs Duran quality bout.

Quinton has great punching power with an excellent wrestling background. One his fortes is picking up the opponent and slamming them back down to the mat. He has knocked out opponents using this.

While Liddell is consummate dilligence with a strong kickboxing background and has equal striking power to match. He is known for his tact of stalking opponents and often leaving knocked them out. Both fighters are among my top five favs.

The other Grand Prix match-up will pit Wanderlei Silva a fighter that mixes Jiu-Jitsu and Boxing against Judo medalist Hidehiko Yoshida. I think Silva is going to destroy Yoshida once the bombs begin dropping. But Yoshida has proven himself a dangerous mat-fighter.

As a preparatory measure, PFC included another equally awesome bout. Dan Henderson and Murilo Bustamante have been signed to battle each other in a Middleweight GP match. In case either second round victors suffers injury and is not able to advance to the final round. If the winner of Jackson/Liddell and the winner of Silva/Yoshida remain healthy and able. The winner of Henderson-Bustamante match will be exempt.

Other great highlights is the return of Mirko "Cro-Cop" Filipovic squaring off against Antonio Rodrigo "Minotauro" Nogueira in an Interim Heavyweight Match. The Croatian Mirko is a kickboxing phenom and Antonio is a submissions fighter whose greatest career highlight may be in submitting the gigantic ex-NFL player now K-1 fighter Bob Sapp. Cro-Cop was originally scheduled to fight the Russian powerhouse and HW champion Fedor Emelianko. But Fedor suffer a training injury.

Here is the Final Conflict card. (http://www.pridefc.com/index_e.html) Includes this evening's match order.

Ardath Bey
Nov 9th, 2003, 05:38:16 PM
Warning: Avoid the the Previous Results page on the official PFC website, as the results should already be posted. Taped delay from last night.