View Full Version : A Return to order

Shimir Sheerelk
Nov 9th, 2003, 04:39:04 PM
The door hissed open angrily as the airlock began to presurize. Hanging in space above a briliant green orb of a Nkllon, the space platform Vengance spiraled in it's high orbit, the length of the station bristling with turbolaser emplacement and ion cannons, the teeth and claws of this immobile yet still dangerous predator. Tight up against when of the many alcoves, a small transport lay flat against the station, it's docking clamps grasping tightly against it's inatimate guardian.

Inside the station bustled excitedly. Vendors had set up shops dotting the corriders in hopes of attracting the various aristocrats and passers by that were expected to depart from the transport. Arrivals like this were fairly commonplace, and the Imperialistic, immaculate white halls hosted a variety of inhabitants on a daily basis. However, this particular ship brought a unique visitor, and it soon became clear to his comrades that privacy was unparalled in value to them. And the Imperial elite with their monacles and overcoats all made the very wise descion to keep their distance. And so after the aristocrats, and artisans, and techs, and all other travelers aboard the transport had scurried off to relatives, or connecting flights, or any other number of destinations, Shimir Sheerelk stepped heavily out of the airlock.

He was an imposing figure at well over two meters, and it must have been the work of the force that his frame ever managed to be squeezed into the fighter of a cockpit, but that is what he did, and did well. His Dress Uniform, which he displayed proudly, was weighed down heavily with medals and ribbons from past campaigns with the former Empire. And his flight helmet (dangling from his travelling bag) was nearly completely covered in decals of various fighters of different sizes and affiliations, as well as some ominously larger ships, all of which had met their destiny through the targeting recticle of Shimir's Missle Boat. His eyes were a dark shade of brown, almost black, and they contrasted violently with his cold, white skin. His hair was jet black, with two, vertical streaks of white, running the length of the mane. He had close to three days growth of facial hair on his chin, though it appeared he kept it short, and in check, as was Imperial standard. A long, Jagged scar ran the course of his face, from the temple to the chin. In his hands he clutched his bag, and a single transparent sheet.

He ambled slowly over to the flight officer, walking with a slight limp: An aditional reward for his services to the Empire. He approached the officer and sat down his, bag, extending the sheet towards the officer, who took it to look at. Meanwhile, Shimir paused to examine the surroundings. A group of young men had just burst out of the cantina, and obviously still bore the effects of the adventure, as several of them were stumbling over their own feet, and one (who appeared to be the leader of the bunch) was boasting loudly:

"So the Cap'n loaded me up on this new sim, he thought it was really gonna stump me. Had me up against a Squadron of A-Wings and a pair of Corvettes. I gotta hand it to him, it was tough...For about thirty seconds" With this the group broke into a deafening roar of laughter. As they passed by, the leader, in his stupor, ran almost directly into Shimir.

"Watch it kid" Shimir growled. The kid turned around, and responded with a shove to Shimir's chest.

"Just who are you old timer?" The Kid asked, as his friends guffawed their approval.

"You should treat your elders with more respect" Shimir answered, before turning back to the officer. The group cooed sarcastically, and again resumed the mocking laughter of the vetran.

"And why is that Grandpa?" The kid managed to ask through his laughter.

"Because they might just take offense" Shimir said, wheeling about and grabbing the kid by throat, slamming him into the nearest bulkhead, and elevating him half a meter. The laughter stopped abruptly, leaving only silence. The kid brought his hand up to his throat, gasping for air, but Shimir remained firm.

"You wanted to know who I was, so I will tell you. I am Shimir Sheerelk, hero of the Empire, or rather the Empire as it used to be. Murderer of hundreds of Rebels, I was saving the galaxy from the scum while you were still sucking on your mothers tit. I have made friends, and lost some, sent others to their deaths and retain only one. I have loved only once and lost her as a result. I have stared death in the face, and seen him blink and turn his back, and it remains to be seen when he returns. I know the thrill of sending a Rebel to his doom with my green lances from my ship, as well as the horror of spiraling away from a fligh of X-Wings with no shields as a single laser can send you into the void. I have learned my lessons in a TIE Fighter, thats what we trained with in those days, the way men do, not these simulators you girls use. And you learn your lessons in that ship, and you pay for them..." Shimir ran a finger down his scar "...the Hard way. In short son, I am an Imperial, and more so than you could ever fathom." Shimir threw the kid to the ground, where h landed with a dull thud against the dura-steel floor. His friends rushed over to tend to him. Shimir turned back to the officer, who was trying his best to remain un-phased.

"Shimir Sheerelk, reporting to serve the Sovereignty" Shimir growled.

"Good to have you aboard sir" The Officer replied with a nasal infliction, taking Shimir's bag and handing it to a droid.

"Gloria Imperium" Shimir exclaimed, returning a crisp salute.

Jarek T'chort
Nov 9th, 2003, 05:18:06 PM
Commander Metzerger looked up from his scuffed datapad as the imposing pilot walked into his dully lit office, filled with useless devices and junk from various escapades that Metzerger had indulged in the past.

The Commander of the Vengance sat back calmly in his high backed chair and smiled warmly at the bulky man before him. Metzerger had deep green eyes, (even at 56) earning him several unkind nicknames from the naval personnel he commanded. His untidy olive green uniform was a mirror into his own mind, a disorganised man, yet he held his position and served with honour and dignity.

"You gave your name as Shmir Sheerelk," drawled the elderly commander, "I looked in the records and found out about your past. A fine and distinguished career I must say."

He cast a turbolaser bolt colored eye over the mans medal bedecked chest and cleared an uncomfortable throat before continuing.

"Now, I have orders for you from Admiral of the fleet Balades office. Given your past service and follwing standard security checks, you are to be given command of a special squadron we are forming. The 2nd Guards Wing, where you will be given the rank of Colonel. Given your - ahem - techniques of handling recruits, you must whip this squadron into a fine fighting force. An elite even."

Metzerger sipped from a glass of fine wine tht rested on his cluttered desk and smiled again.

"Think you are up to that, Colonel Sheerelk?"

Shimir Sheerelk
Nov 12th, 2003, 11:06:47 PM
"Think you are up to that, Colonel Sheerelk?" The Commander's words still echoed in Shimir's head. Even now, a week after the posting, and secure in the belly of an asteroid whose name was unknown even to him, the words held haunting power over him.

It was not as if the Colonel was any foreigner to danger, pressure, or even death. Many times in the past he had called upon to perform the unthinkable and risk the unspeakable, sometimes for the lives of his men, but more often for some obscure outpost on some forgotten world. Every time, Shimir answered the call, meeting and often transcending every expectation of the Empire. Shimir did this without question, and he would have (and still would) fight and die if ever called again, which was a certainty in these times. However, life was not so simple anymore; he could not simply disregard everything and charge in headstrong like the old days. His life was nothing, and he would sacrifice it in a heartbeat , but he was not only in control of his own life anymore. He now held the destiny of an entire wing in his fingertips, and a wrong move would not only result in his death, a death which nobody would mourn, but the death of other men. His actions alone could fill a wife's eyes with tears, or a mother's heart with grief. It was just not a simple as it used to be.

Shimir continued unloading his bag, placing his work uniforms in his drawers, and placing his spartan decorations around the room. His only real indulgance in anything but death and the art of inflicting it was his collection of ancient texts, which he was known to pour over in his lighter hours. These he placed by his bedside. He took his Blastech-44 pistol and placed it on his hip, with killer-like instinct. He reached into the bag, and removed the final item.

A small picture frame, perhaps four inches across both ways lay at the bottom of the bag. It's pane was cracked, and the scar ran horizontally, the entire width of the frame, with a spingle spiderweb indent near the top left. Through the splintering, the picture could barely be made out. It was of two men, both in flight suits, and wearing smiles, although they appeared to be attempting to look much older than they actually were. Neither realized at the time that the war would take care of that matter on its own. One of the men appeared to be a younger version of the Colonel, who now began to spoke, seemingly, through the frame to the other man.

"Well 'Rix, this is our new home now. Little less homely than the Star Destroyer we had in mind back in the academy but it works." Shimir paused to take in the surroundings. "So they made me a Colonel" Shimir looked at the rank insignia on his breast with particular disdain, then let out a chuckle, "Don't worry, I'm not in danger of becoming a 'suit' and I could still kick your <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> any day jackass" Shimir broke into a wild laugh that seemed to engulf the room. Then he seemed more stern, and for the briefest of moments, all of his many years of soldiering washed back over him, and the shadows played heavy on his face and he seemed much older than he was. "Well, they put me in charge of someboys...young guns all of them." Shimir breathed heavily. "I swear to God it wont happen to them, I won't let them become you"

Just then, the alarm klaxons began to sound. Almost as if awakened from a trance, Shimir dropped the frame onto his bed, and ran outside.

"Whats going on?" He asked his guard gruffly.

"Kids just got here, they are waiting for you in briefing"

Jarek T'chort
Nov 28th, 2003, 06:04:55 PM
OOC: Shimir, you are a fully commissioned Colonel in the Imperial navy.

IC: As per Imperial directive 87156 you are hereby given the Fighter Corps with command of the newly formed 2nd Guard Wing.

Your command is a full wing of fighters, 6 squadrons (5 TIE Defender III and 1 TIE Scimitar bomber).

This is an elite unit, your job is to whip them into shape.

OOC: If you wish, begin a thread in storytelling and role play bringing the Wing up to scratch.

Also, Teleran, would you mind helping Shimir out? His Wing can be attached to your Destroyer group.

Teleran Balades
Nov 29th, 2003, 09:49:57 AM
Sure, I might as well try to get more active, since I've been slacking the last couple of weeks.

Jarek T'chort
Nov 29th, 2003, 01:09:44 PM
Excellent, all's going well in the Empire.

Jarek T'chort
Dec 5th, 2003, 12:14:54 AM
As per Imperial Directive no.9782231, Lieutenant Commander Balades is promoted to Line Captain.

Command of the Imperial class V Star Destroyer Feanor is hereby given to Captain Balades. Congratulations.

Teleran Balades
Dec 5th, 2003, 07:15:26 AM
Promotion accepted General. Thank you, sir.

Teleran Balades
Dec 5th, 2003, 05:17:48 PM
Shimir, please join the Vengance, Power and Glory thread. Ask Telan Deasria for command of a fighter group.
I would offer you my charge of fighters, but they're all droid piloted.

Jarek T'chort
Dec 6th, 2003, 01:12:49 AM
Tel, I made these avatars for you, you can use em if you like them.

Jarek T'chort
Dec 6th, 2003, 01:13:27 AM
and this

looks kinda crappy...i'll make better ones once i get the hang of paintshop.

Jarek T'chort
Dec 6th, 2003, 01:45:24 AM
Shimir too. ^_^

Teleran Balades
Dec 6th, 2003, 07:21:31 AM
Nice work. I'm probably going to toy around with photoshop myself and make a sig.

Jarek T'chort
Dec 8th, 2003, 01:33:55 PM
Im making better ones, that dont look all crappy. Heres a sig.

Teleran Balades
Dec 8th, 2003, 07:28:05 PM
Here is my shot at making one

Jarek T'chort
Dec 8th, 2003, 07:55:18 PM
Thats pretty neat, I like it!

(adjusted the sig......again) :)

btw the sig code is:

<*img src= url *>

(miss out the * in that)