View Full Version : Remembering the Old Times...(Open)
Nov 8th, 2003, 07:31:16 PM
Satine walked into the B&G, for once not grinning or having any other jovial look on his face. no, this time, his face had a brooding look to it, almost a clouded, as he thinks.
Satine had just turned twenty-six, and he had decided to take today to think about what had come before.
Almost instantly, faces appeasr in his mind's eye. shay Kaylon, Spadix, Fire Hazzard, and her brother, Sage Hazzard just to name a few.
Sitting down, Satine puts his booted feet up on the table, his hands going behind his head. He whispers to himself, "Have I really had that many friends either disappear or die?"
{OOC: Yes, today is my B-Day in RL too. I decided to give Satine's B-Day the same date, to make it easier to remember. And I figured Satine deserved a little time to think...:)}
Falcon Gyndar
Nov 8th, 2003, 11:35:53 PM
Falcon looked to the man who had just sat down nearby. Finally his life had begun to pick up after the lull of inactivity... And he tried to interact with as many people as possible. To keep himself occupied. It was just beginning to work. The knight had heard the whispered words of the other Jedi while taking a break from some catch-up work he was doing. He stood and walked over to Alpha's table, and tapped on the tabletop...
"At least it was over the years instead of all in one shot. Good friends are hard to come by and even harder to bear losing. That I know all too well.. Mind if I sit down?"
Nov 9th, 2003, 10:04:31 AM
Satine brings his feet off the table, and motions to the empty chair. "Of course. Please, sit down."
Extending his hand, he says, "The name's Satine Capshen."
Falcon Gyndar
Nov 10th, 2003, 04:03:42 PM
Falcon takes a seat, also accepting the handshake..
"Falcon Gyndar. I think i've seen you about once or twice. I just came back after some time away about a month or so ago.....It's great to be here."
He ordered a milk and relaxed.
Nov 10th, 2003, 04:36:39 PM
"That it is. I've only been back from a trip of my own for a few weeks. Where have you been?"
Falcon Gyndar
Nov 10th, 2003, 04:52:20 PM
Falcon shifted his eyes to glass of milk just placed on the table.
"Home.. Certain...circumstances...I had no choice but to come back here. And honestly, there's now no place I'd rather be.."
Nov 10th, 2003, 08:55:59 PM
"I know the feeling." Satine says with a smile. "This place has been a bastion of hope for me, and carries a lot of good memories in it. I couldn't imagine a galaxy without this place."
Falcon Gyndar
Nov 10th, 2003, 11:50:32 PM
Falcon nodded...
"Definetly...I could say the same about the Academy I came from... But..well, that's gone now."
He took a gulp of the milk.
Nov 11th, 2003, 07:34:05 AM
Satine raises an eyebrow. "Oh? whcih Academy was that? I might have even heard of it."
Falcon Gyndar
Nov 12th, 2003, 06:02:22 PM
Falcon shook his head, drinking some more milk.
"I highly doubt you've heard of it. But i'm from the academy on Tyntia.. which recently was under attack and obliterated. So, well, that's why I'm here again."
Nov 12th, 2003, 06:41:39 PM
"I've heard of it in passing. But only rarely. I'm sorry to hear it's gone..."
Falcon Gyndar
Nov 12th, 2003, 09:30:19 PM
He finished the glass of milk.
"Ah. I needed that. ...ah.. it's been gone almost 6 weeks now. So many casualties, and i have the strangest feeling I know exactly who did it...So where do you go?"
Nov 13th, 2003, 07:52:10 AM
Satine forces a chuckle. "Where didn't I go is a better question. I was out on hunting trips mainly."
At Falcon's questioning look, Satine explains. "My hunting rtrips are basicaklly when I search that Galaxy and try to rid it of Sith or Dark Jedi. I can normally take out one every omnth or so."
Falcon Gyndar
Nov 13th, 2003, 05:48:33 PM
Falcon smiled a little.
"Hunting trips, hmm?...I used to do something to that effect with the natives back home. I would help with their storehouse for meat for the winter. And ours. The academy was based on the highest mountain. I'm well accustomed to the cold..."
Nov 13th, 2003, 08:02:43 PM
"Musta been tough out there. I can't stand cold myself. I prefer the heat. What kind of game did you hunt?"
Zorah Densen
Nov 14th, 2003, 10:09:52 AM
"My hunting trips are basically when I search the Galaxy and try to rid it of Sith or Dark Jedi. I can normally take out one every month or so."
Hunting trips?? Zorah snorted at the words. What had happened to the peaceful Jedi of old, to their beliefs of using force only in self-defense? This man sounded no better than many of the mercs she'd run across in her job throughout the years.
Densen watched and listened from her vantage point behind the pair, her expression schooled from experience to reveal nothing of her inner thoughts, though her green eyes had narrowed somewhat.
No better than a common mercenary. Jedi, my backside!
Dan the Man
Nov 14th, 2003, 01:44:15 PM
"I never did much trust a braggart."
A figure who stood idly near Zorah spoke, in a relaxed, casual kind of tone.
"For all their victories on the outside, they can't hide what they're losing within."
Nov 14th, 2003, 05:15:48 PM
Satine smiles tersely as he speaks his next sentence. "And just what am I loosing within?" he asks, raising an eyebrow. Even for a Force-enhanced Jedi, he had excellent hearing, and he couldn't resist rising to the bait.
Falcon Gyndar
Nov 14th, 2003, 06:35:49 PM
Falcon ignored the comments around him.
"Hmm. Well, hooved game..a deer-like creature native to the planet. We fish too. I was trained in farming by the native peoples along with my Jedi training all my life. I never hunt for sport. I only hunt down as much as is needed."
Zorah Densen
Nov 14th, 2003, 09:45:19 PM
Densen didnt have the polte manners of Officer Acaana, nor the harsh 'go frell yourself' attitude of Officer Burckharf. But what she did have was one helluva sense for trouble and the man standing close to her table reeked of it.
Interesting, interesting.
A small hand gesture invited him to join her at the booth as the blonde Jedi speared the nearby man with his gaze.
Dan the Man
Nov 15th, 2003, 03:19:33 AM
Dan wasn't obliged to answer Alpha's query. It would probably do him better to stew on it anyway. Besides, there was more interesting company.
"Thank you."
Taking the seat Zorah offered, Dan made a curious expression.
"I suppose you agree, then? Or at least, in the here & now?"
Nov 15th, 2003, 08:22:19 AM
Satine turns back to Falcon, and smiles. "As it should be. Some take more then that need, even though it gets them nowhere. I never did see why some people did that."
Falcon Gyndar
Nov 15th, 2003, 09:43:10 PM
Falcon got an odd look on his face...
"Bloodlust? Or just the thought that killing so many things for no particular use makes them a 'man' somehow. Absolutely no logic in it..."
Nov 15th, 2003, 09:57:54 PM
"Exactly. Unless you're killing game for the meat, and other uses, like fur, and things, there's no point. I take it you've had a few arguments on this subject before?"
Zorah Densen
Nov 15th, 2003, 10:47:32 PM
Nodding a 'welcome', Zorah shrugged at his question.
"Ive found that those who brag are usually covering up for some flaw - a deficiency if you will - in their basic character makeup. That and its just wrong for a Jedi to be some kind of backworld headhunter."
Nov 16th, 2003, 09:25:22 AM
"You're right. I do have a flaw." Satine answers, shrugging. "I can't seem to avoid attracting morons like yourself, who question my every motive. And no, I'm no a backworld headhunter. I'm a Jedi War Master."
What Satine had meant to say was "Warrior Jedi Master", but the way it came out didn't sound too bad either...
"I do what I do, so others can sleep safely in their beds."
Dan the Man
Nov 16th, 2003, 04:52:59 PM
"If the lady cared for your opinion, I'm sure she'd ask for it."
Dan glanced toward Alpha's table.
"Or at least offer you a seat. Either way, you have a brash mouth, for a Jedi."
Nov 16th, 2003, 08:40:00 PM
Satine almost sneers. He found this one amusing. "And if I did, what would you do to stop it? I might speak brashly, but it's to the point, and, more often then not, right."
Zorah Densen
Nov 16th, 2003, 10:19:06 PM
Calmly, the Watch officer took a sip of her caffe as her table companion argued the point with the - what did he just call himself?
"Jedi War Master? Is that a new division in the ranks? Must've been added while I was asleep last night. How many scalps does it take to join?"
Dan the Man
Nov 17th, 2003, 12:15:00 AM
Dan smiled disarmingly.
"And I am sure threatening an unarmed old man is becoming of your title's responsibilities. Quite virtuous."
Nov 17th, 2003, 11:34:23 AM
"Trust me, there was no threat in there. Merely a statement." Satine turns to the female. "Ok, it was a slip of the tongue. I will admit that. I meant to say Warrior Jedi Master. Either way, in my opinion, it means about the same thing. Proactive Defenders."
Falcon Gyndar
Nov 17th, 2003, 05:21:14 PM
Falcon just sits back, with a small smile on his face. Figured he'd just be quiet for the time being, and watch Alpha figure this out.
Zorah Densen
Nov 17th, 2003, 11:22:43 PM
"Your approach doesnt sound like the Jedi of old. Frankly, Im past amazed that they let you continue in this vein and even more so that you attained the rank of Master."
Densen leveled her green gaze at the fair-headed male.
"Warrior and Jedi seem to mix as well as water and oil. I dont see it happening."
Her eyes shifted to the Jedi's companion.
"Sorry. Didnt mean to intrude."
Nov 18th, 2003, 09:38:50 AM
"why is it that just because you're a Jedi, you cannot be a skilled Warrior?" Satine asks, raising an eyebrow.
Zorah Densen
Nov 18th, 2003, 10:01:12 AM
"Had you been speaking of skill alone, the four of us wouldnt be having this conversation now. You, Master Jedi, spoke of people and hunting in the same breath and in fact, you seem quite proud of it - which is another vice that the Jedi look down upon."
Lifting the rim of her mug to her lips, Zorah took another sip, though by now her caffe was considerably cooler. Motioning to the waitress and politely asking for a 'warm up', Densen glanced at the man across from her.
"Would you like anything, Mister .....?"
Falcon Gyndar
Nov 18th, 2003, 05:48:54 PM
Falcon just grinned at Zorah, not really all that worried about an interruption. He just sat back, having ordered another milk somewhere in Zorah's and Alpha's conversation, and was drinking it. Being raised to emphasize his combat training as recommended by the elder, the Seer... He just said nothing. He seemed to have never thought of himself as a warrior. And until asked for an opinion, he would offer none in this little, ah, transaction of knowledge and beleif.
"Mmhmm.. Good milk."
Nov 18th, 2003, 07:18:31 PM
"Is it a crime to proactively cut the cancer out of the Galaxy? The Sith are that cancer. I just use every tool in my inventory to rid us of them. Nothing wrong in my mind with that." Realizing he was ignoring his first conversation, Satine sends a Force-message.
Falcon, sorry about this...
Dan the Man
Nov 18th, 2003, 11:41:42 PM
"Name's Dan, and thank you."
Dan nodded to Zorah, and then to the waitress.
"Corellian whiskey. Neat."
Zorah Densen
Nov 19th, 2003, 12:13:28 AM
"Proactive. Youve used that word a couple of times now. Im guessing in your mind that such a term is easier to digest and deal with than ones like aggressive, aggressively, aggressiveness."
Densen sat back in the booth as the waitress delivered Dan's whiskey to the table. Once the woman had walked away, Zorah continued.
"it doesnt really matter what terminology one uses, it all boils down the same. If you kill someone in an act of aggression that you began, then its murder, plain and simple. And if I ever catch you doing in the act, you'll be arrested on the spot."
Falcon Gyndar
Nov 19th, 2003, 02:36:05 PM
Falcon just sipped his milk, and shot one back at Alpha.
Mm. Don't worry about it.
Nov 19th, 2003, 05:23:34 PM
"But, you see, is assaulting a Sith stronghold, or individual Sith wrong, even if I do the right thing in the end?"
Dan the Man
Nov 20th, 2003, 01:20:40 AM
Zorah's comment gave Dan pause. A policewoman.
He was truly amongst the lions today.
Smiling, he took a drink of his whiskey, setting the glass aside.
"The ends justify the means?"
He arched an eyebrow at Alpha.
"That kind of rhetoric has put a lot of men, good and evil alike, stone cold in the ground."
Zorah Densen
Nov 20th, 2003, 01:39:25 AM
"Everyone is innocent until proven guilty. I have to believe that or I might as well hang up my badge. Thats not saying that some people arent in desperate need of being taken out - quite a few are but I cant act on that impulse."
Adding a teaspoon of sweetner to her caffe, the red haired Watch officer swirled the dark liquid 'round and 'round before setting the spoon aside.
"How can you justify the mentality of vigilantism in this civilized day and age, Master Jedi?"
Nov 20th, 2003, 09:54:25 AM
"Simple. It gets the job done, when some hide behind politics and red tape." Satine replies, his tone deathly serious.
Dasquian Belargic
Nov 20th, 2003, 10:53:58 AM
Dasquian looked up from his table and frowned slightly. Politics and red tape, he thought, and shook his head, looking back down into his news pad and trying to block out the argument so that he could avoid getting involved himself.
Falcon Gyndar
Nov 20th, 2003, 12:56:07 PM
Falcon finished off the milk and rose.
"It's been nice being with you, gentlemen..."
He nods to Zorah, smiling..."..and you too, milady.." He picks up the cup.."..but I must withdraw. Good day..."
Falcon walked over to the bar, dropping off the glass, and headed over to Dasquian.
"Good day, Dasquian..How goes things?"
Zorah Densen
Nov 21st, 2003, 11:18:48 AM
Inclining her head in response to Gyndar's departure, Zorah watched as he walked to the bar and settled down beside a tall, blonde haired male, who looked vaguely familiar. She had seen that one at the precinct before.
Swinging her head back, Densen caught a look of brief amusement on her table companion's face, as if he was the only one aware of an inside joke.
Allowing a small smile touch her lips, she refocused her green gaze back on the 'warrior' Jedi at the table ahead.
"The politics and red tape you speak of are called 'laws' and are put into place to help curb exactly what youre attempting to do. Id be quite interested in hearing what the Council thinks of your methods, Master Jedi."
Nov 21st, 2003, 06:15:05 PM
"Frankly, so would I...Me and the council don't talk often. And frankly, they've tolerated this behavior in others, I don't see why I should be any different."
Satine picks up his glass, the red liquid of his klah reflecting in the light and giving his eyes a disturbing tint for the moment.
Zorah Densen
Nov 22nd, 2003, 10:25:36 PM
"If the Jedi tolerate your actions as you suggest they do, then I may become one of the Watch officers who distrusts and isnt willing to work with the Council. And that would be a shame since Ive enjoyed what little contact Ive had with them."
Across the table from her, Dan took the last swallow of his whiskey and placed the empty glass neatly back on the napkin. Crooking a finger, he called for refills of both his and her drinks.
"Beware the rotten apple in the barrel, eh Dan?"
Dasquian Belargic
Nov 23rd, 2003, 04:45:22 AM
Looking up, Dasquian was pleased to see the friendly face looking down at him.
“Not too bad, Falcon. Please, sit.”
He inclined his head momentarily towards Dan, Alpha and Zorah.
“It seems like discussions like that one over there are coming up more and more recently.”
Nov 23rd, 2003, 05:09:23 PM
"A pity for you, then," Satine replies. "It seems you are one of the few Planetary security--any planet's security--that has their head on straight." He shrugs, almost as if saying, Oh well, your loss.
Dan the Man
Nov 24th, 2003, 03:44:42 AM
Originally posted by Zorah Densen
"Beware the rotten apple in the barrel, eh Dan?"
Dan shrugged, looking at his empty glass.
"Or maybe the spider that's after the rotten apple's worm."
As with most anything Dan mused about, there was hidden meaning and philosophy abounding.
"Who makes better bedfellows? A reckless hero or a polite villain?"
Falcon Gyndar
Nov 24th, 2003, 04:54:41 AM
He nodded slowly, and quietly took a seat.
"Strange, isn't it, my friend? It makes you think that either the universe is rotting away or everyone's just having an odd day.." the knight said, chuckling. "Almost everyone on the outside has their misconceptions about us, Dasquian. And sometimes we're no better. No one's perfect."
Falcon leaned forward...
"What's that you're reading, if you don't mind my asking?"
Zorah Densen
Nov 24th, 2003, 09:21:48 AM
"Give me the bed with the polite villain any day. The reckless hero will end up not only getting himself killed but take you along with him."
Here, Zorah shrugged expressively as she poured another round of sweetner into her refreshed cup of caffe.
"With the villain you know that sooner or later hes going to try and take you out and you can be prepared. 'Pardon me, Officer but Im going to have to kill you, now. Please hold still. Thank you.' Most never see it coming with the hero."
Taking a small sip from the steaming cup, she smiled at Dan.
"Which would you choose?"
Dasquian Belargic
Nov 24th, 2003, 09:54:47 AM
“Oh, just the daily news,” Dasquian replied, holding up the pad which showed a moving picture of some sports person holding a trophy high in the air.
“No one is perfect, you’re right,” he continued, drawing the subject back to the discussion.
“We all have our own way of dealing with things. It doesn’t surprise me that people question us – especially the Watch. We are, effectively, in the same business, but I’ve grown to learn that you can’t stick to one tactic to get the job done. It requires a little of everyone’s talents.”
Nov 24th, 2003, 05:16:54 PM
"Yes, but normally you have a choice with the Hero. You can choose to follow him, or you can let him go off on his own." Satine cracks a grin. "Besides, if the Hero dies, the story will be over, and you know he'll have tried to accomplish something."
Falcon Gyndar
Nov 24th, 2003, 06:38:06 PM
Falcon rubbed the back of his neck, and stretched his other arm.
"Mmhmm. Teamwork. It also helps to not have a one-frame mind. To be aware of every route in any situation. For some, obviously, that takes a bit of work."
Zorah Densen
Nov 24th, 2003, 11:51:58 PM
Her tone was dry as Gyndar's voice carried to their table and she turned her next words to the bar.
"Your friend there has a one track mind. Maybe you should direct your comments to him. Myself, Im flexable as long as I can remain within the framework of the greater laws."
Falcon Gyndar
Nov 25th, 2003, 02:40:05 AM
Falcon just turned and looked over his shoulder at Zorah, and gave her a charming smile....
"Indeed, Miss."
..and then went back to Dasq. He commented telepathically.
Like I said. Everyone has their own views..
The knight ordered a glass of ice-cold water.
Nov 25th, 2003, 07:56:46 AM
Satine couldn't help but chuckle lightly. Yes, he supposed he did come off as having a one-track mind. But, then again, he has worked in tandem with others before.
"I take it you find that I don't play well with others?" Satine says, his attitude that of someone finding sdomething incredibly funny.
Zorah Densen
Nov 30th, 2003, 11:43:33 PM
"Im sure you get along very well with most people. Thats not what I meant. Living with and training with other Jedi everyday fairly ensures that you 'play' well."
Crossing her arms over her chest, Zorah leans forward, elbows propped on the table.
"Let me give you a scenario, Master Jedi. A 'lets pretend' sort of situation. A Jedi that you have known for years is struggling with his own personal beliefs and the Jedi creed. In order to search for the right answer for himself, he goes off alone and is gone for several months, perhaps even a year or two."
Master Capashen nodded as the Watch officer spoke.
"And lets say that you run into this old friend of yours, some time down the road and find to your amazement and dismay that he has gone to the darkside of the force. What would you do?"
Dec 1st, 2003, 08:06:21 AM
Satine thinks for a moment, absently playing with a spike of his silver hair.
"Truthfully, I don't know. It'd be my duty to stop him if he poses a danger to innocents, one way or another. And if he really had gone over, then the only way to really stop a Dark One would be to kill him. I'd do it if I have to, but I wouldn't enjoy it."
Zorah Densen
Dec 1st, 2003, 11:23:08 AM
"Now,let me add this: what if he hasnt harmed anyone? You are assuming that he has simply because he has turned 'dark'. If you proceed and kill him on assumption only, then what does that make you?"
Zorah waved the waitress off and laid several credits on the table to pay for both hers and Dan's drinks.
"I cant arrest someone simply because of the way theyre dressed or because I think they look evil. Nor can I go out and arrest someone whom I know has done bad things in the past. According to the law, I have to wait until that person has actually broken a law before I can apprehend them."
Miryan no Trunks
Dec 1st, 2003, 11:29:20 AM
*For the first time since Satine had entered the bar, the Sith Lord MnT ignored his meal and spoke up..*
... If my ears do not decieve me, it would appear you've taken quarrel with some Sith sympathizers here, Alpha.. So readily unable to accept the idea of not waiting for the Sith to cause more trouble before going out and striking us down..
*A soft chuckle escaped the man's throat as he shook his head..*
... Never heard of people Preferring to lock the barn door after the tauntaun escapes..
*With a genuine smile, he then turned to face Satine, who - to the Jedi Master's surprise - had been sitting only a couple of tables away from MnT the entire time..*
... It's good to see you again, old friend.
Dec 1st, 2003, 04:35:11 PM
"Miryan!" Satine says, smiling, and getting up. He offers his hand.
"How's it been goin, buddy?"
Miryan no Trunks
Dec 2nd, 2003, 01:06:04 AM
*With a grin, MnT rose and took Satine's hand, shaking it in greeting just as one would with a good friend they'd not seen in a long time.. What a coincidence that that was the exact circumstance that the two stood in now..*
... It's been.. Well, it's been. Again and again that damned world swallows me up, and spits me out without a memory of any of it.. It's really getting rather annoying.. Despite that though, I've really nothing to complain about. I've got a few places I can go and train in peace, places that actually test my abilities, and force me to continuously improve them.. But I'm sure that comes as no news to you, hmm?
*With a chuckle, MnT then winked and added..*
... How've your own practices been, hmm? I trust you haven't been letting that fancy title persuade you into thinking you've got the right to get sloppy? But then, I hear you've been taking us Sith out one or so a month, and I Know you wouldn't be picking off the lower ranks.. No, if anything, you've been using the title as an excuse only to Further strengthening and broadening the repetoire of your skills, with - Constant Vigilance, right?
*He grinned as he spoke the two words, over-accentuating each syllable, and with a tone like in a badly dubbed holovid*
Zorah Densen
Dec 2nd, 2003, 07:56:06 AM
Her rookie years had taught her to never take anything for granted, to never be surprised but she came close to it now. It was almost like watching a 'B' rated holovid, where the good and bad guys all over-acted and you knew in the real world that what you saw on the screen couldnt happen in real life.
Watch officer Densen had been preparing to leave but now - well, the show must go on. She leaned back in her booth seat to take it all in.
Dec 2nd, 2003, 04:28:10 PM
"You should know," Satine replies, "that I never am much bothered with titles in the first place." He chuckles. "If I see something that needs doing, I'll do it. No other reasons needed."
Miryan no Trunks
Dec 3rd, 2003, 01:21:57 AM
... You know I knew that, just as I know you knew I was kidding.
*MnT grinned*
... You've never been one to pass a task onto someone else, that you could just as easily do yourself.. It's one of the traits I've always respected of yours..
Dec 3rd, 2003, 09:34:21 PM
"And it's been a pretty good trait in yourself. So, tell me, where have you been lately?" Satine asks, cocking an eyebrow.
Miryan no Trunks
Dec 4th, 2003, 03:38:49 AM
... I've been around, up and down different mountains, spending times at different monasteries, sharpening and adding to my skills.. Most of my time's been spent, as per usual, in training or meditation.. It seems whatever's been dragging me into that damned world has also been leaving me without a memory of it, and despite my deepest probing, I can gain no glimpse of insight into why, or how.. It is as though something simply put up walls inside my mind..
*At this, MnT shrugged and continued..*
... Of course, that is just an assumption, for while I cannot find those memories, I cannot find trace of anything blocking them either.. I'd say they had just been completely erased if I did not know better..
Dec 4th, 2003, 08:13:52 AM
Satine thinks for a moment, nodding. "That's really odd. Why would anyone erase them completely? And, you know, even if they had been thouroughly erased, there might still be little fragments lying around. A Force-user skilled in the telepathic areas might be able to find something."
Zorah Densen
Dec 4th, 2003, 08:42:29 AM
Both males turned to look at her, having temporarily forgotten the Watch officer. "I hear she's wicked to look at but really knows her stuff - can crawl through your head like a street rat through a sewer. Might be what you need."
Zorah kept her gaze leveled at the darksider. "The old woman runs a shop in the lower end of the Coco district. Theres only one sign that says 'Hypnosis', so you'll need to look close or you'll miss it."
Sharp green eyes switched their view to now include the Jedi. "You should tag along...she might be able to help you with that repressed anger."
Miryan no Trunks
Dec 4th, 2003, 11:42:06 AM
... Thouroughly erasing someone's mind is nothing more than hiding their memories well.. They're always still there.. I've had my mind "wiped" numerous times in the past, for the simple purpose of training myself to be able to work my mind back to square 1.. I've become fairly quick with it..
*He then turned to Zorah as she spoke.. Perhaps she might have something..*
... Her name is Hypnosis? I'd wonder just how skilled she is with her third eye, to warrant my visiting her.. My own telepathy and mind-wandering abilities are fairly efficient.. With enough concentration, I can get far beyond peoples simple memories and thoughts, and down beyond the subconcious, where I can.. well, reprogram someone's or my own reflexes..
*At this, he shrugged, his expression making it obvious that he didn't feel what he said was impressive or anything like that..*
... I supposse I could use it for quite a bit of personal gain, but I don't believe in opening up a person's mind without their permission.. Any information I want, I can gain through conversation, and I'm sure not going to re-wire someone's mind to disable or otherwise hinder them in battle.. There's just no honor in it.
*Turning his eyes to focus right on Zorah now, MnT finished up by saying..*
... However, if you believe that she has strength beyond my own, then perhaps I should go see her.. Even if she Can't find the source of my perplexion, perhaps I might be able to learn a new skill or two from her..
Dec 4th, 2003, 08:00:02 PM
Satine can't help but laugh at the Watch officer.
"Repressed anger? Honey, I'm nothing compared to some of the people around here."
Turning to his friend, Satine has to make a smart-alec remark. "Or maybe she could give you a laugh with her smoke and mirrors?"
Zorah Densen
Dec 5th, 2003, 08:14:34 AM
"Hypnosis isnt her name, its what she does and as far I know, no smoke or mirrors are used."
The latter part of her statement had been addressed to the Jedi. "My name is Zorah Densen - that's Officer Densen to you and if you call me 'honey' again, I'll slap the stun cuffs on you, beat you with my baton then drag you off and shoot you."
Miryan no Trunks
Dec 5th, 2003, 02:22:35 PM
*MnT tried to suppress it, he really did, but he could not prevent his laughter from bubbling up his throat and escaping.. The idea of her thinking she'd be able to control Satine with stun cuffs was enough to break him, let alone thinking she would then be allowed to beat him, drag him away, and execute him..*
... Lady Densen, my apologies, but you seem to have an unduly high opinion of yourself, and what powers the laws would grant you in a place like this..
Dec 5th, 2003, 04:40:45 PM
Satine manages to keep a straight face, replying, "Alright, Densen. I won't call you that again...Thoguh it might be amusing to see if you are serious about that threat..."
Zorah Densen
Dec 6th, 2003, 11:41:02 PM
"What laws? Why, my own. I make them up as I go, just as our Master Jedi does." Her right hand indicated Capashen, who's lips were twitching in spite of his best efforts.
"You Master Sith, I figured to be a stun cuff kind of guy." The Jedi guffawed at her little dig until she turned back to him. "But you - you need the baton and the sooner someone knocks sense into you, the better. Was I serious? No. Id be a fool to threaten a Jedi, now wouldnt I?"
Dec 7th, 2003, 12:56:52 AM
"Or just plain suicidal. And, by the way, too many people have already tried to knock some sense into me. Their version of sense. Which could be why I don't do things normally."
Miryan no Trunks
Dec 8th, 2003, 12:10:27 AM
*MnT chuckled softly as he replied..*
... And as for myself, the only thing you'd gain from trying stun cuffs on me, would be a reason to order a new set of cuffs..
Zorah Densen
Dec 8th, 2003, 08:25:32 PM
Zorah waved a hand but offered a smile to both men.
"We're moving off the earlier topic and Im eager to hear what you, Master Jedi, have to offer in the area of excuses. Here stands Mister Sith and there you stand, yet I see no death. Explain that, if you can."
Miryan no Trunks
Dec 8th, 2003, 08:50:33 PM
*With a smile and a sweeping hand gesture as if to say "go for it," MnT turned to face Alpha..*
Dec 8th, 2003, 09:54:38 PM
Gee, thanks for the help, Miryan Satine sends, a wry smile on his lips.
He turns to Zorah. "There are always exceptions to the rules. Miryan has helped me in times in the past, and has shown to have an unusual trait in Sith. Honor. He's even gone against his own kind. In my book, he shouldn't be in the Darkness. He'd make a damn good Jedi."
Satine knows this just probably blew away his previous statements, but, hey, there were always exceptions to the rules...
Zorah Densen
Dec 8th, 2003, 11:22:26 PM
"To quote you, 'going against his own kind', doesnt hold much water. Its well known that Sith rarely band together for long periods - not on the same level as the Jedi do - and theyre notorious for backstabbing. Present company exempted, of course."
Zorah smiled at the Sith, who seemed to be enjoying watching his Jedi 'friend' squirm.
"For the record, Im not a 'Sith sympathizer' as I believe you stated earlier, Master Jedi. I would have argued for the Jedi had Mister Sith made a blanket statement against your organization."
Miryan no Trunks
Dec 9th, 2003, 02:06:27 AM
*With a slight turn of his head, lending a quizzical edge to the expression of curiosity already present on his face, MnT spoke up...*
... I wasn't aware that I was being required to make one, and, for the record, I was the one that made the Sith Sympathizer comment.. My problem with the Jedi, is that I believe that their cause tends not to help out those in need, but instead gives them a security blanket to hide under whenever trouble occurs. The more you help someone, the less inclined they are to help themselves, and I'm completely about personal strength and growth, and learning how to handle yourself and others in whatever situations may arrise.. As I see it, the Jedi way isn't as much to help the needy, as it is to ensure they themselves remain in a state of power..
*As he spoke the words, his voice remained very matter-of-fact, as if he was just simply listing things off a card - not because he hadn't contemplated and come to believe the things he said, but because there was simply no point in speaking them with anything resembling animosity here. They were all among pleasent company at the moment, and he had no reason whatsoever to change that..*
Dec 9th, 2003, 07:55:16 AM
Satine merely raises an eyebrow at his friend's little speech, thinking about what he just said.
Zorah Densen
Dec 9th, 2003, 08:18:46 PM
"My apologies for the misquote. And yes, this is a simple, pleasant conversation - I wouldnt want it otherwise."
The Sith hadnt spoken his thoughts aloud yet the Watch officer had subconciously picked up on them and given them voice.
"Im not sure I can agree wholeheartedly with your assessment of the Jedi but to some degree Im inclined to say that youre not completely off track."
Miryan no Trunks
Dec 10th, 2003, 01:33:22 AM
... Well, I naturally would not expect either of you, nor most people in here to entirely agree with my statement.. Different positions allow different perspectives, and I doubt strongly that many others in here have viewed the Jedi from the same position as I.. Needless to say though, our opinions are formed by our perspectives, and to try to change each others would, I imagine we all agree, be fairly pointless..
*With a smile, MnT nodded his head slightly to the side, if to say "right?"*
Dec 13th, 2003, 07:18:18 PM
Satine nods. "Pointless and probably a bit painful. But that's life." Satine says, a wry grin on his face.
Zorah Densen
Dec 16th, 2003, 06:11:46 PM
Gathering herself, the Watch officer stood and with a nod to the two males, turned toward the door.
"Since youre going to disappoint me with no show of bloodshed, I'll take my leave - and be sure to pick up an extra set of cuffs, just in case."
A mock salute trailed a smile. "Master Jedi, Mister Sith, I bid you both a good day."
Dec 16th, 2003, 10:29:43 PM
Satine gives her a mock bow in return, and a smile to go with it. "And to you, Miss Densen. Have a good evening."
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