View Full Version : Ep. 7, 8, 9?

Zasz Grimm
Nov 8th, 2003, 01:17:39 AM
So there's been rumors. I have no source to provide, but the person I've heard it from is always on the buzz about movies. Supposedly there are talks about a SW 7, 8, 9. Lucas wants to show the academy, conclusion of luke, etc. etc.

Catch: He doesn't particularly want to do it. There's been talks that he's possibly going to hand it over to Spielberg.

When Spielberg was talked to, he said there was no real word- but if Lucas wanted to, He would gladly take the torch. :)

Ardath Bey
Nov 8th, 2003, 02:12:29 AM
This would be an interesting development but Spielberg's present style ... I don't really know if I want to find that out. But, IMO, George Lucas is the not same George Lucas of '77.

Darth Viscera
Nov 8th, 2003, 09:54:18 AM
oh god yes, give it to spielberg. anybody but george lucas, for chrissake!

Nov 8th, 2003, 10:40:25 AM
Moving to Films forum....

Nathanial K'cansce
Nov 8th, 2003, 01:29:22 PM
Heard this news as well... Don't know if I like or hate it.

Master Yoghurt
Nov 8th, 2003, 04:54:32 PM
Spielberg directing 7-9? Yes please!

Nov 8th, 2003, 05:35:13 PM
NO!It can't be true!I hope it is not right!Anyway I think it should had stoped at the sixth like it does!It would ruin everything if there is more after the sixth movie!I hope it does not happen I wil be so upset please GL don't do it!YOu will make some of the fans very mad!DON'T DO IT!SSorry but it is upseting me!Well bye!JM:angel

Zasz Grimm
Nov 8th, 2003, 10:27:27 PM
Originally posted by ADarksideJedi
NO!It can't be true!I hope it is not right!Anyway I think it should had stoped at the sixth like it does!It would ruin everything if there is more after the sixth movie!I hope it does not happen I wil be so upset please GL don't do it!YOu will make some of the fans very mad!DON'T DO IT!SSorry but it is upseting me!Well bye!JM:angel

Or not. I at first was discouraged, but 7-9 would be insightful, show us what it's like AFTER ROTJ, but stuff in timelines that we can piece together. I hope it goes through.

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 8th, 2003, 10:46:28 PM
It be cool to see some more movies of course most of this is rumor, Lucas has been silent on this recently.

Nov 8th, 2003, 11:31:04 PM
Lucas' silence kind of makes me thing that there is something to this rumor, but that's the only thing that makes me think that. He's repeatedly said that it's going to end at 6 movies. I wouldn't be interested in these movies AT ALL if he couldn't get the original cast back together (Luke, Leia and Han), and they're all old now, so I don't know if it's even worth it to have them around. Maybe Luke would play a Qui-Gon type character, Han and Leia would be like Mon Mothma / Crix Madine, which makes sense, but the story would have to revolve around them, more specifically Luke, and he's just too old.

And more to the point, the saga is about Anakin Skywalker. He would have ZERO bearing on movies 7-9 except for some apparations to Luke. I think it's just flat out a bad idea.

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 9th, 2003, 01:38:31 AM
Well it would be about Han and Leia's children and maybe Luke's child. Only problem here how do you work in the EU? Do you throw Mara Jade in here keep all of their kids (Jacen Jainia, and Ben) and make some kind of movie involving those three maybe bring in Kyp and Corran? I think that is all possible but like you said it would have very little to do with Anakin, I am not sure. If they are done I am certain Lucas will never direct them. As I have said before I think one day there will be more Star Wars movies it might be after he is dead and his kids control it and our willing to sell it to Fox to make more movies but I think it will happen.

Pierce Tondry
Nov 9th, 2003, 02:48:18 AM
If 7/8/9 were to be done, I think it would best be done as a "prevent the mistakes of the father" series of movies. Luke is getting old, there are many Jedi but not enough, and the son who would take the reigns of leadership is young and impetuous. Enter a dilemma that places everything the Rebellion fought to gain on the edge of a knife. Then let the mistakes made by Anakin be refused; let Ben Skywalker see the error of Vader's path and let the future flow back to a better course.

Nov 9th, 2003, 06:51:48 AM
I wouldn't like it unless they got all the orginal people back for it.. and I doubt that would happen. And all the EU stuff just wouldn't fit. I couldn't accept it. I'm too set in my ways.

And I don't think I could stand to see everything all new and shiny like it is in the new movies.. that's not how I picture star wars :p

Nov 9th, 2003, 09:32:40 AM
My whole problem is that the saga as we know it is the story of Anakin Skywalker. the The rise, fall and redemption of Anakin. I'm not interested in what his grandchildren are facing long after he's dead.

Dasquian Belargic
Nov 9th, 2003, 09:35:22 AM
The actors are too old to come back (and I think I'm right in thinking that carrie fisher basically said 'over my dead body'). It would be a totally new set of characters who people couldn't link in with the OT. At least people can say, oh right anakin is luke's father. I don't think it would appeal to people who aren't into Star Wars, as fans (i.e. the people on this board).

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 9th, 2003, 12:29:22 PM
I am interested in what his grandkids are doing but I am not sure it will work as a film. Maybe as a cartoon based on the EU books.

Nov 9th, 2003, 12:41:35 PM
Exactly. I don't think any more films should get to the big screen in the way that we are used to.

Master Yoghurt
Nov 9th, 2003, 04:03:38 PM
I personally would not mind seeing movies based on the Zahn Trilogy. Thrawn and Mara Jade will look good on the big screen.

Ardath Bey
Nov 9th, 2003, 04:04:55 PM
Originally posted by JMK
Exactly. I don't think any more films should get to the big screen in the way that we are used to.

Also, three back-to-back films is quite a huge contrivance and a very time-consuming ordeal. What director would want to tackle sequels 7-9? Especially after the success of episodes 1-6. Like Dasquian stated, movie-goers will have had their fill of Star Wars after episode 3. Not going to happen unless it is animated presentation.

Nov 9th, 2003, 04:45:48 PM
Originally posted by Master Yoghurt
I personally would not mind seeing movies based on the Zahn Trilogy. Thrawn and Mara Jade will look good on the big screen.

I can't help but think they would screw up anything EU.. I have little faith in GL
Originally posted by Ardath Bey
Also, three back-to-back films is quite a huge contrivance and a very time-consuming ordeal. What director would want to tackle sequels 7-9? Especially after the success of episodes 1-6. Like Dasquian stated, movie-goers will have had their fill of Star Wars after episode 3. Not going to happen unless it is animated presentation.

I figure.. give it another 20 years, or maybe a little less since George is getting older.. and they'll be ready to tackle a new generation that have barley been exposed to the thing that is Star Wars.

Dae Jinn
Nov 9th, 2003, 05:51:50 PM
Originally posted by Crystal

I figure.. give it another 20 years, or maybe a little less since George is getting older.. and they'll be ready to tackle a new generation that have barley been exposed to the thing that is Star Wars.

Except for copies of TPM on the 99 cent rack at Blockbuster ;)

If they made a SW movie based on Luke and Leias' kids...I'd never watch it. I'd be afraid of another Jar Jar Binks character or of all the kiddified goodness and bad acting that goes along with it >_<

Nov 9th, 2003, 10:22:21 PM
I can't help but think they would screw up anything EU
The EU is all fine and dandy, but it belongs on paper, in books.

The SW movies (at least the OT) was a deeply emotional, well thought out, meaningful story rooted in symbolism, mythology and good olf fashioned story telling. Any movies made based on the EU would be pure and utter fluff with no substance to it at all. It would be no different than movies like Wing Commander which offer a lot too see, but nothing to feel. They would be crap, I have no doubt about that.

Pierce Tondry
Nov 9th, 2003, 10:58:37 PM
I have never read a series of books that is more Star Wars than Timothy Zahn's novels, so I majorly disagree with your comments about substance.

The only real reason for not making movies out of EU material is that with the end of Episode 3 the original story of Star Wars will be told. Every story requires that at some point, you close the book.

Figrin D'an
Nov 9th, 2003, 11:21:48 PM
Lucas has stated, on more than one occasion, that there are other projects he has planned once Episode III is finished. I can't see anyone else taking control of the film portion of the Star Wars franchise and attempting to continue it, for one very clear reason.

These films have defined Lucas' career. He is Star Wars, and Star Wars is him. Everyone who knows that name, knows at least something about George Lucas. It's his brain-child. Even while working with other directors, producers, execs at 20th Century Fox, and whomever else, Lucas has always retained creative control over the films. This presents two problems for another person, even someone whom is a close friend of Lucas such as Spielberg, to take on the project.

1) Lucas would still want to have a huge amount of input and influence on the story. I know some of you think that he isn't the power monger and micro-manager that has been claimed. Maybe he isn't. But, he still has an ego (as we all do), and a strong emotional attachment to his creation. The Star Wars films are his legacy. I really don't think he would let someone have free reign over that, and there aren't too many directors out there that would put up with that type of arrangement.

2) It would be like committing career suicide for whomever were to take this on. Everyone, from fans to critics to industry insiders, would nitpick every detail of this. With all due respect to the hype surrounding the Prequels and the Lord of the Rings trilogy, an "Episode VII-IX" effort done by someone other than Lucas, would be the most scrutinized film project in history. It's a no-win scenario because of the comparisons that would be made to the Original Trilogy. Think of all the complaints/criticisms we've all read or seen (or made) about the Prequels. Now, imagine that taken to the 10th power, and you'll have an idea of what would be in store for the person in charge. Spielberg, because of his previous resume, could survive such a situation. Anyone else... not a chance.

Originally posted by JMK
My whole problem is that the saga as we know it is the story of Anakin Skywalker. the The rise, fall and redemption of Anakin. I'm not interested in what his grandchildren are facing long after he's dead.

This is 100% in agreement with my own opinion.
Checkmate. Game Over. End of discussion.

IMO. ;)

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 9th, 2003, 11:53:01 PM
That is why I am more for animated movies based on the books and comics. I would love to see a series of them. And heck they could get Mark Hamil to voice Luke he loves doing Cartoons it seems :p

Pierce Tondry
Nov 10th, 2003, 10:28:33 AM
Fig: I agree with your first point, but I have to say I disagree with the second on the grounds that it really depends on the quality of the movies produced. Peter Jackson aptly translated Tolkien fiction from paper to theater and survived nitpick criticism from film buffs and fanboys alike. I'd say that indicates the existence of a level of competence and storytelling that the general public will accept, in spite of whatever technical flaws or faults a movie from a genre may have.

And in the end, I don't believe that standard is overly difficult to meet.

Nov 10th, 2003, 11:02:42 AM
Standard isn't hard to do, but there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. I think with Star Wars movies, people will have had enough after Episode 3 comes out. Especially after so many people aren't happy with the prequels, another trilogy would be met with ten tons of reservation and apprehension.

Pierce Tondry
Nov 10th, 2003, 01:18:31 PM
Hence my earlier comment about there being a time to close the book. No matter how much you like a given story, genre, etc. there is always a time when you've gleaned from it all you can and need to move on.

Nov 10th, 2003, 02:04:33 PM
We're in agreement there, but I also maintain that ANYTHING and everything in the EU isn't as thoughtful, meaningful, or special as the SW saga as we know it. Maybe the action sequences would be on par, but there'd be nothing underneath all the gloss. It would come off (to me anyway) as Star Trek meets Wing Commander.

Pierce Tondry
Nov 10th, 2003, 02:16:07 PM
Personally, I find the SW saga and the EU fiction to be different in nature. The best EU (Zahn, IMO) focuses on events that are real problems and how the characters (who have real feeling) solve them. The movies focus on a far more personal story- that of Anakin and Luke, father and son.

On the other hand, I've seen plenty of books where problems are solved purely through military strategy and sarcastic remarks, or where uber-Force-magic-stuff is applied to make everything turn out all right. I definitely agree that those lack substance.

Incidentally, one of my criticisms of the Corran Horn series of novels is that he turned out to be a Jedi halfway in. That totally took from Corran all he'd accomplished and handed it to the Force. Couple that with his duties not changing and it was like "Corran v. 2.0" instead of "Corran Horn, Rogue Squadron pilot with an edge".

Jedi Knight Sui-Gro
Nov 10th, 2003, 03:18:30 PM
Well they mise well, People will see them no matter what. Speilberg although is a great director, maybe wouldn't be the same, but as far as I'm concerned Lucas is dead to me.

Nov 11th, 2003, 08:13:35 PM
I agree with something relating to the Zahn trilogy, because that will be far enough into the future to practically leave out the main OT characters, and it could focus on a new set of people, dealing with Imperial warlords like Thrawn and setting up the New Republic. Heck, to be honest, I just want to see some EU ships on the big screen. No more Death Stars or superweapons, just some big mofo ships.

Figrin D'an
Nov 11th, 2003, 11:42:03 PM
Originally posted by Pierce Tondry
Fig: I agree with your first point, but I have to say I disagree with the second on the grounds that it really depends on the quality of the movies produced. Peter Jackson aptly translated Tolkien fiction from paper to theater and survived nitpick criticism from film buffs and fanboys alike. I'd say that indicates the existence of a level of competence and storytelling that the general public will accept, in spite of whatever technical flaws or faults a movie from a genre may have.

And in the end, I don't believe that standard is overly difficult to meet.

Part of the reason Jackson's project has been able to largely shrug off criticism is because it's a translation of a story to a different form of media. It was accepted by many (though begrudgingly by some) that changes from Tolkien's text were necessary to make a successful film project. Yeah, some still whined and complained, but most understood the necessity of making an adaptation. This makes it easier to view Jackson's work as a film project, rather than books on screen. Expectation, though still very high, had it's focus altered fairly early on. In this, it was difficult to set a bar for these films, because no one really knew what to expect.

Whomever were to make Episodes VII-IX won't have that luxary. Star Wars is an established icon of the film industry. The original trilogy created a bar so high in the minds of it's fanbase (and even those in the casual audience), it's impossible to match. We've already seen this with the Prequels. Hype and expectation result in a near complete loss of perspective. Lucas can be mostly impervious to the criticism because it's his creation, and he's completing his story. In general the public can accept this, even if they don't completely like the end result. Another director/producer isn't going to get that kind of free pass.

Even with tremendous technical competence and quality story-writing, it would still be considered a failure by a great number of people, because it's "not the Original Trilogy." As much as that is a poorly-constructed and illogical reason, it's a simple truth that people are illogical with their thoughts on such things. Again, we only need to look at much of the reaction to the Prequels to see this.

It's a recipe for disaster... not because the films couldn't be well-made from a unbiased standpoint, but because there isn't a unbiased audience regarding Star Wars anymore.

Pierce Tondry
Nov 12th, 2003, 12:02:17 PM
Ironically enough, this earlier comment

Originally posted by JMK
We're in agreement there, but I also maintain that ANYTHING and everything in the EU isn't as thoughtful, meaningful, or special as the SW saga as we know it.

suggests what you say about biased audiences is currently true. But I don't think things will remain that way, especially because hype and excitement are passing things.

We're 'in the moment' right now: there've been five movies already with an eagerly anticipated final one left to go. Two of those movies were released in the past four years, with the original three movies being re-released two years before that. The influx of new material over this lengthy period has skewn our own judgement on how big the SW phenom is. With the prequel 'conclusion' the tale is closed. The hype will be over, and the excitement will die down if there are no other major Star Wars movie projects forthcoming.

In fact, recall that's just what Star Trek fans have been suggesting that franchise do once Enterprise has run its course. The reason: to set the stage for another creative individual/team thereof to take the reigns in the future with a fresh take away from the current thread of events.

Follow the same recipe for Star Wars- have a cooldown time and get that quality story that's away from the Anakin/Luke setting- and I think the public will accept a future movie series from the genre without condemning it to failure before it starts.

Unless there's a relative of Jar Jar's in there. ;)

We're probably at or near the point where we have to agree to disagree, so I think I'll end my takes on the subject unless something new comes up.

Edit: That was a response to Figrin's last post, in case the quote makes it seem like I was replying to JMK (not that I mind him responding!)

Nov 12th, 2003, 01:05:28 PM
I do see your point, and I do agree with the take that a looooong cooldown period may generate something new and fresh.

However, maybe I'm too much of an old school Star Wars fan, but Star Wars, as Lucas created and intended it, is the story of Anakin Skywalker. Not Jaicen and Jaina Solo's struggles against whatever galactic threat may be around 30 years after Anakin. Maybe that sounds harsh, but that's what I perceive as being the real spirit of Star Wars. A close-knit saga that runs deep with human emotions of characters that span an entire generation and where things become full circle. I think Star Wars differs from Star Trek in that Trek is mainly about the exploration of space and pushing man's limit's. Of course there is a lot of tales of morality and ethics in Star Trek, but it's different than what Star Wars delivers. The special and timeless quality of Star Wars is it's mythological roots that each one of us innately recognize. IMO, the EU has never captured that uniqueness and quality and therefore should never see the big screen and passed off as parts 7, 8 and 9. Something on t.v., or something animated would work. But I really think, even after a long lapse of time that if Star Wars came back to the big screen, it would be a smack in the face to the great saga that we have now. It would be terribly disjointed, and make no sense. If there were a big bad new enemy organization to topple, it undermines the greatness of villains like Darth Vader and Palpatine if there's only someone else to tackle. After RotJ, the book closes. The most oppressive force the galaxy has ever known is dead and the worlds that were under its rule can now go back to peaceful times. If Episodes 7-9 existed, what would the struggles ot Anakin, Obi Wan, Han, Luke and Leia meant? Pretty much nothing, really.

Ardath Bey
Nov 12th, 2003, 02:11:14 PM
Originally posted by Figrin D'an
Whomever were to make Episodes VII-IX won't have that luxary. Star Wars is an established icon of the film industry. The original trilogy created a bar so high in the minds of it's fanbase (and even those in the casual audience), it's impossible to match. We've already seen this with the Prequels. Hype and expectation result in a near complete loss of perspective. Lucas can be mostly impervious to the criticism because it's his creation, and he's completing his story. In general the public can accept this, even if they don't completely like the end result. Another director/producer isn't going to get that kind of free pass.

Even with tremendous technical competence and quality story-writing, it would still be considered a failure by a great number of people, because it's "not the Original Trilogy." As much as that is a poorly-constructed and illogical reason, it's a simple truth that people are illogical with their thoughts on such things. Again, we only need to look at much of the reaction to the Prequels to see this.

I beg to differ, both prequels were dreadfully gawdawful. Lucas used very little imagination and should have reached back to his roots (a la Akira Kurosawa and other classics) for a more appreciable inspired film. Those films would have done wonders in assisting in the political constructions of the prequel storyline. Also, I really thought the Jedi were going to be handled much better, more aura and beauty surrounding them. That they're part would have had a greater otherworldiness appeal and mystique. That Obi-Wan, Jedi Masters, and Anakin would have been presented in near mythic proportion. Like legendary gunfighters and/or Samurai. These were terrible disappointments and Anakin amounted to nothing but a sniveling fit-throwing brat.

Figrin D'an
Nov 12th, 2003, 05:31:06 PM
This thread isn't here to argue about if people individually felt the Prequels sucked or not. Regardless of whether you think the Prequels are good or bad, it's impossible to deny that hype and expectation have played a significant role in current perception of Episodes I and II, and has already affected the perception of Episode III. That is the point being made.

Jan 14th, 2004, 06:25:44 PM
When will this rumor DIE already?????


Every time is crops up it seems to have more and more validity, allegedly. I wish one way or another someone would just put this to rest. I still feel that a sequel trilogy would be a mistake, but that's another for another thread.

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 14th, 2004, 10:32:33 PM
I think its just a rumor it does seem to be that creditable. It is not like Peter Mahew said it himself.

Jan 15th, 2004, 09:22:51 AM
It seems that Mayhew always seems to be at the center of this rumor, the source of the 'leak'.

IMO one of two things are going on:

1- The same and only Mayhew story keeps getting regurgitated and presented as a new rumor with a slightly different spin


2- Where there's smoke there's fire and there is validity to this claim.

Only time will tell but I really wish Lucasfilm would come out and put this to rest. Come out with a statement like "After Episode 3 there will be no more Star Wars films, directed by Lucas, or by anyone else". That would end the speculation for any new movies.

Jan 15th, 2004, 09:39:55 AM
Originally posted by JMK
Only time will tell but I really wish Lucasfilm would come out and put this to rest. Come out with a statement like "After Episode 3 there will be no more Star Wars films, directed by Lucas, or by anyone else". That would end the speculation for any new movies.

Haven't they already said this? I thought they had made statements to this effect already.

Jan 15th, 2004, 09:44:45 AM
I think they have, but I also think that their statement was somewhat ambiguous, like 'we said Lucas wasn't going to direct any more movies, we didn't say someone else couldn't'.

I'd have to find it though, and I'm not quite sure where to look.

Jan 15th, 2004, 10:09:12 AM
I found this in the FAQ at the OS:

Episode VII and Beyond
Wasn't Star Wars going to be nine or more parts? Will sequels be made set after Return of the Jedi?
Early on in the saga's development, some thought was given to have a trilogy set after Return of the Jedi. George Lucas has long since changed his mind, and the entire Star Wars saga will now encompass six episodes, starting with The Phantom Menace, and ending with Return of the Jedi. There will be no future Star Wars films set after Return of the Jedi.

I guess this is solid enough info to say that the rumors are totally false, but then that would automatically mean that the same story keeps coming up, with 'new' info and credibility to it.

Jan 15th, 2004, 10:30:05 AM
That sounds concrete enough for me. That's not to say, however, that Lucas could change his mind, though, and I think some people are all too eager to jump on any chance at all that 7-9 might be made...

Personally, I don't think they should make them. I just don't think there is much more to be said. I see the SW movies as telling the story of Anakin Skywalker, and he dies in ROTJ, a fitting end to the movies. Why drag out a good thing if it is already complete?

Jan 15th, 2004, 10:44:35 AM
That's pretty much my take.
We've never heard what Lucas had in mind for the sequel trilogy so I don't know if the premise is any good. I think leaving it at 6 movies is perfect. I think folks have had enough of Star Wars and as much as I don't like to say it, with each prequel release, the mythos of Star Wars is dragged down somewhat. IMO Lucas should quit while he's ahead.

In this day of cinema however it's hard to say if the idea of more $300+ grossing movies is too hard to pass up, even for someone as rich as Lucas. Hopefully he has the integrity to know what he has already achieved with these 6 movies and won't push the envelope any further.

Jan 16th, 2004, 09:12:25 AM
More from theforce.net :

Jon Parton sends us this update to an earlier story about the Star Wars sequels being made.
Tonight, Ahmed Best was being interviewed on a local radio station (96.5 The Buzz in Kansas City). I didn't hear the whole thing, but the dj asked Ahmet about Episodes 7, 8, and 9. Ahmet said he couldn't say anything about them. He didn't deny anything, just saying that he was under contract and couldn't talk about it. Don't know if it's newsworthy or not, but there you go.

Peter Mahyew denies the original report on his official website where says the following according to a news tip from M. Kryger:
Hi, Well, that's very interesting, but no, it's not true about Ep's 7, 8 and 9....don't know where the guy got that one...but yes, I'll be in Ep III for sure.....thanks for the email... and Cheers, Peter

Then AICN is posting rumors about Lucasfilm cutting deals until 2012 and special effects wings staffing up:
Pacific Title employees working at Skywalker Ranch have just signed new contracts to run until 2012. Pacific Title are an optical and digital effects production company and the extended contacts are a carry over from their work on Episode II & III.

Obi_Shawn_Kenobi sends us this report from Canada, who probably just took the lead from our story about Hot Dog but still it hit the mainstream there:
I was just watching "The Stars Tonight" on a local television station in Toronto. This is the Entertainment News segment of the 6 o clock news on channel 8 here in Toronto. They mentioned that Peter Mayhew has signed and has said that he signed a contract for a Episodes 7, 8, and 9! This would help validate your previous story that you though might be just a big rumour.
Troy gives TFN visitors to watch it here.

And finally, Wolvskar sends us this note from the latest issue of the Star Wars Insider. This is Mark Hamill talking about the sequel trilogy:

"I knew they were going to be about other characters with a possiblity of my doing a cameo in the ninth one."
We called Lucasfilm, but Jeanie Cole in publicity left the company recently so we're working on who to speak with next to try to get a straight answer. And we're hearing about a wish list of directors, too. Including Steven Spielberg, who is also connected to Episode III in some specific way, believe it or not.

3 things here:
Ahmed Best - couldn't say anything about 7,8,9? Methinks that is a misquote. Why would he know about that anyway? It's not like Jar Jar would be in it. Would he?

Spielberg is involved in Episode 3 in some specific way? Since when??????

Mark Hamill is now talking about it? In the Insider? I think they were talking about what the sequels were supposed to be about, not what they will be about.

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 16th, 2004, 04:38:23 PM
I think the Hamill deal is a misquote too, I will have to wait until the insider comes out to know about that. Also Mahew basically squashed the rumor by saying that the guy who said he was in sequels was wrong.

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 16th, 2004, 06:39:52 PM
Please. What could Ep 7 8 and 9 bring to the SW universe? There is no real point.

As we have not heard anyhting about Spieilberg up to now, I doubt that tidbit is true.

The onl;y real idea I think would be good is if say Speilberg or a Jackson took the Thrawn trilogy and did somethign with it. Those books would make great movies.

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 16th, 2004, 10:11:44 PM
I don't think they could do them as live action because the actors are too old. Maybe do an animated movie and put them on CN or something. I wouldn't mind seeing most of the books turned into animated films. Maybe the big story arcs Thrawn TO, JA TO, Hand of Thrawn. They each could make good movies.

Jan 17th, 2004, 04:07:19 PM
I read the article that Hammil quote came from. Basically, he was talking about the early days of SW when many people thought there would be nine episodes. He thought they would be about other characters and he would make a cameo in the 9th one. The quote had nothing to do with this latest batch of rumors. I'm starting to think they we WILL see the 3rd trilogy many of us thought impossible.

It's a money thing. I think Lucas is basically going to turn the direction over to others and let the money keep rolling in. It'll be a different story to be sure but it might be interesting to see what the series looks like in someone else's hands.

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 17th, 2004, 10:01:03 PM
I don't know its iffy if he will do that. I think he might do cartoon stuff like the Clone Wars series it is much safer and easier to do.