View Full Version : Exploring Inner Sight (Aejin)

Estelle Russard
Nov 8th, 2003, 12:34:34 AM
Estelle waited, eager to see Aejin again after being away from the Order so long.

She had contacted her padawan, expressing her desire to resume his training as soon as possible.

And this was the soonest. A fine morning, still crisp with the night chill in the air as the sun had only recently risen and was slow in driving away the cold.

Inside the Temple however, the temperature was cool, but not uncomfortable. A good atmosphere for clearing the mind.

Estelle sat meditating on the floor as she waited.

Aejin Rahn
Nov 11th, 2003, 12:31:32 AM
He wore a plain tunic- It was more uniform like. Brown and white- with brown boots. He looked around; he was paler than usual. It was due to the lack of sunlight. While Estelle was away, he had been learning, practicing, keeping to himself.

He was ecstatic when Estelle had returned; and sent him a message, no less. He was anxious to take up his training with his master. So he had dressed and now he showed up in the temple.

He looked to her..She looked so different. But the same, none the less. He smiled as he approached her.

"Master, it is good to see you again."

He bowed in respect.

Estelle Russard
Nov 11th, 2003, 07:33:46 PM
She knew he was approaching, even before she saw him. She sensed him from outside, his familiar honest spirit bringing to her lips a warm smile.

"Its good to see you, too, Aejin" she said, looking up at him from her place on the mat and gesturing for him also to sit.

She closed her eyes a moment as he sat, and then slowly she opened them again.

"You've grown since Ive been gone. I can feel it. You have been studying.....?"

Aejin Rahn
Nov 16th, 2003, 10:28:41 PM
He smiled to her as he nodded; signifying a yes to her question about his studying. He watched her carefully- she also, had seemingly changed since he last saw her. He watched her carefully before he answered..

.."Yes, I have been studying, Master."

He was unaware of what to say next, however...

Estelle Russard
Nov 17th, 2003, 12:34:14 AM
She was pleased, he could see it clearly in her face.

"Good. Knowledge comes to us through experience - our own, and those who have passed this way before us. Im pleased you have used your time wisely in my absence."

She said this as though she had not expected it to be otherwise. Aejin was a very solid padawan.

"Have your studies brought you to explore the refinement and attunement of a Jedi's ability of Sense?"