View Full Version : I'm out! - Sameer Aryan/Destiny Stormrider

Sameer Aryan
Nov 7th, 2003, 05:29:44 PM
Well here goes my official leave from Sw-Fans! :( I can't stay, school is too demanding, I barely eat and stuff. I hope I'll be able to come back during summer, but for now I'm out! But first, I'd like to thank all the people that have been part of my RP career debut!

Navaria, thank you so much! I can't find words to describe how grateful I am! I mean, I was a total n00b and you still took the risk of taking me as your Padawan. I know I told you I'd stay until I turned into a Knight, even if took me 10 years but I guess I didn't expect what happened. Damn, I feel like a quitter now! :( Anyway, you're a great person and I wish you the best in whatever you try to do in the future! I hope your lil problems go away real fast!

Zeke, I'm terribly sorry! You too took me as your Padawan when Lance left and I appreciate it, I really do! I'm sorry I messed up your whole RP thing. But I wish you lots of fun with your RPs because you have very good ideas, you're original! G'luck

Wei Wu Wei You were the first person to RP with me (well the first person I didn't know) Thanks! You're a very nice guy in real life, from what you post, and I know that nice people get a lot of BS from the rest of the world but please don't let that affect you! Ever! I mean, you're my only hope that good is still out there! lol Whatever you want, may God bless you with it! :)

Rognan Dar LOL First you left, now that you're back I gotta leave! You were one cool guy, I'm just sorry I never got to know you better! And I'll never forget that birthday flag of yours! I think I'll make my kids start their own, if I ever have any.

Charley-I could've pm-ed these people but this thread was a "leaving thread" so I hope you don't mind. And you're cool too, I'll remember you as the "I'm proud to be an American and if you got something against my country screw you!" The way you thought, specially about the war in Iraq was pretty interesting, I wouldn't have thought of all of that.

Mark and Helen, you guys rock! LOL I don't know what happened with the job and all, but I'm sure God's keeping a great job for you(Mark)...he's just testing you because you're great with all the computer stuff, specially sigs ;) And Helen, take care of yourself, don't overwork yourself. And you write great! I love the way you do it, and I hate to read! lol

And well I'm running out of time so lemme do a quick shout out: Dae and her sis (my Canadian sis!), Daiquiri (the mommy lady!), LD (damn, I'd love to have an aunt like you!), Vega (You're a great writer, all your characters are so interesting....you have many of them but they,re all unique!), AB!(You're like an older version of myself: so childish and mature at the same time!),Alpha (hot avatar!)...and I'm sure I'm forgetting someone from not posting in a long time!

Haha, don't get too happy too soon! I'ma be back someday! Just wait ya'll!

Rognan Dar
Nov 7th, 2003, 05:38:28 PM
Hey, RL comes first here. You should know that by now. Anyway, it was a great pleaser to RP with you. I, too, wish we could have gotten to know eachother better. I really should be thanking you for being willing to post with me when I was still n00b-ish. I hope that you will be able to come back someday. YOu are always welcome back here. When you do come back, look me up. Maybe we can do a RP together :) Untill that time, take care of yourself and may God be with you.

Nov 7th, 2003, 05:42:02 PM
so childish and mature at the same time!

Thank you for noticing and I wouldn't have it any other way :)

And like Rognan said: RL first. We'll all still be here when you get back! And I'll be sure to keep your seat warm! :wave

Nov 7th, 2003, 08:00:29 PM
Originally posted by Sameer Aryan
Zeke, I'm terribly sorry! You too took me as your Padawan when Lance left and I appreciate it, I really do! I'm sorry I messed up your whole RP thing. But I wish you lots of fun with your RPs because you have very good ideas, you're original! G'luck

Hey, it's not a problem. :) Good luck to you, I'll be here when ya get back!

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 7th, 2003, 09:25:23 PM
Originally posted by Sameer Aryan
Wei Wu Wei You were the first person to RP with me (well the first person I didn't know) Thanks! You're a very nice guy in real life, from what you post, and I know that nice people get a lot of BS from the rest of the world but please don't let that affect you! Ever! I mean, you're my only hope that good is still out there! lol Whatever you want, may God bless you with it! :)

It's not a problem. It was fun to RP with you. Good luck, Sammy. When you get back we must RP again. It's been far too long since we've spoken. I appreciate the kind words too. It's nice to know I'm not forgotten. And you won't be forgotten either. Now you go out there and show the good old RL who's boss!

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 8th, 2003, 11:58:06 AM
LD (damn, I'd love to have an aunt like you!)

That is the nicest thing any one here has said to me. :D

:hug See ya soon.

Dasquian Belargic
Nov 8th, 2003, 12:09:52 PM
Originally posted by Sameer Aryan
Vega (You're a great writer, all your characters are so interesting....you have many of them but they,re all unique!),

Haha, don't get too happy too soon! I'ma be back someday! Just wait ya'll!

Thank you very much :hug

Take care, hope to see you back soon :)

Nov 8th, 2003, 12:12:50 PM

Nov 8th, 2003, 07:45:45 PM

I have a hot Avatar?

Take care, and we'll see you when we see you!

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Nov 8th, 2003, 09:28:34 PM
Dest, hope school goes well for you and we'll be here waiting for you! Take care, girl! *hugs*

Kelt Simoson
Nov 9th, 2003, 08:08:58 AM
Take care dude :)

Hope to seeya back soon ole' bud :)